SPIRITUAL COMMUNICATION – How to know and to hear the voice of God

Genesis chapter 3 verse 8 speaks about the cool of the day as the time of Gods time of daily
visitation, communication with Adam, and inspection to the garden.

Every believer must know the time in his fellowship, experience and relationship in the cool
of his day with God, if they must understand His voice. The cool of the day is the place of
quietness or the path of still waters.

Before the fall, God always comes down to fellowship with man, but after it, man always
looks up to call upon the Lord – I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh
my help.

As a shepherd, David should know better the implications of a sheep beyond the shepherds
view or sight.
Nevertheless, he allowed the spirit of ease to laid hold on him and missed out of divine
guidance – at the time when kings go forth to battle, he stayed back at home.

When you are in a wrong place, you would end up doing the wrong thing for you cannot be
found where you are needed; an idle hand is the devils workshop.
Thus the beginning of real troubles of his entire life and generation, for he committed adultery
with Bath-Sheba, killed the husband and got him cursed and punished by God Woe unto them
that are at ease in Zion. Amos 6; 1.

When you missed out of divine guidance, you become like an air plane which is out of radar,
untraceable from the control room and like a bird which wandered away from her nest what a
disaster! Proverbs 27; 8.