Purposes of the Cross

As the guests at the marriage feast at Canaan desired and preferred the new wine provided by
Christ to the old, they were served at first, so a genuine and converted believer desires the
new life above the old, having compared the easy yoke and the light burden of his Saviour in
comparison to the hard yoke and grievous burden of sin, the world, and the Devil he were
under in times past. The new life must never be lived out in an old fashion or
mentality, perception, and practices, or else we are saved but not delivered from sin, which is
more or else like we are not saved at all. I will give them a new heart, says the Lord.
The new heart is for a new life: therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old
things are passed away; behold all things are become new (2 Cor. 5: 17).

Montpellier – France
From the author author of How to Obtain the Promises of God and Spiritual Communication
comes another book from Emmanuel Adebiyi titled Purposes of the Cross. This book seeks
to bring illumination on the doctrines which have grown complex and partisan to a great
extent over the course of history. Through the symbol of the crucified Jesus Christ, it puts in
plain words the message of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for mankind.

Redemption is forthcoming. God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit is preparing
the Church-the bride of Christ-for her home coming to heaven. This moment calls for
unification to uphold the faith, knowing that God rewards his sons and daughters who strive
to live a Christ-like life. Thus, the time is ripe to renew our allegiance to Him. Through
sincere repentance of sins committed and emulation of the exemplary and virtuous life Jesus
Himself showed, deliverance is but a hair’s breadth away.

Teeming with spiritual nourishment, this book facilitates resurgence of faith and rekindling
allegiance to Jesus Christ. To achieve this, the author assists the faithful to begin with
understanding the necessity of His death. The Son of God dying on the Cross was crucial in
fulfilling the Plan of Salvation. Jesus, man and divine, came to offer the absolute and eternal
sacrifice to atone and free mankind from the bondage of sin. With this ultimate act of love,
entailing a rather excruciating death on the Cross, He removed the barrier of sin separating
man from God.
A spiritual book that helps cleanse and purify the soul, Purposes of the Cross opens the eyes
of readers-believers, doubters and nonbelievers alike-to the realities of life in preparation for
the Day of Judgment.

For more information on this book, interested parties may log on
to http://www.XlibrisPublishing.co.uk

Trade Paperback; £13.99; 382 pages; 978-1-4836-1008-5
Trade Hardback; £23.99; 382 pages; 978-1-4836-1009-2
Ebook; £3.99; 978-1-4836-1010-8