Interior rules of worship

For this reason I have sent to you Timothy, my son whom I love, who is faithful in the Lord. He will remind you of my way of life in Christ Jesus, which agrees with what I teach everywhere in every church. 1 Corinthi­ans 4:17.

That these instruc­tions in right­eous­ness for any wor­ship sea­son and com­ing together in the assem­bly of the saints with other wor­ship­pers is strictly and exclu­sively writ­ten accord­ing to the scrip­tures, that men may serve God, not only in spirit, but also in truth accord­ing to that which is writ­ten in the holy scrip­tures, that they should know how to behave in the house and church of the liv­ing God, the pil­lar and foun­da­tion of truth –every­one is wel­come, for the assem­bly of the saints should not be for­saken as the man­ners of some is, but that by our com­ing together, it should be unto the Lord in holy rev­er­ence: wher­ever two or three gather together in his name, the Lord is there. John 4:24. 1Timothy 1: 3: 15. 2 Tim­o­thy 3:16 – 17. Hebrews 10:25.

That men and women and chil­dren of any race, lan­guage and color of will­ing­ness of heart and desire to wor­ship God should be at lib­erty with­out intim­i­da­tion, vic­tim­iza­tion, infe­ri­or­ity of ‘holier than you are’ spirit of dis­crim­i­na­tion, seg­re­ga­tion or rejec­tion to approach the throne of God in the house of God for prayer, praises and wor­ships, and to receive the word of God. Heav­enly Father will have all men to be saved and to come into the knowl­edge of truth. We are all made out of one blood all that dwells on the face of the earth: there­fore we must honor all men, regard­less of their edu­ca­tion, social or finan­cial stand or pro­file, not hav­ing or show­ing pref­er­ence above any, for we are all brethren and God is not a respecter of per­son: there is nei­ther Jew or Gen­tile, nei­ther slave or free, nei­ther male or female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 1Timothy 2:4. 2 Corinthi­ans 3:17. Acts 17:26. Gala­tians 3:28.1 Corinthi­ans 14:26 – 31.

That wor­ship­pers should dwell together in peace, unity of the sprit and broth­erly love in all purity before the oppo­site sex: in honor pre­fer­ring one another in humil­ity after Christ exam­ple: that mutual respect, order­li­ness and quiet­ness, tran­quil­ity and sobri­ety should be main­tained in the pres­ence of God through­out the period we spend together before God whose name is holy and rev­erend: that such nui­sance atti­tudes of chew­ing gum, eat­ing bis­cuits or ring­ing tone dis­tur­bances of an incom­ing tele­phone calls should not be in the church: that their chil­dren cry­ing or jump­ing around in the adult audi­to­rium or place of wor­ship should not be the case because the Lord is in his holy tem­ple, let all flesh keep silent before him. 1 Corinthi­ans 14:40. John 4:24. Habakkuk 2:20. Romans 12:10. 1 Thes­sa­lo­ni­ans 5:14. 1 Peter 5:5. Psalms 111:9.

That every word of God is pure and is prof­itable for doc­trine, cor­rec­tion, reproof and instruc­tions in right­eous­ness, that the man of God and the peo­ple should be per­fect, thor­oughly fur­nish unto all good works. There­fore, let none grudge nor mur­mur against the preach­ing of the undi­luted word of God while they search their hearts and pray unto God for power and grace to amend their ways and doings in the light of his word for noth­ing can be done against the truth, but for the truth: that men should not hold the pas­tor for an enemy for speak­ing the truth in love for the sal­va­tion of those who have ears to hear, but they can leave the church and con­front the pas­tor if they are not indeed being fed to the full by the bread of life and for any flat­ter­ing speeches, if he fail to speak the things which becomes sound doc­trine, to reprove, rebuke and exhort with all long­suf­fer­ing, author­ity and scrip­tures. 2 Tim­o­thy 4: 2 – 3. Titus 2: 15.

That men and women should be ready with thank­ful­ness of hearts to receive the blessed word of God in humil­ity as the word from God with­out wrestling against the word of God, dis­pute or mur­mur­ing against the undi­luted word of God because noth­ing can be done against the truth, but for the truth and for the per­fec­tion of the saints: warn­ing every­man and teach­ing every­man with all wis­dom, that we may present every­man per­fect in Christ Jesus – that the hear­ers of the word should pray for grace and help of the Holy –Spirit to abide and to con­form their lifestyles in accor­dance to the word of God which is the per­fect mir­ror to stand pre­sentable and agree­able before God who has called them unto his eter­nal glory in Christ Jesus through the sanc­ti­fi­ca­tion of the Spirit and belief of the truth. 2 Thes­sa­lo­ni­ans 2:13. 2 Peter 3:16. Corinthi­ans 13:8. James 1:28. Colos­sians 1:27.

That no female wor­ship­per should preach or teach or usurp author­ity in the gath­er­ing of the gen­eral assem­bly of the saints as the scrip­tures says; but that they should have a cover on their head with a scarf or hat at any­time they are in the pres­ence of God to wor­ship and pray. This is applic­a­ble at home as well as in the church as they are expected to dress and appear before God after the same man­ner of the holy women of God of old time did wor­shipped; and not in any way dress improp­erly, ungodly, lust­ful, seduc­tive and worldly with the chest well cov­ered, that no part of the breasts is seen out­side, and with dresses or skirts long enough to cover beyond the knees to the glory of God and the thighs are not exposed while seated to avoid scan­dalous report and reproach of the appear­ances of evil in the attire of har­lots of strange cloth­ing, reveal­ing the del­i­cate parts of the body in sex­ual dis­play of an uncon­scious seduc­tive spirit, glo­ri­fy­ing flesh and capa­ble to lure the oppo­site sex into lust or make a new believer and those who are of a weak heart to fall into moral fail­ure and into any sex­ual lusts and temp­ta­tion to sin. Proverbs 7:10. Deuteron­omy 22:5. Gen­e­sis 35:1 – 4. 1 Corinthi­ans 11:1 – 13. 1Timothy2:9 – 10. 1 Peter 3:1 – 5. Zepha­niah 1:8. Isa­iah 3:16 – 28. 1 Corinthi­ans 14:34 – 38. Isa­iah 3:12. 1 John 2:15 – 17. Romans 12:1 – 2.

That indi­vid­ual should hon­estly and sin­cerely judge them­selves in the light of the word of God in cor­re­spon­dence or com­par­i­son to the life they are actu­ally liv­ing out­side the church before they par­tic­i­pate in the Lord’s sup­per (the bread and wine, rep­re­sent­ing the body of Christ bro­ken and given for our sins; and the blood of Jesus shed on the cross for the for­give­ness of our sins) that none should be com­pel or influ­ence in any way to par­tic­i­pate in such holy com­mu­nion estab­lished and designed by the Lord Jesus to bless them and to increase them in grace to grow in the pres­ence and power of God: whoso­ever shall eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of man shall live by him; but whoso­ever shall eat and drink it in an un-​confessed and un-​forsaken sin in unright­eous­ness with­out dis­cern­ing the body of the Lord shall eats and drinks damna­tion unto him­self. John 6:53 – 57. Matthew 26:26 – 29. 1 Corinthi­ans 11:23 – 34.

That any unbib­li­cal approach or prac­tices by any church worker or leader should be exposed before the church author­ity or elders: that the min­is­ter­ing of heal­ing and deliv­er­ance to the sick or pos­sessed, the bap­tism of the Holy Spirit and other bless­ings of redemp­tive vic­tory of the cross through grace from the gifted in the church to admin­is­ter those spir­i­tual bless­ings should never be paid for by any­one: none should be coerce to do any­thing or to give any of their sub­stance or mate­r­ial good in sup­port of the house or the work of God with­out their will­ing­ness and con­vic­tion by the love of God as they deems nec­es­sary from their per­sonal deci­sion accord­ing to the bless­ings of God upon them and of their capac­ity and means to that which they have per­son­ally pur­posed in their heart to give as wor­ship offer­ings. Every­thing should be done through per­sonal con­vic­tion and guid­ance of the spirit of truth in indi­vid­ual wor­ship­per con­cern­ing their tithes as com­manded by God for the main­te­nance of the house of God, and for the help of the needy in the house of God, and for those who are wid­ows indeed. Matthew 10: 5 – 8. Acts 8:18 – 20. Isa­iah 14:32. 2 Corinthi­ans 9:6 – 7. 2 Corinthi­ans 8:12. 1Timothy 5:9 – 10: 17 – 18. 1 Corinthi­ans 9:1 – 14. Acts 4:32 – 37. Exo­dus 35:29. Malachi 3:10 – 12.

That the wor­ship­per should avoid any­thing which may draw the atten­tion of other wor­ship­pers to them rather than to Christ who must increase daily in our lives and in the assem­blies of the saints in light before God who has made us par­tak­ers and inher­i­tors of his riches in glory; that noth­ing should be done through strife or vain­glory, but that all should live and walk as Christ’s good ambas­sadors and ambas­sadress to rep­re­sent and serve his inter­ests and ful­fill­ing his plea­sures and not oth­er­wise, being punc­tual in faith­ful­ness before God to the time of gath­er­ing, being care­ful and dili­gent in all things before God to serve him in the fer­vency of Spirit as scrip­tures demands from us. John 3:30. 2 Corinthi­ans 5:20. Romans 12:11.

That the wor­shiper who is yet to be deliv­ered from the bondage and deceit­ful­ness of the spirit of alco­holic con­sump­tion should desist, at least, from get­ting drunk before com­ing to the pres­ence of God to wor­ship: and the space allot or ded­i­cate for dif­fer­ent activ­i­ties should be respected for the pur­poses thereof while the tem­ple is reserved uniquely for wor­ship, read­ing of the scrip­tures, pub­lic exhor­ta­tions, teach­ings, preach­ing of the word and for the giv­ing the tes­ti­monies of the Lord in the pres­ence of his peo­ple: none should bring alco­holic drink to the house of God: none should smoke cig­a­rette within the premises of the tem­ple in sanc­ti­fi­ca­tion and honor of God’s holy name. Proverbs 20:1. Isa­iah 28:7. Proverbs 31:4 – 7. Micah2:10 –11.