Inspiration Archives



To compromise is to be overcome by external or internal evil infleunces inside the church or from the world: those who will not reason to agree with everything the scripture says and to act and live godly with boldness in this crucial period of increase assaults of sin in the world and church shall be mentally and morally demoralized, spiritually drained and disoriented in the church before the Lord’s return to their detriment

E. A Adebiyi

For here, we have no continue city, but we seek one to come. Unless we see the world through the eyes of faith as a wilderness of passage to our eternal home: its illusional glory and beauty having false shinning power are able to distract and derail to lure the soul into worldliness and hell for eternity. Has Christ not gone through and passed the same test? Matthew 4:9.

E. A Adebiyi

If we have determined not to go back to the world because we are saved and called out of the world, we should not allowed the people from the world to bring the world back into the church or to impact our ways of life in the church – And the mixed multitude that was among them fell a lusting: and the children of Israel also wept again, and said, who shall give us flesh to eat? We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlic: but now our soul is dried away: there is nothing at all, beside this manna, before our eyes. Numbers 11:4-6.

E. A Adebiyi

The fulness of God in man increases as much as any can empty themselves before him. Consecration has its place on how much we make ourselves available before him, but humility will be the deciding factor on how much of power, treasures and spiritual resources to be invested in his servants by God – except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it stays alone: but if it die, it brings forth much fruit. John 12:24.

E. A Adebiyi

Do not Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, not suffered without the gate? Are we go not instructed and called to go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach? Come out of the present world in pursuit of the world to come, for here, we have no continuing city, but we seek one to come. Genuine religion and Christianity is to morally and mentally come out of the system of the world and from her false perception of life style in sanctification, unspotted from the world if you are truly being delivered from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of the dear Son of God. Hebrews 13:12-14. James 1:27.

E. A Adebiyi.

God has pronounced divine sentence and condemnation against the flesh, but its glorious victory and liberty could only be found in Christ Jesus who shall deliver his people from their sins. Note: Christ by one offering hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. It is not until we see and start to put the flesh where it belongs, we can never have power for victory and liberty promised and given by Christ against it. The flesh and its works (sin) should never be justified in opposition to the divine verdict of judgment against it – sin is condemned, not condole in the flesh, lest by the folly of sin, we should nullify the effect of the cross of Christ who has died, so that our old man, – the flesh, should also be crucified with him, that the body of sin – the flesh, might be destroyed, that henceforth, we should not serve sin again: otherwise, our actions shall justify or condemn us at the end, not Christ who has died, now seated at the right hand of God in heaven to intercede for us to understand the implications of the cross, lest anyone should continue to sin, that grace might abound. Romans 6:6. Hebrews 10:14.

E. A Adebiyi

Your spiritual life is the one needful thing, while other legitimate biblical things in the world and in the flesh can follow after in moderation as not abusing using the world (1 Corinthians 7:31): nonetheless, the last days shall be a period of spiritual laxity when carnality shall overcome the life, works and purposes of God: while men shall be lovers of pleasures above God, while waiting continually upon the Lord is replaced by worldly engagements in the place of spiritual commitments, fervency in the spirit, hastening and looking for the day of the Lord and the spiritual life is gradually asphyxiate or in decline – gradually decreasing in importance, quality, or power just like the days of Noah when everything is about eating, drinking, partying, going to movies house, marrying and giving in marriage, going for festivals etc until that day came upon them unaware – woe unto them that are at ease in Zion. Amos 6:1.

E. A Adebiyi

Christ says, the prince of this world come and has found nothing in him. Whatever is of the world, the lusts of the eyes, the lusts of the flesh and the pride of life found in you shall the enemy capitalize upon to fight against you in the world. Wash your hands you sinners and purify your heart you who are double minded. It is those who are overcoming and escaping the corruption that is in them who shall be able to overcome and escape the corruption that is in the world through lusts, but the world is going, and all the lusts thereof, but he that does the will of God abides forever.

E. A Adebiyi

Those who are not dying daily to the flesh, bearing in their body the dying also of our Lord, that his life should be made manifets in their mortal body, has no right to commemorate or announce his death by partaking in the Lord’s supper, lest they should eat and drink damnation against themselves. 2 Corinthians 4:10.

E. A Adebiyi

Any of the works of the flesh is a stronghold and a root of bitterness troubling and constantly defiling the believer. If we don’t pull down the strongholds, they shall always pull anyone back against progressive sanctification and spiritual growth. Have you not known that any of the works of the flesh is an indirect influence of the prince of the power of the air, the spirit working in the children of disobedient? Therefore, pull down every strongholds, cast down any imagination exalting itself against the word of God by bringing into captivity every thoughts in you unto the obedient of Christ.

E. A Adebiyi.

Those who have chosen to lose their lives for the Lord in the world has nothing else to lose as long as they have not counted their own lives dear unto them, nothing else is dear unto them.

E. A Adebiyi

David in battle against Goliath, will only use the sling with stone, tested and proved, by which the Lord has given him victory several times in the wilderness, but not the sword of King Saul to fight Goliath. Those who will not use the sword of the Lord with other available weapons mighty in him to pull down strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4-9), but will seek for other battlements to fight and engage the enemy, shall die and perish by the sword of the enemy. 1 Samuel 17:39.

E. A Adebiyi

Those who have fought and won their battles at home – on their kness, in the middle of the night, early in the morning, midday or evening, will not argue or strive with anyone outside – if they’ve had power with God and secretly prevailed, they will also prevail against Satan and man outside and openly – pray without ceasing – Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving.

E. A Adebiyi

Though, Joseph was physically sexually provoked and enticed by the wife of his master, but was not personally provoked in his spirit and reaction to her provocation- he ruled his spirit.

E. A Adebiyi

Sometimes, anger could be good, righteous, holy and useful, if we are led and opened up to the spirit of God for it’s godly purpose use, and would not allow carnal sentiment of perception of false tolerance  of love to get over us. Had Samson shown furiousity at the betrayals and unsuccessfull murder attempts from the unfriendly requests to show and reveals where his power lies, his soul should not have been vexed unto death by the frustration and quest of Deliah to destroy him. This is the godly and righteous anger than can work the righteousness of God in you. Had Samson use this type of anger to stop Delilah, she could not had stopped Samson from fulfilling his destiny to the end, but he allowed her to cut his life short, destroyed his ministry and destiny. As a child God, you have the right to walk away, to show anger at anyone who stands to destroy the will and purposes of God, his godly and righteous cause in your life. As you are slow to wrath, but moved at the right time by the Spirit of God to show the lion of Judah residing in you, such anger must work to produce the righteousness of God in us. James1:19-20.

E. A Adebiyi

An angry coun­te­nance and indig­na­tion can be employed and help­ful to resist a slan­derer or a back­biter, and to stop them from impli­cat­ing or draw­ing us into any sin­ful and un-​necessary dis­cus­sion about oth­er people — when some­one say some­thing detract­ing, slan­der­ing, or speak­ing ill about a per­son not present, we have the right to get angry, frown to show dis­ap­proval and dis­taste against such behaviour. To tell the backbiter to stop run­ning oth­ers down before us, rather to meet them in per­son, and to set­tle any mat­ters, if there’s any, between themselves…..the north wind dri­ves away rain: so doth an angry coun­te­nance back­bit­ing tongue. Proverbs.25: 23. The backbiter not only stabbed others to death behind them, but they also destroys you while you accept to listen to their half truth or falsehood. Don’t be angry against any man in the defense of another until you found out the whole truth. Do not take up a reproach against your neighbur to be true until you investigate, certify and verify the matter. Because of a gift or favour received or expected to receive, never jump into any false or neg­a­tive emotional con­clu­sion to react, lest you be defiled and punished for what you knows nothing about. Strive not against a man with no cause, if he has done thee no harm. Proverbs 3:30.

E. A Adebiyi

The word of God is a mirrow to help us see clearly what and how we are now, as to prepares us for how, and what we should appears before God – prepare to meet thy God.

E. A Adebiyi

Those who have died to themselves in the Lord will not kill or take away their own life. You don’t get to heaven by commiting suicide. Those who commit suicide are cowards, no heaven for the cowards. Suicidal thought is a demonic spirit working to destroy the loosers, the shameful arrogant, the hopeless and faithless men in the world: it is spirit of death from the pit of hell.

E. A Adebiyi

Those who have the sound knowledge of God shall escaped the devices of devil (a) they will not be offended in Christ, that is, they are not influenced, bothered or sickened by any of the evil –dissapointing behavioural reports from the church to allow any of these to stop or weaken them from walking uprightly (b) not becoming an offense to anyone, nor be offended by anything or anyone from the world. They know that the assembly of the church of Christ is a company of mixed multitudes of good and bad people, lying and genuine professors, sons and daughters of Satan who have mixed up with the sons and daughters of God, to commit iniquity, to blackmail the works of God, to slander and to cause divisions and offences.

E. A Adebiyi

God foreknew man from eternity as he told Jeremiah that before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations – that which hath been is named already, and it is known that it is man: neither may he contend with him that is mightier than he. Ecclesiastes 6:10. Note: God set eternity in the heart of man as a reminder that he was from eternity (Ecclesiastes 3:11): even though, he is temporarily dwelling in the house of clay, he will soon return to his eternal home (Ecclesiastes 12:5): but where, Paradise of God or hell prepared for Satan and his angels for all eternity? Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou have formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God. Psalms 90:1-2.

E.A Adebiyi

It is only the false brethren, who seek for their place and peace with the world, will respect and corroborate her ungodly system and ways of life for her approval and acceptance, unlike the Lord who was hated by the world, because he testified concerning it, that its works are evil. John 7:7.

E. A Adebiyi

Christ came down from heavn to earth to show us the Father’s power and chnaracter. God has called us to power and character. The life and walk in the spirit is like a two sided coin. The first side of the coin shows the manifestations of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, while the second part of it shows the fruit of the spirit – you cannot chose one at the expense of the other, you must manifest both.

E. Adebiyi

This is the only way to celebrate the birth of Christ (Christmas) who was born to bear witness to the truth – the entirety of the word of God: buy the truth and sell it not. Love the truth and abide in it. Speak the truth everyman to his neighbor, for we are members of the same body. Defend the truth and be a fellow helper to it, for we can do nothing against the truth (just like king Herod couldn’t), but for the truth.

E. A Adebiyi

The believer who seeks after becoming a man after the heart of God just as David was, must be circumcised in his heart and sanctify God in his conducts before men. He must love pureness of heart, then shall the King be his friend, and he will see God. He must serve God in the singleness of his heart, with right and godly motive of service as unto the Lord before  men. He must walk with God and after him with a perfect heart: being mindful of him, he should be spiritually minded: this is the only way to continually lay hold of God and acess his heart. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ.

E. A Adebiyi

Those who will not turn away from their iniquities in Christ Jesus, will not have him as their Shepherd, that he might lead them in the paths of righteousness. It is evident that they have received another gospel, another spirit, and another Christ. 2 Corinthians 11:4.

E. A Adebiyi

The believer’s present practice of lifestyle of Christ likeness through the mirror of the word of God is to prepare him for the future glorification with him: for if we are dead with him, we shall also live with him. 2 Timothy 2:11.

E. A Adebiyi

Called to be saints and to live as becomes saints, but those who will not turn away from their iniquities in Christ have not changed their master, being children of Satan, for the Lord is not the minister of iniquities, but the King of his saints: he that commits sin is of the devil; for the devil sins from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remains in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. 1 John 3:8-10.

E. A Adebiyi

Like Joseph, perhaps, you are in the season of betrayal and of mockery of failed dreams and visions, or in your season of false accusation of a strange woman or friends, or in your season of false imprisonment and isolation for doing the will of God: the most important thing is the presence of God in you, which is to be consciously kept, walked and abode therein, knowing that his divine presence is all that you needed, notwithstanding your seasons and times, and sooner than later, he will usher you into another season of palace celebration where men and women will bow down before you to celebrate your God from whom comes promotion – exaltation. Psalms 75: 6.

E. A Adebiyi

Godliness with contentment is a great gain. If we want to make heaven, we should ignore and turn away from false spiritual and financial expectations, false pursuits, false desires and false misconceptions of wrong and sinful pursuance of the riches and glory of this present world to be content in the true and imperishable riches and glory of Christ in his saints.

E. A Adebiyi

Believers ought to have more private time with God than they are having more public talk, engagement or encounter with men. Their closeness with God should be deeper more than their association with anyone else, lest anyone or anything of this lesser world should mar their relationship and paths with God.

E. A Adebiyi

As believers, we live daily by the promises of God, even as we live daily for the promises of God. Are we not children of promise as Isaac was to Abraham? Those who are not pursuing after, neither are living presently for the actualizations of the promises of God are delusional – dead faith believers who will not show their faith by their works. Galatians 4:28. James 2:26.

E . A Adebiyi

Watch and pray, men ought to pray and not to faint: the measure of your spiritual tank (indwelling filling of the Spirit of God) will determine the standard level of resistance you will be able to release to withstand the enemy when he come in like a flood against you – when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the spirit of God will lift up a standard against it. Isaiah 59:19.

E . A Adebiyi

Carnality is poisonous to spirituality: none among them that are full of themselves will be filled of the spirit of God. Self emptiness should precede Spirit filing, the diminishing of the outward man gives a rising of the waters of life in the inward man.

E. A Adebiyi

Woe unto the shepherd who will not continually thirst, hunger and seek after the Lord for freshness of bread and fulness of the Spirit (for the pastors are become brutish, and have not sought the Lord: therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered. Jeremiah 10:21), so that he can impact the sheep (the hunger and thirsty) under his care with freshness of bread and fullness of the Spirit of God.

E. A Adebiyi

With joy will you draw water from the wells of salvation, but the spiritual wells of each of the five fold ministerial gifts and calling is not of the same depth of spiritual capacity or annointing, lest anyone should attempt to enter into Moses or Aaron ministry and be swallowed up alive by the earth after the order of Dathan, Korah and Abiram, including their foolish followers.

E. A Adebiyi

To decline from obedience in your labor to live by every word of God is to weaken the root of your faith, but by bringing into captivity every thought in you into the obedience of Christ is to enlarge, strenghtens and increase the tentacles of the root of your faith in Christ Jesus – rooted and grounded in his faith.

E. A Adebiyi

The love to reverence and honor God by your implicit obedience to his word and obedience to the voice of His Spirit for who he is should not be confounded for the love – zeal for worship and the love for service or stewardship. You can worship and praise and serve God but perished and lost away from his presence to the everlasting fire reserved for Satan and his angels: just as Satan, the first worship leader was by his transgression cast out of Eden the mountain of God, and the first man, Adam was also removed from the Garden of Eden to till the land from whence he was made by his disobedient to the word and voice of God.

E. A Adebiyi

Note: to be living and walking contrary to the will, demands and purposes of God against his word is to abuse his love under the false pretense and covering of his everlasting love. Christ says, if you keep (continue) in my word, you shall abide (rooted and grounded) in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands to remain (rooted and grounded) in his love. John 15:10.

E. A Adebiyi

Whatever is not listed among the fruit of the Spirit, you should remove such behaviour from your action and reaction. Whatsoever is done against the green tree – Christ, let the dry tree – believer be ready for the same treatments. Whasotever the green tree has not done to defend himself, neither should the dry tree seek beyond to defend himself – God hates physical violent. Psalms 11:5.

E. A Adebiyi

Moses refused to be called an Egyptian (worldly) and he did all that was possible to separate himself from the worldly lifestyle of the Egyptian’s until he finally ran away from Egypt after the killing of an Egyptian. Hebrews 11:24-26. If you will not mortify – kill the world in your feet, mouth or tongue, eyes, legs, brain, thoughts, mind, haircuts or styles, leisure, movies, vacation of ungodliness and worldly lusts in body exposure at the beach in commonness with the world, in your dresses; the music of the world: the dance (s) of the world, and other ungodly activities in the world, you will surely perish with the worldly – come out of the world. James 1:27.

E. A Adebiyi

He that overcome shall inherit all things -this is the Lord’s promise. But, what makes you an overcomer, if you cannot discern the agents of hell fire in the churches through their false teachings and ungodly -worldly lifestyle for seperation. For you are called to overcome, not only the world, flesh- sin in it, and Satan: you must also discern to overcome false brothers and sisters in the Lord, false apostles, false prophets, false pastors, false teachers and false evengelists: otherwise, what you are called to guard against and triumph over will bring you back into bondage and spiritual defilement: thus shall your simplicity – spiritual foolishness reroute you for hell – believe not every spirit, but evaluate and judge their life and word with the scripture – a mirrow should reflect light, a sound minded spiritual man judges all things.

E. A Adebiyi

Your assignment in the kingdom is your responsibility before the Lord, and your responsibility is your accountability to the Lord with no justifiable excuse whatsoever not to succeed or fulfill the word, the will and purposes of God before you pass on to eternity.

E.A Adebiyi

though we are presently delivered, is Satan not hotly pursuing after believer’s life as a roaming lion as Laban hotly pursued after Jacob and his household? If any of your household- blood relations is not born again, be not unequally yoked, lest you be defiled and cursed. Let no one among the household of the God of Jacob should think of going back to the cruelty father or uncle Laban, lest they should get hurt and enslave by him, be ye not servants of men, for you are bought with a price: but if Laban should seek to cross over the heap of stones of covenant to hurt anyone of the household of the God’s Jacob, our God will see to it and rebuke it – touch not my anointed, and do my servants no harm.

E. Adebiyi

It is not that we are left with lesser gospel grace and power to demonstrate and to live for, except that we are in the last days where men’s love is waxing cold and unfeigned faith is fading away with lesser commitment for the love and things of the Spirit. Acts 6:4. Note: there is no automatic manifestation of the power and the glory of God, if we have not first labor in faith to bring forth his power and glory, – if the price for the manifestations for power and glory of the gospel is not paid, we should not expect the same results and effects of the gospel and its glory experienced by the early church and apostles of our Lord Jesus. If no spiritual price is being paid in terms of separation and dwelling in his presence as long as it takes, there is no prize to show forth or to manifest his presence and glory, because the natural must decrease for the spiritual to increase and be made known.

E. A Adebiyi

Your present sorrow for sin – repentance and forsaking will avert your future reward – condemnation of it. If the word of God cannot break you, nothing will break you, but your hardness and impenitent heart cannot resist the sorrow and horrow of hell, where there worrms dies not, and their fire is not quenched, – the rich man, being in hell, in torments, liftep up his voice, being broken, but eternally helpless, think about this. Is not my word like fire, and like hammer that breaks the rock into pieces? Jeremiah 23:29.

E.A Adebiyi.

Note: The mature believer’s – fathers in the Lord, and those who are highly anointed and spiritually gifted more than the rest should know better that familiarity with God should never breed contempt, not before God, and not to disdain anyone. Rather, their gifts and closeness to God should be seen as a greater challenge of responsibility and advantage to make Christ known in the ways and manners they comport before others, serving relentlessly in all meekness and lowliness of mind for the edification of those they are called to serve, which is the evidence of their spiritual fruitfulness, growth, and success through consecration and increasing transformation of the God they represents. Numbers 12:7-8.

E.A Adebiyi.

If the good news – gospel haven’t gives you the new life with the power to live and walk daily in the newness of life, you haven’t got the news right – understand accurately.

Note: it is very disagreeable and dis- heartening to God if we should continue to seek after satisfying the sinful and carnal nature, or the worldly – ungodly pleasures of sin – pleasures and lusts of Satan against the satisfaction of him who has created all things for his pleasure, whose pleasure we are called and saved to fulfil in the kingdom by walking worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good, not dead work, and increasing in the knowledge of God. Revelation 5:11.                                                      

E.A Adebiyi.

Hopes are hopes but many of them are fool’s paradise- optical illusion. If our conversation – citizenship is in heaven, from whence we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall change our vile body, that it might be fashioned according to his glorious body (Philippians 3:20), let us take little more care when we talk or think of going to heaven by not twisting or adulterate the scripture to corrupt the word of God in effect to corrupt our ways and lifestyles by sowing to the flesh and sullied- stained by the world to reap corruption afterward, – but that our conversation – present lifestyle should be as it becomes the gospel of Christ, in the simplicity and plainness of the gospel lifestyle (Philippians 1:27), lest our hope of heaven becomes like an uncompleted building without a roof, or a useless knife without a blade, or as when a hungry person dreams of eating, but awakens hungry still; or as when a thirsty person dreams of drinking, but awakens faint and thirsty still for the Lord will say unto such to depart from him, he knew them not, the workers of iniquity.

E.A Adebiyi

Note: back then at the Garden of Eden and right now in the world, his commandment (s) is not grievous. The simplicity of the word or commandment given at the Garden, though, was despised and the occupants were penalized (Prov. 13:13. 19:16) as they made their lives worst and difficult as consequences, was the same simplicity of word and lifestyle brought down to earth by him – Christ whose yoke is easy, and his burden light, that we might find another rest (present and future) for our soul with God if we will not seek or desire for more outside the riches in glory made available and provided for us in Christ Jesus by the Father, – or to seek to perform or operates more than the actual ability given unto us aside from his power that works mightily in us after such self-oriented and implicate spiritual ambition shown by the first parents to be like God, – independent of his thoughts,- and to challenge, by defiant act against the immutable word – you shall not die.

E. A. Adebiyi.

Christ is the embodiment of God. Whatever God was ( in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God. John 1:1) Christ was, – the word was made flesh and dwells among us. John 1:14. Whatever God is ( God is light, and in him is no darkness. 1 John 1:5), Christ is, – I have come as in the world, that whosoever believes in me should not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. John 12:46. Whatever God is to become shall his Christ stoop for or descend to that God may be all in all ( 1 Corinthians 15:28), though in Christ dwells all the fullness of God head bodily. Colossians 2:9. Likewise in Christ Jesus, the spirit filled believer is an embodiment of Christ on earth- Christ lives in him – he is the member of his body and of his flesh. Were the early believers not rightly named as Christians first at Antioch because they resembles Christ in their behaviours or representatives of him, – having learnt to live and act like him- filled to live and walk daily in the spirit?

E.A Adebiyi.

The scriptures cannot be broken: those who are uniquely living by what is written and for what is written to defend the truth have their habitation and defense on top of the Rock that is higher than them, though are sometimes overwhelmed by the multitudes of thoughts within them and the challenges before them, the comfort of the scripture delight and strenghten their soul to lay hold of the hope which is laid up for them in heaven. Romans 15:4. Psalms 94:19.

E. A. Adebiyi.

Every gifts –ministerial or the gifts of the spirit is an assignment, and with assignment comes the responsibility, power and authority for execution and future accountability of stewardship to God and Christ – will you be fruitful and faithful a servant? Mt 25:23.

E. A. Adebiyi

Your present lifestyle is a seed, either you mind the things of the flesh, or the things of the spirit. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, neither does corruption inherit incorruption. You cannot sow corruption now –ungodly-corruptible lifestyle in hope to reap incorruption –eternal life in the world to come. You cannot now sow to the flesh and hope to reap the harvest of the immortal spiritual body aftermath, – God is not mocked, whatsoever a man sow, the same shall he reap.

E. A. Adebiyi

What about the secret disciples who are not known by any of us? If any man loves God, the same is known by him. Do you think they will not get to heaven because they secret disciples does not have any church membership for weekly, Sundays or Sabbath day’s worship? Christ should not have healed on the Sabbath days or God raised up his Son on the first day of the week as some believed, if he has so placed a special regard for a certain day above the rest in Christ Jesus. Now, Christ is the true rest, and unto him, and for him the redeemed believer should live daily to serve God in spirit and truth. This is the true rest for his soul, when Christ yoke becomes his, and his love for God’s word is shown by his obedient: nothing shall offend him; but his peace, rest and security is sure – he that keeps the commandments shall feel no evil thing.

E. A. Adebiyi

Believer’s authority is rooted and grounded in the word of God, not outside the word. This is the source of his power supply through the operation of the indwelling spirit of God. The spirit of God is the active power of God to quicken or actualizing the word, and making it irreversible and indisputable by contrary forces of darkness. It is also called the ‘power of the world to come’, meaning that the same power which is presently at work in us, – deposited in us as the foretaste and guarantee of our salvation shall continue to be at work in us until the resurrection of the just, the first resurrection of the dead in Christ and the physical transformation of the living saints to out on incorruptible body, to re-produce in us a new spiritual body like the glorious resurrected body of Christ.

E. A. Adebiyi

The merciful God and the unforgivable sin (s). The eye is the light of the body….but if your eye is double, your whole body shall be full of darkness. If the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness? To blaspheme the spirit of God is not only the unforgivable sin, but to be born again, having receive the baptism of the Spirit of God, – having dine and drank with Christ flesh and blood, but afterwards, for whatever reason, seek unto them with familiar spirits, after the devil’s power, covering and blessing is a sin unto death, you should not, and no one should pray for such sin, – there is no forgiveness, but death: though they pray, God will not forgive. This is what it means to have done despised unto the spirit of grace, and to count the blood of the covenant that sanctifies you as an unholy thing. 1 John 5:16.

E. A. Adebiyi

There is nothing such as laughing or comedy ministry in the bible. Nothing gives you pure joy apart from the Spirit of God – the heart knows its own bitterness, and no stranger shares in its joy – it’s personal. Prov.14:10.

The composition of the kingdom of God is found in all righteousness, peace and joy in the indwelling Holy Ghost, – this is the joy found in the fruit of the Spirit of God, dutiful cultivated daily by individual as you grow daily in your consistent walk in the Spirit through yielding in obedience to the word of God, not from the laughter of fools (Eccles 7:6) of the folly of the idle words and sarcasm of the carnal, foolish and vain so called Christian comedians who are polluting God’s altar with jokes and jestings which are not convenient – I said of laughter, it is mad. Ecclesiastes 2:2.

E. A. Adebiyi

Gain is not godliness, net worth whatsoever, is not the fulfillment, fruitiness or a failure of a spiritual life. Believer’s worth and value could only be found in the inestimable riches of Christ because of the inestimable price of his redemption (the blood of the Lamb shed before the foundation of the world) which no amount of money could purchased, for the redemption of his soul is precious than gold and silver that perishes, and it ceases for ever: that he should still live forever, and not see corruption . Psalms 50:6-9.

Therefore, to value or estimate the worth of a believer’s life who is not his own, but is now bought over with the current market exchange rate is to grade and equal, devalue and despise the inestimable precious blood which was shed from the foundation of the world, ever before the dollars, yen and pound sterling or other money exchange exits – the snare of the deceitfulness of riches, cares of this world, and lusts of other things.

E. A. Adebiyi

Whatever the voice of bleating in your flesh, it should not be spared, all iniquity in the flesh must stop its mouth (Psalms 107:42), and there shouldn’t be heard the voice of any bleating of the sheep and the lowing of the cattle from anyone in the kingdom as we seek for total brokenness of the flesh before the Lord. As you die daily to the flesh, you will likewise be receiving the increase of his divine fullness from grace to grace, even from God who has made your body his habitation through the Spirit. John 1:16.

E. A. Adebiyi

In the kingdom of God, if the liberty you sought after is not within the bond and scope of his written word, it means you are rebellious, deceived, and in bondage to the flesh, Satan and the world whose liberty is false and destructive. This was the liberty presented to Adam and Eve by Satan to lure them into bondage, out of God’s presence into the world of flesh and lusts- ungodliness.

E. A. Adebiyi

The liberty of Christ is not to live anyhow, to speak anyhow, to behaves anyhow, to ne disrespectful, arrogant to your parents and husband, to dress anyhow, to listen to no one, or be involved in whatsoever glorify the flesh (Galatians 5:13), Christ liberty is not for an occasion to the flesh or the world- And I will walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts. Psalms 119:45.

E. A. Adebiyi

Blessed indeed are those who have not seen Christ, but yet believe (John 20:29): they are blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:3): but for now, you must repent to live (a) in the blessedness of those whose sins are forgiven, unto whom the Lord will not impute iniquity by the virtue of your present regeneration in Christ Jesus (Romans 4:7), the blessedness of the first spiritual resurrection (optional) to be risen with Christ, paving the way for the (b) blessedness of becoming a dead saint in Christ Jesus (Revelation 14:13), the necessity and condition to partake in the (c) blessedness of the first resurrection (Revelation 20:6) which is the evidence of the (d) blessedness of those who are rewarded and honored by divine appointment and invitation to the marriage supper of the Lamb.

E. A. Adebiyi