
As you know that Africa continent is one of the poorest in the world, there are multitudes of people, especailly believers whose lives are shattered and lives less than a dollar per day. Many of these people are living under deplorable situations and a very hard situations and circumstances most especially in the villages and remote areas without good clothing, sanitation and proper covering or shelter.

We am engage to provide fiancial assistance and shelter for many homeless brethren who are persecuted and rejected by their family members because of their faith in Christ Jesus in many african nations such as Nigeria in the muslim dominated Northern areas, the northern parts of Cameroun and in Yamousoukro, Daloa and Man, cities in Ivory Coast, Benin Republic, Luanda, Cabinda, Oshakati in Naminbia etc to name but few. The need for clothing and good physiacal clothing presentation and appearance of our less fortunate brethren in some of these African nations where we have preached and planted churches can not be over-emphasized as we prayerfully and humbly seek for financial helps and supports for those that lacks food and normal basic clothings, the basic necessity on which condition for christian contentment is based – Having food and raiment, let us be therewith content. 1 Timothy 6; 8.

This ministry is engaged in many good works both to the churched and to the unchurched. In France, we collect and accept good fairly used shirts and jeans for men and good skirts for ladies, including costumes, used suits for both sex in good condition which can be wear to church services or important outings.

We also accept new shoes and canvas of any size to encourage the brethren in the Lord’s goodness, re-assuring them in the universal brotherly love – for whosoever have the goods of this world and sees his brother in need and shuts up his bowel of compassion towards him, how can he claims that the love of God is in him? 1 John 3;17.

Do not forget the word of our Lord Jesus Christ which said, when I was naked, you clothed me…..In as much you did it to any of this little one in my name you do it unto me….Matthew 25;36-40.

Clothing wears for children, male or female; and for the adults of both sex are also welcome., including mosquitoes nets to prevent the deadly malaria fever which is killing thousands every day in Africa, including new blankets.

The cost of a mosquitoes net is just 5 dollars, and this can reduced the risk of malaria infection and save a life from untimely death, as a stitch in time saves nine – for him that knows how to do good and does not do it is sin. James 4;17.

Your tithes, sacrificial offerings, gifts and donations are precious and acceptable in the Lord’s eyes no matter how little or insignificant they seems to be in your own eyes, they shall be remembered and rewarded accordingly by the Lord Jesus. Psalms 41;1.-3.

Sow and give, for whosoever shut his ears to the cry of the poor or the cry to help the needy, when he shall pray, he shall not be answered. Proverbs 21; 13.

Perhaps this is the reason why some things are not working out for you, because the heaven has closed his ears to your cry! Start giving alms today.

We thanks the many which are already responding generously to this call and we call on you to join the hundreds and thousands of the brethren in this good work. Job 31; 19-21.

Call us now at skype id Churchman Missionary or write to us to do to know what the Lord is ministering into your heart for the poor of his people: the Lord has founded Zion, and the poor of his people shall trust in it. Isaiah 14; 32.

Sow your seed or send your tithes today to

Apos­tle Ade­biyi Emmanuel Adeyemi


FR06 10011 00020 7552646083S 89

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