How to Obtain the Promises of God

Every true believer must daily live for the promises and by the promises of God.

Daily connectors to the throne of mercy, where grace is obtain and strength and power is
given against each day’s evil, are those that are standing on the promises of God. Everything
is derived by grace. We are saved, sustained and accomplished by grace The God of all grace,
which is also our sufficiency, has made grace sufficient for all things.

Nothing can be received, nor obtained from the throne of grace, except through the provisions
from the promising notes, which is the word of God. Any day you failed to connect to the
throne of grace, you are on your own – Without him, you can do nothing. Hebrews 4; 16. John

For some, the promises of God are 7, 500 and to another 13,000 and to another 9,999 etc.
The scripture is very clear that the promises of God go beyond numbers, counting and
quantity. They are given by divine love, which surpasses human understanding, and that is
why Apostle Peter calls them, EXCEEDING GREAT AND PRECIOUS PROMISES. 2 Peter
1; 4.

There is no counting, neither limits, to what divine power which has given unto us all things
that pertains to life and godliness can accomplished through us and for us, for he is able to do
TO HIS POWER THAT WORKS IN US O you that answered prayer, unto you all flesh shall

When you want to gain the world without God in your world, you’ll end up losing all,
including your own soul. This time around, it shall not be in a cave like lot, worst and much
more, in the bottomless pit for all eternity – for what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the
whole world, and lose his soul, or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul For those
who have been faithfully waiting up to seven years or more for promises given yet unfulfilled,
this year 2022 is your year of eleventh hour of divine reward, says the Spirit of God.