Emmanuel Adebiyi

Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) Doctor of Theology (Th.D.)

An author and church planter, Dr. Apos­tle Emmanuel Ade­biyi works as under — sher­pherd at Glory of the lat­ter house bible min­isties Inter­na­tional in Africa and other nations of the world.

Con­verted -born — again in Decem­ber 1986 at the faith clinic Inter-​denomination Inco­po­ra­tion of Nige­ria– a heal­ing and deliv­er­ance annointed min­istry of late Dr. I.K. Iben­eme of the Uni­ver­sity teach­ing hos­pi­tal, Ibadan, Oyo state.

Three months into his mouth water­ing encountered with the Lord which led to his con­ver­sion into the king­dom of God, Emmanuel received the voca­tion into the min­istry with visible and unde­ni­able man­i­fes­ta­tions and the oper­a­tions of the min­is­te­r­ial and spir­i­tual gift. The gift of man opens door for him, thus Emmanuel is priv­ileged by the Lord to travel exten­sively in African and Euro­pean coun­tries to teach the depths of the myseries of the riches of Christ king­dom for the sal­va­tion of souls, revivals and edi­fi­ca­tion of saints –preach­ing deliv­er­ance to the cap­tives by the ressur­rec­tion life-​giving power of Jesus Christ through the effec­tual working power of the undi­luted word of God, – warn­ing every man and teach­ing every man, that we might present every man per­fect in Christ Jesus. Colos­sians 1:28.

You also help­ing together by prayer for Emmanuel, that for the gifts bestowed upon him by the means of many per­sons thanks may be given by many on his behalf.