Cool of the Day

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh. Galatians 5:13.

Recently, I had a conversation with a mother desiring prayer and crying over her oldest son’s unbecoming attitudes of sneaking out of the house in the dead of the night to indulge in abusive liquor consumption at the age of 15 with older friends in the neighbourhood.

I also have the grace to speak one on one with this young boy who has once been decent and well behaved in the past. In our conversation, he expressed his desire for more freedom and liberty to do what he chooses to do against restrictions and certain laws from his parents which are meant to protect him from the corrupt company and from the evil in the society.

Unknowingly to this young boy, his request for liberty at that tender illegal age is abnormal, but the root of his problem is spiritual- demonic influences, the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is working in the children of disobedience, – there is way which seems good unto man but the end is death. Proverbs 14:12.

The devil made a successful appeal for liberty to Adam and Eve, encouraging them to disobey God, to make them independent of God, knowing good and evil. It is practically impossible to be independent of him – God in whom we live, move and have our being. Believers or unbelievers alike, we are all connected to live from him- he’s the source of life, living and well being. Man’s rebellion and disobedient only make things worse before God. It is an evil thing for his fear not to be in man’s heart or to depart from his fear.

The world and the flesh advocates for destructive liberty which is against the laws of God, such liberty as free ungodly speeches, the right to do what you like with your body, such things tatoo, abortion, ungodly – immoral sex such as fornication, adultery, prostitution etc, but those liberty only makes you a good candidate for hell fire throughout all eternity.

In Christ Jesus, we are called unto a different liberty from the context and actuality of the liberty of the world. Our liberty in Christ Jesus is our freedom, power and victory over the power of the darkness, flesh and sin…..if the son therefore shall make make you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8: 36.

Our liberty in Christ Jesus is given to transform us into the image of the Son of God in the newness of life or into the new creature, not to the conformity to the world or to live like the people in the world, fulfilling the desire of the mind and the lusts of the flesh. Ephesus 2: 1-2.

Our liberty in Christ is the true freedom from the world, not to live, behaves and conforms in any way with them. It is the victory over the controlling influences of the spirits that is working in the children of disobedience. It is not to dress like a harlot in the world or church in the name of Christ liberty. It is not to live in corruption –sinfulness in the name of freedom to do what you want, which means that you are fulfilling the will and pleasure of another – Satan.

Your liberty in Christ Jesus is not to be disrespectful before the elders -people who are older than you in the name of civilization, making yourself equal with them for whatever reason or advantage: this is to exalt and glorify the flesh: it is prideful and destructive liberty of this present world. Christ liberty is not to become obnoxious at home to your husband, rude and rebellious that the man cannot speak to you as a lord in his home. 1 Peter 3:6.

Your liberty in Christ is the ability to demonstrate personal consideration in self control that your actions, though legitimate and scriptural, should not be as an offense to those whose faith is weak, lest you wound their conscience and sin against Christ. For example, if your liberty to drink little wine will make the brother or sister who does not believe in drinking wine at all to be offended, you should deny yourself the liberty to drink that little wine to edify the sister or brother of little faith.

By the way, the kingdom of God is not meat and drink: for the sake of food or wine, do not destroy the works of God in your life or on other’s – let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a person to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother or sister to fall. Romans 14: 19-21. Note: woe unto you if your liberty is offensive as a stumbling block or an offense for others to sin or to blaspheme that worthy name by which you are called – children of God. Matthew 18:7.