Books and Resources

Purposes of the Cross

A spiritual book that helps cleanse and purify the soul, Purposes of the Cross opens the eyes of readers-believers, doubters and nonbelievers alike-to the realities of life in preparation for the Day of Judgment. Teeming with spiritual nourishment, this book facilitates resurgence of faith and rekindling allegiance to Jesus Christ. To achieve this, the author assists the faithful to begin with understanding the necessity of His death…

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How to obtain the promises of God

Every true believer must daily live for the promises and by the promises of God. Whosoever does not live by these promises is living for nothing, without God in the world and is spiritually aimless – Now we, brethren as Isaac was, are the children of promise. Galatians 4; 28. Nothing can be received, nor obtained from the throne of grace, except through the provisions from the promising notes…

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Spiritual Communication

Every believer must know the time in his fellowship, experience and relationship in the cool of his day with God, if they must understand His voice. The cool of the day is the place of quietness or the path of still waters. Before the fall, God always comes down to fellowship with man, but after it, man always looks up to call upon the Lord – I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

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Other Books

  • How to receive and maintain your healing and deliverance
  • Spiritual Brokenness – The Sacrifices of God
  • Worldliness in the church today
  • The breach of promise
  • The real value of life
  • The two kinds of wisdom
  • The better things of life
  • The revelation of his power and glory in the saints
  • The seven eyes of God
  • The Mixed Multitudes
  • The Tongue
  • The life in the Spirit
  • Not ignorance of the devices of Satan
  • Series on In Him – Christ