
And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water; and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit descending like a dove, and lighting upon him. Matthew 3; 16.

What is baptism?

Baptism is the visible testimony of your faith in salvation which Christ offers, commanded by the Lord himself for everyone that believes to become a renew disciple, buried together with Jesus in the likeness of his death. Matthew 28, 18-20. John 3, 1-7.

It is a spiritual convenant between you and Christ, that you are taking your side with him in the likeness of his death-buried with him in baptism, coming out to him from the darkness of the world, and publickly declaring your part with him, for the testimony of his life, death and ressurrection, for the rest of your life – It becomes a life’s time engagement with Christ as your dog must not go back to its vomit again.

This is very bitter to Satan as he now numbered you among the rebells against the kingdom of darkness – but it means a lot to God and His Christ, for it is a cause of great celebration among the angels of God in heaven as your name is written in the Lamb’s book of life.

Examples from the bible.

John the Baptist- Matthew 3; 1-6.

Jesus example- Matthew 3; 13-17.

Pentecost day Message- Acts 2; 37-41.

Philip at Samaria- Acts 8; 9-13.

Peter at Cornelius house. Acts 10; 44-47.

                           Condition of baptism.

 Attaining the age of accountability to know good from evil, for Jesus our Lord Himself as a typical example to be followed was baptized at the age of thirty, though he was taken to the temple for dedication unto God at birth, which was not baptism.

There is nothing like a child or infant baptism in the bible like some churches claims and anything we do which is not biblical is not acceptable to God.

Repentance, that is, turning away from all known sins in your life to be buried with Jesus in the likeness of His death; and making the wrong right and reconciling with people you are not at peace with as much as possible; making restitution if we are led; as we begin to walk in newness of life. Luke 19,1-10.

Fruit of repentance must be seen in a genuine convert as he or she start to live his or life in conformity to the word of God. Moreover, there are some churches out there like latter day saints or the Jehova witness which mandated you to be re-baptized into their fold if you are to enter into the true church of God. This is erroneous and mis-leading to the un-stable, un-learned and in-experienced soul in the kingdom of God.  Luke 3, 8-14.

Somebody can be baptized on the same day he heard the gospel like the Ethiopian eunuch. Acts 8, 35-39.

-Peter on the day of Pentecost. Acts 2, 37-41.

-Phillip and the Samaritans. Acts 8, 9-13.

-Somebody can take his time to count the cost and prepare himself to be baptized.

Method of baptism 

The word baptism, signify to immersed, to buried or put into, or under water.

Baptism is not to spray or sprinkle water on somebody head or body, neither is it to bath in the river with soap and spounge.

Biblical method of baptism is by complete immersion of the repentant sinner or believer’s whole body from the head to the toe into the water in a burial method; for he is buried with Christ in the likeness of his death. Colossians 2,12.

Baptism should be done by pronouncing the name of the Father, Son and the Holy- Spirit, in Jesus name, as he or she is immersed inside the water. Matthew 28,19. Acts 2,38. Acts 10, 48. Acts 19, 5.

There is the baptism of water and that of the Holy-Spirit – I indeed baptized you with water unto repentance, but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not able to bear, he shall baptized you with Holy-Ghost and with fire. Matthew 3; 11.

You see our Lord Jesus Christ coming out of the river Jordan in his water baptism as the Holy-Spirit descendent on him in form of a dove.

Both baptism is important and one can preceeds the other, it doesn’t matter which comes first, but both must be sought for. Studying the scriptures, you would understand that Cornelius and his household were first baptized with the Holy-Spirit as they were listening to Peter’s message; then Peter exclaimed, can any forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy-Ghost as well as we? Acts 10; 47- 48.

Importances of baptism.

-Baptism unites us into the universal body of Christ. Galatians 3; 26-28.

-It is to accomplished the will of God in fulfilling all righteousness. Matthew 3;15.

-It was commanded by the Lord Jesus Christ to make the believer becoming a disciple. Matthew 28; 19. John 8; 30-32.

-it is the greatest day of your life as heaven rejoices for your repentance and salvation.

Congratulation for your water baptism; for I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance; now it is time ask, seek, and knock the door for the baptism of the Holy-Spirit, for John truly baptised with water, but you shall be baptised with the Holy-Spirit, by the washing of regeneration, and renewal of the Holy-Ghost, which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour… Titus 3; 5-6.