Overcoming sexual predators, the generation of vipers – their attributes and operations in the church in the last days

But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Matthew 3:7.

As one who has the gift of miracle to cast out demons, my past experiences in deliverance ministrations with men and women who are possessed with the spirit of serpents serves a great tool with dealing with the strange women I recently encountered.

This is true and recent testimonies of my experiences with three friends who seems to be Christians but really are not.

I know the first sister from a church I love to worship with fellow brethren here at Nimes. She introduced me to a friend at Nice and through the friend from Nice, I have come to know and meet another of her friends living in Paris.

The sister at Paris did not know the one at Nimes, but the one at Nice is a friend to both. They all have one thing and trait in common, the possession of a serpentine spirit.

How do I know?  This is a good question.

The first time the sister at Nice made a visit to her friend at Nimes, she had a terrible spiritual attack because she told her friend she saw some evil spirits in her without specification of what kinds of spirits they are.

This revelation made her friend offended and very angry caused some few weeks of separation and strong contentions among them.

Though, the sister from Nimes presented a Christian sister from Nice to me, but her friend’s revelation provoked her to confess to me that she dislikes people who practices witchcraft to come to her house and be telling strange and false revelations concerning her.

She told me this as a non disclosure confidential statement behind her friend from Nice which made me to wonder why should a believer having known that someone is a witch still keep good friendship with her?

On a weekend visit to Nimes, the lady from Nice suddenly, strangely and terrible sick.

I was called in to accompany and spend the night with them in prayer because they were both afraid.

While I was in the house praying in the room given to me to pass the night, the Lord opened my eyes to see a brown, big, but very calm snake lying at the corner of the room while I see a man clothed in a white gown entering the room, gently picked and took out the serpent.

I perceived this should be my guardian angel from God sent to minister unto me and keep me from serpentine attack Acts 12:15.

I shared the revelation with both them, but the host response and explanation to defend herself about the snake was that it belongs to the former occupants of the house before she bought it, but I know what the Lord says about the snake taken out by the angel which I saw.  

Few weeks after the drama at Nimes, I was invited to Nice where I fasted and prayed with the sister.

In the course of our prayer season, she admitted seeing a snake coming out from her mouth to bite me.

I thought within me, this is it; certainly, the serpent living inside the woman at Nimes is stronger than the serpent in her, so we have the issue of sudden and strange attacks of vomiting and strange sickness during her visit to Nimes. 

According to her, she has this gift of revelation a very long time ago to help people solve problems through visions, even before her conversion to Christ, able to see and receive visions and revelations which she thinks are from the Lord, but sadly to say, they are from the power of the Python – serpentine spirit residing in her: this is nothing but the spirit of divination as we have it in the book of Acts of the Apostles. Acts 16:16. 

I told her she is in need of deliverance which she never objected against, but sincerely admits she knows that she’s indeed have the need for deliverance from the serpentine spirit residing in her.

As for the friend at Paris, though presented herself a prophetess, but seeing or meeting her for the first time by the way she appeared and dressed, along with her green and black coloring hair style, except she says that she is a born again believer, filled with the Spirit, speaking in tongues with the gift of revelation and prophesying, you will take her for an harlot.

She was a loud, stubborn and rebellious woman just as the other two.

At Paris, I was privileged to know her husband, a very respectable and humble believer.

I stayed with them at Paris for a week during which I conducted an unfinished deliverance prayer season with the wife. According to the friend from Nice, her constant and continuous manifestations of demonic possession during any prayer season at church has become noticeable to the extent that she’s now been ignored with her demons for distracting the meeting.

It was later revealed that the husband to the prophetess woman at Paris heard her speaking on phone late in the middle of the night with another man, suggested she’s having extra marital affairs, forcing him to stop any financial support to his wife until he’s sure she has changed.

As a prophetess, she has a prayer platform where she later confessed to her audience that she has stolen and withdrawn the anointing of her husband to reduce him to nothing.

I don’t know how possible this could be, except the man is living in sin or she has succeeded to quench the fire of the spirit of God in him, still anointing is not transferable in such manner.

This is pure witchcraft of a serpentine spirit and operation to steal, and kill and to destroy.

One of the sisters from the group who understand how strangulation works with the serpent against its prey immediately removed herself from the platform while others of the same spirit of vipers continues with her.

How do you explains the situation of a woman who claims to be born again, always claim to hear from the Lord, or the Lord reveals something to her, having a form of godliness, but  demonically possessed?

They call themselves prophetess of the Lord, but you can visibly see another spirit at work in them. They are in the churches, attractive and arrogant, sometimes soft but deceitful women, and you must discern to overcome them. They seek to use prophecy and visions to manipulate the entire church and to control the foolish shepherd who cannot hear directly from God or the greedy leaders who love gains and gifts.

This is one of the depths of Satan as the Lord explains of Jezebel which calls herself a prophetess, a false teacher in the church and seducer of God’s servants to commit fornication and adultery, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. Revelation 2:20-24.

Men and women possessed with serpentine water spirit have filled the church today. They speak in tongues and they always have a prophecy to give you from the Lord. 

According to the scripture, there is a continuous war between the serpent and the remnant of the seed of the woman which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

This is saying that the church and anyone that calls upon the name of Jesus Christ in spirit and truth is in a constant spiritual warfare with Satan, either you know it or not. Revelation 12:17.

We have come out in separation from unequal yoked together with the unbelievers in the world (2 Corinthians 6:14-18), but why or for what reason was Satan presented himself  before the Lord among his children in the meeting of the children of God in the days of Job? Job 1:6.

Certain Egyptians went out of Egypt with the children of God into the wilderness in pretense to serve God with them, but they were the mixed multitudes who went out with their idols to cause the Israelis to lust and fall before God. Numbers 11:4.

Yes, though we are spiritually delivered from this evil world into the kingdom of God’s dear son (Colossians 1:13): yet, the enemy – Satan has strategically programmed and stationed his children inside the churches to destroy, if possible, the original gifts and to establish the counterfeits to deceives and mislead.

Beware, there are generation of vipers in the church today, and they shall not escape the damnation of hell according to Christ own word. Matthew 23:33.

The generation of vipers have been of old in the church as we learnt of a brother who had an affair with his father’s wife (step mother) in the church at Corinth and the brethren took him for a champion, rejoicing for him.

Beware of dogs and beware of evil workers in the church in the last days. These women and men are sexually seductive, corrupted and ensnare. Philippians 3:2.

There are not only dogs and wolves in sheep clothing you should be careful about in the church, but there are venomous snakes in the vineyard of the Lord, seeking to bruise the heel of the sheep and to smite and infect them with deadly force of the venom of immorality and of other sexual perversions.

They are the gays, the lesbians the unrepentant harlots, the gigolo in the church today who will not cease to bring the forbiden price of a dog or the hire of an harlot for offering before the Lord (thou shalt not bring the hire of a harlot, or the price of a dog, into the house of Jehovah thy God for any vow; for even both these are an abomination to Jehovah thy God. Also, no money earned in this way may be brought into the house of the Lord your God in fulfillment of a vow. Deuteronomy 23:18) because for their vine is of the vine of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorrah: their grapes are grapes of gall, their clusters are bitter: their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps. Deuteronomy 32:32-33.

As a spirit filled believer in Christ Jesus, you ought to know the devices of Satan, traits and appearances of evil – his beguilement – his unwillingness to abide in the truth or sound doctrine – his cunning craftiness – lies and manipulations – intimidation – great arrogance and haughtiness of heart – false accusations – flattering words – constant invitations to eat with them which can sometimes lead you to be seeing them constantly in your filthy dream – sudden, cruel and unjustified anger is part of their weapon – evil piercing words like a sword because they have sharpened their tongues like a serpent; adders’ poison is under their lips. Psalms 140:3.

John the Baptist addressed his countrymen the Pharisees and Sadducees who have come out to hear his preaching and to be baptized as generation of vipers, but also advised them to bring forth fruit worthy of repentance against the day of the wrath of God. Matthew 3:7.

One of the greatest symbols of Satan in the bible is found in the deceitful serpent – he is called the old serpent, the devil and Satan, which deceives the whole world. Revelation 12:9.

John the Baptist identifies the Pharisees with the Devil – the generation of vipers, and Jesus likewise did the same.

Christ also identifies them as the children of Satan their father, because they will keep doing his will and will not repent to bring forth fruit worthy of repentance, though they lay claims to be children of God, but their works and lifestyle testifies against them. John 8:44.

One of the deception or deceptive works and patterns of Satan is to transform himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14) while his seeds of vipers in the church are known as the seeds of evil doers which shall never be established. Isaiah 14:20.  

Though they are of darkness, yet they parade and presented themselves as genuine children of light. They are cursed like the cursed Pharisees which the Lord calls as the whited sepulchers which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness, full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Matthew 23: 27-28.

They love hiding and cannot resist the true light, just as the serpent rarely walks in the open not to be discovered: otherwise, they will be exposed and the serpent head cut off.

The same way the devil caused division in heaven, so do the seeds of vipers cause division among the brethren in the church, either through their false prophecy and revelation or false and ungrounded accusations.

They always have something to say against the teaching of the pastor to cause division: to adulterate the pure and sound doctrine of the scriptures, avoid them. Do not be deceived by their speaking in tongues or by any outward beauty of appearance, material possessions or by sweet voice – not by their powered revelations and visions by Python spirit should you be carried away: rather, look for the fruit of a genuine repentance and of the spirit in them, anything beyond this is façade and a mask.

Angels are free to obey God or not, likewise is man.

The creation of evil (I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. Isaiah 45:7) is the manifestation of God’s fairness to provide freedom of choice and liberty to his angels and to the man made in his image.

The creation and functioning of the angels, including man is not meant to be robotic or forced, but that they can freely act by love in a willful submission to God.

Angels can think to act (Luke 1:19), and man likewise was given the ability to think for himself in order act: neither of them were created or made with a programmed and captivated thoughts, will and emotions, but with the liberty and right to choose: to serve God, or not to serve: God; to obey God, or to do otherwise.

This was the case of Satan in heaven when he chose to disobey, rebel and to exalt himself against the throne of God and him that sits on it to occasion his expulsion and abasement down to the earth.

God charges his angels with folly. Job 4:18.

Satan, by the deception of his beauty and other qualities created in him by God, was deceived in his heart to rebel and covet the throne of God: thus, Satan made folly of himself to become the enemy of God as the first sinner: he that commits sin is of the devil; for the devil sins from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remains in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. 1 John 3:8-9.  

Firstly, you understand that there is God’s seed which is the word of God sown to bring forth the life of sanctification, holiness godliness in all those who have the seed planted in a good and honest heart in their lives. Luke 8:11.

Secondly, there was other seed planted by the wicked one – Satan who is the god of this world, but has subtlety- nicely infiltrates the church to mix God’s holy seed with unholy seed, with the intents and purposes of sabotaging the church.

The children of God don’t sabotage the church or God’s name, but the agents of Satan does that against the church while in the church. 

On the contrary, the children of the kingdom shine as light and they go from strength to strength before the Lord of hosts which dwells in Zion.

The church is intended to be the assemblies of the saints in light, consisting only of people who are called, genuinely saved and separated from the world, that no man should join himself with them (Acts 5:13) if he is not saved and included to be added by the Lord to his body (Acts 2:47): but the children of the wicked one- Satan, are freely walking in and sitting down comfortably in the church to corrupt the believers, if possible, to bring them back into spiritual bondage and darkness. 1 Corinthians 5:6-11.

Christ says to the Jews and to the crowd of people before him, whosoever is of God will listen to obey the word of God; you hear them not, because you are not of God. John 8:47.

From this text, there are three distinct features to look out for from the seeds – children of Satan in the church: (a) they rebel against the godly authority established in the church, the same manner that Satan caused division and rebelled against God’s authority in heaven: (b) they wrestle or twist the word of God to their destruction, just as Satan wrestled and twisted the word of God to destroy the first parents in the Garden of Eden: (c) they encourage disobedient because they live habitually in iniquity, even as Satan lied to, and encourage the first parents to rebel and disobey God.

Everything about the generation of vipers in the church is prophecy and revelations while ungodliness and worldly lusts prevails in them.

As a child of God, you are expected to identify the different seed (s) of the enemy, otherwise, God’s vineyard and fruits in your life shall be defiled when you do not purge away the old lump that you might be clean and new.

Is it not written, thou shall not sow thy vineyard with divers seeds: lest the fruit of thy seed which thou hast sown, and the fruit of thy vineyard, be defiled? Deuteronomy 22:9.

Are you not the vineyard of God (for the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah his pleasant plant: and he looked for judgment, but beholds oppression; for righteousness, but behold a cry. Isaiah 5:7), the tree of righteousness, the planting of God, that he might be glorified? Isaiah 61:3.

There is no half measure concerning your spiritual identity, loyalty, association and fellowship – and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Ephesians 5:11-13.

Serpentine prophets and prophetesses are in the church today. It is your responsibility to compare what they are practically doing to what the bible says, and to pray and ask God to show you the spirit operating in your place of worship.

Consider the description and declaration of Christ rebukes to the Jews (you are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. John 8:44), referring to them as the children of Satan – like their Father the devil, whose lust – wishes and desire they are fulfilling. Why? Because of the seed that is in them – the nature of their lifestyle.

The declaration tells that though they’re laying claims to God and Abraham as their Fathers, but their portrayal, actions and attitudes has no resemblance of divine nature (Romans 6:16): therefore, they are of Satan. Note: self- examination, by taking conscious record of your spiritual progress with God (Hosea 6:3), is a godly exercise in the mindfulness and discipline to self –subjection through the help and power of the indwelling spirit – if you, through the spirit, do mortify the works of the flesh, you shall live (Romans 8:13); and of continuous self- purging from the filthiness of the flesh and of the spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God (2 Corinthians 7:1); and of keeping the heart with all diligent, for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23.

Are not the things that defiles the man comes from within him?

These are the seeds of Satan which should be kept out of the heart to prevent the corruption of lifestyle, not allowing any of those things and many more to defile you from seeing God – blessed are the pure in heart, they shall see God. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: all these evil things come from within, and defile the man. Mark 7:21-23.

You cannot claim to be a child of light but lives as one of the children of darkness: you must cast off the works of darkness, and put on the amour of light. Romans 13:12-14.

It is not possible to claim to be of them of the day, while you comport as the people of the night.

Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Wherefore he says, awake thou that sleeps (sinning), and arise from the dead (spiritual death – slave to sin), and Christ shall give you light – deliverance from sin. Ephesians 5:11-14.

If you have true encounter and experience of the first spiritual shift when God delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son (Colossians 1:13), you cannot, but to walk and live like the children of light and of the day, and not of darkness and of night, otherwise, you are of them that rebel against the light, who do not know its ways or stay in its paths. What a loss to your soul? Job 24:13. 

The kind of seed that was sown determines the kind and growth of the tree, and the latter determines the kind of fruit to expect. You can’t and won’t find any fruit worthy of repentance or the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ in any children of the wicked one.

If any righteousness is found in them, it is an unprofitable righteousness. Isaiah 57:12.

Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistle, that they should live and increases in righteousness, godliness and in true holiness before God?

They are carriers or transmitters of death and not life in the church. Their intention or purpose is to work in the church but delightful to make others to fall into sin inside the church – this is their primary work and satisfaction.

They dress to church in attire of a harlot, gaudy and flaunting to set off her beauty so that they might trap the unwary, void of understanding. Proverbs 7:10.

They filled the church with strange and seductive clothing, defiling the heart and causing others to sin with their eyes, but the Lord is coming for their total destruction according to his own time. They give and support the church in every way possible in the pursuit of their ungodly desire to infect the gullible ones with sin. Zephaniah 1:8.

Like the old serpent disputed the truth with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, they withstand the truth and fight against the offence of the cross inside the church.

What difference does is makes whether or not they are ordinary or common insincere worshippers of God or the deceitful apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers sent by Satan into the church if we cannot discern and overcome them now?