Overcoming the deception of false prophecies, visions and miracles of false apostles and prophets in the last days.

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Matthew 24:24-25.

The Noauga’s are the owners of coollege Montaigne at Abidjan and Togo and other places; They are also the owner of Kilimanjaro Hotel at Oagadougou, Burkina Faso. Blessed by God, a very rich, humble, kind and generous Christian family, I was generously accomodated by this family at Marcory -Abidjan where i once ministered. The Nouaga’s are from the Assemblies of God church, but they receives and helps believers and servants of God from diffrent churches as the results of the blessings of God upon them. 

Through the Nouaga’s family, an Ivoriene pastor was introduced to us and we were asked to work with him to help him in his ministry. The pastor came up with the idea to organise a three days seminar for us in his church, and we both agreed to hold a week of night vigils together in preparation for the seminar. I was with Mariana, my former companoinship in the ministry. We arrives at the pastor’s house (a very big and beautiful  compound) for the first night of the night prayer where he uses the big and spacious space for church’s activies and gathering. The living room light was off, and there was no window curtain which permits us to see clearly becuase of street lights in the beautiful city of Abidjan. This was around 9pm as we try to rest for three hours before the midnight to start the prayer. But around fifteen minutes to 23 hours, I felf Mariana’ s hand scratching hard on my body to wake me up. Upon opening my eyes, I see the pastor naked, muttering and walking around us while he thought we’ve slept off while muttering. I intentionally made a loud noise of coughing to alert him of me waking up which made him ran away into another room. As soon as he left to another room, we ran out of the living room straight to the gate and escaped out of the house. The following day, we narrated our strange experience with sister Justine Nouaga who was saddened by this evil report and was willing to confront the pastor who never turn up again into this family, but only this, he ran away from Abidjan unannouced, knowing that he has been exposed.  This pastor was false and was into something else in the name of Christianity. Many ignorant souls has fallen prey and destroyed by such servant of God in their quests of searching after God. If God is not with you, they will seek to deceive and misled, even the elects.

It is written that in the last days, God shall pour out his spirit upon all felsh, and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see vision and old men shall dream dreams. Joel 2:28.

The false pastor I just narrated my encounter with him claimed to be gifted with prophetic annointing and gives word of knowledge, but what was the source and where comes his power from? I can categorically and authoritatively say that the church is in the period of a true but largely false prophetic era in a situation where we have the majority of believers in the church trying to go prophetic and seek after the prophetic. It’s laughable to some women or sisters in the church with the gift to prophecy or word of knowoledge declaring themselves to be prophetess while some have lost good reasoning because of the prophetic today that a woman prophesying calls herself a prophet; because, according to her, God told her she is more than a prophetess, though a woman, she is a prophet. What an evil spirit voices people are hearing but are attributing it to the voice of God today in the church?

In this last days, spiritualy speaking, nothing will get better but worst, not only in the world, but as well as in the church as the day of the Lord approach. Many will serve God pretensiously, they will be living unrighteously in the imaginations of their deceitful hearts; hardened without the fear to serve God with reverence due unto him by  ignoring  the warnings and appeals to serve him spirit and truth in view of the judgement to come; ignoring the fact that our God is a  consuming fire who will bring to light every secret works – good or bad and will judge and reward individual accordingly – the Lord shall judge his people: it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Falsehood of higher degrees, perfect deceptions in the name of religion and Christ’s name through prophetic manipulations shall increase in the churche in the last days. False prophets and apostles with strange and false powerful miracles with false prophetic declarations and misleading claims of thus says the Spirit of the Lord shall be many. Except you are conversant with the voice of the Lord with sound knowledge of his word, knowing his will for your life and able to hear personally from God, you are likely to fall a victim of false prophetic revelations, instructions and promises from these men.

Satan’s conspiracy against the church in the last days shall be tough and appears to be real to have overthrow the truth and darkness overcoming the light. As a born again believer in Christ Jesus (John 3:3), one of the many evil things you must overcome in the last days is the work, falsehood, deceptions and presence of false prophets in the world who are in church through constant prayer, sound biblical knowledge and discernment of spirit against the operations of the false holy-spirit, or the false Jesus and their false miracles to deceive, if possible, the elects of God. Matthew 24:24.

Among the weak, The quest for finacial gain shall motivate many men and women to seek for strange powers to prophesy and become false and misleading prophets and prophetess, while some are directly possessed by demons with power to see visions and to prophesy in the church. While the word of God should ought to be sufficent for us to listen to the voice of God as we meditate and study it day and night, but strange desire for knowledge from the world of the spirit as filled the hearts of many today, whereby they open doors to evil spirits to possess, communicate and fellowship with them – Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, and not holding the Head Christ, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God. Colossians 2:18-19. 

Some of these false prophets are into worshipping and calling the names of different angels in prayer. Some of them wear  diabolical ring on their finger, some with a special face towel, or walk with a special rod, not because he has problem with any of his legs, but therein lies his diabilocal power to deceive others. They’ll teach you how to prophesy, it is no more that men should speak as they are moved by the spirit of God. They’ll teach you how to see with your third eye. They’ll teach you how to see names, see into people’s house number and bank accounts. They’ll give you numbers to win lotterry. Spiritual gifts are given by God’s mercies and divided severally to every man as the will of the spirit of God. It is no more God that opens the eyes of man to see, but the false prophets shall taech you how to go into the world of the spirit to see in the spirit – this is a practice of spiritualism, it is demonic and defiles the body, soul and spirit to condem it to hell fire – regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God. Leviticus 19:31. 

Because of the dangers and destructions poised by the false miracles of the false prophets in the church today, the bible command us not to believe every spirit, but to try them of they are from God. Many don’t bother to ask questions today because all they want is a fast solution to their different spiritual, financial, academics, political and matrimony and other problems.  The gravity of your problem is not a justifiable excuse or reason to fall into the snare and pit of the false miracles and prophecies of the false prophets. 1 John 4:1.

I know I’m gifted with the word of knowledge or revelation gift, but that does not mean that I am a prophet or seer, and I don’t see everytime unless the Lord open my eyes to see; neither do I force myself to see anything that is not reveals. 1 Corinthians 12:8.

While people asked me to pray for them, they sometimes obliged it upon me to give them a word from the Lord. If there is a word, fine; otherwise, prayer of faith based on the promises of the word of God should be enough to strenghten one another without taking the name of the Lord in vain. To lie in the name of the Lord and to deceive others in his name to hope for the confirmation of a lying prophetic word or revelation is to boast of a false gift – whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain. Proverbs 25:14.

Many of believers today are bent on or desperate to receive prophetic word from the prophets or from other believers with the gift of prophecy or word of knowledge. Today, emphasis or importance and necessity are no more on the necessity to walk uprightly in practical obedience to the word of God which leads to the holiness of his saints, rather, almost everyone is now a seer in the church; but it is written that the visions of your prophets were false and worthless; they did not expose your sin to ward off your captivity. The prophecies they gave you were false and misleading. Lamentations 2:14.

Sometimes, prophesy shall failed, but the word of God shall not pass away unfulfilled. God magnify his word above his name and above every other things: but today, many believers have foolishly exalted and prioritized miracles and prophetic revelations above the authority of the word of God. If our priority and final authority is not the word of God, we shall be like a ship tossed to and fro at the sea, being carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive. Ephesians 4:14. This is the sole reason why many are falling victims to the snares and pits of false miracles and false prophecies of the false prophets in this last days.

They run after prophets and seers for prophetic guidance which does not help them to be freed from sin. They cheat, lies, hating, envy, manipulative, deceptive, commit adultery, steal, murder and commit fornicaion, they are not to the prophet for confession and repentance to know the way out of their sins, but for false prosperity; success and victory in life. They encourages the false prophets by their desperation to know what the future holds for them – who their enemies are etc. Thus says the Lord of hosts, hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord. They say still unto them that despise me, the Lord hath said, you shall have peace; and they say unto every one that walketh after the imagination of his own heart, no evil shall come upon you. For who hath stood in the counsel of the Lord, and hath perceived and heard his word? who hath marked his word, and heard it? Jeremiah 23:16-18.

Many ignorant worshippers who seeks after God faslely assumes that if the false prophets are not of God, how are they able to perform such miracles? Or, how are they able to reveal so many true things about them? Such ignorant and misleading mental spiritual assumption and perception made many who would have been true worshippers of the living God to become victims of false prophets and are in unconscious spiritual captivity.

The difference between  the dramatic diabolical deliverance and genuine deliverance by the spirit of God is that the victim of the diabolical deliverance is not freed indeed, though, they can experience temporal relief, it is certain that their problem will re-occur because it’s by the power of Satan: if the miracle received is from annointing of the spirit of God, the beneficiary shall be freed from moral depravity and afflictions of Satan. John 5:14-15. John 8:36. Acts 10:38.

From immemorial, the power of Satan has been working miracles in the world (a) the wise men and the magicians of Egypt represented false prophets and we have such in the church today. Exodus 7:11: (b) during the period of Daniel at Babylon, the astrologers and sorcerers were the false prophets of his time and we have such today in the church. Daniel 2:2: (c) the vast number of the false prophets of Baalim amounted to eight hundred and fifty men altogether against Elijah alone at Mount Carmel shows us the presence of numerous false prophets today in the chruch. Elijah stood for God and defeated all the false prophets in the battle to prove who the true God is. 1 Kings 18: (d) during the time of Jesus on earth, the Jews cast out devils through Baalzebub who is the prince of demons. There are many in the church today who are also casting out demons by the power of Satan working miracles. Luke 11:19-20: (e) as the witch at Endor revealed Saul’s death through the power of Satan, even so are many false prophets speaking and giving accurate predictions and prophecies in the church today. 1 Samuel 28: 8-25.

Some of these men (prophets) and women (prophetesses) wear long garments to deceive and their doctrine and practices are of the demons. No matter how they try to hide their true identity, the spirit of God will expose them. You will know that something is wrong about them. Many of them are into homosexual practise and the women being lesbians. They are into secret sexual immorality unimaginable – they sexaully corrupts and defiles young girls and boys with money to buy their conscience and loyalty. Some of these sexual acts could be to renew their power with Satan while some sexual practices are as the result of the works of the unclean spirit, the seed of Satan in them- He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. 1 John 3:8-9.

The false prophets, apostles, pastors, evangelists and teachers are with Satan to turn people away from the right way of God. Acts 13:10. They do not have any relationship with God, they know not God; they are not of the truth, but are of Satan their father, they never speak the whole truth neither do they abide in the truth – For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15.

One of the sign to know a false prophet is when his prophecies failed, not are fulfilled. Deuteronomy 18:21-22.

Sometimes, the false prophets gives accurate and precise prophecies, but look into their lifestyle in general – it is ungodly and worldly: look into the lifestyles of their followers, more or less the same – a bad tree does not bear good fruit. They can speak false tongues given by demonic utterance, if you are not prayerful with discerning spirit, you cannot diffrenciate their speaking in tongues that it is not of God. They sees genuine visions and revelations through the power of a familiar spirit. Familiar spirit is a spirit that operates and manifests itself like the spirit of God, but it is of darkness, from the pit of hell – and when they shall say unto you, seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? Isaiah 8:19.

Another example of familiar spirit operation could be found from the book of the Acts of the Apostles chapter 16 verses 16-18 where a damsel possessed by phyton – serpentine spirit was being used as a fortune teller by her master for profit, even so are many fortune tellers in the church today. This is the end game of all the false miracles, visions and prophetic revelations of the false prophets – to make money from their victims and to defiled them by unclean spirit, just as the spirit of God will sanctify you if you come into contact and fellowship with him.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. We must ascribe gretaness to our God, not to Satan the fallen angel. Deuteronomy 32:3-4. Hebrews 13:8-9.

The false miracles or prophecies of the vast numbers of the false prophets and apostles, teachers, pastors and evangelists in the world today does not negate the presence and manifestations of the true miracles of the spirit of God from those ministers who will seek the face of God for his in this last days. The manifestations of false miracles and false prophecies, healing and deliverance is to remind us that genuine power belongs God. Psalms 62:11.

Few people shall be saved because of their misplaced priority. Many shall be allowed to be deceived through false prophecies and false miracles of the false prophets because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness – sin. 2 Thessalonians 2: 9-10.

Though, many false prophets shall arise with false miracles, signs and wonders, but it is also the days of the Lord’s power and his people shall also be willing to demonstrate the spirit and power of God. Psalms 110:3.

To deny the operation of the gifts of the spirit and the continue operation of the spirit of God in the church today through signs and wonders is to seek to nulify the defeat of Satan on the cross and to errorneously magnifying the power of darkness above the power of God  – is to seek to nulify the last promise of Christ given to the church as to what signs and wonder shall follow them that will believe in him. Mark 16:16-18.

With the false prophets, some of them are very philanthropy to cover up their evil tracks while they continue to increase their prey. Some of their good works are sacrifices required by Satan to renew their power and evil infleunce over their followers. The protocol to meet with the prophet is to pay certain fees of ammount before you canreceive the word of the Lord from the deceitful man. There is no spiritual assistance for prayer or any help, not for prophetic revelation, healing and deliverance you seek, nothing is freely given or received from the false prophets. Some  of them will ask you to pay certain sum of money that they might buy materials needed for the special spiritual works they will do for you. They are clever salesmen and women: you cannot escaped not to patronize and to buy their holy anointed water, handkerchiefs, holy anointed olive oil, wrist bracelet or any object made by them to keep with you as your point of faith or spiritual contact with the prophet for protection and favor. While the bible exhorts us to look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, the false prophet will ask you to keep his picture in your wallet or with you at home on the wall or a sticker of his portrait on your car or office.

God is pouring out his spirit upon all flesh before second coming of Christ for the church, so Satan as well is multiplying and empowering false prophets and apostles to perform lying wonders, signs and miracles in prepearation for the coming and introduction of anti-Christ on earth.

You should study the New Testament acts of Christ healing approach and method of casting out of demons by Christ through his word to discern the origin of the power and of the shameful practices and behaviors of the so-called lying prophets of God in the church today. Matthew 8:16.

Some of them will obliged you as by the word from the spirit of God (deception) to allow them to apply olive oil on your private part and breasts for healing and deliverance. False prophets and apostles uses enchantments, spells, divination, magic, voodoo, witchraft, occultism and other diabolical sources for power and ability to perform deceitful supernatural miracles, much more to dominate your spirit if you are not a genuine child of God. Don’t be deceived, it is not all supernatural manifestations are from God. They bring diabolical traditional practices into the church. They’ll instructs you to offer ram, goat, chicken, pig or whatever animal for sacrifices of cleansing or healing or for whatever. They’ll asked you to buy white, red, black or certain material for special prayers – they don’t get it, they are just out of the scripture, there is no light of God in them. Watch out for those with special ring on any of their fingers. Watch out for those with special chain or cross like chain on their necks. Watch out for those with special well of water for healing in their church ground. Watch out for those who demands that you should follow them to the river side for washing and purification by the prophet and to be healed and freed from evil spirit and bad luck. Watch out for those who ask you to buy candles of different colours for prayers.

Watch out for those that demands of you to burn incense while praying. They exercise strange authority and seek to impose revelations and false unbiblical practices on you to accept and believe as coming from God.

They read and consult the Holy Bible, but they interprete it falsely. They are the specialist in reading and using the book of Psalms for prayers to destroys your enemies. They are prophets of doom with no mercy, able and willing to help destroy the enemies of their victim and prey – you.

Let two or three prophets speak, let the rest judge. 1 Corinthians 14:29. 

God will not impose anything on you, but the false prophet will impose their false revelations, false instructions and false prophesy on you to accept as final; otherwise, they will threathens and intimidate you with unseen problems if you don’t do their biddings. Their prophecies can’t be judged or questioned, otherwise you’ll get cursed by provoking or challenging the words of the prophet – this is one of their evil fruits by which you will know them.

Sinners and ignorant believers in the word of God shall fall repeatedly under the spells of these ravenous wolves to be destroyed by them. They use prophetic manipulations to control lives, homes and to commit abominable atrocities in the name of God.

They are magnificent players and jokers, and one of the ways to steal your heart is to give you the accurate names of all the people in your family, both from your mother and father’s side ten generation past to gain your trust to believe them. They threatens to lay a curse on you if you ever leave their church or go out to speak evil what you see in their church outside. The only way to overcome the false prophets, apostles and evangelists, pastors and teachers is not to allow their authority, practices, lifestyle and teachings to deceive you if it is in opposition to the word of God or their authority and revelation be above the word of God, otherwise, you’ll find yourself to be blamed at the end: therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way. Psalms 119: 128.