Spiritual Brokenness

Come, and let us return unto the Lord: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth. Hosea 6:1-3.

Spir­i­tu­al ­bro­ken­ness is the place of com­plete con­se­cra­tion and sep­a­ra­tion from the world to the Lord. A place of increasing trans­for­ma­tion to Christ image and sub­mis­sion to God’s sov­er­eignty, where his will becomes a priotity. It is the place of total trust and accep­tance of his prov­i­dence, where any­thing worthy of con­sid­er­a­tion is the pur­suit after God, to accom­plish­ divine interests and pur­poses on earth as the Lord once said, I came down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of his that sent me and to finish his work.                           

In his life time, Moses was said to be the meekest of all men on earth, but his meekness wasn’t enough to spare him from the provocative trap of the Jewish people in the wilderness to sin against God. Increasing spiritual brokenness is known and seen through the fruit of increasing meekness of wisdon in our works, through yielding in joyful sub­jec­tion to the pur­poses and demands of God upon our spiritual life. The increase ripeness of the fruit of meekness is also shown through the level of personal peace from stress and anxiety from the exter­nal and inter­nal strug­gles in the life of a Christian. Meekness is a spiritual wisdom and capac­ity to resist pres­sures and oppo­si­tions against the word and will of God for a stress free life against the internal or external pressures of life. Has the Lord not called us to come to him, and to learn of him, for I am meek and lowly, and you shall find rest for your soul?

Spiritual Bro­ken­ness is the state (s) and stage (s) of believer’s spir­i­tual prepa­ra­tion in the wilder­ness (world) for his spir­i­tual land of Canaan – the heav­enly Jerusalem. Just as God took the chil­dren of Israel in the flesh out of the land of Egypt through the wilder­nesses as they were called the church in the wilderness (and it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, lest peradventure the people repent when they see war, and they return to Egypt: Exodus 13:17) to purge them from the mentality, blood, mind set and lifestyles of Egypt, in hope to prepare and make them fit, strong, and mature for the possession of the land of Canaan promised them, so Heavenly Father is leading the present dispensation of spir­i­tual Israel to go through the water and fire or furnace of afflic­tion before she got to his wealthy place of eter­nal abode. Isaiah 48:10.    

It is clear that God will not speak or give another word of instruction to anyone beyond their last act of obedient, for his spirit will not strive with man! The level or measure of your spiritual growth is determined by the progress you are making to bringing every thought into captivity in you to the obe­di­ence of Christ, for we must live by every word that is coming out from the mouth of God, which also determines how broken we have become through the breaking hammer of his word.

The present world becomes our wilderness of learning and suffering for Christ as we have chosen to come out of it. Galatians 4:1. Wilder­ness is the place to learn obe­di­ence by the things we suffer, just as our Lord learnt obe­di­ent by the things which he suffered while he was in the world. The humbled and obedients believers in Christ, who will not rebel, but remain under the rod of chastening for every children approved by God will pro­gres­sively advanced to the next wilder­ness level of expe­ri­ence and intimacy with God, but the rebels shall dwell in the dry place, to be wasted along the way to the Promised Land after the man­ner of the Israelis exam­ples. Exodus 14:3. Psalms 118:18. Hebrews 5:8.

Have we not been given all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of his who has called to glory and virtue? 2 Peter 1:3. Wilder­ness is the place of divers’ temp­ta­tion to grow increasingly, opportunity to add to godliness before we get to the glory of all the lands, the havenly. The present day believer’s wilderness is not the place to be closed up, shut in, overwhelmed, taken over, frustrated and wasted to die as prey as falsely assumed by the Israelis in the flesh. Hre we ahev no continue city, but we seek one to come – the present world is just the passage(s) where God is bringing out every one of his children to lead and bring them through different spiritual train­ings and developments into matu­rity and per­fec­tion in Christ Jesus, as the pattern and intents of Christ’s suf­fer­ing for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bring­ing many sons unto glory, to make the cap­tain of their sal­va­tion per­fect through suf­fer­ings. Hebrews 2:10.

It requires discipline, trainings and preparations to become champions and overcomers. If you bring a slave or thug out from slum straight to the palace to rule without proper and adequate trainings for the kingdom, he will destroy the kingdom, just like Hazael by drunkenness of power abused the use of it and God sworn nver to change his mind to punish and avenge him of his transgressions. 2 Kings 8:13. The earth cannot bears it, when a servant gets power to rule, the misconducts and abuses of power will be unspeakable. Proverbs 30:21-22. Note: as new born babes through the miracle of redemption wrought to translate us into the kingdom of his dear Son from the kingdom of darkness, spiritual growth is now a personal issue with God by givng all diligent to work out our salvation with fear and trembling through obedience. It is the reward of day and night of meditation in the word of God which can be seen through genuine changes and transformations because such will brings forth their fruits in its season and whatever they do shall prosper. Psalms 1: 1-3. Spritual growth can become rapid, that the last becomes first, depending on the kind of heart where the seed planted falls into, but it can not not be a sudden growth of an unwanted plant. It is not automatic without our desire and labour in the word of God, and increasing in practical obedience with a consistent prayerful life. 

Wilderness passage is a must for every traveller to the celestial abode of God, where they will pass through many tribulations for purging and cleansing from whatever is of Egypt, flesh and Satan – to wash and make their robes white in the blood of the Lamb before they enter the eternal Canaan of glory.

The believer’s passages through the wilderness are scheduled for seasonal changes of events with different experience(s) for growth. The dura­tion or pro­lon­ga­tion of each process is sometimes deter­mined by God and by the co-operation and sub­jec­tion of each one of us to ful­fil­ment and accom­plish­men divine will and pur­poses before advance and pro­gres­s to the next step (s) or stage (s) and experience(s) in this pilgrim’s jour­ney to our eternal spir­i­tual land of Canaan, the heav­enly Jerusalem.

God’s faithfulness and love will never fails, the wilderness experiences are meant to make us wise for heaven, depends only on God’s given strength, power by trsuting, living and standing on his promises to fulfill his purpose. Num­bers 14: 28-35.

Every wilder­ness (wilder­ness of Shur, Beer­sheba, Param, Sin, Sinai, Zin, Etham, Moab, Bezer, Bethaven, Judah, Ziph, Maon, Engedi, Gibeon, Dam­as­cus, Edom, Jeruel, Tekoa, and of Judea) of passage to the Promised Land is of a great sig­nif­i­cance with dif­fer­ent instruc­tions, expe­ri­ences, for­ma­tions, growth, lessons and tri­als for the Israelis; so is it in the lives of every present day believer that each sea­sons and stages of their lives paths through God’s prov­i­dences (Psalms 37:23) and eter­nal coun­sels has a par­tic­u­lar lesson(s) and experience (s) of eter­nal sig­nif­i­cance, fruit and effects to com­mu­ni­cate and to accom­plish in them an eter­nal and exceed­ing weight of glory. Deuteronomy 32:10. 2 Corinthi­ans 4:16-18.               

The Old Testament church could not enter into God’s rest because they were not broken, except Joshua and Caleb and the children of the rebels who made it to the promised land. Believer in Christ Jesus must be broken to subdue and overcome the flesh against its damnable works. They may use the world, but not to abuse it, except they are broken, they are likely going to be spotted with the world and be judged and condemned with the world.  James 1:27.

Without spiritual brokenness, how can we be dead to the world, its fading glory, dead to sin, cricified the flesh with its lusts and affection in Christ?  Now, there is yet another rest in God or with him for his people through spiritual brokenness to self-praise, self grat­i­fi­ca­tion, self-centredness, self aggran­dis­e­ment, self-esteem or praise, self seeking etc.

The for­ma­tion and process of bro­ken­ness can be a long process, while some believers may not attain unto it till they die because they will not crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts by which a complete spiritual brokeness can is attainable. Galatians 5:24.

The process of spir­i­tual bro­ken­ness is a life-long life style, even as Christ was obe­di­ent till the death on the cross to mea­sure the believer’s growth in the Spirit, and his dead­ness to the flesh, and to the world:  to break any unbro­ken parts left in him, even as the Lord wres­tled at Gethsemane against the flesh, but finally sub­mit­ himself to obey the Father’s will to drink the cup to die for us.

The com­plete­ness and per­fec­tion of that which God has begun in us depends on our readi­ness and will­ing­ness to keep yield­ing in different times and seasons sent from God to produce spiritual bro­kenness accord­ing to his, just as the Spirit of God led Christ into the wilder­ness to be tempted by the devil.

This is the Father’s goal, that believers in Christ Jesus be conformed to the like­ness of Christ’s death through practical knowledge of the fellowship of his suffering, and to attain to the res­ur­rec­tion from the dead, in prepa­ra­tion for the conformity to the like­ness of his glo­ri­ous resurrection and ressurrected body. Philippians 3:10.                                    

Spiritual brokenness brings forth Christ virtue from the power of the inner man. It’s beauty glows day by day through sub­jec­tion to the word of God, even as we are our inner man is renewed day by day to walk daily in the newness of life. The renewal of our mind is the process of trans­for­ma­tion wrought by the power of the writ­ten word which is mixed with faith in our hearts as we act upon the word to work the changes required in the new creature, being born again, not of cor­rupt­ible seed, but by incor­rupt­ible, by the word of God that lives and abides for­ever. 1 Peter 1:23.

The renewal of mind is made visible as the frame of our walk, showing the tes­ti­mony of Christ in us as his living testament or epistle that we are in the light, and the word of God is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ through the man­i­fes­ta­tions of the new man which after God is created in rightoeusness and true holiness. Ephesians 4:23.

Spir­i­tual bro­ken­ness is a divine method­ol­ogy in divine prov­i­dence to restore and to bring the wan­derer back to God from the land of the Ammonite and of the Moabite, to Beth­le­hem –Judah which was also the place of our Lord hum­ble begin­ning. There is no option left for any believer than to attach­ or give himself to the word of God: to hold on to divine promises, and to hope con­tin­u­ally in the mercy of God in a qui­eted spirit of res­ig­na­tion to the will of God. Ruth1: 1-8.    

Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near…..the ear­lier the bet­ter we come to the real­iza­tion of the neces­sity and impor­tance of a total sub­mis­sion or sub­jec­tion to the will of God, if we don’t want to wan­der around in the wilder­ness of life.

We should not hes­i­tate to do or ful­fil the will of God the moment we know or discover what it is, lest we become like the ser­vant that knew his master’s will, but pre­pare not him­self to do the same, and shall be beaten with many stripes, and shall be appointed to destruc­tion with the hyp­ocrites. Luke 12:42-48.

Laban was warned by God from sleep to stop pursuing after Jacob, and he obeyed. But king Pharaoh, though he witnessed God slew the firstborns of the Egyptians,  yet hard¬ened his heart to pursue the Israelis to the red sea, but he, and his soldiers, and their chariots of war are destroy by God. These should serve as a deterrent example to all believers and unbelievers alike, to resist or fight against the will of God in any of his people is a direct confronta-tion and assault against God they represents, but who can battle with the Lord of hosts?   

Search the scripture; no one has ever hard­ened him­self against God to pros­per! Job 9:4.

The end of hardness of heart against God is cap­tiv­ity, shame, defeat and total destruction without remedy:  today, if you hear his voice, do not hard­ens your heart. Proverbs 29:1.

It is fruit­less to fall under the same exam­ple of prophet Jonah who in his self-willed, arrogance and opin­ion­ated spirit against divine com­mis­sion to preach at Nin­eveh refused, but chose to go another way, but was force­fully made to sub­ject and resigned to the will of God, after spend­ing three days and nights of impris­on­ment in the whale’s belly……and the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the sec­ond time, say­ing, arise, go unto Nin­eveh, that great city, and preach unto it, the preach­ing that I bid thee. Jonah 3: 1-2. 

None can harden, run or hide from God, as the sweet Psalmist of Israel once said; where shall I go from your Spirit or flee from your pres­ence? If I ascend up to heaven, thou at there: if I make my bed in hell, behold thou art there. If I take the wings of the morn­ing, and dwell in the utter­most parts of the sea; even there shall your hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. If I say, surely dark­ness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me, yea, the dark­ness hides not from thee; but the night shines as the day; the dark­ness and the light are both alike to thee. Psalms 139:7-10.                  

Spiritual brokenness to the word and will of God is the only way out to become an overcomer, to be able to play lawfully in accordance to the rules of the kingdom for the crowns awaiting us in heaven. Under any situation or circumstance, your relationship with God shall be fruitful and stress– free and your meditation of him shall be sweet through joyful subjection  to his purposes, operations and works in your life. Your goods or blessings shall be safe, and you will be in safety in all tranquillity, if you subject yourself to the Father of spirits – you will live.

In heaven and on earth, everything submits to God. He is unquestionable in all things, and he is to be thankful for all things. We cannot resist God, but to submit to him: to keep doing and pur­suing after his pur­poses, faithfully occu­py­ing for his service and works, there is no best life on earth com­pa­ra­ble to this ( Luke 9:20-27): this is the true life’s ful­fil­ment, if we are able to sat­isfy and accom­plish God’s present plea­sure: to acknowledge his might, dominion, his over ruled will and power to turn things around in different seasons and times of life – but he is in one mind, and who can turn him? And what his soul desired, even that he doeth. For he performed the thing that is appointed for me: and many such things are with him. Job 23:13-14.                                                                          

With­out spir­i­tual bro­ken­ness, we become vulnerable to bear grudges, to keep mal­ice, to fight our batles by human strenght, to respond to the tales of the talebearers, be offended when­ever we are not appre­ci­ated, get hurt by mali­cious com­ments, instead of bear­ing it patiently, by turn­ing deaf ears (Psalms 38:13-15): for even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously. 1 Peter 2:21 -23.  

Those who have the knowledge of God will escape the devices of devil (a) they will not be offended in Christ, that is, they are not influenced, bothered or sickened by any of the evil –dissapointing behavioural reports from the church to allow any of these to stop or weaken them from walking uprightly (b) not becoming an offense to anyone, nor be offended by anything or anyone from the world. They know that the assembly of the church of Christ is a company of mixed multitudes of good and bad people, lying and genuine professors, sons and daughters of Satan who have mixed up with the sons and daughters of God, to commit iniquity, to blackmail the works of God, to slander and to cause divisions and offences.

The faithless and ungodly men accuses the church because they are offended, seeing and hearing the behaviours of the hypocritical professed believers, they lost faith in church and they chose to stay away from religion and to sit back at home. This is part of the negative impacts of unbroken lifestyles in the Lord against the sal­va­tion of oth­ers, by not displaying true Christlikeness; the name of the Lord is blasphemed through negative lifestyle. Ephessians 4:20.

The unbroken Christians will leave one church to another, not because it’s a bad church, but by their pride, they are offended in the church of God. What will they do about the annoyances nuissances in the world – how many country, state or province shall they run to in order to avoid offense or been offended? By the process of spiritual brokenness, God is remoulding us through different events in our spiritual and daily life, through the people we meet or work with, and by the things we are passing through in the world, all it require to pass every test is to trust in what God has begun, which he will accomplish in us, as the author and finisher of our faith: If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan? Jeremiah 12:5.         

The Israelis in the wilderness are not ready for any of God’s train­ings and dis­ci­pli­nary mea­sures for their spiritual transformation and growth to prepare them for the promised land: spiritual brokenness becomes an unattainable task and goal in their minds which is contrary to divine expectation abou them: they are not ready to walk in God’s way, though they wanted him to take them to the promised land.

Spir­i­tual bro­ken­ness is a process for spir­i­tual upbring­ing to grad­ual growth into matu­rity through trans­for­ma­tional walk with God from the wilder­ness to the promised land, but it turned out as a frus­trated, boring of repeated fail­ure on the part of the Israelites because they were not willing to change and be trans­for­med from glory to glory.

Sev­eral times did they grieved and provoked God for the con­flict of inter­ests in their relationship with him­: though he has saved and deliv­ered them from the hand of Pharaoh and from the bondage from Egypt, they were unwill­ingness to walk in God’s ways, and to ful­fil his plea­sures made him to abhor his own inheritance and called them as chil­dren in whom there is no faith. Deuteronomy 32:20.

The children of Israel loved to be called as God’s special people; to enjoy the benefits of salvation and the liberty from the oppression of slavery they had so long endured in the land of Egypt. If they are to serve God, they prefer to serve him in the ways and manners of their own making (Deuteronomy 32:16-18):  to serve and fulfill their own pleasure, rather than God’s will and pleasures: to keep their idols and ungodliness, holding the truth in unrighteousness, contrary to divine expectation and in opposition to divine standard of their holy and heavenly calling. Except Moses, to whom God show his ways, but all that the children of Israel want are God’s miracles of fish, meat garlic, honey etc. Psalms 107:3.

God’s objectives and purposes were to change them from inside – out, a change of spiritual identity and destiny. By the power of his word and the spirit they received while drinking from the Rock following them in the wilderness (1 Corinthians 10:4), God want to transform them into his divine nature and characters as his peculiar representatives amongst the nations – his kingdom of priests and holy nation, in contrast to what they had been in Egypt as slaves and idolaters: to integrate them into a new spiritual lifestyles, culture and worship different from the idolatrous worship and lifestyles they were accustomed to in the past from the land of Egypt.

During the forty days and nights of the Lord’s Jesus fasted in the days of his flesh, Satan pre­sented and offered the world before him in exchange for the worship and adoration of the tempter. The Lord resisted and insisted that God the Father alone should be worshipped against the request and ado­ra­tion of Satan in exchange for worldly bless­ings and glory. What shall it profit any man, if he gain the world, but loses his soul? What shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Believers in Christ Jesus should desist from every attractive, unrealsitic and ungodly offers the world is presenting, lest the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches and the lusts of other things should choke the word of life out of them, and to rob them of eternal life: to resist every unjust appeals for a place in the worldly or for material affluent or possession against the care of their spiritual life — to desist from all unbiblical life-style in their pursuit, worship and walk with God:  to serve him truthfully and purely in spirit in the simplicity that is in Christ Jesus: the life is more than meat, and body is more than cloth.

Whatever the world’s offer will come with sorrow, never in any way in com­pa­rison to the present and eternal promises we have in Christ – the bet­ter and endur­ing sub­stance prepared for us in heaven. God’s blessings makes rich without sorrow. We should keep our hearts closely in the way, to fol­low after the cloud of wit­nesses before us, some of whom were stoned and were sawn asun­der, tempted and were slain with the sword: they wan­dered about in sheep­skins and goatskins; being des­ti­tute, afflicted, tor­mented; of whom the world was not wor­thy: they wan­dered in deserts, and in moun­tains, and in dens and caves of the earth. God having provided some bet­ter thing for us, that without us should not be made perfect – for you have need of patience that after you have done the will of God, you might receive the promise. Hebrews 11: 36-40.                                                      

How many of the present day believers, who have been washed and cleansed by the blood of Jesus and saved by his grace are living their spiritual lives as if they are still in the world today? How many are living as if they are still in the darkness, and were never sometimes darkness to now walk as children of light? They would rather say unto God, take me just as I am, accept and leave me just as I am, and be happy for me the way I am, and let me live my life as pleasing and pleasurable to me. Though they were saved for a change to walk in newness of life, they refused to change, thereby frustrating the grace and have received it in vain.                                                                                             

On countless times, God by his longsuffering and forbearance pitied his people to turn away his wrath from destroying them for thir sins for his name’s sake: but the way of transgressor is hard (Proverbs 13:15), they have ears, but heard not; eyes, but they see not; and heart, but they perceived, so he moved to destroyed them. 1 Corinthians 10:5.

They breached divine promise of the promised land by their rebellious attitudes, and were made to wander for forty years in the wilderness, wasted and perished on their way to the land of Canaan. Except Caleb and Joshua, the two men from the old generation, it was another generation of children born in the wilderness, which did not witness the great acts of God from Egypt, were privileged to enter into the land of Canaan. Note: those that are in the church and would not have them taught by God to be purged and changed from the culture, mentality, conversation and the system of this world, that they may shine as lights in the world, and to live diffrently from the corruption that is in the world through lusts, shall soon be visited and perished with the people of the world — deliver thyself O Zion, that dwells with the daughters of Babylon (Zachariah 2:7) – as for such as turn aside unto their crooked ways, the Lord will banish them with the workers of iniquity. Psalms 125:5.

If we set apart our ego to go through spiritual brokenness, it is a divine process of adaptation by which we can trully do all things through Christ that gives us strenght, just as God is requiring the believers to become like a weaned child, quieted and calm under his mother’s care. It is the only means to enter into the present rest of God — for he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Hebrews 4:9 -11.

The present rest of God is in returning in quietness the from the cares, faithlessness and anxieties of life; to submit to God’s time, will and plans in exchange for his perfect peace which surpasses the understanding of man – to cease from car¬nal stnrehgt by which no man shall prevail, and from earthly wisdom which is foolishness before him: did you see a man wise in his own eyes, there is more hope of a fool than of him. Proverbs 10:29.   Isa¬iah 30:15-18.

The unbroken Christians are like the unfruitful branch in the vine, the prunning work of the husbandmen is in vain in them. They stumble by the word of God, unstable in it and unrooted and ungrounded in faith and love of God. Spiritual brokenness is the only way to abide and to be fruitful and to bear increasing fruit in the vine – Christ. The measure of believer’s spiritual brokenness is known by the increasing measure of the fulness of Christ in his life: if he is abiding continually in Christ, it is manisfested by the growth and maturity of the fruit of the Spirit to demonstrate how he is dying daily to the flesh and to the world around him.

Job’s wife was caught by surpised by the calamities and sudden unexpected physical, materials and finacial losses the enemy inflicted upon her entire household. Evidently, she was highly disappointed and offended in God as she became bitter and dejected for the bereavement of her children, saddened by the terrible successive incidents of misfortunes, wastings and destructions against her household. She kept bitter and wrongful thoughts about God and spoke madly against him.

She was defiant of God, unbroken in the spirit, but discouraged and broken morally and mentally for the reason of loosing material blessings and earthly possessions. She thrown away the love, honour, respect and reverence she’s been showing to God in the past, motivated by the profits and interest she’s been receiving and enjoying from God, those insincere love and dignity for God were instantly withdrawn and disappeared into thin air when the benefits are withdrawn, destroyed and lost. She was hardened in heart and made efforts to corrupt and to turn the heart of her husband away to fight and accuse God for their misfortunes, but Jow was not like her – this is how it always been when men are not truly broken before God from the inside out.

God is wise to cre­ate the days of pros­per­ity as well as the days of adver­sity, to show us our true char­ac­ter, the strength of it, and the nature of our heart and love in rela­tions to him and man.

Apart from Job, God could not bring out the intended purpose of his providence from the life of his wife as she became fretted and frustrated in her spiritual life in defiant and resis-tance against God. She would rather charged God with folly, unfairness, wickedness and unjust in his dealings, than to be truly humbled by the situation and be made wiser by divine providence designed to glorify God, to work out the counsels of divine eternal purposes in her life and in her entire family for a better and glorious end.  

As time and days passes by, she became increas­ingly hate­ful, rebel­lious and self –jus­ti­fied against God. She would rather curse God to his face and die, than to bow in wor­ship­ful rev­er­ence to the will and prov­i­dence of God, the Most High…..then said his wife unto him, dost thou still retain thine integrity? Curse God, and die. But he said unto her, thou speak as one of the fool­ish women speaketh. What? Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job sin with his lips! Job 2: 9 -10.

We should count it all joy when we fall into diver’s temptations (James 1:2-3), but some Christians are like Job’s wife whenever they are going through troubles, adverse situations and difficulties in life. They manifest and speak unbelief from the emptiness of their evil hearts; discontent and fret against God in self-righteous thoughts and expressions such as I do not deserve this or that. They contest against the King against whom there is no rising us (Proverbs 30:29-31), instead of submission to divine dealings, ignorance or self willed against the sovereignty and irresistible and incontestable will, works and purposes of God, who does not give account of any of his doings, they pridely seek to do the impossible – to dispute with him that is mightier than they. Ecclesiastes 6:10. Why dost thou strive against him? For he giveth not account of any of his matters! Job 33:13.

You can humbly go on fast of repentance or whatever reason, but there is nothing like a hunger strike against God. There should be no murnuring, disputing, complaining, grudging or objection against the Most High, he does not afflict will­ingly, nei­ther tempted he any­one with evil. Car­nal believer are known to be will­ingly hard­en­ing and resist­ing every ways and deal­ings of God to bring them closer to him in rela­tion­ship and expe­ri­ences for their growth and fruit­ful­ness, but we have had fathers of our flesh which cor­rected us, and we give them rev­er­ence: shall we not much rather be in sub­jec­tion unto the Father of the spir­its, and live? Hebrews 12: 9.

We should give and yield ourself increasingly unto God, uninterrupted and uninfluenced by anything or anyone in our walk with God and loyalty to him if we want him to continue working in us, both to will and to do according to his good pleasure in our life. Spiritual brokenness is a stage and state of spiritual beauty and attitude found and seen in the straight gate and narrow way travellers to heaven, for the wide gate and the broad way seekers and worshippers walk in their own ways, not in the old paths designed by God. Jeremaiah 6:16.                  

Spiritual brokenness is an essential and attainable divine goal set before every one of us in the kingdom of God; to determine spiritual growth and measure of usefulness of each in the kingdom of God. The duration of our walk and relationship with God on earth ought to cover the time for the transformation required on earth for full growth for Christ to be formed in us through brokenness (Galatians 4:19), except the corn of wheat, which falls to the ground, do not really die. 

Spir­i­tual brokenness is a process to matu­rity and per­fec­tion of the for­ma­tion of Christ – to whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gen­tiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: whom we preach, warn­ing every man, and teach­ing every man in all wis­dom; that we may present every man per­fect in Christ Jesus. Colos­sians 1:27-28.

Without spiritual brokenness, the believer cannot represent Christ as the true epistle well known and read by all men. 2 Corinthians 3:3. Believer’s continuation in Christ, his spiritual growth and fruitfulness, rest sorely on the decision and operation of God, which are determined by evaluation of approved or disapproved of his conducts, walk and life in Christ the vine, to spare the branch, or to cut it off from the vine. John 15:1-6.

By his word and through our prayers, God works to break the stones in our hearts, and to soften and make it entirely the heart of flesh. His love and mercy will break every stronghold of pride to bring to replace it with the meek heart of Christ in us. He will break the hardness to remove unbelief from it that we may trust him and not men, his might and not ours through the different situations, trials and circumstances, and then shall we say, Lord thou wilt ordain peace for us: for thou also hast wrought all our works in us. O Lord our God, other lords beside thee have had dominion over us: but by thee only will we make mention of thy name. Isaiah 26:12-13.

Through spiritual brokenness, we become men and women labourious to portray Christ in our daily conversation in the full knowledge and understanding of the scriptures. We are sorrowful, grieved, trully regretable, and penitent whenever there is any shortcomings in our representation of him, but are determined to improve better and better, day by day, even to be more like Christ – he that said he abides in him ought himself also so (progressively) to walk, even as he walked. 1 John 2:6.

Self– periodic spiritual cross examination is important for a believer in his spiritual life and in his present walk with God against complacent spirit, not to rely on any past success, until he actually run to the end to apprehend that for which also he is appre¬hended of Christ Jesus. If he passes the test of self– evaluation and examination through the positive witness of the in-dwelling Holy Spirit and the from the light of the word of God, he shall not be found reprobate or wanting: there-fore, whether he live or die, he is acceptable unto the Lord, for such live indeed unto God and they shall die unto him.

The world’s biases and jealous opinions of wrong and false judgement of him are not his to worry about (Luke 6:26), his sufficiency is of the Lord, his praise and commendation are not of man, but of the Lord. Reprobation is the fruit and reward of a carnal lifestyle of a fruitless spiritual life before God. Without the believer’s constant walk in the spirit to abide in the vine, he shall be found fruitless: First, in the fruit of the Spirit which is the beauty and nature of the new man: second, in the fruit of righteousness which is the effect that such lifestyle should have on the onlookers and the hearers for their salvation through his shinning light and positive influence to win souls for the Lord –he that win souls is wise. Proverbs 11:30.

Believer should be thankful always, and watch­ful to resist evil thoughts, ideas and lies coming from the enemy against the good­ness, faithfulness and tender mercies and the unfail­ing love of God in any sea­son of his life, either good or bad, sick­ness or health, pros­per­ity or poverty; to be in sub­jec­tion to God all the days of his life on earth – I know it is so of a truth: but how should man be just with God? If he will con­tend with him, he can­not answer him one of a thou­sand. He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength: who hath hard­ened him­self against him, and hath pros­pered? Job 9:2-4.

God orders the paths of his saints, they should submit to him in various dealings of divine chastening and corrections for spiritual brokenness, otherwise, they will learn spritual and other lessons of life in a hard and more difficult way which can prolong their walk and stay in the wilderness after the same example of the Israelis waywardness and unyielding spirits in the wilderness, going around the same cycle of life for forty good years. The believer must be flexible to be broken and remoulded until it is suited according to the pleasure and purpose of God. It is not only foolish, but also useless and needless for the clay – man to question the wisdom of God or to resist the skilfulness, might and the right of the potter to fashion his lump or clay according to his own good pleasure – woe unto him that strive with his maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherd of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioned it, what makes thou? Or thy work, he hath no hands? Isaiah 45:9.                                                   

The spiritual life will become easier while hunger and thirstiness after God will increase if we come to the full understanding in acceptance that whatever our lot and experiences, they are God’s sent, absolutely and divinely allowed for our utmost good — the sovereign God has allowed, performed or commanded the events so to be- but God is one mind, and who can turn him? And what his soul desires, even that he doeth. For he performs the things that is appointed for me; and many such things are with him. Therefore am I troubled at his presence: when I consider, I am afraid of him. For God makes my heart soft (brokenness) and the Almighty troubles me. Job 23:14-16.

Our Lord Christ Jesus came into the world in the brokenness of spirit and of a contrite heart, for God has laid our iniquitues on him. Jesus came into this world in the form of the slain Lamb of God before the foaundation of the world, which took away the sins of the whole world (Revelation 13:8), with no form or comeliness; and when we see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. Isaiah 53:2.  

For the lowly character our Lord wore into the world, the low condition he submitted himself in the world, whose person the Jews prejudiced against, came into the world contrary to their expectetions, born to a very low class of family (John 7:27), were errorneous in their ideas formed of Christ in their carnal, worldly and political expectations of him, erred, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.                                                                                   

None shall have part in Christ if they do not learn to live and walk daily in humil­ity by his exam­ple to let Christ wash their feet,  to break and free them from the chain of pride, that they may be of humble service to bend down, and to wash other’s feet in a vol­un­tary and joy­ful ser­vice unto the Lord. John 13:53-56.

Unless you be converted, and bcomes as little children, you cannot enter into the kingdom of God (Matthew 18:3): this speaks of individual’s willing tender heart to learn as little children which cannot be found in anyone who thinks he knows something, when he knows nothing. The kingdom of heaven is not for the wise and prudent of this world, for so it pleased the Father to reveals the mys­ter­ies of the king­dom to babes, and to hide them from the wise and pru­dent of this world. Mattew 11:25-30.                                                                                                                             

The pride of life was the spirit and instru­ment employed by Satan in the Gar­den of Eden to insti­gate the first man and woman to revolt against God in their quest to be inde­pen­dent of him and to be like the Most High –your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be like God, know­ing evil and good. These were Satan’s earnest pre­sen­ta­tion of advantanges presented before them an pressed upon them.

Adam and Eve fell for Satan’s deception in defi­ance against God’s word which was the offence and the con­se­quence of their expul­sion from the beau­ti­ful Gar­den of Eden — the result of spir­i­tual death (soulish sep­a­ra­tion from God — dead in sins and tres­passes), of judgement of  phys­i­cal death (sep­a­ra­tion of spirit from body at the last breath of man on earth), and of the sec­ond death – eter­nal damnation in hell fire pre­pared for the devil, his angels or demons and the unsaved.                                                                                                     

Adam and Eve were already made in the likeness and image of God, but the false pride to become equal with God in authority and knowledge begot the rebellion and disobedient in the garden, the same sin that caused devil’s fall from heaven (Isaiah 14:14), but to whom shall God be made equalled? Isaiah 40:25.

Pride was the weapon wielded by the enemy to cause the fall of Adam and Eve from the grace of God, to sell the entire human’s race, inheritance, power and glory to Satan. In the reverse of history and fortune, Jesus Christ as the second Adam, through his humility and submission to the will of God, reclaim the lost inheritance back from the Devil’s possession for man’s restoration back to God’s original purpose and intents, but only in him, if you are bonr again (John 3:3): therefore, anyone  whose desire is to possess and retain all that Christ has purchased and restored through his death and ressurrection, must be humbled and submissive to God, just the same way our Lord was obedient to the Father’s will till the end.

Pride is evil. It is sinful before God. He will not do or give anything for man that may cause pride in him. He will not help proudoers, but will rebuke the proud because they are cursed, having erred from his word. Psalms 119:21.

If anyone exalt himself for whatever reason, he shall be humbled by God, even as Adonijah exalted himself and said, I will be king, but God deterred him from the throne, and he never ascend to sit on it, though it was his right, by birth and inheritance – whosoever exalt himself, shall be abased and whosoever abase himself shall be exalted.  

Satan was the first sinner in heaven and and on earth. His first sin on earth was his twist to add and remove from the word of God – a liar. Pride and lusts were the first and second sin in heaven. His became arrogant as the result of his beauty and other attributes gave birth to lust and coveteousness to contend for the throne of God in the battle he lost. He injected the same pride and lust into Adam and Eve, suggested they will be as God, knowing good and evil, so they saw the fruit from different perspective to be good and desirable to make one wise, contrary God’s.

Pride was the iniq­uity that defiled and dis­qual­i­fied Devil from heaven: once per­fect in all his ways and works, until the day iniq­uity was found in him: pride goes destruc­tion and a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18.                                                                                                                                      

In God’s constitution, system of divine government in heaven or on earth, for the code of conducts, and conditions of relationship, and every other things, pride will is ruled out as the occasion or ladder of promotion for the rise of any on earth. It aslo will hinder the admittance of anyone to heaven because it defiles the heart and the entire man. Mark 7:20-23.

God resist the proud. In God’s king­dom, it is forbiden to be proud of your­self, for you are not your own, you are brought with a price – the blood of the Lamb. You can only thank God through Jesus for what he is doing through you – his enablements. 1 Timothy 1:12.

You should not become arrogant or stop being one for what the Lord is doing through you or using you to fulfil his word. The axe shall not boast itself against him that heweth therewith? Or the saw magnify itself against him that shaketh it? As if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it up, or as if the staff should lift up itself, as if it were no wood. Isaiah 10:15. Note: gifted and annointed spiritually broken believers understands better that familiarity with God never breed contempt, not before God, and not to disdain anyone. Their gifts and knowledge of God becomes a responsibility to make Christ known in the manners they comport before others, serving relentlessly in all meekness and lowliness of mind for the edification of those they are called to serve, the evidence of their consecration, spiritual fruitfulness and personal growth – you are witnesses, and God also, how holily and justly and unblameably we behaved ourselves among you that believe. 1 Thesssalonians 2:10.                                                                                                                                             

The enemy will use any unbroken part in man against him, thereofore; complete spiritual brokeness is required of us. The more we know about God, the better we ought to live for the Lord in all temperance and good conversations before others. This was Moses error, which was indirectly influenced by Satan, as the people moved him to anger, got the better part of him, he failed to sanctify God before the Israelis at the water of strife (Meribah), and the Lord punished and deprived him of his right to enter the land of Canaan.

The Lord forgave, but punished him in measure, restricted him from entering into the Promised Land. For what reason or purpose should Satan once again contended against the body of Moses from Michael the arc angel, after the Lord has delivered his body to destruction of the flesh, that his soul might be saved? Note: let it be known to us that in spiritual warfare and pilgrim journey, there are some that will die prematurely to make heaven like Moses died, lest they should be condemned with the world (1 Corinthians 11:32): the righteous man perishes, and no man takes it to heart; and devout men are taken away, while no one understands. For the righteous man is taken away from evil, he shall enter into peace: they shall rest in their beds, each one walking in his uprightness. Isaiah 57:1-2. 

After the death of Moses, God hid and buried him in an unknown location from the sight of the Israelis, lest they should idolize him to procure divine wrath on themselves as idolatress. None on earth, dead or alive should be your hero, not Mary, the mother of Jesus, only Jesus Christ that died for us and rose again, who is now seated at the right hand of God in heaven, interceding for us. No man should be idolized as god for whatever reason or achivement on earth, than to be thankful unto God for the roles they’ve played to fulfil his will in the history of humanity: as it is written; let no man glory in men, for all things are yours; whether Paul or Apollo, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present or things to come; all are yours; and ye are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s: as it is writ-ten, let him that glory, glory in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 3: 21-23.                                                                                                             

They that observe lying vanities, forsake their own mercy – in the kingdom of God, the believer is called upon to apply the principle of self– mortification in the place of self-glorification or exaltation, to abandon or crucify his self-worth as one who now lives for Christ and Christ in him, for every man at his best state is in the flesh is altogether vanity. Psalms 39:5. Surely men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree are a lie: to be laid in the balance, they are altogether lighter than vanity (Psalms 62: 9): and the voice said, cry, and he said, what shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field. The grass withered; the flower faded; because the spirit of the Lord blows upon it: surely the people is grass. The grass withered, the flower fades; but the word of our God shall stand forever. Isa­iah 40: 6 – 8.

Pride was the weapon and the spirit employed by Satan when he stood up against Israel and pro­voked David to num­ber them. As for consequential judge­ment, God sent an angel of destruc­tion to cut off many peo­ple from the land for three days because of the haugh­ti­ness of David’s heart in his curiosity and pride for the cen­sured of the inhab­i­tants of the land to adver­tise his great­ness and the domin­ion of the king­dom given by God– surely one sin­ner destroy much goods. 1 Chron­i­cles 21:1.                                                                                              

King Hezekiah reasonably served God with uprightness of heart and was justly spared from untimely death: but God found him guilty and punished him for his pridely show afterward. Pride was the cause and rea­son for the pun­ish­ment that robbed King Hezekiah of his wealth to be car­ried away to Baby­lon, his sons and daugh­ters were made as ser­vants to the for­eign king for the pomposity and pub­lic show of his wealth in the pre­sen­ta­tion he made (vain show or vain­glory) for the increase and abun­dance of his riches before the rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the king of Baby­lon, after he was divinely and mirac­u­lously recov­ered from his sickness. Isa­iah 39.

For those God loves, the heavenly Father hates to see pride in whatever quantity or measure in them. He will not tolerate any trace (s) of an arrogant spirit in any area of their lives (walk, look, talk and acts), but will deal with them one after the other in his own way, until all their earthly confidence and reliance on the pride of Egypt and on any self- conceived strenght and ability are all done away.    

Certainly, the all seeing eyes of God saw something he wisely dealth with in the life of Job without the awareness of Satan. Is it not a prideful attitude if anyone of us darkens counsel (questioning God’s authority and wisdom) by words without knowledge? Job 38:2.

If we are not ready and willing to submit before God in humility in every respect, the Lord will break tore and make us over and over again from pride, move us away from the ostentatious characters that would make us conceited and be spotted with the world in its pride, to keep us from falling, and to present us fautless before the presence of his glory with exceeding  joy – I was at ease, but he hath also broken me asunder: he hath also taken me by the neck, and shaken me to pieces, and set me up for his mark. His archers (arrows) com¬pass me round about, he cleaveth my reins asunder, and doth not spare; he poureth out my gall upon the ground. He breaketh me with breach upon breach, he runneth upon me like a giant. Job 16:12-17.

The banishment of Satan’s fall caused by his pride from heaven shall be the fall of any man on earth, given enough reason for God to deny his admittance or entrance into his high and holy place where he dwells with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit – God resist the proud for every reason.

The condemnation and punishment of Satan’s sin of pride from heaven shall be visited upon any believer on earth who will not be clothed with humility that he might walk humbly before God: to think highly of himself and be pursuing what is too high for him outside the will of God (Psalms 131:1): every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to Jehovah, hand join in hand, the proud shall not go unpunished. Proverbs 16:5.

Have you seen a prideful man or woman of God, what you are seeing is the devil in display The arrogant in the church can be happy for the present, but their joy is short lived. The punishment of Adam’s expul­sion from the pres­ence of God shall repeatedly be vis­ited against the man who has looked elsewhere for false knowledge, failed to learn from Christ, who is meek and lowly in heart, that they might find rest for their soul.                                                                                               

If God is resist the proud person, why would he at the same time back him up? This is Impossible. True servants of God are humble men and women. Man’s pride will stir up God against him, and hinder the free flow, and restraint the move and manifestation of his Spirit in the church, and in his servants and children ……yea, the fir trees rejoice at thee, and the cedars of Lebanon, say­ing, since thou art laid down, no feller is come up against us. Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy com­ing: it stir­reth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations. All they shall speak and say unto thee, art thou also become weak as we? Art thou become like unto us? Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morn­ing! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the con­gre­ga­tion, in the sides of the north:I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. Isa­iah 14: 8-14.

The fools forget that their formation and making was from the dust of the earth, they deal proudly with others while they live, and walk arrogantly on it. Because pride is fatal and contagious, the bible warns it is better to be a humble man in the company of the poor, than to share the spoils of war with the proud.  Proverbs 16:19.

Christ took on the form of a servant: meek and lowly. It is our call, to be likemided as Christ, to become servant to all in all meekness and lowliness. Think of how some Christians are tarnishing and destroying the true image of Christ through their pride, not considering the cost of the damages this single act is causing the kingdom of God? God resist the proud, true children of God should have no respect for the proud. The Lord will bless them that have no regard for the proud and shall pro­mote them over the haughty hearts and proud look in such a way that lowly Morde­cai was promoted over the proud Haman – blessed is the man that makes the Lord his trust, and respected not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lie. Esther. 3:1- 6. Psalms 40:4.  

The Lord shall destroy the house of the proud, but will estab­lish the bor­der of the widow. Proverbs 15:25. If we are saved by undeserved and unmer­ited favour of God and have come to God through the cross of Christ, where is then the personal boast­ing or any personal merit of claim?

Pride stands in oppo­si­tion to believer’s peace, honour and favour before God. It stands in opposistion to spiritual growth, hampering use­ful­ness and effec­tive­ness in the hand of God. This is one of the reasons God put a strong restriction on young converts to protect them con-vert (calendar age is not considerable and his spiritual ability and gifts, though indisputable is not the power to enter into the ministry sundenly) from presiding over the affairs of the church; to stand up to preach as a pastor without proper trainings, disciplines and spiritual experiences and testimonies in godliness, humility and subjection, first under a leader, teacher, tutor and spiritual supervi-sor as requirement before entering into the ministry – not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of devil. 1Timothy 3:6. 

For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, Nor from the south. But God is the judge: He putteth down one – the proud, and setteth up another – the humble.. Psalms 75:6-7. God’s principles which effectuate the operations and multiplication of divine grace strictly disallow and condemns pride, arrogance, haughty hearts, high look, proud tongues and talks, haughty eyes, haughty walk, showy spirit, (pompous, gaudy and ostentatious) and boastings in all its manifestations in the kingdom of God.                   

From the commencement of our conversion into the kingdom of God, till the end of our life and pilgrim journey on earth, it is strictly required of any believer to grow in grace through humility of body, mind, soul, thoughts and spirit. He is saved by grace and must live constantly daily by grace. He should grow in grace, but this growth in grace depends on his conscious – daily hum¬ble walk through the fruit of the spirit. Those who will go into deeper places with God in his secret place must be willing to remain as little children just as they’ve come into the kingdom in a teachable heart, lest they become complacent, self deceived and destroyed by pride.

Humil­ity is the beauty of the heart, an orna­ment of a meek and quiet spirit, which is of a great price in the sight of God. Those that have the true grace of God are hum­bled in their estate, doing nothing through strife or vainglory, , but in low­li­ness of mind, esteem oth­ers bet­ter than themselves.

Humility in the kingdom is a necessity and obligation of divine requirement of an acceptable walk before God: wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the high God? Shall I come before him with burnt offer­ings, with calves of a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thou­sands of rams, or with ten thou­sands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my first­born for my trans­gres­sion, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He hath showed thee, O man, what is good: and what the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6: 6 – 8.                        

The spiritually broken Christians are flexible in godly simplicity; they operate and function according to the measure of grace and faith received without any complain for the little or much work committed to them. They don’t compete with anyone or compare in pride with others, but in the meekness of wisdom, absence of envy and strife (James 3:13-16), they undertake for the Lord Jesus without blowing any trumpet for recognition, but their good works are known and seen by all, it cannot be hid.

They are not slothful nor sad for the reason of what they do not have (the proud servant in the parable of talents, who for his reason of just one pound received from his master, thought he deserves more like others by comparison: instead of working to and improve what he received, he went and hid his Lord’s money on the ground) and they do whatever their hands find to do with all their might in humility before the Lord. 

Is this not the beauty of their salvation? For God shall save them, and beautify the meek with his salvation. Zephaniah 2:3. The spiritually broken believer in the Lord can a medical practioner, lawyer, judge or whatever proffession in the secular world, but in the church, he can be the regular brother or sister who welcomes and put the worshippers where they should be seated, they seek to honour other above themselves, and considers others better than themselves. Romans 12:10.

Believer’s fel­low­ship and rela­tion­ship with each another should never be intim­i­dat­ing, over­bear­ing, bul­ly­ing and forcible and dom­i­neer­ing for what­ever spir­i­tual gift or any social or financial gap and advan­tage anyone seems to have above oth­ers. Believ­ers are called to sub­mit one to another in the fear of God – love is not proud.

Humility is not a weakness, but power. The greater you are filled with the spirit, the humble you will become. The humble see clearly where they are going, but the proud does not know anything about their sudden falls and debasement from God. Humility is a spiritual power for service; those who lack it are weak and empty: to serve others in humbleness of heart is duty for our Christ, neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being examples to the flocks. And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away. 1 Peter 5:3-4.

Those who are serving God presently in humility shall be exalted to serve him throughout all eternity (Acts 20:19), but the proud servants and children of God shall be rejected and condemned with Satan. God is not unrighteous to forget any work of faith and labour of love in ministering to his people. We should be joyful and thankful before the Lord for the gifts and and honour bestowed to serve now in preparation to serve him aftermath in eternity, if we do it humbly and faithfully to the end: and his servants shall serve him, and they shall see his face: and his name shall be on their foreheads. And there shall be no more night there; and they shall need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God gives them light; and they shall reign forever. Revelation 22:3.

Just as arrogant and ignorant James and John saw a man who was casting out demons in the authority of Jesus name forbid him, but were rebuked by the Lord never to do such thing again, the arrogant believers in Christ will hinder or stop the Lord’s work in the life of anyone which they think stands in opposition to their personal praise, honour and vain glory: but the humble brethren will seek to promote and give room for anyone who is gifted beyond them to minister the grace and gifts of God to edify the saints. In the kingdom of God, love seeks not her own – it is not selfish; rather, it seeks to promote the well being of others and of the Lord’s interest and purpose in his church. It is sinful to stand in opposition to obstruct the purposes of God to depreciate any or disparage others because of their gifts – and when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship; and that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision. Acts18:26. Romans 13:10. Galatians 2:9.     

God remembered us in our low estate, what have we become in the place of honour, authority and power? We must pray for grace to stay humble till the end. The unbroken – arrogant believers in the Lord are in comparison in character and nature to the husband of Abigail, NabaI, a man that a man cannot speak to,  churlish, unreasonable and conceited: better is a poor and a wise child, than an old and foolish king, who will no more be admonished. His first is Mr. Right and his second name is No objection. 1 Samuel 25:17. Ecclesiastes 4:13.  

All must be purged from any slight man­i­fes­ta­tion, pol­lu­tion and defile­ment of the spirit of pride in com­plete bro­ken­ness for the king­dom work here on earth and readi­ness for the glo­ri­ous habi­ta­tion and king­dom and abode of God that is high and lofty, and shall say, cast up, cast ye up, pre­pare the way, take up the stum­bling block (pride) out of the way of my peo­ple. Thus says the high and lofty One that inhab­its eter­nity, whose name is Holy, I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a con­trite and hum­ble spirit, to revive the spirit of the hum­ble, and to revive the heart of the con­trite ones. Isa­iah 57:15.