The danger of the sin of talkativeness – the evidence of a sick, corrupt and perverse heart and tongue.

He that hath knowledge spares his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit. Even a fool, when he holds his peace, is counted wise: and he that shuts his lips is esteemed a man of understanding. Proverbs 17: 27-28.

Be it spiritually or physical – verbal talkativeness, it is not good, but it’s evil and sinful. Should not the multitude of words be answered? and should a man full of talk be justified? Job 11:2. Whether in the secret or open communion of worship with God, Christ warns that it is not by your much talk your prayers shall be answered – do not be a prayer talkative to make vain repetition (Matthew 6:7): keep thy foot when thou go to the house of God, and be more ready to hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools: for they consider not that they do evil. Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not your heart be hasty to utter anything before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few. For a dream cometh through the multitude of business; and a fool’s voice is known by multitude of words. Ecclesiastes 5:1-3.

God is the eternal word, but not a talkative Father. He is will not always chide: slow to speak, so he guards his silence when a wicked man devours a man more righteous than himself. Habakkuk 1:13. He speaks once or twice; his spirit will never strive with any man. His voice is much heard in silence, in a small still voice, than the cry of him that rules among fools. The prophetic prophecy about Christ was about a man in whose mouth there is no reproof, a dumb ass, a man that talk less. Was this not true when he spoke to the Jews that his doctrines are not his word, but of his Father who teaches him what to say and do? For this reason, it was difficult for the Jews to use Christ own word to falsely accuse him, even before Herod, his declaration was that I speak in public, not in secret unlike a gossiper.

When Jesus was on earth, he heals the sick, the blind and lame: to the deaf, he gave hearing ears, but to them all he commanded the recipients not to make any noise of his miracles. Not so with the talkative that will praise himself and blow the trumpet of his good works that all may hear and see for self praise.

Like the haughty and talkative Satan, talkative believers can sometimes be arrogant as well to sing their own praises and publicize their glory against the scripture. Not only this, they will exaggerate testimonies or give a false one. It is only an empty barrel that make the most noise, but men of grace and power are not talkative, nor do they sing their praises and worth (let another man praise thee, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips. Proverbs 27:2): it is not good to eat much honey: so for men to search their own glory is not glory. Proverbs 25:27.

Though the Spirit of God was upon Christ to preach deliverance to the captives, yet, the Lord is very selective not to give the holy things to the dogs, and will not cast his pearls before the swine. The Lord will not give full details (but in parables) because he will not be emotionally moved by the vast number of people present or because he wanted just to say something, but not being a talkative Savior, he will first measure the readiness, willingness and preparedness of his hearers to receive his word, then preached to them according as they are able to receive his word. Mark 4:33.

Christ is not a talkative to be anywhere at any time to say anything just because he was being admired. Our Lord is totally different of the nature and characters many so called children of God are portraying in the church or world today. Jesus is not noisy, but quiet and gentle (quiet and gentle people are not talkative, otherwise they are deceitful and hypocrite in disguise) in his personality, but many are clamorous, showy and loosed lipped. You see Jesus refused an invitation to divide the inheritance of a fellow with his brethren because he will not be a nosy parker or an intruder in other men’s matter, but a talkative Christian, in the name of brotherly love as an excuse, will like to know and have something to say anywhere, anytime and in each life possible.

Talkative believers don’t ever respect the time given them to speak. They’ll prefer to speak longer, then ask for forgiveness or excuse themselves for talking too long for whatever reason. If you give half an hour of time of speech to a talkative believer, he will intentionally in his arrogant exceed his given time to show the rebel side of himself, only to lie afterward that the Holy Spirit made him to go beyond the allotted time. Is the spirit of the prophet not subject to him anymore?

Talkativeness is unlike Christ, there is a mixture of spirit in a talkative believer, the Lord warns that idle talkers (gossipers) shall have their part in the lake of fire, for every idle word that men shall speak shall be accounted for in the day of judgment. Needful or not, a talkative believer speak to reveal anything and everything about themselves and about other people in the name of simplicity, transparency and honesty. Foolish enough, the talkative believer erroneously think that his spirituality is in his much disputed and persuasive speech: but is there anyone to persuade others to change, to obey God or come to Christ than the Spirit of God?

They robbed themselves of their due respect, praises and glory from the wise observers, though they are worthy, but because of the little of folly of their talkative spirit, they are considered as fools – the foolish man utters all his mind: but a wise man keeps it in till afterwards. Proverbs 29:11.

Joseph problem was his mouth (a young talkative dreamer) because it was the way the Lord intended he should get down to Egypt, but to serve as lesson to you that not all of your dreams and aspirations should be spilled out, lest your mouth should bring you into unnecessary hatred and confrontations with the envious people.

Saul, the first King of Israel did not tell his uncle about the matter of the kingdom which Samuel told him about as the new monarch of Israel, except the news of the lost but found sheep, but he kept the news of his kingship to himself. Except to faithful prayer partners, it is not every personal things you should reveal to relatives and close friends, but a talkative believer will speak everything of the kingdom of God to those who are not in the kingdom, and to those whose business are not, though they are in the kingdom.  

God teaches us every day not to be a talkative children, but to know how to speak a word in its season to the weary (the Lord God has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakened morning by morning, he wakened mine ear to hear as the learned. Isaiah 50:4), the talkative believer lacks this available grace because of the impulsive spirit influencing heart and tongue, he is not able to speak a word in due time which is like apples of gold on beds of silver. Proverbs 25:11. 

It’s not everything you see or know or hear should immediately be made known, except you are instructed otherwise. Jesus commanded James, Peter and John not to talk to anyone about their experience with him at the mount of transfiguration until his glorification: (a) to avoid any present division among the other disciples, lest others should think that the three are much loved by Christ over the rest: (b) to be free from any present trouble from unbelievers and jealous – the tongue of the talkative is his destruction: (c) so that their testimonies concerning Christ at the mount of transfiguration concerning his death and resurrection might not lose its efficacy when it will be most needed.

Did not the three wise men, though wise, by their talkative spirit played foolishly into the hand of King Herod to announce the birth of Christ to him? If they continue following the star to the manger, they will not need to go through the palace of the earthly king before they see the eternal King lying in the manger. By the error of their tongue, they could not have continued to live except God warned them not to go back to King as he requested they should for information to the location of the new born baby – Christ.

As a child of God, there are certain things which should be off the table to discuss, but a talkative believer will entertain everything until he is snared by the word of his mouth. Why did Samson continue to stay with Delilah despite being betrayed twice by her? It was because both are birds of the same feather. Delilah and Samson were ruled by the same spirit of talkativeness. Can you imagine a powerful man like Samson without control over his heart and tongue, until he was defiled, dispossessed of his power and bound by the chain of the Philistines with his eyes gorged out? He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls. Proverbs 25:28.

Give a talkative man or woman long and repeated intense sex, he or she will sooner than later speak out like Samson to betray the covenant of his God. Give him a choice car or worthy gift requested, sooner than later, like Judas Iscariot, will he betray the trust of his master’s secret where he can be found. If the talkative is one given to appetite, invite him to a self serve buffet, or take him or her to grocery store and pay for all groceries, he will freely and voluntarily give you all the information you required from his brain data.

I think that the liberty of speech made many people to become foolish and talkative, especially in the western and developed world. Here in France, I’ve heard several women answering back that it is not good to say to a woman that she talk too much, when they are indeed speaking too much. Such don’t want to be rebuked and corrected by the word of God.

These types of women the earth, marriage and husband cannot bear or support, though you think are born again (Proverbs 30:28), they are possessed with a domineering, offensive, disagreeable, repulsive, impulsive, arrogant, a restless evil spirit of an unteachable heart, which is contrary to the purpose of our new life in Christ Jesus, calling for adornment with a meek and quite spirit, which is in the sight of God, a great price. 1 Peter 3:4.

From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. It is evidenced that the heart of the talkative Christian is corrupted, sick and full of every bad deposits unimaginable which requires cleansing and purging by the blood of Jesus for deliverance from a loose tongue – set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. Psalms 141:3.

No one is praying or asking God to give them a dumb and deaf spouse or kids, but in the multitude of words there is sin (slander, lying lips, false promises, proud talk, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, unforced verbal error, exaggeration, backbiting and every idle word that men shall give account to be justified or condemned on the day of judgment. Matthew 12:36-37): but he that controls his lips is wise. Proverbs 10:19.

There is a time to talk, and if you must talk, you should speak short and precisely, not repeatedly on the same subject after two or three days: whoever covers an offense seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates close friends. Proverbs 17:9.

Except none amoung the soldiers and confidents at the palace of the King of Syria was a talkative or a talebearer, someone should have had his head removed from his neck. 2 Kings 6:9-12. Once you discover a talkative believer (a fool also is full of words: a man cannot tell what shall be; and what shall be after him, who can tell him? Ecclesiastes 10:14), you should guard the door of your mouth from such whose mouth has no lock, you cannot confide in a talkative believer, he or she is a talebearer.

How do you know a talkative person? Most often, a loquacious person talks a lot about stuff that only they think is interesting. Talkative believers are shameless inquisitive individuals with nothing or little fruit of self control in their word and tongue. The rope in their mouth or tongue is weak and loosened. They accuses others of been silence because they are not talkative like them. If a woman, she imposes to teach the word of God to her husband at home, instead of learning in subjection. If married, for lack of wisdom, he or she will let the let cat loose out of the bag concerning everything going on in the life of their spouse. They asked provocative foolish and unlearned questions which the bible commands you to avoid because they can lead to strife. They will purposely draw you deeper into any past, present or future irrelevant conversation, even when you have nothing to say, they’ll try to incite or provoke you for a long talk: though they are not a private detective, but they maneuver or manipulate words to prolong conversation. They always looks for something to talk about and they like jesting which is not convenient. Ephesians 5:4.

Talkative people in the church are wicked (a) because their action is like a sword that is pierced into your heart after you realized that they have spread the news of your private life before others which you have not sent them– the words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly. Proverbs 18:8: (b) because there is no faithfulness of spirit in them to keep any personal confidential and sensitive information.

You should be careful not to pour out your heart to them (I said, I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the wicked is before me. I was dumb with silence, I held my peace, even from good; and my sorrow was stirred. Psalms 39:1-2), but to go avoid them just as the bible commanded: he that goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets: therefore meddle not with him that flatters with his lips. Proverbs 29:19.

Believers should study to be quiet (1 Thessalonians 4:11), but a talkative Christian is interested in every private life’s issue of others, to have discussion about everyone in the family members life, near or far while trying to be seen as someone that cares for others. He pick nosed into things he has not been called upon to intervene, only to be insulted, degraded or abused afterward, then he’ll say he is being appreciated while all that he seeks after was to help: he that passes by, and meddles with strife belonging not to him, is like one that takes a dog by the ears. Proverbs 26:17) just to give opinions which no one requested for.

Instead of staying quietly to receive the strength and salvation of his God in his difficulties and troubles, a talkative believer will found himself in an increasing sin of murmuring, complaining and contending in words against him that is stronger than him, with who there is no rising up or questioning – God. Isaiah 30:15.

The folly of the talkative will make him to lose the respect and honor due for the saints of God. He regrets his word because he did not think well before talking. He has no patient for others to finish talking before he speaks. The talkative will interrupt another to give his view or give wrong answer to the unfinished word because of his hasty spirit – he that answers a matter before he hears it; it is folly and shame unto him. Proverbs 18:13.

Allow time tell, let the works of God appears unto his servants to declare his glory as heavens declares the glory of God. Christians should not be talkative, but know how to keep all these things in their heart just as Mary kept all those things spoken by the angel sent to her in her heart without talking around and making noises around of the works and purposes of God in her life. How long can you keep your mouth shut until God send his word into your life for others to hear and obey?