The unpardonable, unjustifiable and the inexcusable excuse (s) of an irresponsible and self- pleasing steward (s).

Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew you that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed: and I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is yours. His lord answered and said unto him, thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knew that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed: thou ought’s therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury. Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents. For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 25:24-30

It is very dangerous and calamitous to possess a false mindset of the God of love who doesn’t hurt, not to have true and full ideas (like the servant who took his master for granted with one talent given his to work with, but was sent to hell for his excuse and irresponsibility) of the God’s Sovereignty, whose kingdom rules over all (Psalms 103:19), and of the Supremacy of the unquestionable God who does according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, what does thou?  Daniel 4:35.

Despite the love of God to abase himself in order to make himself known to us through fellowship and union with Christ Jesus, man’s insubordination and rebellion against the will, the word, the purposes and the pleasure of God show his lack of understanding of the trueness – exactness of God, for he is true to his word, his plans, his purpose, his will and to whatever responsibility he has given us.

Adam excused was rejected and his person dishonoured because he failed to live up to his responsibility and stewardship in the Garden, sooner than later did he realized how fearful it was to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebrews 10:31) whose love and power never fails to fulfil the promises of his word, be it for blessing and life, or for judgement and death. It is evil to allow the outcome and accountability of our stewardship to the reasonings and suggestions of another, and to depart from the pattern and instruction of the work giver – God, lest we come face to face with his discountenance and roughness if we do such a thing: for he commanded Moses who was faithful in all house by saying, and look that thou makes them after their pattern, which was showed thee in the mount. Exodus 25:40.

This was exactly the failure of Adam in his failed responsibility to allow the Devil to suggest false and lying outcome of wrong action of stewardship to reverse the word, the will, and the purposes of God in the Garden. None dare try or seek to challenge the word of God, neither any of his decisive will and purposes: for his word shall never return void back unto him in any matter, either to a man, to a family, or for a nation: his counsel shall stand, and his word shall not fail.

Looking back into the life Christ on earth, despite the accusations of his critics, the oppositions and strife of the people’s tongue: the resistance of the Pharisees; the challenges from the scribes and the ensnarement attempts from the Sadducees against him, his sole defence was his readiness and preparedness to do and to finish the work of God without any excuse whatsoever. Christ was willing to give whatever it takes to get the job done as he commited his defence and security to God’s hand while he was busied defending the truth on earth: truly no man was allowed to hurt him until his time to die on the cross was due. His witness of defence was his testimony that whatever you see me doing or hears me saying, I do nothing, neither speak anything by myself. My doctrine is not mine, but the Father which has sent me. What I hear is what I speak. What I see him doing is what I do. He works continually, even on Sabbath day, that’s why you see me at work on Sabbath day as well. The Father gave me commandments of what I should speak and what I should do.

Christ never seek to take advantage of opportunity of the intimidation and the harassments with the accusations and threats to stop him as an excuse: but rather, he endured the contradiction of sinners to please the Father in all he was sent to say and to do. At the end of it all, the Lord declared before the Father, I have glorified you on earth, glorify me with the glory I have with you before the foundation of the world. Whatever it takes to finish the Father’s work, the Lord counted the cost. The Son of man has nowhere to lay his head was not an excuse not to seek and to save them that are lost. The Jews of old sought to stone him at Judea (John 11:7), but this was never the reason for an excuse to listen to the good counsel of his beloved disciples not to go down to Bethany for Lazarus who was sick, died and was raised back to life after four days, that the work and glory of God be made manifested. John 11:45.

The overwhelming crowd at the temple was not an excuse not to defend and preserve the honour and the sanctity of the temple, lest the house of prayer should become a den of thieves. Whatever are the dangers and obstacles standing against the will and the purposes of fulfilling of the word of God, the Lord overcame them all because he set his face like flint, and was not ashamed, because the Father helped him. Isaiah 50:7.

The Lord will never assign us with any task or work beyond our faith and strength to accomplish it. The Spirit of the Lord divides spiritual gifts severally unto individuals’ according to his will, because he selects each and every one of us with gift (s) according to what he has called us to do and to accomplish in Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 12:11): for though we are tempted, he will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able to bear, but with the same temptation will also make a way of escape, that we might also be able to bear it. 1 Corinthians 10:13.

As God’s vessel or instrument on earth, there is no excuse whatsoever for the moral or spiritual failure in Christ Jesus. What should the excuse be, now that we have received the indwelling Spirit of God, so that we should walk in the Spirit, if we live in the Spirit? If we will not cultivate to grow the fruit of the Spirit, have we not given room or making provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof? Whatever is the failure that we’re encountering in our spiritual life, it is because we have refused to live up to the responsibility to fight and subjected the enemy – the fleshly lusts we carry about which gives room to Satan who seeks to thrive through the flesh. Galatians 5:24. 1 Peter 2:11.

Whatever we are asked to do, God is the initiator and the operator in us, working in us both to will and to do according to his good pleasure. He is the strength for any work he demands of us to accomplish, for his strength will quickens us for the labour he assigned us. He is the wisdom and the provisions for the work. God is everything in us, seeing we can do all things in him that strengthens us.  

In all his teaching and preaching about the kingdom, Christ never for once lessen thrusting the piercing power of the sword of the Spirit, though the people were offended and sought to blaspheme to discourage him as one who has a demon. John 8:25. He was not sent to please the people, but to save whosoever will hear the truth; neither did Christ seek to please the people for his own safety or acceptance in their midst – I have come in my Father’s name, you have not received me, but if another man will come in his own name, him you will receive. John 5:43.

There is no justifiable excuse (s) to deliver adulterated the word of God and to corrupt the people (for we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ. 2 Corinthians 2:17) but to live for its pure purposes, and to declare God’s will as it should be, though scorpions and serpents are before us (but thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. 2 Timothy 3:10-11 ), whether they will hear or forbear. This was God’s warning against any excuse to his prophets Ezekiel and Jeremiah, lest he confound them before the people they were sent to save or warn, that they might show firmness and unwavering spirit in purpose. Ezekiel 2:1-7. Jeremiah 1:17.

You must wait on your ministry by not intruding into another’s office, lest you become a self pleasing steward, ministering in an office you are not called, neither annointed to function. Who are you deceiving? Why boasting of a false gift? Why setting up a strange fire in the house of God? There is no excuse not to be good for something in particular in the kingdom, for none is called to be useless in the vineyard, except they have not yet discovered their assignment and purpose in the kingdom. Whatsoever your hand finds to do, you must, without any excuse, do it with all your might. Be it a talent, you must labor in love to make it two for the Lord without making any false accusation against the goodness of the Master, or being bitter and jealous as an excuse against those who have received more talents.

Giving no offenses in anything…..this is the easiest way to fail in stewardship by seeking to lay blame on the oppositions, critics, false accusations and rejections encountered, – blessed is he, whosoever that shall not be offended in me….it is easy to lay blame of failure at the excuse of our personal cross we failed to bear by self-denial and being sold out for God in order to get the job done.

Your assignment in the kingdom is your responsibility before the Lord, and your responsibility is your accountability to the Lord with no justifiable excuse whatsoever not to succeed or fulfill the word, the will and the purposes of God before you pass on to eternity. The sight of the size of the giants you are called to face in battle and to possess their land for the Lord is not an excuse, lest you breach the promise and the purpose of God (Numbers 13:33), for Jehovah the man of war lives inside of you to thrust out the enemies before you, saying, slay them. Deuteronomy 33:27.

The thickness and profoundness of the foundation of the wall you are called to bring down is not an excuse to back off just because you don’t have the bulldozer or the man power to get the job done. Has the arm of flesh ever saved you in the past? Shall the strength of man ever sustain you in the present or future? There is no justifiable excuse before the Lord not to bring the battle to the Philistines camp, because there is no restraint with him to help you win the battle, to save by many or by few. 1 Samuel 14:6.

Note: in-depth understanding of the love of God and the strength of the love which is stronger than death in your heart is the scale to measure and to calculate your enduring power to resist, to reject and to contest against anything or anyone who is in opposition, that might stand as an excuse against the fulfillment and accomplishment of the will and purposes of God over your life.

(A) the seed which fell on the way side will surely have an excuse of no understanding whatsoever to the word received, for immediately as he hears it, the devil came and took it away from him, because he will not be careful to what he heard and how he heard it. Luke 8:18: (b) the seed which fell on the stony places will also have an unjustifiable excuse before the Lord that it was the persecutions and the afflictions and the fiery trials that were responsible for his derailment from the narrow way and the straight gate to heaven, to the wide road and broad way to hell – blessed is the man that endure temptation. James 1:12: (c) the seed that fell on the thorns, surely his excuse before the Lord was his financial lack and responsibility, and his unfinished projects with his new ambitions before he met the Lord which has kept him under the chains of carefulness, cheating, covet to have and possess, worries and deceitfulness of riches to do anything and everything for money, so that the word was unfruitful in his life – take heed, and beware of covetousness, the life of a man does not consists in the abundance of the things he possesses. Luke 12:15: (d) but look at the seed that fell on the good soil, – the good and honest heart which the hunger, nakedness, perils, persecution, death, things present, nor things to come, nor angels, neither principalities nor power: not height, depth, death nor life, neither any other thing shall be strong enough for an excuse to separate him from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The sin of spiritual insubordination caused the rejection of the first king of Israel – Saul. His responsibility was to submit to the word, will, instructions given to fulfil the purposes of God as delivered unto him from Prophet Samuel: it is for him as a king to teach and to bring the thoughts of his subjects under him to the obedience of God, but his self- pleasing spirit and ambition gave room for the suggestions of the people to prevail which he later used as an excuse to justified his rebellion against the word of God: but God rejected Saul because he rejected the word of God, for he has shown and taught rebellion against him.

This is the condemnation and the rejection of the men pleasers servants of God (Galatians 1:10) who are holding or stealing the truth from the sheep under them by the excuse (s) of the church bills to pay and church projects to run and finish etc, Lest they should lose the people, they become flatterers, and by sweet and flattering words, they deceives the hearts of the simple for filthy lucre gain, but the deceivers and the deceived are his! Shall they by teaching errors and lies for whatsoever reason led the souls to hell and be spared by God to enter heaven?  Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. Acts 20:26-27.

In all things and at all cost, we must seek to do and fulfill the will, word and the purposes of God, for we must obey God rather than man: (a) be it the king, if his demands are against the will, the word and the purposes of God. Daniel 3:16 (b) be it our earthy parents if their expectations and desires for us are in contest against the will, the word and the purposes of God over our lives. Matthew 10:37-38: (c) be the wife of our bosom, – the wife of our youth or the husband of our first love, if their demands, ambitions and pursuits are in contest against the will, the word and the purposes of God. Genesis 3:12: (d) be it our employer or master or mistress whose ungodly demands we consider to grant because we don’t want to lose the job as an excuse. Genesis 39:9: it is better to lose the job than to lose favor and presence of God: (e) be it the deception of the old prophet or the false brethren we are called to discern and to overcome in the world, we must be on guard against any relationship and affinity programmed by the enemy to corrupt and compromises our faith and stand on the will, word and purposes of God in our live. Galatians 2:4.