The divine care and vengeance of the emotional God over his emotionally abused children.

Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men! Thou shall hide them in the secret of thy presence from the pride of man: thou shall keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues. Psalms 31:19-20.

Learn how to laugh over (you love all devouring words, o you deceitful tongue. God shall likewise destroy you forever, he shall take you away, and pluck you out of your dwelling place, and root you out of the land of the living. The righteous shall see, and fear, and shall laugh at him. Psalms 52: 4-6) the foolishness of the evil speakers from your hiding place which is God by allowing him to speak and defend you against the strife of tongues and the pride of man: you are my hiding place, you shall preserve me from trouble; you shall compass me about with songs of deliverance. Psalms 32:7.

Whosever mocks at you, or rail insults on you because of your situation do so against the God of heaven, but he that sits on the throne likewise laughs at them, and he will take vengeance, if they do not repent and apologize. Blessed are you, when men shall speak evil of you, but you must not speak evil of anyone, for whosoever speaks evil of his brother, judges the law. In this situation, what do you do? Abide in the word of God, and do not give any respond back to them, for evil the speaker shall not be established on earth. Evil shall hunt the violent man to overthrow him. Psalms 140:11. 

It is not righteous to give railing for railing back unto any man: but ne clothed in the righteousness of Christ and keep your peace and joy in the kingdom against the strife of tongue and pride of man. Ignore their sight and do not give them the audience or the attention they seek after. You must go away from those who are hurting you with their sarcasm, whosoever they are, they are trouble makers – evil hearted men and women. It is not the will of God that people – believers whose mouth should be seasoned with salt and filled with grace to edify others should be they who are causing emotional pain by deriding, taunting, or ridiculing their brethren with words – go from the presence of a foolish man, when you perceives not in him the lips of knowledge. Proverbs 14:7.

God hates naughty, haughty, bully, outlandish-rude speech, including every idle or corrupt word from the mouth and from the unruly -unsanctified tongue of his so-called children. The seed which was planted is every one of us at regeneration is an incorruptible seed, where then is the source of the corrupt communication coming from? This means that the position of the seed in soil of our heart is not in a good place, but a way side believer.

Words hurt; not only the person to whom we answered back, but corrupt words grieve the indwelling Spirit of God to our disadvantage if we are children of God (let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice. Ephesians 4:29-31): this becomes a sin when we render railing for railing, or curses for curses unto anyone (1 Peter 3:9), because by this action, we transgress the word by failing to refrain our mouth from talking evil – they also that seek after my life lay snares for me: and they that seek my hurt speak mischievous things, and imagine deceits all the day long. But I, as a deaf man, heard not; and I was as a dumb man that opens not his mouth. Thus I was as a man that hears not, and in whose mouth are no reproofs. Psalms 38:12-14. 1 Peter 3:10.

God didn’t want you to be abused, hurt or emotionally injured by the piercing of sword coming out from the mouth of the insolent –ill mannered men and women out there (there is that speaks like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health. Proverbs 12:18) who thinks that their liberty or freedom of speech is to demean, hurt, calumny, injure, uttering unkind words, harsh words, bitter words, hate speech, jealous words, false accusations, malicious words and cruel words to bulldoze others etc

There are lots of godless jesters in the church (hypocritical mockers in feats, they gnashed upon me with their teeth. Psalms 35:16), and outside of the church as well. Your ears must taste –filter their words as the mouth taste meats (doth not the ear try words? and the mouth taste his meat? Job 12:11) to stop their foolishness once and for all. If their speech is ungodly, you must let them know this – warn the unruly. After two or three rebukes, separate yourself from their company – whosoever! The strife of tongue is not waged against you in order to bring out the best in you, but is spoken or uttered against you, so that you can do your worst: spoken to trigger a negative reaction and response from you to find an occasion to accuse you on whatever, to say they been funny or your are not tolerance while their word is offensive, you ought not to be offended in Christ. They speak to draw you into arguments or exchanging of words which may lead to a noisy conflict with the proud guys. You already know what is commanded by the Lord concerning the proud men around you, go away from their company, and seek for the company of the humble people. Romans 12:16.

Strife, either by the word of tongue or physical confrontation, is a sin. You don’t have to go back anymore into your closet to continue crying or weeping secretly because of the corrupt- abusive communication hurled at you by anyone. There are those who intentionally looking for your trouble by taunting you, intended to provoke you in an insulting or contemptuous manner. This is evil and wicked, because the bible speaks against provoking and envying one another. Galatians 5:26. Such people are stumbling blocks and occasion to sin unto you, and you know how to deal with them, even as Christ dealt with Peter, saying, get thee behind me Satan, you are on offense unto me. Matthew 16:23.

The proud are rebuked and they are cursed by the Lord (Psalms 119:21), their malediction continue as long as they know how to bless others sincerely with kind word, when they refused to edify others with sweet words, wholesome words, words that will bring healing; inspiring words, encouraging and edifying words to strengthens the hands of the weak, and to make glad the heart of the weary.

The man of strife (tongue or fist) is a transgressor, who is proud to his brethren, seeking for his own destruction. Prov. 17:19. Moses being provoked was drawn into the strife of tongues with his brethren in the wilderness (Psalms.106:32), but we know the end result – implication of such behavior in the life of Moses of his misrepresentation of God before the Israelis who occasioned the incident. There were noises and exchanging of hot words been made: one shouting to another before the Lord before Moses finally smote the Rock he was instructed to speak to! For whatever reason, do not strive with words which have no profit or use with anyone: the servant of the Lord must not strive, but he should be gentle unto all men (2 Tim.2:24. Was Christ not been provoked by words that they might have something to accuse him for? Believers should not use their tongue to silence others by the strife of tongue (Romans 13:13) but by good works, they should put to silence the ignorance of the foolish man. 1 Peter 2:15.