Series 1 on Believer’s awakening and discernements in the last days…..

Overcoming the deception of false miracles of false apostles and prophets . Luke 21:7-36.

The devastating effects of Covid 19 pandemic on families, on the economic and on the politics of the world is already making the hearts of men to fail them on things coming on earth according to the scripture as many wondering if the end of the world and time on earth is almost here. This is nothing but the beginning of the days of vengeance coming up upon the world of ungodly men and nations, but the end is not yet come, and the elects are safe and secure as there shall not an hair on their head perish as the Lord promised.

Christ forewarns of wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes in diver places, and famine in different parts of the world with different kinds of pestilences (many more of the viruses as corona with different names are coming) to inflict the earth: fearful sights and great signs shall be from heaven, though for now, the sky above us is very clear. Jerusalem is yet to be compassed by the armies of the nations: we are at present enjoying a relative peace on earth because nations have not yet risen up against nations as one of the good signs to look for before the second return of the Lord in the air.

There will be global wide spread of persecution of the New Testament believers when spirit-born and filled believers shall be betrayed by church brethren, friends and family members, and be hated and sought after to be afflicted and cause some to be put to death for the testimony of Christ, signs which are yet to be fully seen as many of us are still enjoying religion freedom, tolerance, liberty and expression: but as the final days draws nearer, the spirit born and filled believers shall be hated of all men for Christ name’s sake when the full wrath of them who are born of the flesh shall openly be expressed and released to persecute those who are born of the spirit according to the scripture. Galatians 4:29.

We should firmly believe and be ready for the second coming of Christ, neither should we be deceived about its near approach by the pretend new revelations or misinterpretations of scripture to have anyone of us shaken in mind or be troubled. First, there should be a great falling away – great rebellion against the truth and light with lawlessness which will finally introduce the anti Christ to the world scene – the visible revelation of the son of perdition. 2. Thess. 2:3. So, Christ warns us not to be deceived by the events leading up to the final end time or be led astray by any preacher that the end is near, though we must be ready for the coming of our Lord which the scripture says shall be like the unannounced visit of a thief in the night, lest any of the Lord’s brethren be found unprepared to meet the bridegroom. Matthew 24: 4-14.

In this article, I will focus on four different kinds of deception of the last days leading up to the second coming of Christ. While some of the faithful brethren who are spiritually sleeping shall be revived and awaken from their lukewarm state to cleave back unto the Lord in their first love, on the contrary, the love of many shall wax cold as they live and walk contrary to the word of God for the love and lusts of the world as someone recently told me not to make everything scriptural or spiritualize everything for her: but we know that all things were made by the word and nothing was made without him, while David says this on God’s entirety word: therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right, and I hate every false way. Psalms 119:128. Note: except the itching ear believers who shall not be able to endure sound doctrine as one of the signs of the last days, it is not possible that any of the elects is deceived or taken away from Christ because of God’s given ability and power in them to discern his voice and will in every situation to follow after him. This is the true anointing which they have received of him to teach them into all truth against those that will seduce them by whatever means. It is the instinct of truth that dwells in them, as the truth is in Christ Jesus of them who knows the truth, speak the truth, live for it and walk therein to defend it unashamedly at all cost, thus making it extremely difficult for anyone to pluck them out of the hand of Christ.

I am a very strong believer in the five-fold ministry of which I am a partaker by grace in the apostolic and teaching ministry, and also a firm believer in the continuous – uninterrupted functionalities of the operation of the nine gifts of the spirit of God in the New Testament church today until the church shall cease to be no more on earth (2 Thess. 2:7), though according to the second book of Peter chapter two verses one which forewarns us that there will be self made false prophets who were once saved, good and called by God, but for whatever reason, they deny the Lord that purchased them by his blood to compromise with Satan to obtain alternate power of divination to operate and deceive in the church. I can re-assure you that the Lord will expose such men as soon as possible, lest any sheep be led astray or destroy by them – for nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. Luke 8:17.

If anyone is blindly disputing that there is no longer prophets and prophetic ministry and ministers in this era of church history, they should as well add up to such embarrassing claim that the ministry of the apostle, teachers, pastors and evangelists have also ceased to be in operation in the church purchased by Christ precious blood: as it is written, he led captivity captives, and he gave gifts unto men: to some he gave prophets…for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, for the perfecting of saints….Ephesians 4:11-16.

Today, God still have faithful remnant of genuine prophets in the global body of Christ, even as there are genuine manifestations of supernatural miracles, signs and wonders through the operational gifts of power – faith, healing and miracles.1 Cor. 12: 9-10a. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. To deny genuine miracles of faith healing and deliverance – setting the captives free – casting out of demons and healing the demonically oppressed in the church and in the world is to deny the spiritual and physical effects of the cross where the Lord spoiled the principalities and powers to disgrace them openly, triumphing over them in it – it is to seek to annul Christ own words that these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover – it is to suppress or restrain parts of the works of the Holy Spirit in the church today for Satan with his demons to have a free ride among the brethren and no one is able to cast him out – it to seek to break the scripture which cannot be broken that the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power – worst of it all is that people ignorantly and cowardly ascribe greatness and power to Satan over God against the command of the scripture to ascribe greatness to our God, the Omnipotent that reigns, for power exclusively belongs to him who do wondrous things. Mark 16:17-18. 1 Cor. 4:20. Deut. 32:3. Psalms 62:11.

Today, there are many antichrists among us as the bible says, even as there are many Christians in the world. The arrival of the son of perdition will precede the second coming of Christ for his dead and living saints while the unveiling personality of the arrival of the son of perdition on earth shall be after the working of power of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 2 Thess. 2: 9-12.

But before the visible arrival of the son of perdition on the global scene, the underground preparation work for his coming is the annoying and dramatic damnable activity of false prophets who are among us as wolves in sheep clothing. Note: in the manner that true believers are the forerunners of Christ second coming in the air, so are the false prophets forerunners of the global arrival global and visible recognition of the son of perdition on earth through their lying and false miracles, signs and wonders to draw multitudes after them against the rapture of the dead and living saints. Is God not pouring out his spirit upon all flesh before the final day of Christ second appearance? Satan is also multiplying and empowering false prophets to draw the itching ear believers away from the truth in preparation for the coming and introduction of anti Christ on earth.

False prophets (magician or sorcerer) has been around in Egypt (world) deceiving with their false miracles and wonders by the power of Satan until God sent Moses back to the same land for the deliverance of the children of Israel through divine – supernatural power of signs and wonders given unto him to demonstrate before King Pharaoh against the opposition of the magicians of the land until they finally subjected and admitted to the greatness of God’s power before Moses and Pharaoh – this is the finger of God. Exodus 8:19.

The Jews of old acknowledges before Christ that their children were able to cast out demons by Beelzebub – the prince of devils, so they falsely accused Christ to be casting out demons by the prince of devils, assuming that the power to cast out demons belongs uniquely or comes from Satan: but our Lord argues before them that Satan will only deceived them as a lesser demon submits to higher hierarchy power of darkness for temporal appease and relief of his victim because a divided house cannot stand. Satan will not cast out demons, but Christ has come to destroy the works of Satan – but if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. Or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? And then he will spoil his house. He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathers not with me scatters abroad. Wherefore I say unto you, all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaks against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come. Matthew 12:24-32.

While we should not be quick for whatever reason (envy, powerlessness, hatred, fear or ignorance of the scripture and of the power of God) to condemn or pass a quick judgment on miracles, signs and wonders in the churches around us, lest unconsciously we should foolishly blaspheme the Spirit of God and the mouth of the foolish be his destruction, and his lips the snare of his soul, it is good to pray for discernment of the spirit of God to show us the true power behind the scene – God or Satan.

You should study the New Testament acts of Christ healing approach and method of casting out of demons by his word to discern the origin of the power and of the shameful practices and behaviors of the so-called lying prophets of God. Mt. 8:16. As a believer, you must overcome false prophets in the world by discernment of spirit with sound biblical knowledge against the false holy-spirit, against the false Jesus, and against the false gospel preached by these evil and wicked men who have transformed themselves as the apostles of Christ, and are out there, if it were possible, to deceive the very elects. 2 Cor. 11:4. Matthew 24:24.

They seeks to exercise authority and instructions in righteousness beyond the word of God (Deut.13:1-3): though they likely give you accurate information of the past, present or future events of your life, but they will also instruct you to do certain unscriptural things to follow up your requests and expectations – thus they betray themselves that their works and fruits are not wrought in God. If you submit to their unbiblical demands and instructions, you are willingly entering into an unconscious alliance with their master – Satan.

It is not a sin to try a prophet because many of them are in town today (1John 4:1): some of them will out rightly ask you to make a vow (which is biblically wrong because none should be coerced to make a vow before God which should come from your own desire and act of faith) or make a promise to give something (land, house  or property etc) to God if your request is granted before they will minister or attend to you: they will ask you to sow a seed of faith (monetary gift) if you want God to answer your prayers or speak to you through them, perhaps you don’t even have the sum or fee at hand – these are the red flags you should watch out against the false prophets. They have ability to see demonically though your bank statements account, business dealings or contracts, see through your family line and mention names to convince and to deceive you, all that’s spiritual manipulation to steal away your heart. They’ll intimidate and make you think that their word is final, but you have the right to ask God to confirm the person and word of the prophet to you if you are a serious, not a gullible believer – let two or three prophets speak, let the rest judge. 1 Cor. 14:29.  

This is one of the ways to know a false prophet or prophetess – they are after gain and whatever they can take away from you – golden rings, bangles, necklaces to give directly or to sell and give the money to them is okay. The spiritual assistance or help, healing and deliverance you seek from them are not free of charge as you may think, even as Christ commands his true disciples to give freely.

They will do anything in the name of false and unbiblical prophetic acts of faith because they will fulfill the will and lusts of Satan their master such as to demand and have sex with the opposite sex to transfer the problems of their victim to themselves through sex contact. Some of them are gay in the closet and they spoil young boys and men around with money in exchange for sex, probably to renew their power and covenant with Satan. Some will give you certain names of angels (demons) to call upon in prayers, while some will ask you to pay certain sum of money to buy materials needed for the special spiritual works they will do for you. They have power from Satan to perform temporal but deceitful miracles with the ability to reveal secret things like the young lady who was possessed with the spirit of divination (python spirit) with the ability to prophecy and to bring money to his master. Acts 16:16-19. One of the easiest ways to know them is that they are clever salesmen and women because you cannot escape not to patronize to buy their holy anointed water, handkerchiefs, olive oil, wrist bracelet or any object to keep with you as your false point of faith or contact. To see a false prophet in your dream speaking or praying for you is not the confirmation that he is of God, but a spiritual deception and manipulation of demonic projection of a familiar spirit to cause you to believe in a lie. If anyone of the five fold ministry in the church is not for the perfection of the saints, Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive, come out from the synagogue of Satan and from the assembly of men of corrupt and perverse minds, supposing that gain is godliness.

Overcoming the deception of sweet and flattering doctrine of fake pastors and teachers