The infinite-timeless God in the space of time.

God is eter­nal with no lim­its or bound­aries in time or space, hav­ing no begin­ning of days, nei­ther the end of time, but abides for­ever. Days are deter­mined from the cre­ation and they give birth to time, but the lat­ter was not deter­mined because man was infi­nite as long as he lives in the Gar­den of Eden. Hebrews1:10 -12. The ‘time of life’ as the bible puts it (and he said, I will cer­tainly return unto thee accord­ing to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him. Gen­e­sis 18:10) is the writ­ten book of des­tiny of God for each man liv­ing on earth, to indi­cate and to analyse the unfold­ing events of his life accord­ing to what is writ­ten of him before the foun­da­tion of the world. Those that received gen­uine prophetic min­istry and unc­tion some­times have access to this book through the rev­e­la­tion or inspi­ra­tion of the Holy Spirit. Job put it in this way when he speaks about God’s supremacy of his king­dom that rules over all: but he is in one mind, and who can turn him? and what his soul desires, even that he doeth. For he per­forms the thing that is appointed for me: and many such things are with him. Job 23:13 -14.

Uni­ver­sal sin (by one man sin, sin entered into the world) from the fall brought the infi­nite God (God in the flesh, the Christ of God) to the time limit zone to save mankind –I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he you will indeed die in your sins. John 8:24.

The six days of cre­ation of heaven and earth begat time in the cre­ation, but time was not deter­mined and cal­cu­lated in the Gar­den because sin was not yet on earth. Man was never infi­nite at the cre­ation because he was on pro­ba­tion –to live for­ever and become infi­nite if he obeys God, or to die with time if he eats from the fruit of the tree of good or evil. Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth? Are not his days (there is a time to be born and a time to die) also like the days of an hireling? Job 7:1.

After the fall, the dura­tion of man’s life time is estab­lished (and all the days that Adam lived were nine hun­dred and thirty years: and he died. Gen­e­sis 5:4) but it goes down­hill and decreas­ing in an alarm­ing rate because of wicked­ness and increas­ing sin in the world — thou hast set our iniq­ui­ties before thee, our secret sins in the light of thy coun­te­nance. For all our days are passed away in thy wrath: we spend our years as a tale that is told. The days of our years are three­score years and ten; and if by rea­son of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sor­row; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. Psalms 90:8-10. Eccle­si­astes 8:8.

Have you ever dream of los­ing your wrist watch? In fact, this is not a good dream that you are just about to run out of time – to have no more time to do or com­plete some­thing– it’s a bad omen to fast and pray against. And, just like our Lord on earth, every­thing con­cern­ing us has a begin­ning, dura­tion and an end. We are in a time limit zone on the planet earth, exist­ing to ful­fil life (Father’s will) on earth and go back to God as it is writ­ten in par­tic­u­lar in the book of des­tiny for each and every one of us. I pray that any event and expe­ri­ence that are not writ­ten con­cern­ing your life but are hap­pen­ing should be erased even now in your life by the blood of Jesus and by the power of God that nul­li­fied the death decree writ­ten and sealed by Haman to exter­mi­nate the Jews in Jesus name. Matthew26:24. Luke 22:37.

From birth to age two is infancy. From ages 2 through 6 is early child­hood, and from ages 7 to 9 is child­hood. From ages 10 to 12 is mid­dle child­hood and from ages 13 to15 is ado­les­cence. From ages 16 to19 is early adult­hood, and from ages 20 to 40 is emerg­ing adult­hood. From ages 40 to 65 is mid­dle adult­hood, and from ages 65 and older is the late adult­hood. These dif­fer­ent stages in the life’s span of man should be pro­gres­sive in devel­op­ment, accom­plish­ment and advance­ment. Some­times, sit­u­a­tions and cir­cum­stances are con­trary and in oppo­site direc­tion to our expec­ta­tions because of the storms of life rein­forced with the works of the enemy to change and derail the pro­grams, divine plans and des­tiny set before us against the time appointed for things to take place –to delay, set backs or can­cel the events alto­gether if care is not taken. If we fall into the enemy’s trap of mis­di­rec­tion, we’ll become a vic­tim of wasted time and pur­poses for the lack of dis­cern­ment or demean char­ac­ter to peo­ple, chances and oppor­tu­nity sent by God. Note: if you don’t take your stand in obe­di­ence to the word of God, to get along with divine plans for your life in order to resist the devil, he will rob you of your des­tiny and prob­a­bly change divine pur­poses just as he did against Adam and Eve in the Gar­den. If the wind is bois­ter­ous against the ship on the sea, it will slow down its pace on sea, toss to and fro to reduce how fast it trav­els a par­tic­u­lar dis­tance and the antic­i­pate time to arrive at the har­bour is pro­longed and shifted. If a man’s jour­ney is derailed in life, such des­tiny is sub­ject to re-​route but not with­out pro­lon­ga­tion of time to arrive late at the des­tiny. The spirit of late­ness is not of God but a delay tac­tics from the enemy. Late­ness to marry (and it came to pass, that in the morn­ing, behold, it was Leah: and he said to Laban, what is this thou hast done unto me? did not I serve with thee for Rachel? where­fore then hast thou beguiled me? And Laban said, it must not be so done in our coun­try, to give the younger before the first­born. Gen­e­sis 29:25 – 26) and late­ness in child-​bearing and late­ness to accom­plish other things in life are over­come by aggres­sive and vio­lent spir­i­tual war­fare by God’s mer­cies and inter­ven­tion. Some peo­ple departed the world (I said, O my God, take me not away in the midst of my days: thy years are through­out all gen­er­a­tions. Of old hast thou laid the foun­da­tion of the earth: and the heav­ens are the work of thy hands. They shall per­ish, but thou shall endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a gar­ment; as ves­ture shall thou change them, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end. Psalms 102:24 – 27) in the midst of their days with­out ful­fill­ing their full time and with­out attain­ment of full poten­tial or arriv­ing at the des­ti­na­tion to accom­plish divine course writ­ten in the book of des­tiny in heaven. Eccle­si­astes 7:17.

God is infi­nite but he works and oper­ates with sched­ule and pro­gramme time table on earth. Time is of the essence in our walk with God to guide into dif­fer­ent stages of growth, devel­op­ment, assign­ments and advance­ment in the king­dom. There is a set time for every­thing under the sun. If we are dull hear­ers and slow learn­ers, we are at risk to be among the first that shall become last. God never arrives late but always on time to make all things beau­ti­ful in his time. He has set a time exclu­sively know to him, and undis­closed to our Lord Jesus and the holy angels to bring an end to the exis­tence of this present evil world (when they there­fore were come together, they asked of him, say­ing, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the king­dom to Israel? And he said unto them, it is not for you to know the times or the sea­sons, which the Father hath put in his own power. Acts 1:6 – 7) and he that will come, will come, and not tarry –there­fore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man comes.

Sloth­ful­ness and inde­ci­sive­ness are great time wasters. Hasty spirit is no bet­ter – to under­take or rush into wrong action or project is a waste of energy and time –he that make haste with his feet sins. Proverbs 19:2.

Make hay while the sun shines to make the best use of oppor­tu­ni­ties and favourable con­di­tions while they last. No one can stop or con­trol time –time and tide waits for no one. It is called pro­cras­ti­na­tion, a thief of time. Do not put off what you have to do now lest you end up with insuf­fi­cient strength, enthu­si­asm, health with lit­tle time to do it prop­erly. When­ever there is an oppor­tu­nity (godly and right­eous) before you, grab to make good use of it before God –lit­tle or insignif­i­cant, don’t ever bluff to despise the days of small beginning-​if you are not faith­ful in unright­eous mam­mon, who will com­mit to you your true riches? Solomon details the answer to the unex­pected fail­ure and dis­ap­point­ments some peo­ple encounter in life when he says, I have seen some­thing else under the sun: the race is not to the swift or the bat­tle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the bril­liant or favour to the learned; but time and chance hap­pen to them all. Eccle­si­astes9:11. Note: some peo­ple miss the time of their vis­i­ta­tion through pride (hum­ble your­selves there­fore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. 1 Peter 5:6) and insen­si­tiv­ity to time, lack of dis­cern­ment to the present will of God (be ye not unwise, but under­stand­ing what the will of the Lord is, redeem­ing the time for the days are evil. Eph­esians 5:17) and other sins, includ­ing lack of seri­ous­ness to focus in life. They took every­thing and every­one for granted. They play with peo­ple and play with life and time-they’re wast­ing their own life and des­tiny. They think they have ample of time to meet up with the wasted time and years, but before they real­ized their loss, it would be too lit­tle too late to catch up while oth­ers have over­taken and left them behind. The devil can manip­u­late to redi­rect your focus against what is required of you at a par­tic­u­lar time, to cause you to miss your appoint­ment with God and des­tiny. For instance, the time you are prompted to pray and fast, you are eat­ing, drink­ing and sleep­ing like men with­out pur­pose of life -for this shall every one that is godly pray unto thee in a time when thou may be found: surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come nigh unto him. If you allow spir­i­tual lapse in your life for what­ever rea­son, restora­tion and recu­per­a­tion is pos­si­ble, but not with­out a good fight against the enemy in a sweet and bit­ter expe­ri­ence. Some peo­ple missed the time to pray and never recov­ered it again and missed the vis­i­ta­tion. When you don’t have time for God, he will not have time for you, because when he called, you did not answered, you will also call, he will not also answer. Let us there­fore pray for the spirit and anoint­ing of the chil­dren of Issachar, of the men that had under­stand­ing of the times, men that knew what Israel ought to do — that we might also have under­stand­ing of the times and sea­sons of our lives, to know what we ought to do at the right time. 1 Chron­i­cles 12:32. Psalms 32:8.

If we man­age our time righty with God-​to give him our time, we shall always be on time with God. We shall have timetable (Lord, make me to know mine end, and the mea­sure of my days, what it is: that I may know how frail I am. Psalms 39:4) for our appoint­ments with des­tiny and shall not grope in obscu­rity or wan­der like a sheep with­out shepherd.

God set eternity before the sons of men: but Satan, as the god of this world intensifies his advertisement for the lusts of the world through the lusts which wars against our members to bait us to the flashy tasteless show in the pride of life to covet, steal, kill lie, cheat and overexert labour for that which perishes. Satan knows about his limited time on the countdown clock of heaven before his final doom in hell for eternity -woe to the inhibiters of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows that he hath but a short time. Revelation 12:12.                                             

The enemy is on mission against time to steal, kill and destroy through what the Lord warned against (and take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. Luke 21:34) as snare to miss the time of his coming or to miss the goal set before us by spending and wasting time meant for us to seek for the kingdom and his righteousness wrongly to run the after the things the Gentiles seeks after.

Jesus, while on earth walked in the con­scious­ness of spir­i­tual time and hour (then Jesus said unto them, my time is not yet come: but your time is always ready. John 7:6) and knew the time to work or rest (I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. John 9:4) in con­trast to David who was uncon­scious of his spir­i­tual time and chose to stay at home to rest at the time when the kings (2 Samuel 11:1) went to bat­tle and you know the rest of the story how he com­mit­ted adul­tery with Bathsheba, Uriah’s wife –the remark­able sin of his life. Note: if you take the time of war for the time of peace, you shall never have peace: and if you take the time to labour for the time to rest, you shall never reap any har­vest and never enter into his rest. Let us labour there­fore to enter into his rest –woe unto them that are at ease in Zion. 1 Kings 15:5. Amos 6:1.

Are you con­scious of the present spir­i­tual time? And that, know­ing the time, that now it ishigh time to awake out of sleep: for now is our sal­va­tion nearer than when we believed.

The hyp­ocrites and sin­ners in the churches are liv­ing in the space of time given to them for repen­tance of their evil deeds before the Lord breaks the hairy scalp of such a one as goes on still in his tres­passes and leads them forth with the work­ers of iniq­ui­ties. It is the evil time when the pru­dent in the king­dom shall keep silent in the Lord for the abom­i­na­tions in the church and in the world, but to instruct them that are wise and will hear. It is also the time of great ris­ing of the false prophets and teach­ers to shine and to deceive many. We are in the time when the earth shall be filled with the knowl­edge of the glory of the Lord as the water cover the sea. It is also the time of the itch­ing ears believ­ers when they shall not be able to endure sound doc­trines, but shall heap to them­selves teach­ers, hav­ing itch­ing ears. It is also the time when judg­ment shall begin at the house of God and many under shep­herds shall be cut off to be replaced with oth­ers after the heart of God.

Endeav­our to give and live more time for God and spend more time with him in pri­vate fel­low­ship. Now is the time to acquaint your­self with God who holds your very breath and all your ways in his hand. Life is more mean­ing­ful and pleas­ant with joy exceed­ing when more time is given to God and qual­ity of it is spent with him each day in close fel­low­ship. Time well spent in the pres­ence of God shall trans­form us into his like­ness if the heart is not divided, even as Moses descent from the moun­tain from the pres­ence of God and knew not that his face shines. Time spent for the ser­vice of God and for his house, though it be in arms way to set the cap­tives free and stand­ing in the gap for our brethren shall be as birds fly­ing, so will the Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem; defend­ing also he will deliver it; and pass­ing over he will pre­serve it. Isa­iah 31:5.

When it is not yet your time in God’s book of remem­brance (thou shall arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come. Psalms 102:13) it is a risk to run like oth­ers. You can be dis­qual­i­fied for tak­ing off with­out divine sig­nal and end up in untimely death and destruc­tion. You should trust God and wait patiently for him with­out giv­ing in to out­side pres­sure. If you are called to start the work in his vine­yard at third hour, or you are assigned to the vine­yard at sixth hour, nine or eleventh hour, it doesn’t mat­ter. Your remu­ner­a­tion shall be as the rest of the work­ers who have borne the heat and bur­den of the day, but don’t miss your time of appoint­ment, but make sure to keep the rank that he might meet you at the right place at his time of arrival. As the proverb says, who could keep rank in times of bat­tle, will make a sig­nif­i­cant dif­fer­ence to the out­come of the bat­tle. The Lord’s knows the time you will be fit­ted for his plan so don’t make haste, but wait for your time –every dog has its day — every­one is suc­cess­ful or happy at some time in their life. The time to wait on the God (Proverbs 27:18) is a cru­cial time in your life and should not be given uncon­trol­lable to worldly atten­dance or to car­nal plea­sures and uned­i­fy­ing irrel­e­vant things. God has set time to accom­plish every­thing and to bring into per­fec­tion every­thing con­cern­ing your life (my times are in your hands. Psalms 31:15) on the con­di­tion you are led by his spirit and walk­ing in the will of God. Slack­ness in the promise of God is to pre­pare you unto matu­rity that patience may have her per­fect work that you may be com­plete to lack noth­ing. Late­ness on his part is to mul­ti­ply your bless­ings for the rec­om­pense of trust­ing in his tim­ing, and to pro­long your days of enjoy­ing the bless­ings for the time of wait­ing – make us glad accord­ing to the days wherein thou hast afflicted us, and the years wherein we have seen evil. Psalms90:15. Matthew 20:1 – 16.

There are rare cases where cer­tain thing does not come into fruition in your life in com­par­i­son to oth­ers or what is nor­mal in life. Your life is dif­fer­ent from nor­mal because it is exclu­sively by God to glo­rify his name. Such life is excep­tion­ally designed to declare the glory of God and to make his works known– to depict what it looks like to walk with God, to trust in his word, to keep his way and to wait for his time. Good exam­ple could be found in the life of Abra­ham and Joseph. Genesis chap­ter 12 verses 4 says that Abra­ham, then known as Abram, was 75 years old when he left Haran. Gen­e­sis chap­ter 17 verses17 says that Abra­ham was exactly 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old when Isaac was born. God changes times and sea­sons. Such era of Abra­ham gen­er­a­tion shall no one in this present age live its expe­ri­ence with­out med­ical inter­ven­tion and ovary trans­plant, though all things are pos­si­ble, but on lim­ited cases to him that believes. Final note about Joseph who was sold into Egypt by the envy of his brethren in their pur­suit to destroy God’s plans and Joseph’s des­tiny, but lit­tle did they real­ized that they were the instru­ments of his aca­d­e­mic trip to Egypt for his field expe­ri­ence and prac­ti­cal train­ing in holi­ness at Potiphar’s house, and down to the prison where he man­i­fested his gifts to the chief but­ler and baker in the prepa­ra­tion for final show down of his unveil­ing des­tiny before Pharaoh and the whole world, trans­ferred from prison to the palace as the prime min­is­ter of the land. The bible penned it this way, God sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was sold for a ser­vant: whose feet they hurt with fet­ters: he was laid in iron: until the time that his word came: the word of the Lord tried him. The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the peo­ple, and let him go free. There is a set time the infinite-​timeless God has ordained to unveil each detail of your life page by page until every­thing writ­ten con­cern­ing you are ful­filled. Psalms105:17 – 19.