THE FRUIT OF THE WOMB – no more dry breasts and womb! Be fruitful and multiply in Jesus name.

THE FRUIT OF THE WOMB – no more dry breasts and womb!

It’s your time for a miraculous and divine visitation conception

Happy is the man that has his quiver full of them: for they shall not be ashamed, but shall speak with the enemies in the gate. Psalms 127:5

And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and water;and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren in thy land; the number of thy days I will fulfil. Exodus 23; 25-26.

Thou shalt be blessed above all people; there shall not be male or female barren among you, or your cattle. And the Lord will take away from the midst of thee all sickness, and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, upon thee; but will lay them upon all them that hate thee. Deuteronomy 7: 14-15.  
These are awesome unchanging promises of God’s word which relief, deliverance and bringing joy into lives and hearts of many lives and bringing new melody and songs into many households…..because the Lord maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Psalms 113: 3.
It is never the will of God for any of his believing sons and daughters to be childless. He has created us to replenish and to be fruitful, – to increase upon the earth, and to have off-springs and generations for our legacy; having your own children and children of your children on earth. Amen.

Countless women are receiving supernatural blessings of the fruit of the womb through the mercies of the Lord. Even those whom the medical reports have already ruled out that they cannot conceived anymore to have children due to many abortions and demonic attacks of witchcraft burial or some other reasons, but do conceive to show that God has the final say and his word is true forever but if you will believe, all things are possible to him that believes.

The annointing of God’s Spirit break the yoke and remove any witchcraft mark of dryness of womb and dryness of the breasts in your life. If you have committed sins, thay shall be forgiven you IJN. The curse shall be broken and blessed shall your womb and breasts  in the name of Jesus. Just believe in name of the Son of God.
Adoption is not the option and it’s not the will of God for your life. The Lord told Abraham, ….YOU ARE NOT GOING TO ADOPT E-LI-E-ZER OF DAMASCUS AS YOUR SON, BUT HE THAT SHALL COME FORTH OUT OF THINE OWN BOWELS SHALL BE THINE HEIR. Genesis 14; 2-4. Polygamous sinful lifestyle is not your portion just because you are in a desperate need of your child.
If you believe that the resurrection power of Jesus Christ can give you the miracle child, call NOW for direct online phone prayer: but on the condition that you lay or put aside and throw away and to get rid of anything which belongs to the devil like amulets, charms and any satanic materials in your possession to keep or enhance your chances of getting pregnant: including the demonic waist band given to hold pregnancy if you have been given one by the marabou or any witch -doctor or herbal practitioners through the evil power of diabolical enchantments and divination to help their victims and consultants.

Are you suffering afflictions from the past abortions or your pregnancy is coming down regurlarly by miscarriages? It is time we kill and burn to ashes that serpent that is periodically killing the unborn seed in your womb by the sword of the Spirit (the word of God) and word of fire! Many men of low sperm count so they say and women and families are receiving miracles through the power of Jesus ressurrection without any charge nor any price of money: but for the sake of what Jesus has done on the cross to destroy the works of Satan.

Weeping and waiting for child’s arrival all these many years are oevr -ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!


If you believe in the simple prayer of faith and authority that is in the name of Jesus Christ to change your situation and put joy and gladness in your heart through agreement prayer of conception as I ask God to visit you and to strenghten your womb and empower it to conceive, retain the mercy miracle seed and to deliver a lively, healthy and wholesome child in Jesus mighty name.

Could this be your season and time of visitation? Don’t miss it! Time and chance happens to all things in life. Luke 4: 25-27. 

Perhaps, I can also suggest to you additional two or three prayer points to make before God in your prayer closet as I’m led by the Spirit of God; sometimes we ask amiss, and we dont receive. Every case is unique and personal, but know this assuredly, that the power that overshadowed Mary to conceive shall locate you wherever you are on the planet earth as I shall pray the creative word of God into your womb and situation – he sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction – that includes childlessness. Psalms 107:20.

No more monthly weeping!

No more hiding!

No more pressure from the in-laws and the mockery of miserable well wishers!

No more child reproach and shame!

No more mockery of the enemies!

No more nothing or little sperm counts!

No more plannings for donors eggs – Thou shall be blessed  above all people; there shall not be male or female barren among you… Deuteronomy 7;14.

Read those two recent following testimonies among many.

Dear apostle Adebiyi,
Three months after your departure from Abuja (Nigeria) Elisabeth conceived and by the ninth month, she gave birth to a baby girl after 3 years of our marriage.

Thank you so much for the prayer of faith, spiritual supports and encouragements we received when you are with us in Africa.
We love you and pray that God shall increase his grace and anointing upon you life more and more for the deliverance of his people in Jesus name.

Sincerely your’s,
Gbenga Iwayemi.
Abuja. Nigeria.

I am so touched to share this particular testimony with you because the very night that Elisabeth narrated her repeated failure to conceive despite the fact that there was no negative medical report to suggest otherwise, an aged woman came to my dream on that particular night and clearly warned me to desist from praying for Elisabeth, and that her childlessness was none of my business.

With this demonic threat and information, I knew that her battle was half won as I embarked on intercessory, authoritative and ”Word filled” prayer on her behalf by the merit of the blood which covered or paid the price for the lawful captive to be delivered. Isaiah 49; 24-25. 

Some problems are just spiritual in reality, and not until the strongman is bind and his house is spoilt, nothing good is going to happen.

Thank God for those medical equipments and examinations, but they are not going to reveal anything spiritual, and the doctors shall not see anything if your problem is of spiritual origin, no matter how  professional and equipped they are.
Take for instance a woman in whose womb was deposited hidden spiritual stones of darkness through witchcraft to prevent her from conceiving.
Tell me how such a woman shall conceive except the Rock of Ages fall on those stones by his miraculous power, grind them to powder and cause the blood of Jesus to cleanse and purify the womb to conceive? Or, consider the case of a woman, who by her promiscuous youthful life has damaged her womb, and now in Christ, she is looking for children in her marriage and the medical doctors have written her off and labelled her as barren for life.
Such situation requires strong intercessory “mercy sought” miracle prayer for a new womb replacement and conception for with God, nothing shall be impossibl because he will forgives our iniquities and heals all our diseases, with him is many redemption and he will redeem you even from the problem of childlessness or barrenness.

Second testimony from Turin, Italy.

I am from Nigeria, while my husband is from Ivory-Coast and we have been living together  in love for eight years but without the fruit of the womb.

My in-laws became the intruments by which the devil wanted to break my relationship because of my difficulty to conceived.

I’ve been to hospitals and has done many gynacology tests which confirmed that I have no problem to conceive whatsoever, neither my husband.

A friend invited me to Apostle Emmanuel’s church and I told him how my relationship was about to collapse because of child issue.

He prayed for me and told me that by this time next year I shall have my baby and carry her in my hands. I do believed the word of God from his mouth and confessed to it, but not very strongly, having tried everything possible to conceive.

To my amazements and to the shame of my In- laws, I conceived three months after pastor Emmanuel prayed for  me and I named my daughter Angel. Praise the Lord.

Do you want to sing a new song, even the song of Hannah, the mother of Samuel?

You can’t know how sweet a new song can sound until you conceive and become a joyful mother of children to compose your own song.
Never give up on your hope of child-bearing, perhaps you’ve resolved to fate that it is not the will of God for you to have children.

No, God never create any woman to be barren nor un-fruitful! His thoughts are good towards you and he shall wipe away your tears of childlessness as you believe his word and lay hold of the promises in Jesus mighty name.

Childlessness or barreness is a curse and a yoke, get them broken now!

We live daily by the promises of God, from the beginning of our conversion to the end of our pilgrim journey here on earth. Divine promises sustains us each day to accomplish divine purposes in our lives and to glorify the greatness of our King who magnify his word above all his names.

Oil in the bible is the symbol of Holy Spirit (Psalms 92:10) and it is also of dedication or consecration unto the Lord (Exodus 30:30) and of the power of God which speaks of annointing (Isaiah 10:27. I John 2: 20-21) and of the authority established by God in the church of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. James 5: 14-15. 

You don’t have to buy speacial annointing olive oil or holy annointing water from the false propehts and fake miracle workers anymore. Your faith should not be in any object or substance or in any man than in the power of the blood of Jesus and in his precious wonderful name and the promises from his holy word to give you double for your trouble. Expect a miracle! With God nothing shall be impossible.

Thy teeth are like a flock of sheep that are even shorn, which came up from the washing; whereof every one bear twins, and none is barren among them. Songs of Solomon 4; 2.