Woman’s call, fashion, roles and lifestyles in the New Testament church. 1 Corinthians14: 34-40. 1Timothy2:11-15. 1Peter 3:1-6. Nimes 10-01-2021.

 The divine set up, plans and purposes for the church of God purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ could be traced back to the Garden of Eden before and after the fall. It could also be well known from certain restrictions, permissions and services concerning feminine involvements in the church in the wilderness. Whatever is written concerning the temple gatherings and worship, organizations and assignments of responsibilities from the book of the Acts of the Apostles as the exemplary primitive church is the foundation for basic operations, pattern and guidance which should be followed after from those who was with Jesus in the days of his flesh, and have fought the good fight, and has gone before us, as we continue to build upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone and not any other foundation. In the early church, there are many learned and godly women of old, but they never transgress the word of God, though they are chief women in the society, able to influence others to start a church, yet they subjected themselves in obedience and submission to the gospel of Christ, not going beyond the limit of operation and functioning in the church as given or directed by God. Ephesians 2:20. Acts 17:4.
The enemy is ruse and his intents and goal was to set up opposition to reverse divine set up, plans, purposes and orderliness: not only to defile, pollute and destroys the fellowship with God in the churches today as he prevailed over Eve and Adam at the Garden of Eden, but to change God’s organizational and governmental rule against the entire world system as the god this world. Man is not complete without a woman, but the woman is not made to take the place given to the man from the creation. Satan is the first and chief feminist activist anyone could ever imagined as he once seek to advance Eve over Adam by indoctrination contrary to the instructions Adam first learned and received from God: so that she, who ought to learn should be the very person to teach her husband similar but another doctrine, contrary to God’s pure doctrine. Instead of her to keep to her place of continual learning and following after her husband as God intends, she willingly agreed and thrown in her support with the enemy to make her husband her follower and learner of spiritual truth. Supposedly, Satan did this to make her equal in authority with Adam before God, but marital and priesthood authority is delegated to the man from the beginning and she was to help him in the execution of those responsibilities as a helper but not as insubordination or usurper of authority. Satan sought to make them transgress the word and to discontinue in the unchanging eternal word: as long they abide in the word, they abide in God to keep themselves from evil, and that wicked one cannot touch them. Though we all have the eternal word of God before us, are men’s opinion not differs on this particular text and subject before us today, though it is clearer and whiter than quartz? Every word of God is pure: he is a shield to them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his word, lest he reprove you and thou be found a liar. Proverbs 30:5-6. Note: anytime you see a woman standing as a pastor or shepherdess over a church, or you watch her on the television as a pastor over spiritual unintelligent men (as for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths. Isaiah3:12): be reminded and conscious that you are watching or sitting under the tutorial of a liar under the influence of Jezebel’s spirit – a daughter of Satan, vainly puffed up by his fleshly- worldly minded like queen Vashti who made herself equal in position of authority and power as the husband the king before she was deposed and replaced by another woman of a meek and quiet spirit –Esther. Know assuredly that the consequence of rebellion and defiance against the word of God is eternal and second death in hell, except they repent. It is obvious that whatever spirit inspires or empowers them is not the Spirit of God, because the Holy Spirit shall never contradict the written word of God: the spirit and the word agree as one.
 In the fall in the Garden of Eden, God saw through the intended purpose of Satan to re-educate Eve, but he set the record straight again before her to nullify the evil knowledge of authority given to her by Satan: to restrain her from exercising unwarranted power of influence inspired by Satan over her husband, namely, the impression of equality in power and positional stand with God. In his judgment, God made it clear to Eve that Adam shall rule over her and unto him shall her desire be. Genesis 3:16. To rule over her means to lead and to guide her in things pertaining to God and godliness as the representative priest over his family or household. And her desire shall be unto him here means to look up to him as the right and godly decision maker in the things of God that are not clear to her – to protect her against any misleading and unbiblical decision or choice she may want to make contrary to the word of God without power struggle to dominate her husband’s leading – if they shall learn anything, let them ask their husband at home. 1 Corinthians 14:35.    
Man and woman are one before God because he made them both: but they were not created to be equal in spiritual positional stand and authority before God because (a) the scriptures reveals man’s authority and power with God to veto any vow which he heard his wife utter before God, if he’s not okay with such a vow, to instantly oppose and nullify her words or promise made, whereby rendering her vow(s) invalid and empty words by his authority as her covering head before God, because she has not formerly discussed it with her husband for his consent and approval to avoid any consequence or problem that such vow may cause both of them in the future. Numbers30: 6 -8: (b) for divine instruction and ordinance given unto her from God to make sure that her head is covered in obedience during devotional prayer time before God at home or in the church for the purpose of showing or expressing (a) reverence to her husband in acknowledgement and appreciation that she is his glory and crown as one made out of his rib, made to be his helper. Her long hair was designed as creative beauty of feminine attractive covering to distinguish her from the man (1 Corinthians 11:14-15), but not to be used or seen as an excuse for her not to keep a hat or prepare a scarf to cover her head during worship and prayer time. It is a comportment of spiritual indecency, unruly, unseemly, arrogant and rebellious attitude of mental perception of equality and comparison (ignorantly or self willed) with man before God who is not expected to cover his head during worship and prayer season in respect and submission to acknowledge the Lordship of his head, even Christ: (b) to show her keen submission to spiritual requirement in worship and prayer for the obedience of faith preached among the nations to honor her earthly and celestial head (the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered dishonored his head. But every woman that prays or prophesies with her head uncovered, dishonored his head. 1 Corinthians 11:3-5) for the observational reports of the angels assigned to the churches before God: (c) that she should not dress herself in any way to appear masculine by wearing or putting on anything which is generally perceives to be men’s wear (the woman shall not wear that which pertains unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God. Deuteronomy 22:5) lest she becomes an abomination to the Lord her God. Her mode of dressings should be conformed to the dressing mode and piety appearances of the holy women of old time in their manner of dressings: first, to focus and priorities the growth and developments of her inner beauty of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God a great price. Certainly, if she is meek and quite, she will never seek to adorn herself with any strange apparel (Zephaniah 1:8) that could implicate her as being spotted with the world in appearance and mode (James 1:27): to go out of the word of God, she would not! She would not be the odious fair woman without good character, contentious and angry woman for whom her husband must abandoned any comfort of the cottage or leave the apartment for her to escape from her quarrelsome and violent verbal and psychology and physical destructive abuses to live alone, first at the housetop: but when this will not end, he should finally move forward to get out of the house into the wilderness (it is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house: it is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman. Proverbs 21 verses 9 and 19) but to reverence her husband as her little lord in Christ Jesus after a godly submission, doing the right thing in the sight of God without the fear of what people will say or are saying.1Peter 3: 4-6.
She should be mindful of her dresses (top and down or gown)  that they should not be seductive or transparent to see through her breasts, thigh or underwear to consciously or otherwise alluring men to the lusts of the eyes and the lusts of flesh than to glorify God in her body which belongs to her Savior Jesus Christ. She should not in any way be defiled by the corruption that is in the world, or be patterned in conformity to the world (moreover the Lord says, because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet: therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the Lord will discover their secret parts.  In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the moon, the chains, and the bracelets, and the mufflers, the bonnets, and the ornaments of the legs, and the headbands, and the tablets, and the earrings, the rings, and nose jewels, the changeable suits of apparel, and the mantles, and the wimples, and the crisping pins, The glasses, and the fine linen, and the hoods, and the veils. And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty. Thy men shall fall by the sword, and thy mighty in the war. And her gates shall lament and mourn; and she being desolate shall sit upon the ground. Isaiah 3:16-26), lest she should become a conscious or an unconscious stumbling block and cause of offenses for others to sin and she thereby falls under divine condemnation of unsanctified vessel of dishonor: thought she might be used by God, but shall be cast away at the end for causing others to sin and fall away. Her beauty should not come from the outward packaging of adornment of hairstyles, (beauty is deceitful, and favor is vain: but a woman that fear the Lord, she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:30), but to be content with her God endowed natural beauty of her hair without tinting with colors (Romans 12:2): to keep it clean and good without hair attachments which is spiritually implicative to serve as an opening door for demons into her life. And because her body is now the temple of God which dwells in her, she should not make it a goldsmith displaying window shop to be wearing earrings or nose ring (except for her wedding ring) nor to turn her body over for cosmetics mascara shop display to paint eyes, lips, face, fingers nails and toes with abnormal colors like Jezebel the mother of harlots and witchcraft. 2 Kings 9:30.  And God said unto Jacob, Arise, go up to Bethel, and dwell there: and make there an altar unto God, that appeared unto thee when thou fled from the face of Esau thy brother. Then Jacob said unto his household, and to all that were with him, put away the strange gods that are among you, and be clean, and change your garments: and let us arise, and go up to Bethel; and I will make there an altar unto God, who answered me in the day of my distress, and was with me in the way which I went. And they gave unto Jacob all the strange gods which were in their hand and all their earrings which were in their ears; and Jacob hid them under the oak which was by Shechem. Genesis 35:1-4. Yes, she should religiously dress modestly (moral respect for others) and if she want to show off anything having to do with her body, it should be before her husband at home, and not to flaunt her sexual figure and attraction before the world like the daughters of Babylon, showing everyone what she sexually got: not also in the church, she should not defile the heart of the weak male worshippers with her ungodly dress, except she’s a conscious agent of marine kingdom to do that; or she’s unconsciously possessed with marine spirit to infect the place of worship with immoral spirit with divers lust. The lying argument from the pit of hell is that God has nothing to do with your appearance and outside of you because he looks at the heart: thus they misquote the scripture given to Samuel when he was sent to anoint David at Jesse’s house. The truth is that what the people are seeing outside is the true picture of what is within: and according to Jesus, the hypocrites should first cleanse themselves from within, then shall the outside become clean as well. Matthew 23:26.
The born again Christians are inside-out new creatures in Christ Jesus (I will give them a new heart) and the manifestations of any worldly lust and ungodliness (Titus 2:12-14) is the alarming signal to the presence of certain strongholds (flesh – which should die daily and be brought under subjection, not to obey it in the lusts thereof) showing that they have not yet brought every thoughts in them into captivity to the obedience of Christ. The only way we can bring forth abiding fruit to eternal life is not to make ourselves to appear like the unbelievers in appearance, not deceiving them that the church is classy and fashionable (worldliness in the church), and by so doing, such impression will make them twice worst the children of hell than such are: love not the world, neither the things that are in the world: if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him: for everything that is in the world, the lusts of the eyes, the lusts of the flesh, and the pride of life, is not of God, but of the world, but the world is going, with the lusts thereof, but he that do the will of God abides forever. 1 John 2:15-17.
Both male and female believers have equal right and privilege to approach the throne of mercy as heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ: in him, there is no Jew nor Gentile, neither male or female, free or bond, you are all one in Christ Jesus: as many of us as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Galatians 3:26-26. Though the woman is called a weaker vessel (1Peter 3:7), yet she is the beloved of her God and of her husband, worthy of honor and be treated respectfully within the bond of the scriptures as heirs together of the grace of life, so that his prayers should not be hindered, if he should maltreat his wife in any way- two are better than one. Every man should bear rule at home and their wives should not rule over them. Esther 1:22. They should be able to lead in prayers and teach, instruct and nourish their wives, not only with bread and fish, also with the word of God as the priest of the family. This is the first spiritual responsibility of a Christian brother, that he should be sound in scriptural knowledge and devotion before his God to lead his family. His wife is not given the permission or authority to speak openly in the congregation or at the general assembly of saints comprising of the male and female worshippers. According to the word of God, it is a shame for any woman to speak (take position of authority) in the church. The speaking here has to do with teaching or preaching in the church as a female shepherdess or bishop. The bible clearly says that if a man (not the woman) desire the office of a bishop, he should be the husband of one wife (not the wife to one husband) able to rule his house (not like queen Vashti sought to rule the King and the kingdom and was deposed) for if a man (not the woman) cannot rule (exercises marital authority properly over his wife and kids) his own house, how can he rule (preside over to shepherd and to exercises spiritual authority) the house of God? 1Timothy3:1-5. She should participates in any daily or weekly intercessory group in the church (Acts 12:12) or in the group or personal-street, offices and neighborhoods evangelism as a branch called to bear fruits to win souls – the fruit of righteousness tends to life, whosoever (male or female win soul is wise. Proverbs 11:30.                 
Without the presence of good women who have chosen to tremble to the word of God in the church, many great works may not be accomplished in the kingdom, their expected roles to play are very crucial as helpers in many ways (Luke 8:1-3): first as mighty intercessors: secondly, for the administrative and social works in the church, that the older lady may help to instruct the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:4-5. Note: there is a vast difference between the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:7-10) from the five-fold gifts of the ministry and any woman can graciously exercise her spiritual gifts in an orderly manner during the gathering of the saints: but not because a woman’s husband is called to be a prophet, apostle, pastor or a bishop does make her to become a pastor, neither a bishop: she is an helper, a sister or the wife to the pastor or the bishop’s wife. 1 Corinthians 9:5.                               
Philip the evangelist had four unmarried girls which prophesied (Acts 21:9) but they were not called to be prophetess and evangelist like their father was as the result of their spiritual gift. And not because a woman is gifted to prophecy, can see visions or operates in the gifts of the word of knowledge, charismatic, eloquent, literate and over-zealous should she allows herself to be carried away by any deceitful spirit to appoint herself to serve God as a church leader over God’s people which does not qualifies her into any of the five-fold ministerial portfolio of the apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers or the evangelists. Ephesians 4:11-12. The church pulpit or altar is not a legacy any should pass on to their wife in their will. The pastor or bishop’s wife is not the heiress apparent to the altar to ascend and to stand upon to preach to male and female worshippers after her husband’s death; only fake assemblies of God will do such or those who has gone out of the way. Male and female believers should all evangelize to gain and win the lost souls, and we may all covet the gift to prophesy (1 Corinthians 14:39) but the ministry of an evangelist, a pastor, an apostle or a teacher of the word, and of the prophet is another dimension and are men’s thing! Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also says the law. And if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. What? came the word of God out from you? Or came it unto you only?  If any man thinks himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord. But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant. 1 Corinthians 14:34-38.                                                                                              
There is nothing so destructive to man before God as ignorant and self-willed. Let none dare accuse or charge God of being prejudiced or discriminatory against women, the works of his own hand. Shall the things formed say to him that made it, why have you made me so? Who are you O man to question or reply back against God’s word and will? (A). Because of her position in the creation as one formed after Adam, the word of God restraint her from taking over the position of biblical authority in the church as it is written, let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 1Timothy 2: 11-13: (b) because of her role in the universal fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden, she is forbidden to act as an apostle, pastor, a teacher of the word over a local church or assembly, but to keep the house (her marriage), raise children and to continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety to accomplish her eternal salvation – And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. 1Timothy2:14-15. Note: only the rebellious – spiritually unbroken, audacious and insolent women in the church shall take upon themselves the office of shepherdess in such a time as this. We are not in the time of the rebellious Israel at the time of the Judges where both of male and female were raised to judge Israel. Though our mother Rebecca was kind, generous and sensitive to the need for water to drink for the servant sent by our father Abraham, meek and humbled to draw water from the well for the servant and his Carmel to drink water from the well as a sign to fulfill her approval from God to be Isaac’s wife. Genesis 24:17-20. It was not Rebecca’s call to draw water from the well of salvation daily or weekly to quench the spiritual thirstiness of God’s people and of the household of faith as priestess or shepherdess over the sheep of the pasture of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel. So, as Rebecca lighted of her Carmel, took a veil, and covered her head as soon as she understands that it was Isaac on the field in meditation before God s the token of her subjection, likewise should every meek and lowly in heart daughters of Zion show respect and reverence of submission for their husbands in trembling to the word of God: to cover their heads during prayer seasons at home or in the church – And Rebecca lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she lighted off the camel. For she had said unto the servant, what man is this that walks in the field to meet us? And the servant had said it is my master: therefore she took a veil, and covered herself. Genesis 24:65-66.                                                                                                                                             
There was once a sister in one of our local church in Nigeria. She is spiritually gifted with word of knowledge and with accurate prophetic utterances, including the gift of healing with her great zeal to evangelize and to win souls. She made a great impact in the ministry because her presence and diligent work was fruitful and productive to bring many souls daily and weekly to the church. She was like the fisher man with the boat and the net, while the rest are just waiting to clean the fish she catches. One day, she became rude (spiritual unbrokenness caused by pride) and was suspended for disciplinary action to bring her to repentance, humility and submission to the rules of the ministerial engagements. In the course of her suspension from church works, though she was coming to the church to attend normal worship on Sunday’s and weekly bible services and studies, but was left out of the intercessory and female visitation group. In her testimony after her suspension was over, she was approached by certain rebellious men and women in the church to start her own church, considering that at least thirty to forty people or more will follow her to her new church as a pastor or spiritual shepherdess. Thank God for her because she prayed and the spirit of truth which never contradict the word of God to magnify any vision or counsel from men, or any voice men may claim to heard above the word of God spoke to her to submit herself under the authority of the local church, that she was called and anointed with gifts to serve for the common good and for the glory of the risen Christ. She gave her testimony of victory over pride, wrong and false zeal, and over misleading voices and unbiblical counsels received from sons and daughters of Belial to open and run a church. Openly rebellious women or the ladies with zeal without knowledge, or those women who are endangered and corrupted by worldly doctrine of gender equality, or those who are deceived by the deceitfulness of Satan through lying dreams are the ladies operating and preaching as pastor or shepherdess, or the ladies who are out to make their money from church business with serpentine or marine spirit. The Lord is against them as evil collaborators and enablers, they should be ready for the wrath of God unless they repent and stop. Revelation 2:20. Woe unto the male pastors or leaders who are bestowing or ordaining those women with ministerial or priestly authority to aid, support and encourage to facilitate their rebellious and contention spirits against the word of God (if any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord. But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant. 1Corinthians 14:37-38):  they shall partake with them in the punishments of their iniquities for the blood of the souls going to hell through them which God shall require from them all. When a man submits himself under the leadership of a female pastor, can’t you see that he’s already under the spell and bewitchment of Jezebel spirit, even as King Ahab of old? It is evil to co-operate with anyone in the things of the Lord if their work is outside the bond of the scriptures and authority of the word of God: thus says the Lord; for three transgressions of Judah, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because they have despised the law of the Lord, and have not kept his commandments, and their lies caused them to err, after the which their fathers have walked. Amos 2: 4.
Before I end, let me give you another example from a church at the quartier port bouet Abidjan, the capital city of Ivory Coast concerning a Ghanaian spirit-filled female believer who was a business lady. She was gifted to know and to prophecy: as the result of these manifestations, many people seek unto her in the morning, afternoon and evening for prayers. After some time, God spoke to her to look for a good pastor to be feeding those people with the word of God instead of leaving them to go back to the religion of Catholic and adulatory: to together them into one place for prayer and to start a church. She then travelled down to Accra to inform her pastor and local church. After prayer and fasting, her pastor sent a good male shepherd to take over the congregation under which she works and labor together in the Lord to build the church and to edify the saints in the faith -yes, and I ask you, true yokefellow, to help these women who have labored with me for the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose name are written in the book of life. Philippians 4:3. 
An hour after posting this articule and shared with some beloved brethren, I received a feedback message from sister Sylvia, a French Jewish beloved sister in the faith of Jesus Christ our eternal Yeshuoa and she wrote: Dear brother,
Thank you brother for online preaching on the role of the Christian woman.It is true that a woman must not teach!I apologize to Yeshua and you if that seemed to be the case.
It was not my intention, quite the contrary, I just love to feed on the divine word and share it!
I will continue reading the Torah and will avoid sending you any form of Bible teaching. Thank you for your attention to this remark, I will be vigilant … Shalom … Sylvia
I repented with Yeshua and with you
 In my response i wrote:
Dear sister, 
 Please don’t stop sending me edifying videos and useful messages to encourage one another as the bible says.
This message has nothing to do with sharing helpful biblical ideas. 
 God bless you.
 Emmanuel Adebiyi A 
To conclude, a Christian woman filled with the word and Spirit of God can share edifying scriptures and other helpful spiritual materials with a Christian brother, not with the intents of teaching him but with the heart of encouragements and edification. O that such a heart to fear and love God which is found in sister Sylvia is in all the daughters of God to tremble before the word of God and those women parading themselves as pastors or apostles should repent and stop at once before it is too late!