The spiritual dangers and eternal implications of evil tolerance – abhor what is evil. Romans 12:9b. Message delivered today Nimes 22-​01-​2020

The text this morning goes against everything the world calls bigotry, prejudice, intolerance and lack of love. If you read the word before the actual text, it reads; let love be without dissimulation or hypocrisy (Romans 12: 9a) which means that love shown and given should be based or founded on the knowledge of God’s word and in his fear to approve or disapprove, praise or frown at, accept or reject any idea, proposal and unscriptural comportment and evil. (1) Love without hypocrisy will speak the truth in love, not as pleasingly any man for whatever reason, but as pleasingly God who will punish anyone that deceives their neighbour by fear or respect of person or for personal gain. They shall be guilty of the blood of men misled by their sweet and flattering word to perish. (2). Failure to love without hypocrisy, they made themselves an unconscious and indirect enemy to their loved ones by approving what is wrong, because they don’t like to hurt them: they refused to speak out the truth, though it’s as hurt and bitter as it may be to bring out the faithful wounds of a true friend: faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Proverbs 27:6.
True love should not be afraid to lose the company of another friend who has no pleasure (heretic and adamant) in the antidote for peace, liberty and sanctification — truth. True love will speak up to save others lest one sinner’s hypocrisy led many other astray as we see Apostle Paul stood up when he perceived that Apostle Peter was not walking uprightly according to the truth of the gospel in the matter of keeping company and eating with the circumcised Jews and uncircumcised believer’s brethren. When Paul saw the evil in Peter’s action (when Cephas (Peter) came to Antioch, I opposed him face to face [about his conduct there], because he stood condemned [by his own actions]. Before certain men came from James, he used to eat [his meals] with the Gentiles; but when the men [from Jerusalem] arrived, he began to withdraw and separate himself [from the Gentile believers], because he was afraid of those from the circumcision. The rest of the Jews joined him in this hypocrisy [ignoring their knowledge that Jewish and Gentile Christians were united, under the new covenant, into one faith], with the result that even Barnabas was carried away by their hypocrisy. But when I saw that they were not being straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I told Cephas (Peter) in front of everyone, If you, being a Jew, live [as you have been living] like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how is it that you are [now virtually] forcing the Gentiles to live like Jews [if they want to eat with you]? Galatians 2:11 – 14) he opened his mouth before all to rebuke the error of Peter’s doctrinal ways and practices, and to expound on the effects of Christ death on the cross to unify both Jews and Gentiles in one body through the preaching and elaboration of justification by faith in Christ Jesus. Failure to do this on the part of Apostle Paul would be consequential and implicating before God. Let the dunderheads say what they would (jealous, competing or comparing, critic and judging of other’s life) but the error of Peter’s action was clearly apparent and men’s opinion and judgement is worthless where the truth of the gospel should be defended to refute lies, teachers and students of it. Galatians 2:4 – 5.
We all know in part, but when other brethren and minister erroneously walk contrary or speak things amiss out of the scriptures, do we hold our peace and let them led innocent and naïve souls astray for fear of man or for whatever reason which could cost us dearly before God? You have to seek for truth to buy, and sell it not; and to speak it from the heart, and love the company of those that love, cherish and keep it. If you don’t show detestation to evil, it means you have pleasure in it and a partaker therein by silent consent (thou shall not follow a multitude to do evil. Exodus 23:2) and they have your approval to that which is detestable and unacceptable before God, though you are not actually participating, just like Desmond Tutu (Nobel peace prize 1984) is not a gay, but gave his blessing to his wayward lesbian daughter’s wedding to a Dutch woman –Mpho Tutu van Furth. Woe unto them that gives their blessings on whatever the Lord abhors! It means they’ve compromised their stand for the truth as a saint in light for men’s praise and approval: but it is not him that commends himself or commend by man that is approved, but he whom the Lord commends. Where are the anointed Jehu’s of God today who will not seek for peace and co-​operation with others where evil is evident (when Joram saw Jehu, he said, do you come in peace, Jehu? And he answered, what peace [can exist] as long as the fornications of your mother Jezebel and her sorceries are so many? 2 Kings 9:22) but will abhor and resist it out rightly and put darkness to flight? 2 Corinthians 10:18.
It doesn’t matter to whom the truth is applicable or guilty of wrong and evil doing– wife, husband, children, mother, daughter, son, in laws: if you love them more than Christ, you are not worthy of him. Christ came into the world not to bring peace but separation (Matthew 10:34 – 39) and to bear witness to the truth, and to testify against the evil in the world, and to give his life as ransom for sinners and truth, that good and righteousness may prevail. Has any man bestow or speak a father’s blessing to any daughter or son of his who has chosen to be a lesbian or gay contrary to the word of God for whatever reason? How dare you bless that which is Accursed by God? Know this, you shall not stand in judgement; neither shall your blessing stand before the wrath of God on the day of visitation, but shall altogether perish like Achan was destroyed with all his households at the fall of Jericho! Whatever God says is evil and abomination to him should be evil and abominable to us if we love God. The vices out there in the world should be hated, disgusted, detested, loathsome and despicable to a true child of God just like Lot showed his open disapproval against the sexual perversion of the gay pride and ways of the Sodomites and would not refused to give away his virgin daughter to change their perverted sexual ways. 2 Peter 2:7 – 8.
Prophet Eli was the priest at Shiloh but he failed to rebuke and chastise his children’s sexual sins against God in the temple and against the female worshippers to cover up for them. 1Timothy 5:20. His painful and sorrowful death and the sudden demise of his two sons and of his daughter in law which occurred on the same day is preventable, if he has taken personal action to remove the corrupt priests and to distance himself from their evil actions, but his reluctance brought God into action to slay all of them for his failure to abhor evil and his bloodline is divinely ban forever from the priesthood to minister in the temple.
Have you chosen to stay in a church where evil is not contested against from the pulpit? Woe unto them that call evil good, bitter sweet, and darkness light. Isaiah 5:20.When men add to the word of God, they become a liar, and you know the fate of all liars – hell: and when men remove from the word of God, you know that they shall be reproved by him: both actions are evil, to add or remove from the word of God, he approves not. Proverbs 30:5 – 6.
Whatever the reason, Adam ought to stand on the word of God and never permit Eve to indoctrinate him against the word of God given for the continuation of their existence in the Garden of Eden. He ought to, but failed to put off a good fight of faith to defend the truth for his survival; to resist Eve and the serpent who has gained advantaged over her: instead, he showed weakness in the place of strength to love his wife above God which should be loved before and above all. He knew that God has forewarned death as the outcome result if any should eat from the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but nonetheless chose not to be mindful of the word of God: you that love the Lord hate evil: he preserves the souls of his saints; he delivers them out of the hand of the wicked. Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart. Psalms 97:10 – 11.
Adam cleaved to the evil instead of him to do the right thing by non –compliance to Eve’s desire (to act in accordance with a wish or command) and to disavow (deny any responsibility or support for) himself from her action. He was supportive of her misinterpretation, false and wrong application of the word of God in the place of bringing her thought into the captivity of obedience to the word of God. There are two sins found in Adam (1) he listened to wrong doctrine given by the serpent to the woman, instead of him to resist her for the continuation of his existence before God: Adam was first formed and was given instruction about all the trees which he later communicate to Eve at her arrival in the Garden, how dared him allowed her through the deception of Satan to twist the word of God for his fall and destruction! (2) He willfully enjoyed, but not forced to eat from the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, only to put the blame on the wife he was responsible to teach before God. Note: whenever you compromised the sensual, emotional, material, physical or visible things against the word of God or for the word of God; you are at a great loss, descending and diving into the pit of death and hell: nothing should be traded in exchange for the word of life but to labor and strive that none of the word should fall to the ground: none should be important to you above the word of God: for by it you live. You should not only abstain from the appearance of evil, but to abhor it altogether, and never to follow any to do evil, lest we die with them: the flesh profits nothing, it is the spirit that quickens; the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. John 6: 63.
People seems to blindly fall in love to what is hateful to the Lord, which they should likewise hate and avoid; but sorry, they love it at its core. Sweet and flattery words are evil (twisted truth): they are the designs of the false prophets and teachers of the word which are taking the foolish and unstable itching ears believers to hell. Sweet and flattery ministers are evil hearted; they care not for the souls of men other than to make merchandise of the people with fair words and soothing teachings for money sake, and not for the spiritual growth and perfection of the saints with sound doctrine and strong meat to establish souls in the present truth and true grace of God. Romans 16:17 – 18. Titus 1:11. 2 Peter 2:1 – 3. 1 Peter 5:12.
It is evil to disputes the word of God with an adamant heart that is not willing to learn and understand scriptures after two or three witnesses and references to establish the truth: for precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little whilecomparing spiritual things with spiritual. Isaiah 28:10. 1 Corinthians 2:13.
Such action and spirit of striving or quarrelling with the word of God (a) grieves the gentle Spirit of God (b) is to the destruction of the hearer or listener – it is evil: of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers. Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:14 – 15. Two people cannot walk together except they agreed (Amos 3:3): whosoever transgress, and abides not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abides in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: for he that bids him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. 2 John 9 – 11.
The spirit of error is not of God as we can see from the Garden of Eden, but the err can be corrected and restored if he is willing to learn and change (my brothers and sisters, if anyone among you strays from the truth and falls into error and [another] one turns him back [to God], let the [latter] one know that the one who has turned a sinner from the error of his way will save that one’s soul from death and cover a multitude of sins [that is, obtain the pardon of the many sins committed by the one who has been restored. James 2:19 – 20) if not, such is counted to be heretical and false brethren which should be rejected after the first and second admonition: if otherwise, they will pollute and indoctrinate with false doctrine of a corrupt mind and unstableness in the word of righteousness: but avoid foolish and ill-​informed and stupid controversies and genealogies and dissensions and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and useless. After a first and second warning reject a divisive man [who promotes heresy and causes dissension — ban him from your fellowship and have nothing more to do with him], well aware that such a person is twisted and is sinning; he is convicted and self-​condemned [and is gratified by causing confusion among believers]. Titus 3:9 – 11.
Where is the Phinehas in the church today with strong detest against sexual immorality on the altar and in the congregation; though they may not resolve to javelin to kill and avenge the Lord of those who are making sacrilege of his temple (Numbers 25:1 – 14) thinking that none can challenge them, but they can show strong displeasure, abhorrence and disapproval to separate from any brother or sister who is a fornicator, drunkard, lesbian, gay, thieves, covetousness, slanderer, swindler, slanderer: not even to eat with such. 1Corinthians 5:9 – 13.
If you do not abhor and disassociate from evil; you are evil, a little leaven leavening the whole lump: but if you abhor and dissociate from evil, you shall be clean through the word spoken to you by the Lord, and he shall be your indestructible sanctuary and shelter from all evil and from the slander and persecution of evil men. None should be found to tolerate anything forbidden by the scriptures (but I have this [charge] against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess [claiming to be inspired], and she teaches and misleads my servants so that they commit [acts of sexual] immorality and eat food sacrificed to idols. Revelation 2:20) though, the sinners from the world of darkness promotes and advocating for gender equality. Darkness seeks and seems to have its way into the assemblies of the saints in light, but the world should never be allowed to introduce any corrupt practices into the church.
Whatever is abomination in the eyes of God is evil and damnable; such things should be abhorred by his children — church. Any male believer under the ministerial leadership and shepherdess of a female pastor, bishop or prophetess is likened to King Ahab which sold himself to Jezebel to rule over him through manipulation of witchcraft and seduction spirit under false inspiration, led by zeal without knowledge or knowingly and deliberately openly defiance and rebellious against the word of God – part of the manifestations of the spirit of Baal: silly girls bully them around– women rule over them. Isaiah 3:12.
The Jezebel spirit through her agent representatives or prototypes should not be tolerated at home or in the church — it is evil. Men should abhor that which is evil and bear rule at home (Esther 1:22): they should not to relinquish matrimony spiritual authority to teach their wives under any pressure to a rebellious, obnoxious and odious wife for whatever reason like Adam did in the Garden and Ahab likewise before God. 1 Kings 21:25.