The final selection and separation. Matthew 13:36 – 43: 47 – 48. Matthew 25:1 – 13. Nimes 02−09−19

Salvation is our faith in Christ and hope of eternal life in him: but we are not yet enter into this final unceasing lively and incorruptible rest as long as we are still in this physical body, we are absent from the Lord. Let us labour therefore that whether we are alive or asleep, we may be accepted of the Lord: to walk worthy of him, fully pleasing in him (Colossians 1:10 – 14) being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God, that he may count us worthy of his high calling in Christ Jesus and to obtain the prize of the fruit of the tree of eternal life reserved for the overcomers in the paradise of God. 2 Thessalonians 1:11. Revelation 2:7.
Eternal life is a promise which God that cannot lie has promised (Titus 1:2) before the foundation of the world. Though we are saved, but we are presently in the state of ‘probationary — conditional salvation’ (which means not all the so-​called believers in Christ Jesus shall make it to heaven) just as Adam was in his creation in the garden until he dare God’s word to eat from the fruit of the tree of evil and good to fall. Had Adam waited enough to obey God and to resist the devil till the fullness of time appointed by God to offer him the fruit of life as a gift together with Eve to eat for the reward of their submission to his word and will, they should therefore be living forever and not have died: but to draw our attention to this particular thing has this happened to them for our example, so that we should learn the wisdom of the just from their spiritual failure and misfortune: you have need of patient, that after you have the will of God, you might receive the promise. Hebrews 10:36.
Were not five chosen, allowed and selected to go into the banquet hall with the bridegroom at his arrival among the ten virgins? Shall not the Lord send his angels to separate and preserve his steadfast, righteous and faithful children from the sinners in the church to reward the former and to destroy the latter in hell for eternity? For all the believers the devil in whose life the enemy is unable to steal the word spoken from their hearts: those who were not offended to last for a while in the kingdom because of persecution and tribulation as the result of the trials of their faith: those who were not overcome by the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches and the lusts of other things to make the word given them unfruitful, but are bringing forth fruits according to the measure of the fullness of Christ in them against all fiery trials and difficulties: some thirty, some sixty, and some hundreds shall the Lord count worthy for admission into his glorious eternal abode, having joyfully received their share in the fellowship of his suffering, partakers of the affliction of the gospel according to the power of God: this is a faithful saying, if we suffer with him, we shall also reign with him, if we deny him by our conducts and ways of life, refused to go out of the evil world’s corruptions and practices from which he has delivered us from (Galatians 1:4: Hebrews 13:13) though we speaks in tongues of angels and confess him with our lips, he will also deny us an entrance to heaven at death or when he shall come to be glorified in his saints and admired in all them that believed. 2 Timothy 2:11 – 13.
Scriptures reveals that the fate and eternal destination of sinners is obvious: namely, the outer
darkness in hell fire. It also reveals that there shall be strong scrutinise of believers that they shall scarcely, barely or hardly be saved to have access into the heaven’s of eternal glory with God: some, having their names first written in the book of life, shall find out at death that it has been removed (Revelation 3:5: 22:19) because they’ve done unimaginable things outside the bonds of behaviours as becomes and expected saints in righteousness and in true holiness: if any contest in a race (2 Timothy 2:5) they are not crowned except they run lawfully to abide by the rules of the game.
The salvation is free but costly and precious, purchased by the blood of the Lamb: spiritual warfare is real, the prizes for the recompense of reward are there and the qualification requirements to heaven through dillingence by grace to make your calling and election sure is high because the call is also an high or heavenly calling. When the scriptures admonishes you to examine yourself whether you are still in the old time primitive faith once delivered unto the saints; this is to see for yourself the prospect of your eligibility of admittance into heaven in the light of the word of God (2 Corinthians 13:5) and if there is any where you have fallen, you should repent to go back to the first love and work, lest otherwise Christ should remove your candlestick from its place – disown you as a member of his body – not eligible for eternal glory. Revelation 2:5.
If you do not present your body unto the Lord as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable before him as your reasonable service (Romans 12:1 – 2) that he might continue with the work of washing of water by the word to sanctify you in preparation for your presentation and final election as a member of his body without spot, blemish, wrinkle or any such thing in holiness, for which cause he died, how dare you think that his resurrection from the dead is not in vain over your life for your continual slavery under the present sin, and he would not say unto you to get away from him as one of the workers of iniquity at death or at his coming? Many people participates in a race but few get the price, therefore run very well that you may be selected to obtain the incorruptible price in heaven by bringing your lusts and inordinate affections into subjection and mortification, lest you become a cast away at death or at Christ second coming. Many are called to carry their cross, and to deny themselves, and to follow him: but how many are following him through the straight gate and narrow way he asked them to force themselves to walk through to heaven? Luke 13:23. Has Christ not said few shall be chosen or be selected to enter heaven because of the tenacity of what they encountered and faithfully endured to the end from the approved road (old way) they’ve chosen to get to heaven? It is not all that calls upon the name of the Lord that are his: if they do not depart from sin, they shall not be eligible to enter that glorious abode of the thrice holy God of Israel where nothing unclean shall ever enter: let everyone that name the name of Christ departs from iniquity. 2 Timothy 2:19. Revelation 21:27.
Any gospel message or messenger or churche or Christian brother or sister which gives any little excuse or allowance of provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof (Romans 13:14) is nullifying the effects of the cross of Christ in whom also we are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ at the place (cross) where our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin again. Romans 6:6. Colossians 2:11.
Those are the churches, pastors and church leaders and brethren the Lord warns us to avoid and run away from lest a little leaven should leavens the whole lump (1 Corinthians 5:6 – 13) because they are not in the true grace of God (1Peter 5:12) and are not serving the true Christ but their own belly: and by sweet words and fair speeches deceives the hearts of the simple. Romans 16:17 – 18.
And you that are sometimes alienated and enemies in your minds by wicked works, yet now has he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to prevent you holy (if you would keep cleansing yourself from all the filthiness of the flesh and of the Spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. 2 Corinthians 7:1) without blame and without reprove in his sight, if you continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel. Colossians 1:22 – 23.
What is this faith grounded and settled? It is the faith built upon the foundation of the prophets and apostles, Christ himself as the chief cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20): curse be he, whoever shall seek to remove this landmark which the fathers have set, to set up another foundation other than that which is already laid (1 Corinthians 3:11) to establish a new generation gospel and Christ: his part shall be taken away from the book of life as a liar, a false apostle and deceitful worker. Proverbs 22:28. 2 Corinthians 11:13.
What is the hope of the gospel? The hope of the gospel is Christ in us, the hope glory, whom we expects to see as he is and hope to be exactly like him (1 John 3:3) but let everyman with this hope in them purifies themselves even as he is pure: if not, they are spiritually delusional such as this generation we are that is pure on their own eyes, yet are not washed and cleansed from their filth: as it is written, without holiness, none is eligible to see God. Proverbs 30:12. Hebrews 12:14.
You are a child of God as long as you are led by the Spirit of God (Romans 8:14) and a child is known by his daily activities and lifestyles, whether his works are pure, and whether they are right. Proverbs 20:11.
The teachers of lies speaking fables in the place of teaching the truth with their itching ears believers, hearers and followers (Micah 2:11) shall not be selective, neither shall they be eligible for the wedding feast with the King’s Son. This is the reason you are also warn to turn away from them, lest you be counted out – a disciple is not above his master, but he that is perfect shall be as his master: if the blind lead the blind, great shall be their fall. Luke 6: 39 – 40.
Those who shall be selected by Christ and admits as his own are those who are presently crucifying the flesh to die daily to its affections and lusts (Galatians 5:24) to live and walk in the spirit: but any believer found with any of such things as of the works of the flesh, who has not put off the old clothes to get rid of the old nature with corruptible lifestyles through the divine power given unto us to partake in divine nature to escape the corruptions that is in the world through lusts shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
Scriptures further warns you that you should let no man deceives you with empty words, because of those sins the wrath of God is coming upon the children disobedience; you should not be partaker with them. You are only eligible for heaven as long as you put off the unfruitful works of darkness and have nothing to do with them than to walk as a child of light in the Lord in the fruit of the Spirit which is in all righteousness and truth, proving what is good and acceptable unto the Lord.
Beware of hyper– grace doctrine which says when God looks at you, he sees only a righteous and holy person, even though you are unjust, unholy, liar, unrighteous, ungodly, adulterer, adulteress, promiscuous born again Christian: but the bible exceptionally teaches you that the true grace (if you have not received it in vain, but you stand strong in it; not fallen from grace, or despising the Spirit of grace to have begun your faith life’s journey to heaven in the Spirit, but are now made perfect in the flesh to continue nourishing the deadly spiritual appetites of the flesh fighting against your soul.1 Peter 2:11) empowers you from the throne of grace and to teach you to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, to live righteously, soberly and godly in this present world. You are a child of God as long as you are walking and living in the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus: he that practices righteousness is righteous, even as God is righteousness: whosoever sin has not known him, neither sees him: whosoever commit sin is of the devil, because the devil sin from the beginning: and for this purpose the Son of man was manifested to destroy the works of Satan (the sin you are regularly feeding). Whosoever is born of God does not commit sin, because his seed remains in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
Be sober and vigilant to serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear, and not in your own ways and worldly manners: bad elements (the tares among the wheat) in the kingdom shall be cast into hell; Christ know his sheep and they shall be solely taken into eternal rest with him while the stubborn and disobedient believers which stumbled at the word whereunto they were also appointed shall be broken into pieces by Christ to hell for eternity. Titus 2:11 – 14. 1 John 3:6 – 9. 1 Peter 2:8.