Not ignorance of the devises of Satan — overcoming the deception of false prophets. 2 Peter 2 : 1 – 3. Message given today 01 — 01 – 2020

Multiplication of false prophets and their deceitful miracles through the lying wonder– working power of Satan won’t get any better these days as we are coming closer to the end of time. This is the very word of Christ and we shall do well to heed them because heaven and earth shall pass away, but the word of our Lord shall abide forever. It is very alarming how people are placing great demands on the prophetic ministry and ministrations today and have gone out of the most important: abiding and walking in the living and eternal word of God.
Prophets, real prophets of God exists in the body of Christ today and their office is as important as the offices of the apostle, pastors, teachers and evangelists for the perfecting of the saints and for the work of the ministry until we all come unto the unity of faith, and of knowledge of the Son of God, unto the fullness of the measure of the stature of Christ.
Many of the false prophets today are like Balaam who was once a true and genuine prophet of God but because of the reward or wages of unrighteousness (2 Peter 2:15) he forsake the right way and become a false prophet, abandoned the authority and light of the word of God to instruct and counsel the Moabite King against the will of God to cause Israel to sin. Note: spiritual perfection and completion in the will and holiness of God to prepare you for heaven is the primary task of the prophetic and anything otherwise is scandalous, deception, manipulation, bewitchment, vanity and vexation of spirit.
Just like Balaam, money rules and answers all things in the prophetic world today, and if you don’t have a seed, not because you are not willing, but even God has not led you to sow, they’ll boldly tells you that God is limited to answer you if you are not giving out the money demanded as a sole condition of fulfillment of the prophetic promise. God gives seed to the sower, but if you don’t have the seed at hand, it means the word is not for you, though you may have felt touched by the accuracy of the revelation, don’t be moved because there are many diabolical means and ways men are peeping and telescoping into your life to deceive the unlearned and unstable in the word of God.
Remember the prophets of Israel ministering before King Ahab. They were not truthful, but deceitful to the king (1 Kings 22:6) except prophet Micah with determination to declare the true word of God before the king at the expense of his life, while others prophesied falsely for what they will gain from the palace. False prophets, either they are called, annointed and established by Satan or the cursed believers who have forsaken the right way are solely interested to make their money and get whatever they can from you in terms of financial and material profit. For them, godliness is gain and every encounter is a giving and blessing time unlike prophet Elisha who taught Naaman the captain of the Syrian army otherwise: though he has come with money and gifts, but Elisha the prophet made him to know that it is not all about money when it comes to prophesy: not like other judges in Israel pronouncing judgment for a bribe, her priests instruct for a price and her prophets divine for money. Yet they lean on the Lord saying, is not the Lord in our midst? Calamity will not come upon us. Micah 3:11.
There are many soothsayers and wizards like the Philistines in the church who are parading themselves as God’s prophets –beware of false prophets who come unto you in sheep clothing, but they are ravenous wolves. Christ warned. Isaiah 2:6. Matthew 7:15 – 16. They will take advantage to sexually assault the mother, daughter, aunt, sister and your wife. They will bring you into debts and bankruptcy. They will subdue your will to have dominion over your faith, lord it over you like a demi-​god. They will leave you with no room to prove their prophecy if it’s true and pray or seek discernment or conviction and personal confirmation of their words even from the mouth of two or three witnesses to be confirmed before you act or obey. They will get angry if you show any objection whatsoever, whereas, true prophet would not dispute or defend themselves than to leave everything into God’s hand to defend and to confirm the word of his messenger.
There are countless sons and daughters of Belial (Satan) out there working through the power of Satan in the name of Christ. Suspect none but take your time to trust until the fruit is undeniably visible as a good fruit in word and deed: for many will speak like angels sent from God (angel of light) but they are the snakes under your pillow and fire on top of your roof, they add to your yokes and burdens instead of removing and destroying them. They are the false brethren and prophets – spiritual, material, financial and marital devourers and emptier. Note: it is your duty and personal responsibility to overcome the false prophets in the world today, not to be a victim but a victor, and the Lord will have you take your stand against them, lest you wander out of the word of God like the young prophet sent to Bethel was deceived by the old prophet at Bethel against the instructions he personally had from God and was destroyed by God for his stupidity in the name of charity believes all things. These false prophets are meant to be finally destroyed in hell, including their victims.
The New Testament church is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets and our Lord as the chief corner stone. This implies that whatever you have to do with the prophets in this dangerous and difficult era of the church should come from the light of the gospels and epistles of the primitive church apostles and prophets of Christ. Christ made mention of the widow of Zerepath which sowed little to help the needy prophet Elijah, not to enrich the man of God, but out of her compassionate spirit with her faith in God reached out to help him against famine and to open the door to make her liberal soul fat in the time of famine from the Lord who gives seed to the sower and bread to the eaters. Why should you give money or house to the prophet who is already rich, owing his private plane, assorted cars and luxurious houses before God can confirm his prophecies over your life? Woe unto them that give to the rich for they shall become poor! If you are only after miracle and a word from God without the desire to turn away from your folly (sin): your life is perverse and your walk is crooked before God, how dare you think not to fall victim to these false prophets and prophetess everywhere today which by fair speeches and sweet words are deceiving the hearts of the simple, carnal, sensual and itching ears believers, though the Lord also warned that if it were possible, they will try and seek to deceive the elects. Don’t be fooled by the accuracy and exactness of the revelation words coming out from the false prophets and prophetess because the young girl with python (serpentine) spirit who was prophesying for her master’s gain could have deceived the true men of God (Paul and Silas) to bring them under the manipulation of bewitchment spirit, except they would not buy into such lies and deception after careful thoughts and wise walk under discernment of spirit. With some of these false prophets, you must pay an audience fee before you can be heard because you must not go to the prophet empty-​handed: whereas, Naaman who thought likewise had his money and gifts refused by Prophet Elisha because God will receive and welcome the rich or poor to help without considering their financial power or statute. Has not God made the poor of this world to be rich in faith? Has he not founded Zion that the poor of his people should trust in it? But these false prophets would have respect of person to despise the poor who has nothing to give to create time for them with gifts and money.
Let me just help you with some few signs to discern the false prophets if you are unable to hear directly from God and are confused by outward results to ignore fruits – a child is known by his works, whether they are pure or evil. Never should any say, if this man is not of God, how can he cast out demons and do many great works in Christ name? The Pharisees once accused Jesus of casting out demons by Beelzebub, but he reminded them that he was not like their children who are possessed and empowered by the god of flies to populate hell. Some of these false prophets are with neck chains, walking with rod, not for old age but the symbol and confidence and contact of their demonic authority, with special finger ring which is not a wedding ring, and they live worldly, extravagant and flamboyant life styles, they boast personally and publicly of net worth because their treasure is not in heaven, but on earth; they are contentious against other prophets, seeking for greater respect, recognition and superiority. Do not be deceived by the words of God spoken by these false prophets if their lives and ministerial set up are not in conformity to the written word, having made themselves an authority above the immutable word of God, and above God, who reverence his word above his name because they think they can do or instruct you to do things out of the scriptures by laying claims on the Spirit as their guidance; but the truth is that the Spirit of God will never lead anyone to act against or out of the scriptures. Jeremiah 5:31.
The participants or the so-​called worshippers are together deceived to come for a drama and theatric show of which some are staged and paid testimonies, while some of the miracles presumed of casting out of demons (deliverance) are just the manifestation of levitate power of Satan which does not in any way remove any demons out of the victim’s body –Satan cannot cast out Satan. Some of these false prophets can sell you products like blessed chains, anointing oil or handkerchiefs to keep with you – this is not biblical. Some of them create a special swimming pool to typify pool of Bethsaida for a well of miracle water or in the name of well of Jacob where Jesus met with the Samaritan woman –don’t buy into any of those unbiblical similarities. Some of these prophet’s demonic power to operate lies in gay practices, though they are married men before the eyes of the world, they are secretly bi-​sexual. Their prophetess is domineering and authoritative because of the spirit that inhabits them. Many of those ladies are from the sea, possessed by water spirits (marine witchcraft agents) while some of those so-​called prophetess are over– zealous, self-​made spiritually gifted women in the kingdom, but chooses to ignore the scriptures rules on the roles of women in the New Testament church to run churches.
The Samaritan woman, once her sins were called out by Christ was never the same, but changed and transformed to become a living witness of freedom from sin unto righteousness and true holiness in Christ Jesus. These false prophets’ prophecy by the spirit of Baal and the prophetess by Jezebel’s anointing contemporary of Baal’s spirit (Jeremiah 23:11): themselves are servants of corruption, of whom a man should overcome, lest they bring you into bondage, darkness and perdition: for while they promised liberty, they are in gross darkness and captivity, in need of deliverance. The Lord designated them as workers of iniquities because their lifestyle reveals their true identity. 2 Kings 4:9. They are in secret league and agreement with Satan, and what they do behind the scene in closet and darkness is an untold story of a saved but eternally lost soul like Saul who sought honor from Samuel and praises before the children of Israel after his final rejection from God in the bleating of Amalekites sheep. Who has told you that the devil can’t tell you about things past, present or things to come? Who has lied to you that Satan can’t heal and pretend to cast out some demons through the power given to those men and women who sought unto him for ability to perform miracles under pretense of preaching the gospel of Christ, which is another gospel? Beware of false prophets. 2 Corinthians 11:1 – 4.