The unpredictable ways of the Holy Spirit- The incomprehensive works of God. Ecclesiastes 11: 6. Message delivered today the 01-10-2019 by 2am.


You are welcome to the New Year in Jesus mighty name. I know that the pilgrim journey is made easy with the presence of the Lord with the help of the Holy Spirit guiding us in the way, and with the superfluous comfort we receives from the Lord in all our tribulations against the challenges and opposition and trials we’re encountering in the way, so that as we keep walking forward with God, we are at supernatural rest in his love, because his yoke is easy and his burden is light. And, though we are striving through the narrow way and the straight gate, but yet as a beast goes down into the valley, the Spirit of the Lord caused us to rest: so did the Lord lead his people to make himself a glorious name. Isaiah 63:14.
There is no searching of the understanding of God’s works and knowledge – his understanding is infinite and his greatness is unsearchable: none can by searching find out God; none can find out the Almighty unto perfection. It is as high as heaven; what can you do? Deeper than hell; what can you know? Job 11: 7-8. Psalms 147:5. Isaiah 40:28.                                                                                                                           
I think your devotion, commitment and relationship with the Lord in this New Year should be raised higher on personal level of a thing instead of community and assembly mentality and spirit for greater purpose and glory, and not for competition, strife or vainglory. The new birth is miraculous (except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I say unto you, you must be born again. John 3: 5-8) likewise is the life in the spirit unpredictable by genuine Christians who knows and understands the scriptures that it is like the wind blowing of which we heard the sounds thereof but not knowing the direction he chooses to go next –the heart of man devises his way, but the Lord direct (order-guide or command) his paths. Proverbs 16:9.
Many believers think they’ve given control of their lives, ways and doings to Christ as Lord over all things; but actually in practice, they are in control of their lives and destiny by this simple but grievous action of conscious or unconscious rebellious or resistance against the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The life in the spirit is birthed by the Spirit of God and the believer should wax strong in the Spirit to grow in the Holy Spirit (Luke 2:40) through daily fellowship, not only with the heavenly Father, and the Son, but also with the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 13:14) so that he might know, and ready to pursue the accomplishment of what is in the unpredictable ways of the Spirit whenever he calls for a shift, an urgent intercessory prayer, a fast, an urgent command to go to certain place or location to meet an eunuch, even as Phillip was commanded to go to the desert place to evangelist the Ethiopian eunuch; or as Peter was instructed, led and emboldened by the Spirit of God to go with the men sent by Cornelius, nothing doubting for their salvation. Life and love in the Spirit requires a child like spirit and faith to trust God’s faithfulness in whatever his will is revealing continually in season and out of season; and to submit and to yield without argument of carnal or logical reasoning and without consideration of men’s comments, approval or praise whatsoever; not as Naaman the captain of Syrian army did argued and murmured at first against the prophet’s instruction given by the Holy Spirit to go and dip himself three times in the river of Jordan to be cleansed from his leprosy. The foolishness of God is wiser than man, and his weakness is stronger than man: if any man seems to be wise in this world, let him becomes a fool, that he might be wise indeed to understand what the will of the Lord is, leaning not on his own understanding, but to acknowledge God’s Spirit in daily fellowship to show me the ways and teach me your paths even as David once prayed. Psalms 25:4-5.
There are many things we don’t know as we ought to know, and things which shall not be made known to us until the time to fulfil them is due before the Lord. We can only grow in the knowledge of the ‘momentary or present’ will of God and be empowered to walk into its fulfilment through mindful fellowship with the Spirit of God- not only to know the things that are freely given us of God (1 Corinthians 2:12) but to know all things requires of us by God – but you have an unction (anointing) from the Holy One, and you know all things. 1 John 2:20. There is no burden Christ will ask us to carry which he has not provided the strength to bear; and there is no place he will lead us, which he has not gone ahead of us, and his glory to be as rearward. The believer is like a standby military service personnel (to obey order) which can be called upon at anytime to anyplace for a quick and rapid or long time mission. He can be called upon to leave from one location to another to execute a mission, especially if he is a sanctified vessel unto honour, ready and prepared for every good use of the Master. He can be (single handed) urged by the Spirit of God to give financial support in an extraordinary large proportion to a godly cause and advancement of the kingdom work. The way of the Spirit is not an organized way of having an agenda of activities for certain days, weeks and months in the year. God is not the author of confusion, but of orderliness. He will lawfully disrupt and interrupt our plans for his plans to do and to establish his counsel- we are the sheep of his pasture, and the works of his hands – his workmanship created in Christ Jesus. No one should ever say, I have mastered the Holy Spirit: but instead should at any moment be ready and to let him to have his way in anything and at anytime and anywhere for everything he instructs us to do, even as Ananias was suddenly called upon to go and pray for the young convert Saul who was smitten by the Lord with blindness while he was on his way to Jerusalem that he might gain back his sight. The Spirit of God can ask you to do what you have not in plan to do, or which has never comes across your mind that you will or can do. The Lord does as he pleases with the armies of heaven and with the people of the earth at anytime – he is unpredictable – the Lord is that Spirit, you can only rightly predict and proclaim what is given to be predicted or proclaimed, if otherwise, your prophecy, declaration or proclamation shall fall short. Holy Spirit will always bring sudden demands upon you, and your personal intimacy and discernment and instantaneous obedience are required to do exploits- they (individual’s) which know their God shall be strong and do exploits. Daniel 11:32b. while other people at first may not understand your works wrought in God and by him, but the fruit or product of your faith and obedient shall speak or answer for you as one being led and chosen by God to accomplish it – it is not if him that wills, neither of him that runs, but of God that shows mercy. Team work is powerful, fruitful and effective than individual’s effort in the kingdom, for two are better than one: but there are specific works and deeds which are reserved and assigned for individual to do as personal duty and obligation from the Lord to fulfil divine purposes. Take for example, the anointing of Jesus body done by Mary Magdalena against his death and burial. Why it was strange and uncommon thing to do, but because she discerned the way of the Spirit and the works and purpose of God for that moment, she obeyed and yielded to honour the Lord with her costly perfume. The scripture made us to understand that on the first day of the week, certain women went with oil to anoint the dead body of Christ, but it was too little and too late. Mary has gotten the honour, she has accomplished the task: and as the Lord said, her action shall be spoken to her honour where ever the gospel is preached because she saw the momentary need for the work of God which was not given to others to see or do: and of which she doesn’t need anyone’s counsel and prayer support before she obeyed. It wasn’t a group thing, but personal – cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shall find it after many days. Give a portion to seven, and also to eight; for thou know not what evil shall be upon the earth. If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth: and if the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falls, there it shall be. He that observes the wind shall not sow; and he that regards the clouds shall not reap. As thou know not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou know not the works of God who makes all. In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not your hand: for thou know not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good. Ecclesiastes 11: 1-6.