The real essence (value) and better things of life- Extract from the new book coming out soon. Message given today 13-10-19

I say, you are gods, and all of you are the children of the Most High, but you shall all die like men, and fall like one of the princes. Psalms 82:6-7. John 10:34-36.                                                                                   
This striking verse of the scriptures reveals the truth of our creation and existence with the hidden goal to dominate with God such as gods we were made to be on earth. We were made from the dust of the earth, but the wonder of our being is the breadth of life released by God into man’s nostrils to become a living soul. Through this action borne out of divine love of eternal project of God who is mindful of man before the creation of heaven and earth, man is therefore crowned with honour and glory above the angels of God in heaven, and above all that was made, and has put all things under his feet to rule and reign over everything created on earth – little gods with dominion power and authority from the Most High to fulfil his pleasure on earth and to execute his will and purposes in the expression of the earthly glory he bestowed to honour man and to shares or partakes some of his works on earth with him as co- labourers (though he put no trust in his servants and his angels he charged with folly. Job 4:18) to the delight of his soul. But, when this goal is not met, God is deprived of his pleasure in any object of his love (man) who has failed to live up to the measure and expectation of his creation and existence before him: therefore, if such misconducts and misconception about life persist, replacement is likely to take place for another who will fulfil all his will and pleasure in life. Except the glory of the Lord that shall endure forever, earthly glory and honour became corrupted at the fall for the fact that it fell or were transferred into the hands of a fallen and corrupt being called Lucifer- Satan. Life and living is now a spiritual contention requiring strong personal determination through the grace of God and diligent walk on the part of individuals to fulfil the pleasure of God on earth, or to seek and live after his own pleasure (pleasure or fulfilling the desires of the flesh and carnal mind) which are indirectly the pleasures of Satan, the god of this world. We are the offspring of God created to seek after him, work for him by doing those things we see the Father’s doing, and to walk with him till we are taken home to heaven where a house is built for us after the decomposition of this earthly body in the dust. We shall not all die, but we shall be changed, even as Enoch walked with God and we saw him no more. And before his translation, he had the testimony that he pleased God. Enoch fulfilled the purposes of his life. He discovered the essence and value of better things on earth and focused on such things to live and walk acceptably with God to become the first mortal which never tasted physical death but was taken alive to heaven. He realised God as his life- the life he lives, as in whom he lives, moves and exists to live indeed and in truth for God. With such knowledge and good understanding (good understanding brings favour) he reverential live for God and walked with him as one who owns his creator an unceasing, continual and an uninterrupted loyalty and worship. It was the reason he found favour with God to be taken alive to heaven. He sees and lived God as his life, portion, strength, joy, peace, blessings, salvation and everything. His life is for the Lord, just as every other things are found in him – strength, peace, health, wealth, blessings and whatever goody or bounty that could be found and enjoyed on earth. If he has gained and made profit, blessed be God who daily loads us with benefits. If otherwise, I will say to my soul, the Lord is my portion and my exceeding great reward in the land of the living: though I may be poor on earth, yet has he made me rich in faith to become heir of the kingdom he promised to them that loves him: and, there in heaven of glory, he has prepared an enduring, incorruptible and undefiled substance for me – the immeasurable riches of Christ and treasures in heaven, where the mot does not corrupt to rust, nor thieves breaks in to steal. The danger is in riches and wealth (If I have made gold my hope, or have said to the fine gold, thou art my confidence; if I rejoice because my wealth was great, and because my hands have gotten much; this also were an iniquity to be punished by the judge; for I should have denied the God that is above. Job 31:24-28) if they are not received, kept and used in moderation (If the heart is lame to attach to them and hands so weak to be controlled by them: unlike Abraham, though he was immensely rich and blessed in all things, yet God was the centre of his affection, admiration and substance – his walk and relationship with him was his greatest desire and precious jewel; and would not hesitate to part company from anything or do anything to satisfy the pleasure of God) lest they corrupt the heart with pride and self-complacency spirit: but man that is in honour and does not understand, is like a beast that perish: to  esteems and evaluates the worth of his life and the values of it on the merit of his bank account statements, his adorable wife, his beautiful children or handsome husband (to see as an advantage of superiority or whatsoever against those that have none) his estates, servants, wardrobes, cars, the carats of his gold and diamonds and other vanities of life: which, if they are not sent by mercy to be used strictly for the glory of God, and not in any way for self glorification like king Nebuchadnezer did and not to abuse the world in the utility of such things, are labouring in the very fire for the blessings that makes rich for a while, but will certainly and ultimately unleash eternal sorrow at the end. Being made as gods by God as the children of the Most High, we are to rule and dominate over all things – all are being put in subjection under our feet and power. Nothing created by God (all things were created by him) seen or unseen, tangible or intangible, should rule or reign over us, otherwise such thing(s) becomes our lords and gods – unconsciously debase to rob us of our earthly purpose, position and glory against what we are made for: and contrary to our plans and expectations, such strange or other god, by the law interest, desire and affection shall take over the sacred place and position of the One and Only true Most High, the Father of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ in your life, just as when by one man sin, death entered into the world, and we were as children of wrath – children of Satan before our redemption by Christ blood, the bishop and shepherd of our soul. The creator of heaven and earth is the everlasting, living and true God. He is the eternal word of God, in whom was life, and the life was the light that shines or gives knowledge of his will, and of his pleasure to fulfil, and his purposes to pursue, and his expectations to accomplish, with the goal he has set before us to attain eternal destiny for eternal glory – for here, we have no continue city, but we seek one to come. Life becomes meaningless, worst and senseless when we ignore the word of God for man’s ideas, or we forsake it to embrace the ideological views and perceptions of the chaotic- restless world or your proper perspective to walk away from the light of his immutable word which is given to show us the path of life and to give us understanding to engage life with physical struggles (by strength shall no man prevail) of a manipulative and hypocritical lifestyles in a competitive spirit of physical contentions and frustration of vanity upon vanity of carnal wisdom and means because we failed to see and live life as God meant it to be lived – to walk uprightly by his word within the short period of the fixed time appointed for each of the passenger on earth. If you are not ridding the train or chariots from heaven on earth with God, definitely, you have been carried along in life by demons through different un-repented and un-forsaken sins in your life. Yes, whatever we become in life, our lack or riches, our intelligence or lack of education, our past, present and future – good or bad, it does not defines who we truly are or what we shall be afterwards, neither does it put us in charge or control of our life as traveller who has never and shall never be in control of the spiritual vehicle of life to afterlife – righteous or wicked men, he that fears God or not, he that swears or fear to swear, all are in his hand as the clay is in the hand of the potter – he has created all things for his pleasure. From the beginning to the end, God is ever in control of our life and ways, though we may chose to be out of his control, to seek and walk in our own ways, and to live our own life as it pleases us: but at the end, we shall finally understand that we are happy on earth to know his pleasure and shall be blessed hereafter by obediently fulfilling them: but as for the rebels and disobedient, they shall lament with great irreversible regret when the Lord shall make up his precious jewel to put the differences between him that seeks and serves him presently in spirit and in truth, from him that does not have pleasure in any of his ways, when the righteous shall tread down the wicked sinners, for they shall be ashes under the soles of the feet of the present and genuine children of God in the day that the Lord shall do this. After the fall, man was born unto troubles, and the Lord made us to understand that sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. There are buckets of troubles and problems in the world, but perfect peace is offered and given by Christ to his obedient children because he has overcome the world. We should not add to such daily troubles by personal wrong view of life, and by making wrong and false steps to create personal troubles. From this expression and declaration, Christ taught us that life is not about what we have to eat, or the cloth we have to put on. The devil failed on this subject in his first temptation for Jesus when he asked him to turn stone into bread. It’s not about food, Christ responded, man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out from the mouth of God – it’s all about God. The devil failed again the second time when he tempted Christ to jump down for the angels to attend unto him. Christ responded, it is not about personal display of power, glory and fame. Thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God -it is all about God. The third temptation, when the devil asked the Lord of creation to worship him in exchange for material blessings and inheritance, the Lord gave him a direct order- get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, thou shall worship the Lord thy God, and him only shall thou serve. It is not about the material blessings and inheritance, and not about clothing or nakedness, and not about any earthly parents or siblings, not about any friend or enemy, and neither anything about us, but it’s all about God. In everything, it is about God, his name must be sanctified. We must see things as God sees it – as he says they are. When our perception about life is wrong, we shall rebel against the truth and light – becoming and living waywardly (selfish, bad, libertarian, unpredictable and difficult to control) even against God, as the wife of Job stumbled at the word of God, just as many of us perceived or assumed that it’s all about what we can get or profit from him now, and how much of the things of this life we can show off as accomplishments, but not what he is working in us, to bring out of us to accomplish his eternal plans and purposes, which he has purposed in himself before the foundation of the world- he is in one mind, and who can turn him, what his soul desire that he does- performing those things which are appointed for us, and many such things are with him. Satan was wrong and proven wrong about his assumption and judgement of Job’s perception about life and living before God – then Satan answered the Lord, and said, doth Job fear God for nothing? You have made an edge about him, and about his house, and about all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land. Put forth your hand now, and touch all that he has, and he will course thee to your face. God and Job knew that their deep relatioship wasn’t about any present enjoyment or any future security and assurance about this flimsy tabernacle or life, for many had wondered about in sheepskin and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted and tormented, yet they held on to their unwavering faith in a good conscience before God. The second time again, Satan got it very wrong in his overview assessments of Job’s conducts and lifestyles to dispute God’s testimony of Job’s upright life and accused him falsely of wrong perception and motives against Job’s pure and single hearted and reverential and unconditional relationship with God – and Satan answered the Lord, skin for skin, yea, all that a man have will he give for his life. He that searches the heart and declares unto man what his thoughts are refute the accusers claims against his servant Job, but to put Satan curiosity to shame, that though faithful men cease to be, there are still few faithful men along the way walking with God, and to prove Job’s integrity, he allowed him to attack Job’s children, health, livelihood, finances, friends, his servants rebelled and the once respectable neighbours became unruly disrespectful and many things turned against him, but in all those things Job sinned not with his mouth but bodly declared – my righteousness I hold fast and will not let it go, my heart shall not condemn me as long as l live. We must pass the test of life’s spiritual conceptualization, perceptiveness and God’s representation of life’s probation in readiness for that which is prepared for us afterwards. It’s not about death, it is about bringing fruit to God, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and dies, it abides alone, but if it dies, it brings forth much fruit. He that loves his life shall lose it, and whosoever will lose his life shall save it. It is not about life, to live is Christ – it is about God. It is not about your husband or wife, your maker is your husband and all the world to you –it is about God. It is not about the lucrative job offered as snare to pollute and defile the holiness of God in your life, remembers what Joseph did and said, it was all about God. It is not about confronting my fear, giants and other obstacles, but it is about the demonstration of the triumphant power of the world to come that lives presently in me. It is not about the discouragement of any brethren who are out of the way and favour with God, but it is to show the unpreparedness of your own heart before God and to rectify it, becuase it is all about God in your life and not in theirs who make light of their God. Eli’s thought is all about defending the family’s name to keep the priesthood as family’s inheritance; but God said no, it is about the honour of my name, who honour me, shall be honoured, and who despise me, shall be lightly esteemed. Thus God destroyed him with his children for the iniquity he knew about, but does nothing about it – it is all about God. It is not about the shame of putting away the odious woman which the earth cannot bear when she get married, but it is about God who has commanded the wife to submit herself, and to see to it that she reverence her husband. It is not about the pain of loneliness and dishonour when my father and mother forsakes me because I confess and owns Christ and adores him as Lord of my life now, it is to prove that sooner or later, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that he is indeed the Lord to the glory of God the Father –it is all about God, the eternal immutable word of God.