The frazzle — weary God. Jeremiah 15:6. Psalms 68:21. Message delivered today 06−01−19

The scriptures gives another name for sin as sport (it is as sport to a fool to do mischief – to sin– fools make a mock at sin: but a man of understanding hath wisdom Proverbs 10:23) which many has daily and continual pleasure therein because of the deceitfulness of its pleasure. They drink iniquity like water (Job 15:16) and hold fast to it as a necessity for sustenance: seeking to do the impossible, namely, to strengthen themselves in iniquity of their lives. Jeremiah 7: 13. God is love (and love is patient which is not easily provoked but can be provoked) longsuffering and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing the guilty. His love is everlasting, and he will not always chide, but he does chide when his patient is worn out. He will not remember our sins again if we truly repented and forsake them: but not so if we are deceitful in our repentance in the day of visitation. His love is everlasting, but his patience is not. His mercy endures forever, but not his patience and longsuffering. There is none that forgive sins like our God because he knows our making and remembers that we are dust. He delights in forgiveness to overlook errors and does not instantly mark iniquity, if not who can stand? Forgiveness is with him that he should be feared — that is, when we are forgiven because we confessed, we should learn from what contributed to the failure, the fall and sin, in order to correct and learn from it to frame our ways and doings before God. Genuine repentance ought to produce godly sorrow to wrought carefulness and diligent in us not to repeat the same thing over and over again except we are uncontrollably under the influence or possession of an evil spirit. Stubbornness or self-willed, your own ideas or desire, is like iniquity and idolatry, a destructive part of human’s life which can prevent us from forsaking the iniquity once confessed, but to repeatedly continue indulging in it and going back to God over and over again even seventy four times seven for forgiveness when we are actually not prepared or ready to forsake it, assuring yourself that if you confess your sins, he is faithful and just to forgive you, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses you from all unrighteousness. 1 John 2: 8 – 9.
Don’t forget the words from the scriptures such as ‘trampling (Hebrews 10:29) under the foot the blood of the covenant wherein he is sanctified as an unholy thing, and despising the Spirit of grace. That is to take the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus for granted by living and dwelling in whatever unrighteousness (sin) sowing to daily and continually to the flesh which will ultimately produce corruption, but expects the grace to abound without repercussion or consequences? Such action and expectation is either to fool God or fooling yourself: but do not be deceived, God is not mocked or fooled; whatever we sow shall we reap. But the bible speaks about the true grace of God wherein you stand (1 Peter 5:12) and it is this true grace that teaches you to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, to live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world (Titus 2:11 – 14) looking for and hasting for the coming of the day of the Lord. You have received the grace in vain if from the throne of mercy, you have not obtained help and found grace to subdue the works of the flesh through the indwelling Spirit of God in you so that you can live before God now and in eternity. The true grace of God is to transform us through the truth of the gospel, to change us from what we were in the times past to divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lusts. 2 Peter 1:3. Self examination is required, breaking down your fallow ground is required, seriousness and carefulness should be sought and added with all diligent, making your calling and election sure for the changes expected on your part as the Lord is also working both to will and to do of his good pleasures in you. We cannot remain spiritual babes in the sight of God when we ought to be responsible teachers which ought to teach others. There are certain things, if done by the spiritual babes in the Lord, that the Lord will overlook to correct for growth, though such may be chastened by the Lord that they might not be condemned with the world; but the mature believer is expected to be a good representative and delegate of the Lord in all good things, and should be very careful that you make none of these little ones who believes in Christ to offend, because it could have being better that such a one should not be born than to make any of these little ones who believes in Christ to stumble. Matthew 18:6 – 9.
Jesus spoke about giving the self acclaimed prophetess Jezebel in the book of revelation the space of time to repent of her fornication…this is to say that the Lord, though he tolerate, expects a probable change (Jeremiah 8:4 – 7) but will not put up with it perpetually to overlook or tolerate without impunity in an adamant self-​seeking and self-​satisfying unrepentant sinner of a believer in Zion, which will not turn back or change from the error of his way to amend his ways and doings before the Lord. The Lord will be weary of repentance (Jeremiah 15:6) if you don’t stop playing the repentance game and to awake your senses to righteousness and stop sinning before the cup of your iniquity is filled to the brim before the Lord and the fruit of repentance is sought for but could not be found in you: then shall the Lord remind you of all your provocations wherein you have provoked him (these ten times have you sinned against me. Numbers 14:22) to give you to drink from the cup of your stubborn ways before him, and declare your righteousness and works, and they will not profit you. Isaiah 57:12. Your days are numbered when your sins (Numbers 32:23) shall find you out: out or when you shall be declared innocent from the great transgression (Psalms 19: 12 – 13) for the Lord will bring you into divine scale to balance and to weigh, and to reward you accordingly, even here on earth before you pass on to eternity. Remember, I pray you, who ever perished, being innocent? Or where were the righteous cut off? Even as we have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same. There shall come the great day of final visitation when the Lord shall put an end to the wickedness of this world and to bring in a new earth and new heaven; but meanwhile, there are periodic visitations from the Lord (Genesis 32:34) to verify the reports of his ministering spirit (angels) who are beholding and giving feedback of our faith, steadfastness, loyalty, love, sincerity etcetera; to see for himself, if we continue to do as good or ad bad as the report of our ways and doings before him or not: and if he finds us rejoicing and standing in evil thing, who will stand when he start to judge? Genesis 18:20 – 21.
God desired that you should cast away the stumbling blocks of your iniquities before you so that sin should not be your ruin. But what should you do with the people who have made themselves stumbling stones of iniquity in your life? If you are expected to deal a death blow to the sins in your life, what would you do with people who will or are dragging you into sin? God saw that the Israelis would likely drag Moses into sin and disapproval before him, so he suggested a plan to destroy them and to make another reliable and obedient set of new people for him to lead to Canaan (Numbers 14:12 – 14) but Moses prevailed in his intercerssion for the Israelis: but at long run, were they not the same people he prayed and saved from destruction that brought him into disqualification and God’s frown that he should not bring them to the Promised land because they provoked his spirit, and he spoke unadvisedly to them, and it went ill for him for their sakes? You can and should continue to forgive seventy times seven, even as the Lord teaches: but you should be wiser than serpent, bold as lion and wax stronger by him that lives in you to do exactly with God what Moses failed to do with him — to cast out those who are troubling and fretting your Israel, acting as stumbling stone of iniquity and playing forgiveness game without any seriousness to change –let no man trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus Christ. Psalms 106:32 – 33. Galatians 6:17.