The breaking of an edge Job 1:9-10. Ecclesiastes 10:8. Nimes 19-6-2019

Believers in Christ Jesus are in alliance treaty relationships with God through the blood of the everlasting covenant but the strength of this coalition requires obedience in exchange for divine multi- purposes defense system over and around them to work effectively at all times day or night every place on earth or wherever in the world.
The strength of their defense structure in God is a role left to each inhabitant of the Zion the city of the great King to play by their continuation in the word of God and to hearken to the voice of his spirit: by doing this they are uniquely working out their salvation with fear and trembling in a joint operation and action with God who is at work in each and every one of them both to will and to do according to his good pleasure: and their defenses shall be the munitions of rocks (therefore whosoever hears these sayings of mine and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. Matthew7:24-25) from within through the presence of the indwelling God. Philippians 2:12-13. Isaiah 33:16.       
The wall or the edge stands for the word of God and to ignore its application is to foolishly make yourself victims to demonic attacks, defenseless and helpless in the face of the fury of the oppressor – but whoso hearkens unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. Proverbs 1:33.                                It is absolutely impossible to ignore and disregard co-operative obedience with God from his wall of protection (whosoever keeps the commandments shall feel no evil thing. Ecclesiastes 8:5) as it is imperative for believer to keep walking and growing into perfect or complete obedience in Christ Jesus, until he brings every thought in him to the obedient of Christ: if every word spoken by angels was steadfast, and every transgression and disobedient receive a just recompense of reward, think about the hole(s) a person should be drilling to facilitate the entrance(s) of serpent(s) presence into their life’s affairs through one or more acts and walk of rebellious disobedient to the word and voice of God? Hebrews 2: 1-2. Any act of disobedient was to drill a hole to give a place good enough for any serpent to prowl inside while persistence and increasing disobedience ultimately tear the wall down for many serpents to come in – this is the mystery of iniquity.
The serpent in our scripture text above stands for Satan and the bite from the serpent stands for his successive and sustainable attacks if repentance is not sought in penitence spirit to mend ways and doings before God from any rebellious walk and lifestyle to restore torn and broken wall back.
Breaking of an edge implies that you have given access by your improper conduct(s) (all unrighteousness is sin.1 John 5:17) to Satan who is roaming about seeking whom to devour to unleash his judicial prerogative affliction on you (wherefore should I fear in the days of evil, when the iniquity of my heels shall compass me about? Psalms 49:5) and to inflict the righteous man with sustainable spiritual combat’s injury (remember now, who being innocent ever perished? Or where were the upright ever wiped out? Just like I have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same: Job 4:7-8) if he’s turned back from holding onto his way of righteousness, that the man with pure hands might wax stronger and stronger in his God. Job 17:9.                                                                                                                                                                     
Although divine edge is not perceptible to the natural eyes, (lo, he goes by me, and I see him not: he passes on also, but I perceive him not — behold, I go forward, but he is no there; and backward, but I cannot perceive him: on the left hand, where he doth work, but I cannot behold him: he hides himself on the right hand, that I cannot see him. Job 9:11: 23: 8-9) nevertheless men and women of walk and eyes of faith have clear visibility of the edge around them and they cherish and trust it above the best security bodyguards money or the world can ever offer: that even though be it in the prison, caves, dens or lonely in the wilderness with the sheep of their father, they’ll do anything righteous to keep the pillars of the edge around them deepest and strongest in the paths of righteousness and in their duty in Christ Jesus (and Joseph’s master took him, and put him into the prison, a place where the king’s prisoners were bound: and he was there in the prison. But the Lord was with Joseph, and showed him mercy, and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison. Genesis 39:20:21) and shall never behave indifferently and carelessly to risk or bet to walk out of the safety method of the Chief Shepherd like Samson irreparably betrayed the covenant attached to the strength of his excellency in God in exchange for the pleasure of sexual sin with foreign woman and finally tear apart the wall around him to become powerless, defenseless and an object of ridicule to his enemies because he knew not that the Lord has departed from him. Judges 16:19-20.                                                                                                                                    
Job indeed was a righteous man but was found guilty of the sin of insecurity. If you do well, would you not be accepted and if you are justified why should you be insecure of your children? But despite all that came upon him to try him, he kept to his uprightness of life and his defense was made stronger in troubles: to subvert a man in the cause the Lord would not approve. Thus, the Lord restrained the serpent from biting his servant because Job has not broken the edge – touch not his soul. Job 2:6.
As dying, and, behold, we live: as chastened, and not killed: all the enemy’s hard pressure from the situation you are going through in life is the affliction of the gospel or the affliction of the righteous man; but I can boldly tell you that you are perfectly doing fine and well secured as the apple of God’s eyes (for thus says the Lord of hosts; after the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that touches you touches the apple of his eye. Zachariah 2: 8) as long as you keep your temper within the bond of the word of God to walk and live within the scope of the scriptures while going about in your daily activities by going out and coming in through Christ the door until the Lord will finally give you the total and complete victory and redeem you from all troubles without any hurt or bite from the serpent, and without any injury or loss whatsoever: for I, says the Lord, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her. Zachariah 2: 5. John 10:9.                                                                                                         
By keeping to the word of God, you are fortifying your defensive wall against the enemy’s sudden, systematic or serial attacks: though Satan’s pushing hard on you from without as he did against Job, he cannot make any incursion against the edge to strike through because the serpent teeth are not made to dig through the wall except you’ve compromised obedience and submission to God to weaken the authority and power given to resist him (my foot hath held his steps, his way have I kept, and not declined. Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food. Job 23:11-12) and has dampen in force and effect the power to tread on serpents and scorpions and upon all the powers of the enemy with immunity of anti-venom life-giving power that is found in obeying the word of God (and when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire, there came a viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand. And when the barbarians saw the venomous beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, no doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffers not to live. And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm. Howbeit they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god. Acts 28:3-6) against the serpent’s venomous bite, because of your life’s safety, power, and security is like the border fenced around and walled up in obeying the word of God. Luke 10:19.
In the Garden before the fall, the serpent craftily oftentimes made casual visit with intention to penetrate and stay, but his calculation and goal was difficult to achieve until he was able to convince Adam and Eve to act against the word of God for an opportunity to inflict maximum damages on them: thus they empowered the fallen Satan through the serpent, a non-entity creature among the humans, meant to be bruised and trampled under feet to be destroyed (I) to bite them to spiritual death and to cause the damage of eternal proportion (2) and he instigate God against Adam and Eve to sentence them to physical death, thus causing the damages of temporal proportion (3) and the serpent turn to become a controversial figure and recognizable celebrity in their lives; not only to share in their world, but as the god of the world where the first Adam was made to rule.                                                                                                                             
You are the light of the world; a city set on the hill cannot be hidden: this is the hill of God exclusively prepared for those with clean hands and pure hearts to ascend and descend; co-habitat with the devouring fire and everlasting burnings. Believer’s protective edge is impenetrable and indestructible, and there is no way for the serpents of witchcraft and divination or enchantment to crawl in to bite them (o my people, what have I done unto thee? and wherein have I wearied thee? testify against me. For I brought thee up out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed thee out of the house of servants; and I sent before you Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. O my people, remember now what Balak king of Moab consulted, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him from Shittim unto Gilgal; that ye may know the righteousness of the Lord. Micah 6:3-5) as long as they hold fast in Christ righteousness and are not in any way reproached and guilty in their hearts by sin or any perverseness and defilement to mar their inheritance in God even as Achan by his covetousness, pulled down the edge around the children of Israeli at the conquest of Jericho to expose and endanger the entire nation before the little enemy Ai. Numbers 23: 21-23. Joshua 7:11-12.                                                                                                              
The sole reason the enemy is after you to tempt, persecute, hinder, distract and to frighten you is to draw you away and so out of the divine wall around you that you should fall into sin (but the men were very good unto us, and we were not hurt, neither missed we anything, as long as we were conversant with them, when we were in the fields: they were a wall unto us both by night and day, all the while we were with them keeping the sheep. 1 Samuel 25:15-16) and may be able to deal with you devoid of any pity if you ignored the knowledge given to keep you and would none of the ways of understanding to preserve you.                                       
Prophet Balaam knew this truth that except the Israelis sin, no one can curse them with any success or defeat them in any battle, so he advised and arranged for sexual trap, allurement and persuasion for the children of Israel to eat and drink and to participate in idolatry carnival event with the daughters of Moab: thus, they committed fornication as staged and planned by the enemy which resulted in the death of twenty-three thousand people that same day. 1 Corinthians 10: 7-8.                                                                                   
Every immoral and unbiblical sexual acts and satisfactions (fornication, adultery, bestiality, masturbation, incest, prostitution, homosexual, and lesbianism) gives a direct access to the water serpents to release his strong and lasting venom to destroy anyone who chooses to walk and live in the ways of the ungodly to indulge in those things – flee sexual sins.                                               
Satan is envious, furious and very outrageous to get us to destroy, but he can’t get us because of the position of our relationship and of the unequal protections and securities we have in Christ Jesus, having been raised and seated up in heavenly places far above principalities and powers, and we are complete in him, which is the head of all principalities and powers. We should be very careful and thoughtful of our lifestyles and spiritual life to walk daily in the light and to keep ourselves in the love and the will of God, unspotted from the world, lest the serpent of worldliness coil and squeeze and strangle his victim infected with the lusts of the eyes, the lusts of the flesh and the pride of life to death – whosoever is born of God keeps himself and the wicked one touches him not. James 1:27. 1 John 5:18.
In the early 90’s while at Yamoussoukro the political capital of Ivory Coast for the testimony of Jesus and of the word of God, we lost a dearly beloved brother, our first convert in that city to a painful and needless untimely death. In the course of my mourning for him and in the multitudes of my thoughts within me, the Lord made me to understand that any true ministry called and commissioned bask from the privilege of higher and special covering of security from heaven, apart from the protection over individual’s called into such ministry or called to be a child of God: that such ministerial covenant covering is an additional spread of protection over and around everyone under such ministry. The late brother Francoise Tape selfishly, arrogantly and overzealousness left the company of the brethren to establish another glory of the latter house bible ministry church without my consent in protest against the resident pastor’s lack of fire (according to him) to preach. He took some brethren away with him to start another assembly: but one day after some months while he was out for evangelism and deliverance ministrations, he was attacked by demons and was physically paralyzed to die a few months after. The Lord further told me that he was untimely destroyed by the serpents of rebellious spirit and self-aggrandizement because he blindly walked away from the edge over the ministry, he was called to serve in humility in the kingdom to seek for great things for himself outside the will and guidance of God. I was further reminded and made referral to the rebellion in the church in the wilderness in the book of Numbers Chapter 16 concerning Korah, Dathan and Abiram which rose up against Moses and Aaron’s authority to unlawfully separate themselves from their leadership and to draw people to themselves: by so doing, they willing walked away from under the divine protective edge over Moses and Aaron’s ministry: the consequence was that the earth swallowed them alive with more than fourteen thousands and seven hundred men and women and children which connive with them to boost the rebellion. Note: to run away from the assembly and church of the firstborns written in heaven by envy and strife, division or any other crime to defraud the brethren by any means, or by other iniquity without repentance for restitution and restoration: or to separate yourself from the company of the beloved brethren by self-willed or for self-interest is to break the edge of God and to provoke the rebellion’s lying serpent spirit hard and deadly bite and venom on you: where envy and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. James 3:15-16.        
There is something supernatural and extraordinary about the believer’s purchased by the blood of Jesus that is bigger, beyond and above him (happy art thou, O Israel: who is like unto thee, O people saved by the Lord, the shield of thy help, and who is the sword of thy excellence! and your enemies shall be found liars unto thee; and thou shall tread upon their high places. Deuteronomy 33:29) of which the world, in general, is clueless about as well.
Such is the inestimable worth and value transferred on them through the unsearchable riches of Christ’s prestige and honor as the people foreknew, called, loved and chosen. Their prestige and honor do not originate from any earthly substance of cankered gold and silver, neither can their true renown be attached to any natural inheritance or possessions whatsoever. They were not of earthly heritage because of the price (forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. 1Peter 1:18-19) of redemption for the new identity and elevated life in Christ Jesus which has made them heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ so that their precious souls should live forever and not see corruption: therefore it is not from the foundation of their ancestry lineage, neither was it from their past huge balance account or current net worth listed as number one in the Forbes list of the world’s wealthiest and smartest record book: but unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Psalms 49:6-9. Revelation 1: 5-6. 
The blood of the everlasting covenant that sanctifies and preserves the saints must not be trampled under feet to be counted as an unholy thing: to trifle with the blood of eternal redemption is to despise the spirit of grace and to divert that (for the grace of God that brings salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ; who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. Titus 2:11-14) which is abundantly made available for a way out of sin as the very license to live in sin: this is an open rebellion and the condemnation for them that are in Christ Jesus but has chosen to walk in the flesh and to fulfill the lusts of their father the devil by the interest they’re serving and the pleasures they’re fulfilling: the serpent has not only bitten them to die in trespasses again as trees whose fruits withered, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the root, foaming in their own shame, but has swallowed them up in his stomach to wallow in iniquity as a pig wallows in mud; and for the severe punishments reserved and awaiting them before our God at judgment to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. Hebrews 10:26-30. Jude 12-13.
David was not actually in any particular danger or problem as such during the time King Saul hunt and sought to kill him than he was just passing the time of waiting and preparation for the season of King Saul to end in life before his enthronement to the throne of Israel. The young David was pursued everywhere into every cities, villages, dens, caves, and mountain by the envious King Saul, but God was with him to keep him safe wherever he sought for refuge (and he put garrisons in Edom; throughout all Edom put the garrisons, and all they of Edom became David’s servants. And the Lord preserved David whithersoever he went. 2 Samuel 8:14) as Saul sought him every day, but God delivered him not into his hand. Note: it is better to be caught up in an unjust war and trouble with ungodly men of this world and Satan, but with the abiding presence of God in you around and over you, than to be at any compromising or concession peace with evil men of this world or with Satan (then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah, and said unto him, what said these men? and from whence came they unto thee? And Hezekiah said, they are come from a far country, even from Babylon. And he said, what have they seen in your house? And Hezekiah answered, all the things that are in my house have they seen: there is nothing among my treasures that I have not shown them. And Isaiah said unto Hezekiah, hear the word of the Lord. Behold, the days come, that all that is in your house, and that which thy fathers have laid up in store unto this day, shall be carried into Babylon: nothing shall be left, says the Lord. And of thy sons that shall issue from thee, which thou shall beget, shall they take away; and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon. Then said Hezekiah unto Isaiah, Good is the word of the Lord which thou hast spoken. And he said, is it not good, if peace and truth be in my days? 2 Kings 20:14-19) to lose the presence of God: if God is for you, who can be against you? 1 Samuel 23:14.                                               
Unfortunately, it was David’s unforced error that caused him the real troubles of his life when his heart was deceived by the beauty of another man’s wife to tear apart the wall of defenses around him and to expose himself from the well-guarded and secured palace to the enemy’s attack from different directions. The judgement of God against David’s adulterous and murderous acts against Uriah opened the serpents cages, and the reptiles quarreled angrily, noisily and disruptively broke into David’s life and household (wherefore hast thou despised the commandment of the Lord, to do evil in his sight? thou hast killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword and has taken his wife to be thy wife, and hast slain him with the sword of the children of Ammon. Now therefore the sword shall never depart from your house; because thou hast despised me, and hast taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife. Thus says the Lord, behold, I will raise up evil against thee out of your own house, and I will take thy wives before your eyes, and give them unto thy neighbor, and he shall lie with thy wives in the sight of this sun. For thou didst it secretly: but I will do this thing before all Israel and before the sun 2 Samuel 12:9-12) to bite and inflict him with one of the most cruelly and deadly venom namely, his son Absalom incest against David’s wives: with another cruel venom bite of incest between his own son and daughter of different mother: and the untimely loss of his two children; Amnon and Absalom which the serpent of vengeance venom releases its venom unto him to avenge the death of Uriah, without mentioning the serpent of restless and unceasing war invasion in his house. Note: the price and consequence of breaking the edge is painful and grievous, comparable to the easy yoke and light burden we are offered to carry in Christ Jesus to keep the hedge around us impenetrable for any serpent to enter or to bite. 2 Samuel 13:23-38.                                                             
If you have pleasure to enjoy and to keep up with the company of funny men of loose tongues and ill talkers (go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceives not in him the lips of knowledge. Proverbs 14:7) lacking the tongue of the wise, you are not doing any good to yourself other than that you are attracting or drawing serpents of those unlearned words to make your life funny. Nothing is funny or dramatic in your spiritual life which is required of you to be sober and vigilant.
When men become emotional to speak negative words and wrong confession on their lives because of problems or infirmities, instead of uttering words to reverse and recreate the situation by pronouncing, proclaiming and standing on the word of God, the serpent shall be let loosed to release more venom (a fool’s mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul. Proverbs 18:7) as the result of the dead words coming out of them to increase and prolong their predicament: death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs18:21.                                                                                                     
Don’t trifle with any part of the scripture, lest you be visited and troubled secretly by an unknown serpent: all scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and it is profitable for teaching, correction, and instruction in righteousness you. The edge can also be pulled down to invite serpents’ bite if you’re the type that complaints and murmurs against God’s dealings instead of praying in affliction and to patiently keep the way of the Lord, giving thanks for everything as you make your requests known. Numbers 21:6.                                    
Keep the wall around you unbroken by taking heeds to your ways and to serve the interest of God in your life: and to keep the door of your mouth with prayer.
Do not keep the symbol of any image on earth, or of anything representing God, Christ or any angel in your house lest they defile you to open unconscious doors for the enemy into your life. We must seriously fast and pray to close the door against any claim, visitations, and manifestations of those spirits symbols or other symbolic sign you have as a mark or print of tattoo on the body. You must violently renounce and denounce any symbol of past tattoo’s defilement that is likely possible to open unconscious door to the enemy into your life by the blood of Jesus in a sincere walk in truth and spirit after conversion. This is the absolute truth that any design or emblem on the skin defiles you to breaks the edge of God’s protection over you in exchange ownership of your life and soul to that which is advertised and displayed on your body which ought to be the temple of God. Such images as fish, rat, lizard, dead relative picture or a lover’s image, crocodile, serpent, snail, star, sun, moon, sea, ocean, cat, dog, birds, trees, flowers, shark, whale, rabbit, cockroach, lizard, vulture, kite, raven, hawk, owl, cormorant, great owl, swan, pelican, eagle, stork, heron, lapwing, bat etceteras possess your body to give access for Satan to work openly or secretly in your life – you shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord. Leviticus 19:25.