Comfort and strength in the faithfulness of God Summary and exposition of 1 Samuel 30 28-10-18.

From the book of 1 Samuel Chapter 29 we learnt that David with all his mighty men had gone to show solidarity and appreciation of accommodation to the Philistines hospitality and protection from King Saul’s chase and menace to kill him. David now found himself in a straight betwixt two. Though the house of Israel was not against David but the King of Israel was his sworn adversary, pursuing after him for thirteen good years. It was a common sense decision (but not the will of God) to show solidarity to the Philistines for the asylum protection he received from them decided to fight alongside the enemy of God’s people as Satan sought to take advantage of David’s exiled and circumstance situation to draw him into a fight with his own people and against the household of God. But God is faithful who will not suffer us to be tempted above what we are able to endure to make a way out of every temptation and would not allow the unintentional betrayal and unpatriotic offer from David to force his hand into battle against the inheritance of God and to get into direct conflict with God who has appointed him to take place. Was it not for Israelis’ sake that David was persecuted and forced into exiled by Saul’s envy? Was it not in preparation for the throne of Israel to lead and govern as a man after God’s own heart he was allowed by God to be driven into exile to study about situation and human managements, he who was once a shepherd of sheep and goats at first? Thus God made a way of escape for him out of this extremely wicked sin and self-embarrassments situation. Though the lords of the Philistines appreciated his willingness to fight for them against his own people, they never once bought the idea of his total loyalty to them. God made them to believe that David shall betray and turn against them at the battle field to be reconciled back to the King of Israel at the expenses of their lives. Note: seasons are transitional and processing times in the kingdom that comes and go. Whatever they may be, steadfastness and faithfulness is required of us not to betray God and the brethren before the world. Should we be offended by a trusted pastor as Saul offended David after his great intervention for the entire nation of Israel, but sought revenge to scatter and destroy the sheepfold he was called to lead? No and never should we debase to such callousness against those who Christ shed his blood for. The man that does such thing shall not go punished by the Lord- fret not yourself in any wise to do evil: for evil doers shall be cut off, but those that wait upon the Lord shall inherit the land. Let us leave them to the judgement of God, lest our right for justice becomes our inexcusable condemnation before God.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
1 Samuel Chapter 30 is an eye opener to the truth of spiritual warfare and the dangers surrounding it, that we should try to do everything possible within our reach for the security and protection of the loved ones around us (family-wives and children and other siblings under our care) lest the adversary strike us from behind through them. If you are too strong for the Devil, he will go after your kids, wife and every other thing that are of interest to you, that though his sword cannot pierce through you; it may pierce through your heart. Here, David and his men had gone to defend the Philistines, but who were the guards assigned to defend the warriors’ wives, children and properties left behind at home at Ziklag as the Amalekites invaded and plundered everything – they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept. Song of Solomon 1:6. Note: though the sword of war devours one as well as another, let us not failed to guard the loins of our mind as the result of the enemy’s assault on us. The enemy wants your attention on what he is doing to distract you from what God is doing in your life, and to derail you from where he is taking you to. The devil knows that you are where your attention takes you, and if your heart is divided, you shall be found faulty. We shall lose focus and courage if we allow the enemy to keep us disoriented, lost and confused in shock and insensibility to his devices in a rebellious and challenging manner against God as to why this is happening to us again. With such attitudes, we are magnifying the damages of the enemy’s works as beyond divine control, repair and restoration. Whatever is lost in the cause of the Lord’s battle, though it be the death of your loved ones, your dead shall live, together they shall live again: and if it be that they are earthly goods and blessings such as your marriage, children, wealth etc the Lord is able to give much more in restoration. We are not ignorance of the devises of the enemy- whenever you detect the footprints, finger prints and trademark of Satan, you should give him the déjà vu (already seen or even you again, get thee behind me Satan) response and be not confused or mixed up by any of his ‘no importance’ or demonic induced annoying scheme to stress you. Your confidence in God should not be shaken while your eyes are stayed focus on the everlasting Rock, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith – mine eyes are ever toward the Lord; for he shall pluck my feet out of the net. Psalms 25:15.                                                                                                                                      The circumstances or the unpleasantness of what we see with the eyes should not speak more loudly than what the word and promises of God says. You must resist yielding to the spirit of self -pity to get lost in thoughts and out of control because of hardships and difficulties – to feel gloomy and depressed as the result of what life has dealt you. Some lost the promised of abundant life in the time of adversity to commit suicide out of emotional wretchedness, instead of looking inward to the Greater One that lives in them and to abandon themselves unto God’s hand. They willingly cut off their lives to escape the trials meant for their glory- to work out for their good. The spirit of self pity is destructive to draw anyone away from God and out of his perfect plan, even as Elijah requested to die when he ran away from Jezebel, whereas there are much more for him to accomplish and God has prepared rapture enlivenment glorious than physical death to take him to heaven. Let no one seek or pray selfishly in their predicaments than to pray out the promises and the will of God for the best outcome of their situation. God has not called us to defeat, shame and untimely death, either by the sword or from the hand of the wicked. Be encouraged in the Lord your God and weep not as those who are helpless and defenceless to take comfort in the faithfulness of God even as David once did, even though it seems our entire world and legacy is collapsing before us. Whatever God has promised to do, he will do, though everything around us is not testifying to this truth, yet he has power to change times and seasons- he is strong and mighty that executes his word. 1 Samuel 30:1-6. Joel 2:11.
Courage for action in the re-assuring presence of God. 1 Samuel 30: 7.
In the battles of life and in the sudden uprising of the flood of the ungodly, when it seems that all hell is loosed against you and the storm of darkness is raised to the highest level before you: notwithstanding, if the heart is not fix and focus in God, it is likely to be depressed and overwhelmed by the noises of the waves and be swayed out of the way of worship and duty if you are not determined to stand without wavering to be counted worthy of the kingdom of God for which cause you suffer. If you are not standing on the Rock (the underneath are the everlasting arms) you shall be swept away by the terrible blast of the wicked. It is normal for the wind to blow vehemently and rain to fall heavily on every home, but the house rooted and grounded and dig deeper on the Rock shall withstand the enemy’s onslaughts. Believers will have tribulations in the world – it is given unto you, not only to believe in Christ Jesus, but also to suffer for his name’s sake. But those sufferings and trails are insignificant in proportion to the inner delight of the joy to partake in Christ’s reproach from him that comforts us in all tribulations in expectation of the exceeding glory to be revealed in us at the appearing of Christ. God has built you to last till eternity if you will take your stand and submit the outcome of any battle to Christ who is in charge of everything in your life, to endure tribulations and affliction of the gospel according to the power of God. What shall separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus? When courage is absent, faith is lost and the battle is won by the adversary, but the righteous is bold as lion – by faith you stand. Boldness is required to approach the throne of grace to find help and grace in time of need. To lose faith and hope like the rest of the men that were disagreeable against David, without strength and courage to advance for the damage control – recovery battle against the Amalekites. To be still, not in God’s rest, but inactive by weak hands and lame feet, unwilling to press forward is a failure in the day of adversity. To be overtaken and overwhelmed by situation is dangerous to the overall plans of God in your life, likely to take you off course perilously to your soul in particular. To be able to walk strongly and victoriously through the waves of adversity, you must remove your eyes at the waves and the winds crashing around you to hold on to the Son of God who is with you and is holding your hands in the waves and winds. The devil is elated and assumed he has gotten the better part of you by his maliciousness when your emotional manifestation is not demonstrating or showing faith that rejoices in tribulation and continues instant in prayer. This courage and positive emotional demonstration of faith comes from the supernatural power from the inner man bestir by the Holy Spirit to endure, survive and come out of any dilemma unhurt which the natural men or carnal believers cannot endure, survive and come out of them without sin or hurt. It is the power of a tough mental strength from the perspective of a champion that you are in the Lord, not to see pressure the same way others might see it. When there is a challenge, you see it as another muscle builder to get in shape to win another battle with the Lord, not discouraged by life’s occurrences in the personal conviction that the Greater One who resides in you is always up for the challenge with positive outcomes- you are my king O God; command deliverance for Jacob. Through thee will we push down our enemies: through thy name will we tread them under that rise up against us. Psalms 44:4-5. Psalms 60:12.                                               David was greatly troubled on every side (for he also wept in regret and pity that he was not there for his loved ones at the time they needed him most, but not in dissimilarity mentality and attitudes in retrospective comparison to some of the faithless men around him who thought to stone him to death being overwhelmed by grief, thinking that all were lost (irrecoverable and irretrievable) yet not distressed: perplexed, but not in despair: persecuted, but not forsaken: cast down, but not destroyed. ‘And David said to Abiathar the priest, Ahimelech’s son, I pray thee, bring me hither the ephod. And Abiathar brought thither the ephod to David. And David enquired at the Lord, saying, shall I pursue after this troop? Shall I overtake them? And he answered him, pursue: for thou shall surely overtake them, and without fail recover all. 2 Samuel 30:7-8.
One of God’s names is Jehovah Shammah- the Lord is there. Ezekiel 48:35. It doesn’t matter how the situation presents itself on the outside, the Lord is there. Whatsoever the doctor or medical report says, the Lord is there. If only you can see the Lord in every situation, your battles are already won. His present will beautify your ugly situation and make it beautiful for a testimony, and to bring honey out of the rock to satisfy you. It was David mental stimulus, the secret of his unwavering faith and the power of it. Whenever David is pressed beyond measure and his heart is overwhelmed within him to flash back his memory to the past unfailing glorious wonders of the Rock that is higher than him for comfort, courage and strength to overcome whatever mountain of opposition and challenges in the re-assuring presence of God. Psalms 61:1-2.                                                                                                                                                              It is called the law of God’s mindfulness- the conscious practice of his presence -the consciousness of divine presence- behold I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. You cannot allow yourself to be drawn along in any conversation, or walk with people, or be taken over by situations set up as trap by the enemy to remove you from his presence. In his presence you will overcome every obstacle and stand to declare and proclaim victory in the middle of the storms and winds. The more you practice his presence, the enemy will be kept at bay- for he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children: that the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children: that they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God (God’s mindfulness) but keep his commandments. Psalms 78:5-7.                                                                                                    This practice played a crucial part in David’s relationship with God and vital to balance our walk in godly fear that we might be sincere without offense till day of Christ, if we chose to walk in the consciousness of the present of the Rock that is following us. It was not the first; neither the second time David did such thing – to remember the years of right hand of the most high, that God will never forget to be gracious. He will never in anger shut up his compassion, his tender mercies never fails, but are new every morning. The principle of self reminder of God’s past goodness is a moral and mental spiritual booster as you analyse and evaluate how far you have come with God (for thou has been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy. Psalms 61:3) despite all the difficulties of the way – to have brought you so far. God’s mindfulness would exhibit your hope in the power and faithfulness of God to confound your enemies who are waiting for you to quit or look elsewhere apart from God’s immediate or timely help. If God has not given you as a prey to the enemy in the time past, but caused your escaped, he will do it over and over again (but we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raises the dead: who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver: in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us. 2 Corinthians 1:9-10) for he says, I am the Lord, I changes not, that is why you sons of Jacob are not consumed. Malachi 3:6. It is good for you to remember the deeds of the Lord; not only to remember his miracles of long ago- to consider all his past works and meditate on all his mighty deeds of the past in your life, but to remember your humbled beginning and allows it to shape your present walk in humbleness of heart and fervency of spirit serving the Lord, lest in any little way you become unmindful of the Rock that Fathered you, and forget the God who in whose hand is your breath. Deuteronomy 32:18.                                                                                                                                                            
Whatever the weight of the pressure you are under- the seemingly insurmountable mountain, remember that when Israel went out of Egypt, the house of Jacob from a people of strange language; mountains skipped like rams; and little hills, like lambs before him, even at the presence of our God – to stay quietly on the Rock that is higher than you for a triumphant ride to the land of your testimony – his testimony is sure. Psalms 114:1-8. Note: though we have one Father, even God, but we don’t know and experience or see his move the same way as others do. Our experience differs because the state of the heart and positions in relationship with him are not the same – he searches the heart to see those whose heart is perfect before him to show himself strong on their behalf. If you let him have his way in submission to his will, that which appears to be complex shall he make easy and the irreparable shall he reconstruct in your life. 2 Chronicles 16:9.                                                                                                                                            Never underestimate the power of thought-as a man thinks, so is he. God is great beyond the knowledge of what is written of him in the scriptures. As the numbers of his years are unsearchable, so are his works and the wonders of his hands- great and marvellous are his works. It is your perception of God’s greatness that determines the limit or extent of divine manifestation in your life. God is big in your life according to how you magnify him. He is mighty in your life according to your estimation of the Omnipotent incomprehensible God. This is the way Shadrack and the other two guys played out their faith to have their lives back and changed the word of the king. For them, God is bigger than life and greater than death, and thus they quenched the violence of fire by the mindfulness of the presence of God –our God is able to deliver us. He is God everywhere in heaven and earth- Omnipresent. Job 36:26.                                          At the time the warring faction of the house of Israel knew not what to do with the threat of the giant Goliath of the captain of the Philistines army – his derision on God’s armies and open defiant against the God of Israel’s army, David recalled the past in retrospect and climbed up to the Highest Rock that is greater in height than the giant Philistine’s boastful threat (and David said unto Saul, thy servant kept his father’s sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock: and I went out after him, and smote him, and delivered it out of his mouth: and when he arose against me, I caught him by his beard, and smote him, and slew him. Thy servant slew both the lion and the bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God. David said moreover, the Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, go, and the Lord be with thee. 1 Samuel 17:34-37) to remember the past years of divine intervention, deliverance and victory won at the landscape of grazing cattle and cows to activate the power of the presence of God. David was a mindful, grateful and patient worshipper of Jehovah. No matter how long it takes, David loves to wait patiently (not in murmuring or complaining, but by giving thanks for all things-past, present and future Psalms 40:1) unto God by way of self -reminder graven on his heart for his soul to bless the Lord in worshipful and gratitude spirit, and not to forget all the past and present benefits gotten from him- who forgives all your iniquities and heals all your diseases- who crowns you with his loving kindness and with tender mercies- who satisfy your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagles –who will not deals with you after your ways, nor reward you according to your iniquities- who has saved you and removed your iniquities far away from you as far as east is to the west, even the Father of our Lord Jesus who has shown you mercy and pity you as a father pity his own children. This is God’s mindfulness and thoughtfulness in all your ways. He is God in whose are all your ways and he understands your thoughts afar off. This is the power link for courage for action in the re-assuring presence of God when Stan thought all is over, but God has just begin to unfold the looser and liar he was, and is, and ever shall be. Some in trial are not mindful to remember former relief but chose to walk after the thoughts of their hearts to their own destruction, that is when fear of the enemy’s failing strength, murmuring and rebellion and other sin comes in – the children of Ephraim, being armed and carrying bows, turned back in the day of battle. They kept not the covenant of God, and refused to walk in his law; and forget his works, and his wonders that he had showed them. Marvellous things did he in the sight of their fathers, in the land of Egypt, in the field of Zoan. Psalms 79:9-12. When we are not mindful of God we become ungrateful, disobedient, self willed, self -seeker when it is all about him: and we selfishly uses God to accomplish our desire as a means to an end. What a loss! God is not the product to sell but the manufacturer to promote, seek, look up to and live for. God is not to be used, but to give up everything to be thoroughly used by him to obtain incorruptible treasures and riches that never rust or corrupt. If in any situation, you can always remember what God says in his word to refrain your feet from evil and your lips from murmuring (Psalms 119:59) and are not given to carnal emotion to sin but to remember what he has done in the past as testimony to rest your case in him without fretfulness, it means you shall be kept in perfect peace by the Rock of your strength because your mind is stayed on him. Isaiah 26:3.                                                                                                                        There are such words in the scriptures that speaks to us of God’s and Christ’s mindfulness such as lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes. And you shall teach them your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up….let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross….forasmuch as Christ has suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind, for he that has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, that he no longer live the rest of his time I the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God…..lay up for yourself treasure in heaven, where thieves do not break through nor steal, for where your treasure is, there your heart shall be….for they that are after the flesh, mind the things of the flesh, and they that are after the spirit, mind the things of the spirit. Constant practices of God’s mindfulness is a conduit to an uninterrupted gratefulness of spirit with assurances of better things to come from our greatest benefactor if the bond of the relationship is not broken or mar with unrepentant sin in the heart. Failure to practice God’s mindfulness (because thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, and hast not been mindful of the Rock of thy strength, therefore shall thou plant pleasant plants, and shall set it with strange slips: in the day shall thou make thy plant to grow, and in the morning shall you make your seed to flourish: but the harvest shall be a heap in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow. Isaiah 17:10-11) brings anyone under divine the curse.                                            God is always mindful of us (what is man you are mindful of him, and the son of man you care for them? Psalms 8:4) and likewise calls our attention to practice and walk in his mindfulness – O my people, what have I done unto thee? And wherein have I wearied thee? Testify against me. For I brought thee up out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed thee out of the house of servants; and I sent before thee Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. O my people, remember (be mindful of me) now what Balak king of Moab consulted, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him from Shittim unto Gilgal; that ye may know the righteousness of the Lord. Micah 6: 3-6.
Remember….whatever the enemy is saying or has spoken shall not stand as long as the word of God is concerns-who is he that speaks and it comes to pass when the Lord has not spoken it?                                  Remember….whatever the enemy is throwing at you cannot destroy you as long as you don’t remove your focus on Christ as your object of adoration and source of satisfaction….I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence comes my help, my help comes from the Lord which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy feet to be moved.                                      
Remember….not to fret yourself over what the enemy has stolen now or in the past (material, marital, financial and other blessings) because all things are yours in Christ Jesus, and the Father will reward and cause you to recover all.                                                                                                 I
f you think the Lord has not done anything for you in the past because you are not a born again believer, why you not have a taste of what it seems like to have him as Lord, friend and constant helper, to taste the sweetness of the Lord?                                                                                                                                    To the murmuring and self-pity faithless believer, remember your salvation from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. You are now his beloved. If he has delivered you from the kingdom of darkness, he will deliver you from every attacks from the gates of hell, and from the powers and the rulers of the darkness of this world and from the spiritual wickedness in heavenly places- they shall never prevail over you as one that is made complete in Christ Jesus, which is the head of all principalities and powers.           
The scripture was specific on different occasions about the presence of God with Joseph before he was sold to Egypt while living with his father and brethren. When he was sold to Portiphar as house servant, he had favour before men as the result of divine presence. And while in prison as sex offender, the Lord was with him. In his afflictions, he enjoyed the presence of God for protection and unequal favour. To his credit, he took cognizant and acknowledgement of God’s presence in mindfulness of Omnipresence against the request of his master’s wife to give her erotic pleasure. Note: the presence of God is precious beyond say – more than eyes are precious for the light of the body. It is better to lose your eyes, and loose acquaintances, and the favour and approval of men with all the goods of this world and whatsoever would cause you to offend than to lose the presence of God, even as Samson lost it because he will not be mindful of the Rock of his strength, neither mindful of his covenant, but traded it for sensual pleasure to die untimely, failed and lost his destiny.                                                                                                            The armies of God failed in the breach of promise because they will not practice God’s presence- his mindfulness- they despised the presence of God who has gone to search out land of inheritance for them, and they despised the pleasant Promised Land as the land that eats or swallow up its inhabitants thereof. Moses was denied entrance to the Promised Land because of his failure to sanctify the presence of God (failure to practice God’s mindfulness) in the water of strife where he misrepresented God because the people provoked to smite the Rock instead of speaking to the Rock that followed them- Christ. And God said to Moses, because you did not sanctify me before the children of Israel (to practice my presence and show the mindfulness of my presence to control yourself) you shall not enter the land I promised.         Caleb reminded them of God’s presence and to be mindful of him who has brought them so far, not with the intent to give them as grasshopper to the giants or as prey to the inhabitants of the land of promised. But they despised the presence of God and determined to go back to Egypt: but not on God’s watch, for they were wasted and destroyed in the wilderness, to keep Joshua and Caleb alive among all that came out of Egypt because they wholly followed him – practised God’s presence and mindfulness.
Power for victory in the faithfulness of God. 1 Samuel 30:8-31.
David is now approaching the end of his wilderness trials and trainings. He is at the final phase of preparation for coronation and ascension to the throne as the king of Israel, even as we come into the final narration of King Saul’s life and death – the beginning of a (long awaited) new era, season and period of history in the life of David. So far, David had passed his test and formation to maturity and transformation into the person God called and created him to become. Adverse situations are meant to bring out the good or the bad in us. Evil men will bring out the evil hidden in them and blame their wicked acts on adverse situation, but the good tree will be steadfast and uninfluenced to live uprightly. David has all the reasons and excuses (but not before God) to turn to roguery, lawlessness and brigand in his wilderness hide out during king Saul’s ‘David must die’ campaign and chase, but the men of Nabal testified of him and the band of men with him in the wilderness as honest and protective. 1 Samuel 25:15.                                        This is the end of era whereby David by the rule of the kingdom procedure had humbled himself throughout in the caves and in the wilderness of waiting and trainings under the mighty hand of God, that he may be exalted in due course. The death of King Saul does not directly open the door for him to take over as King over the entire twelve tribes of Israel. There was a continuation of a long war between the house of David and the house of Saul after the death of King Saul, but David’s side waxed increasingly stronger and the house of Saul waxed weaker and weaker.                                                                            Whosoever believes should not make haste. David had to wait for another seven years before he received dominion grace and anointing to rule over the whole tribes of Israel while ruling over the house of Judah at Hebron as part of the unfinished divine training for patience to have its perfect work until God’s fullness of time to translate the twelve tribes into his hand. 2 Samuel 3: 9-10. Note: for every trial we overcame, and each battle we won, there is a progression growth into maturity and increasing wealth of experiences from glory to glory with divine elevation for greater responsibility in the kingdom. God will not put us into any higher or greater position of responsibility we have not previously undergo the spiritual training of know – how of knowledge and skill required to operate and proved to be found worthy to handle the challenges and responsibility that comes along with the new level of assignment and promotion, even as a new convert should not be allowed to become a bishop or pastor without going through all that it entails to be qualified into the office, notwithstanding the manifestations of his spiritual gifts. 1 Samuel 30:22. 1Timothy3:1-7.
There are two more trials for David before the second anointing and ascension to the throne. The first, he must demonstrate that he that ruled over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. 2 Samuel 23:3.          This particular test he passed, when he resisted the self-centredness of the wicked men around him suggested not to equally shared the rewards (spoil of the enemy of the Lord) from the war, but he made it a statute and an ordinance for Israel unto this day that as his part is that goes down to the battle, so should his part that tarries by the stuff for the blessings sent from God. 1 Samuel 30:22-25.                                    Twice had David restrained himself from personal vengeance against King Saul, though he had the opportunities, and the excuses and logical reasons to do so, but he chose to trust and commit himself to God’s justice and retribution for King Saul. His final trial to the throne would be his emotional reaction and response to the news of the fall and death of his sworn enemy- king Saul. Would he dance and jump to the news of demise of his enemy? This second test he equally passed when he killed the man which brought the news of Saul’s death who hoped to gain reward from him with the royal crown to prove his false claim, but mourned bitterly over the news of the death of Saul and Jonathan with great eulogy composed in their memories- he that is glad at calamities shall not go unpunished- rejoice not when your enemy falls, let not your heart be glad when he stumbles: lest the lord see it, and it displease him, turn away his wrath from him. Proverbs 17:5. Proverbs 24:17-18.                                                                       
Believer’s victory in any battle is non- negotiable as long as he is led by the Spirit of God- as long as he walks and fights in righteousness. In Christ Jesus, victory is not an option if there is no hole on the wall- if there is no accursed thing in our possession, the enemy can never withstand the Greater One who lives in us and is with us. All that it takes for David is to have the permission or guidance from the Lord to pursue after the enemy. After having received such green light to pursue with the assurance from the Lord that he shall certainly overtake them and recover all, the battle is won with the assurance of the presence of God who has gone before him as the captain of the hosts of the Lord. Note: every spiritual battle is different in methodology and strategy. While in some battle, you may be required to go out with stealth bomber methodical without any noise whatsoever similar to walking around the wall of Jericho for seven days without the enemy’s knowledge of it – a quiet warfare strategy until the bomb hit the enemy’s target with a very loud and strong thunderous noise unexpectedly. Some battles shall require consistent confessions of faith to recreate situations and to reset the order of things disorganised by the enemy. Some battles shall require intensive fasting and prayer to breakthrough. Some battles shall require agreement prayer with someone (a brother or sister) likeminded to get the job done. Some battles shall require group of faithful and holy hands intercessors with fast and prayer to breakthrough. Some battles shall require a greater anointing and spiritual authority of a pastor or prophet to break yoke and remove your burden by prayer. Some battles shall require just standing still and keep waiting in quietness while God is doing the fight to overthrow the enemy before you as he did at the red sea. Some battles are fought and won on your behalf without your awareness until you see the restoration and restitution of what was stolen and taken violently from you. In spiritual battles, devil is not to be appeased, neither should believer make any negotiation than to take authority over the enemy, and take his stand in the blood of the everlasting covenant from which victory is given. Some battle takes long; it all depends on what God desire to bring out of it, while some are short and precise with maximum damages on the adversary of the Lord. Whichever and whatever, the truth is whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world. Who is he that overcomes the world? But he that believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God overcomes the world – thanks be unto God that always gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.