The abundant life John 10:10. Message delivered today the Lord’s Day of 24−09−17.

Many Christians are emotionally, physically and spiritually drained, confused and restless as been taken over by life’s cares and problems because of their instability in the word of God and failure in personal responsibility to take their stand (rooted and grounded) in the word of life. For this reason, the enemy deceived and caused them to miss the manifest power of the ‘abundant life’ as promised by the Lord in their spiritual experiences. Christ promised of abundant life has nothing to neither do with material blessings and possessions because those who didn’t even know Christ nor have any regard for God possesses and enjoys immensely wealth and riches in the world. Has the Lord not warned against covetousness and to live in contentment that the life of a man does not consist in the abundance of his possession? He that said, seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and every other thing shall be added unto you know that from the abundant of the spiritual blessings and growth comes the increase of material blessings from God that makes man rich, yet without sorrow. If the abundant of life promised by Christ is only found in gold and silver that perishes, then his sacrificial death is amounted to nothing and the price of redemption is equal to such corruptible things as gold and silver — God forbid. But has the Lord not taught us that life is more than food and body than clothes? Therefore the abundant life is not founded in the physical or material world and things because what the Lord has brought to us is a spiritual life– how to walk and please God, that we longer live the rest of our lives to the lusts of men but to the will of God. Abundant life in Christ Jesus is the over-​flowing life of his righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy-​Ghost in us. It is to remain attach to the vine as a branch that we might bring forth much more fruit. This is the completeness and fullness of the kingdom of God that has come upon us. Abundant life is a life fully lived for God in total surrender to his will, purposes and pleasures that we may discover that the true essence of life and true satisfaction in life is in Christ and for Christ. If we are sincerely living daily for Christ, we shall discover that he is our true gratification in life and he is all that we need as the true abundant life to be magnified in us, either by death or life; material surplus or lack — the life of a man does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. Abundant life cannot be quantify because it is a perfect spiritual life of unbroken fellowship and abundance of peace with God in a restless and chaotic world that can only be found in the path of righteousness and increasing production in the fruit of the Spirit and in those things that the thief cannot steal from us in the pathway of righteousness — in the way of righteousness is life: and in the pathway thereof there is no death. Proverbs 12:28.
Christ Jesus is the true light that shines everyone that comes into the world — the true life to live to get to heaven. Living by faith for the glorification of indwelling Christ in us is the manifestation of the abundant life of the Son of God that loves us and gave himself for us. Christ should be the life to live in our world. He should mean the entire world to us because we are made to understand that the life was the light that shines everyman that comes into the world. This means that to live should be for Christ and our ways of life should reflect his teachings and lifestyles –as it becomes his gospel. After the deliverance of the woman caught in adultery act that ought to die by capital punishment according the Pharisees; the Lord once again declared the intent and purpose of his sharing in our mortal and fallen nature. I am the light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. John 8:12. This implicates that living and walking in the world without Christ is groping in darkness in spiritual death heading to uncertain eternity. Has the scriptures not taught that he that lives in pleasure is dead while he lives? 1 Timothy 5:6. To what purpose has the scriptures commanded to ‘let this mind be in you, which is also in the Lord Jesus’ if it is not to live after the patterns of him who is life indeed? We see that walking in the humbleness of mind and constantly habiliment with the garment of humility will keep us in God’s favour and increasing grace to know him more and more. Living the kingdom life is the real-life which Christ is offering to all and sundry. This is the only life that will bring wholeness to your body, soul and spirit and health to your bones. There is no life in Egypt (world) but slavery to self, sin and death. To possess life is to live and be able to walk and remain in the strength and vitality of that which supplies the life. To what essence should grace be multiplied for an abundant life if we fail to live like him in whom we live and move and have our existence? Abundant life is a progressive walk of discovering God, spiritual truth and revelation of the kingdom of God. The kingdom’s abundance, fullness and surplus is in the progressive growth in Christ, in whom all the fullness of God inhabit or are found; and of his fullness we receive grace to grace for more of him. Abundant life is the state of onward pressing and spiritual advancement to eternal life– I have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundant. To abide in him is to keep walking in him, to keep living for him and to keep living like him that we might see him as he is at his appearing; and much more, that we might be might be exactly like him in his glorified state. The way of life is above to the wise that he may depart from hell beneath. Proverbs 15:24. Abundant life is in the increasing prosperity of our soul in the multiplication and increase of spiritual wealth and riches. ‘Beloved I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers’. You can clearly see that abundant life is a spiritual life, one that is full of God and lived out daily for him in Christ Jesus– much more as your soul is prospering; meaning, being level or straight or regular without variation. 2 John 1:2.
This abundant of life in Christ is a life that will not allow the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches and the lusts of other things to choke or clog off the life-​giving word of God out of you. Once again, look into the life and action of the prodigal son after he has ignorantly left his father’s house for outside, thinking that there is a much better life out there to live. After all was tried without satisfaction but failure, insatiable and unfulfilled desired, he finally came to himself and decided to go back home, having considered and confessed that even the hired servants of his father served comfortably and lived in surplus; that though, he might not be received back as a full pledged son; but yet as his father’s servant, he will be willing to live for him and to continue the enjoyment of the former abundant he missed by curiosity to live in an uncertain lifestyle. All it takes to remain in the abundant life is to keep doing the father’s pleasure and never to listen to the stranger’s voice that will take us out of that life to steal, kill and to destroy us. The abundant life is found in the life of Christ who himself is life and of whose fullness we receive grace to grace. The abundant life was the life lost by Adam and Eve, the life of obedient and rest. It is the life of uninterrupted fellowship with the Heavenly Father and there remains another rest for the people for God. This is the rest we are called to enter as believers upon whom the end of world is come. This is the rest brought back to us by Christ that if we will walk and live after him and take his yoke upon us and to learn from him, we shall find rest for our souls– the abundant life. John 10:10. This is the works and effects of the life of righteousness in Christ Jesus in the application of the word of God, building our house on the rock for quietness and assurance forever. He that keeps the commandment shall feel no evil thing. Abundant life is the product of supernatural defiance of our adversities and adversary, embolden with supernatural audacity and power that all shall be well though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea, though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved. From such believer, the thief cannot steal, kill and destroy because they know that all things belong to them– the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are theirs and they are Christ and Christ is God’s. They are in floating insurance policy and no scheme from the pit of hell can pluck them out of Christ hand because they’re solidly living in the abundant life and are looking forward by walking into eternal life. And above all, the Father who has given them to Christ lives in them and he is greater than all.