Walking in Christ.

Walking in Christ simply means imitating to be walking in the footsteps and examples of Christ life. Walking and living to be like Christ in all things – a disciple is not above his master, but he that is perfect shall be as his master. Luke 6:40.
Learning and striving to live like him as we prayerfully and thoughtfully apply the scriptures into our daily living as we walk before God Day by day, to be more like Jesus the purpose of our salvation and the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit within. If we hold fast the confidence of our faith and trust in him which has begun the god work in us with all our hearts, his faithfulness shall see us through in our daily struggles, living, challenges and experiences in our spiritual pilgrimage to the end — he is able to save to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever lives to make intercession for them.
In the first epistle of John chapter 2 verse 6, we read: he that saith he abides in him ought himself to walk, even as he walked. This is a big and long walk with the Lord through the straight gate and narrow. It is the only you walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God. Matthew 7: 13 – 14. Colossians 1: 10.
The understanding of God is infinite and his greatness is unsearchable as walking in Christ is a vast teaching, wide, deep and great until we are called home to see him as he is and t finally be like him – transform into his likeness and glory. There are twelve major characteristics or manners of walking with Christ in the scriptures. The first is walking in the love of God, as well as walking and growing in the love of the brethren. Our understanding of the scriptures concerning the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ from opens our eyes to the unmerited love of God in the substitution of Christ to die for us while we were yet sinners. There is nothing that can satisfy the heart of God than our constant appreciation of Christ love in the consideration and demonstration of esteeming him above anything or anyone else in our lives, not even counting our lives dear unto us while we please and live for him who loved us and gave his life for us in the fulfillment of the commanded to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, and with all our souls, and with all our mind. Romans 5:7– 8. 2 Corinthians 5: 14. Matthew 22; 37– 39.
Walking in the love of God requires an unquenchable and increasing burning zeal, affection and desire that no one can satisfy in us except him. It is in the discipline of daily fellowship with God in prayer and meditation in his word. The Lord shall lead us daily as he daily into green pastures for growth, renewal and refreshment as we draw water with joy from the well of his salvation. The primary purpose of this daily exercise to enable us to minister to others and be bringing forth herbs (be a blessings and instrument of it) for the people in and around us –for whose sake we have been called and saved to bring them as well to Christ. Revelation 3: 15 – 16. Hebrews 6; 7– 8. Matthew10: 37– 39.
He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him…. thus, the desire of our soul is always unto him whom we have come to love and discover that his love is better than wine and will never trade it nor attempt to exchange it for anything. Nothing again is going to separate us from that love which is stronger than death, life itself, things present, things to come, angels, principalities, powers and any other creatures…. for we know that we are alive because of the love of Christ. The intensity and genuineness of our love for God and his Christ is determined in the demonstrations of our submission and obedience to Word of God and teachings of Christ…. for this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not grievous. 1 John 5; 1 – 3. Songs of Solomon 1: 4. Romans 8: 35 – 39.
The Lord connected relationship and the love of God to do his biddings and living by his Word as loving God…hence he asked, why call me Lord, Lord, and you do not do the things I asked you to do? It is a folly and self–​deception in lips service if our belief ends up with our profession and there is no back up actions as we continue living for Christ in the conformity to the Word of God. Christ became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him. Luke 6: 46. John 15; 9 – 10. Matthew 7; 21 – 23. Philippians 1:27. Hebrews 5; 8 –9. James 1; 22– 25.
God requires complete, instant, in–​disputable and uninterrupted obedience from us as his loving children. We cannot be living careless life and be spared from the enemy’s bondage and attacks upon our lives if only we hear or read and do not live by his word, which is meant to be our shield and buckler; neither can we remain a child of God, nor shall we make heaven if we don’t continue to obey or live daily by his word, for the Lord knows them that are his, and let everyone that name the name of Christ departs from iniquity; for iniquity is the transgression of the law, and you know that he was manifested to take away our sins. We must always obey the teachings of Christ as our part to make sure our salvation which he has purchased for us through his blood on the cross and we should never be naïve to the ideas of the heretic teachers and pastors that as long and as much that you’ve believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, without giving all diligence to make your calling and election sure, you shall be saved. Philippians 2: 12 – 14. Hebrews 2:1 – 3. 2 Peter 1; 5 – 12.. John 8:30 – 32.
Walking and growing in the love of the brethren