The sin of masturbation.

While most men and women of the world masturbates because of the law of sin and death that is still at works in them, when their dead fallen nature requires and draws them to such depraved secret act (sin) as they that are sold under sin, held under the bondage; while then should those (believers) who ought to live differently in the renewal of their mind but are living and dwelling in the realm and state of the filthiness of the flesh and of the Spirit be darkened in their understanding and venerable to be deceived by the devil to masturbate and justified self that it is well, nothing is wrong in it, it is better to masturbate than to commit fornication or adultery or any other sexual sin – Wherefore it written, having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and of the spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. 2 Corinthians 7; 1.
Masturbation is the work of an unclean spirit of the devil (demon). It is part of the works of the flesh, called uncleanness, (those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God).
It is the youngest demon of the triplets’ sexual assault power (yet, stronger enough to hold many captive) of the three sexual venoms of adultery and fornication, caused by the demon responsible for each action. Galatians 5; 19.
It is the affections and lusts of the flesh which must be crucified by them that are in Christ Jesus. Galatians 5; 24. It is to fulfil the desire of the flesh and of the mind, incurring the wrath of God. Ephesians 2; 1-3.                                                                                                                                                                        
It is borne or generated out of an impure and unclean heart that is not sanctified – for from the heart comes evil thoughts, adulteries, fornication… these are the things which defile (rendered unfitted for heaven, for nothing unclean shall enter into it) a man. Matthew 15; 19.
It does not matter if someone is married or not, as long as this spirit is in him, he’s under the yoke and the burden of masturbating, just the matter of time, except he got delivered, he will surely fall into the sin of fornication or adultery or any other related sexual sins.
Where is the pure heart and clean hands for the so called born again masturbating?  Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord, or who shall stand in his holy place? He that has clean hands and a pure heart… Psalms 24; 3-4.
If such are indeed crucified with Christ, why is their right or left hand causing them to sin habitually? Such is the secret sin in the light of God’s countenance – He sees all. Psalms 90; 8.
It is the sin of uncleanness and in-ordinate affection, which must be mortified and be freed from. As you needed to overcome fornication and other damnable sexual sins, so you urgently needed victory and total deliverance from masturbation. Colossians 3; 5.
A married man came for deliverance and narrated his spiritual ordeal as follows…. anytime he dreamt of a feminine touched on his male reproductive organ; or that he had sexual romance and intercourse in his dream with a woman, he must masturbate; either on that very day or before the week runs out.
This is what the bible calls filthy dreamers’ defiles the flesh, (Jude 8) courtesy of the pollution from filthy dream, sponsored by marine spirits, executed by a spirit wife or husband (in the place of a woman) at the venue of an un-circumcised, unsanctified hearts and hands, in the stadium of pornography, lustful looking, thoughts and filthy and corrupt communication from the mouth.
The bible commands us to think on whatsoever things that are pure! Philippians 4; 8.
Pure thoughts are the products of a pure heart….and blessed are the possessors of such a beautiful dwelling place of God, they shall see Him. Matthew 5; 8. Job 22; verses 23 and 29-30.
What picture or imagination do people have before or during masturbation?
Christ picture seated on the right hand of God in heaven or of another woman or man?
Not of Christ, for their affections cannot be set on things above while masturbating. They cannot be spiritually minded and be masturbating at the same time. Romans 8; 6-7. Colossians 3;1.
There comes the spiritual truth of an unconscious relationship and attachment with a spirit husband or wife, which must be broken, which may be causing other unforeseen spiritual and physical problems and troubles in your entire life as you are not conscious of their presence… behold the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy that it cannot hear; but your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear… for their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity….. Isaiah 59; 1-7.
If my soul is delivered from death, my hands and eyes, including every other member of my body be delivered as well from whatsoever can brings or leads to death. My spirit soul and body must be sanctified as I’m seeking and walking daily with the Lord! Amen. 1 Thessalonians 5; 23.
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