The priority – The kingdom first. For I came down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him that sent me. John 6; 38.

Fulfilling divine purpose is of high cost and great value. It has to do with fulfilling life’s purpose which has the reward and value of eternal proportion.
It is un-imaginable, but we see the source of creation (Christ, by whom all things were made) taking on the nature of flesh, born in a manger to a low and poor family of a carpenter, having caused disputable doubts and confusions in the heart of Joseph.
Except for divine revelation and submission to the will of God, to serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear, Joseph almost reject Mary and her baby Jesus, but in submission to the will of God, he bowed to divine supremacy and sovereignty of whose kingdom rules over all to accept the paternity of the Lord – the kingdom first.
What is the kingdom of God?
It is the rule, reign and supremacy of God and fulfilling his purposes in your life. Luke 17; 21. If it is for the interest and pleasure of God; then it is the will and rule of God in our lives. It must be submitted to, be subjected under it and be accustomed to it – the kingdom first.
Abraham was left with no choice for his love and awe for God in his attempt to offer his one and only son with Sarah (Isaac) just to meet up with divine demand, without considering the impact and pain of it on Sarah, and the future consequences on both – the kingdom first.
When we put the interest of the kingdom first, we have nothing to lose but all things to gain…Verily, verily, I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone: but if it dies, it bringeth forth much fruit. He that loves his life shall lose it; and he that hates his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.
It was a painful decision but a sweet and satisfactory accomplishment as Jesus forsook the bliss, honor and adorations of his celestial created beings (the family in heaven) to the dark, lonely and wearisome earth of his fallen image to seek and to save us that are lost to the end that the kingdom (rule, reign and the supremacy) of God might be re-established in our lives – the kingdom first.
We see Christ at the age of twelve going out for his Father’s business, not minding the stress, agony or trouble his action may implicate or involve his parents to the end that the disobedient might the taught the wisdom of the just – the kingdom first.
Our Lord was not like the hypocritical Pharisees full of words but never acted out the word, never lived by the spirit of their teachings. If Jesus died to self and the world, it is for us to die to self and the world. If Jesus walked in love and humility, it is for us to walk in love and humility. If Jesus walked in self- denial and temperance in all things, it is for us to live in the same manner. He has leave us example that we should follow his steps…. the husbandman must be first partaker of his fruits.
The kingdom of God and his righteousness must be sought first, the rule of God must be enforced in our lives under any given circumstances and situations, his word must reign and must not be dethroned. It must have free course and be glorified in us – the kingdom first.
Kingdom come before food…works before pleasure.
The disciples suggested and offered the Lord something to eat while he was conversing with the Samaritan people by the well of Jacob. But he said to them, I have meat to eat that you know not of….my meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work…. the kingdom first. John 4; 31-34.
The kingdom of God is not meat and drinks…. Mary Magdalene decision to grow in grace and knowledge by sitting at the Lord’s feet to hear the teachings of Christ at Bethany was irreproachable as the Lord commended her wisest and best choice which shall never be taken from her in comparison to Martha, who was so troubled and careful with the family reputation for a praise-worthy hospitality to the Master of the universe.
She should have prepared the food before Christ arrival or sit with the rest at first to listen to Christ message and teaching and at the end arise and prepare something for the invited guests to eat…it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace, not with meats, which have not profited them that are occupied therein – the kingdom first. Hebrews 13; 9.
Prophet Eli with his two sons and daughter in law could not have died the same day if the prophet prioritized the interest of the kingdom of God above his earthly sons’ ungodly and wicked deeds in the house of God. God must be honored above children, wife, husband father or mother. Had he removed them from the priesthood, his house and generation should have continued in the same before God, for if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged by God – the kingdom first.
We cannot allow wife, husband, children, father and mother or in-laws to destroy the ministry and spiritual assignments committed to our trust and cares if they chose to compromise and stands as bad examples to the flock under our care or to the ministry committed to us. We cannot mix maternal or marital affection with spiritual relationship nor should we allow it to rule over spiritual relationship and obedience to God – the kingdom first. 1 Corinthians 11; 31.
Your relationship with God is unique. Nothing in you (your right hand or right eye) neither anyone should be allowed to destroy the kingdom of God in your life nor cause you to sin.
The kingdom comes before all things, its interest and fulfillment come above all.
Adam, in the process of not wanted to lose his wife gave in to her demonic imbibe doctrine.
He lost the rule of the kingdom of God in his life, subjected to his wife and devil’s rule…man becomes the servant of whom he obeys.
They lost the life of God and were driven out of his presence…. with the devil, the score was settled on the cross and now the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and we shall reign for ever and ever – the kingdom first.
In the fall, we cannot question divine wisdom, intensions, purposes and providence, but has he not succumbed to the wife’s suggestion and temptation, Adam should have retained the life and nature of God lost in the fall of Eve, just like Lot was saved and his wife lost – if any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple – the kingdom first. Luke 14; 26.
If anything, or anyone comes in competitions or opposition to duty to Christ, we must give Christ the preference.
If we must either deny Christ or be-banished from our families and relations we must rather lose their society than Christ favor, presence and fellowship…. when my father and mother forsake me, then the Lord shall take me up. Psalms 27; 10.
When duty to our parents, relation with wife or brethren comes in competition with our faithfulness to Christ, we must rather choose to enter heaven with half of our body than the whole body to be cast into the lake of fire-the kingdom first.
Nothing, neither anyone should overcome the rule, reign and supremacy of God over us. God and his Christ kingdom and authority must be preferred above all. Any satisfaction or affection which is meant not to serve the purpose and interest of God and his kingdom, and the furtherance of Christ gospel should be ignored and rejected. We cannot be spiritually dulled brain like Samson. The price is too high – the kingdom first.
We must count our lives as seed sown (John 12;24) or be ready to count as loss, either as a sacrifice, when Christ may be glorified by our parting with it or as a temptation, when by our parting with it we are put into a better capacity of serving Christ- And everyone that has forsaken houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life – the kingdom first. Matthew 19;29.
People who would not join and support us to fulfil the will of God, must not be united with – of Levi he said, let thy Thummim and thy Urim be with thy holy one, whom thou didst prove at Massah, and with whom thou didst strive at the waters of Meribah; Who said unto his mother, I have not seen him; neither did he acknowledge his brethren; nor knew his own children; for they have observed they word, and kept thy covenant – the kingdom first. Deuteronomy 33; 8-11.