The priorities in the kingdom of God Edited today, Nimes 06 – 09 – 21

 In the mean while his disciples prayed him, saying, Master, eat. But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of. Therefore, said the disciples one to another, hath any man brought him ought to eat? Jesus saith unto them, my meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. John 4:31 -34
Just as they commonly says in the world, work before pleasure, so our Lord set the priority right and straight before his disciples as he strictly and boldly made them to understand that they should not try to stop or influence him in any way from ministering to the Samaritan woman, so that the works, will and word of God should come first in every situation – she was a woman, none should victimize or intimidate or be suspicious of what is not happening to disrupt, destroys or scandalize the work of God by false insinuation of envy and discrimination – love thinks not evil. John 4:27.
By the way, without the word was nothing made, therefore, it pleased the Father that in all things should the word have pre-eminent, therefore, let the word and the will and the works of God have the first place in all your conversation. Christ was in the middle of a very important business of a soul winning that will impact so many others into the kingdom of God. He therefore gives all the attention and respect such holy and eternal work demands on him to get the job done. Christ shows his preference to sacrifice his lunch for the salvation of the Samaritan woman than to be distracted by food and loose his focus and target – the soul. For food’s sake and for whatever or whosoever sake, let us not allow or give room for anything or anyone to destroy the work of God in our lives and in others.
God requires to be the first in our lives, therefore, he demands us to love him with all our hearts and strength, and with all our understanding first and foremost. Jesus likewise prioritized his Father’s love above himself, above his earthly parents, and above every other person as Nicodemus testified that he teaches the word of God in truth without respect of person – not for a friend, uncle, father, mother, wife or husband. He commands us not to allow any husband, wife and son’s or daughter’s affection, demand and desire to prevail against and over the will of God in our lives, not over his works, and against the word of God. If we love any of those more than him, we are not worthy of him according to Christ word. 
Therefore, God matters first; and that which is preferred should be considered first above any other thing. The selfless love of Christ to redeem us demands for our selfless life in the kingdom to fulfil the will and purposes of God in return. Christ left the glory of heaven to earth in the form of a servant – in the nature as flesh and blood, showing the priority to save you and me back into the kingdom of heaven as a man who has lost a sheep out of an hundred, but prioritized the search and rescue mission to seek and save the lost sheep, though it be found in a pit on the sabbath day, yet will he priortise to rescue the sheep above keeping the Sabbath law.
You are to live for God in such a way as to positively influence others awake from their lukewarm love and to love him increasingly, being challenged by your love and good works – spurring or provoking one another unto love and good works (Hebrews 10:24) while no one in your life should be allowed to decide or influence your complete obedience and consecration to the will, purposes and the works of God, rather than to strengthens your hand with theirs to please God.
There is a need to count the cost and to pay the price of a selfless disciple in an undivided loyalty to Christ and his word. The Lord himself demonstrated this at the age of twelve as he goes about doing the Father’s work in the temple while his parents were troubled and worried looking for him. Whatever and whosoever shall stand against the will and purposes and pleasures of God should be removed from our lives if we are to be made perfect and complete in all the will of God in preparation for, and accountability in heaven, else, they will remove us from the will and purposes of God even as Eve removed Adam from the will and purposes of God by her evil influence to sin against the word of God.
Peter was Christ man of right hand in the ministry, but when it comes to doing the will of God, no relationship or personality whatsoever should be allowed to stand in the way of doing the will of God. Any person who will stand as a stumbling block or offence against the word or works of God in our lives should be dealt with even as Christ dealt with Satan through Peter who was used to seek to obstruct by appealing to Jesus Christ not to go to Jerusalem to die. Matthew 16:22-24.
Our mother, father, wife, husband brethren and true friends are those that hear the word of God and do it. They are those who will stand by our side in prayer and encouragement while we all seek the face of God to know and to do his will above any other: not to put us in fear of intimidation or discouragement against prioritizing the will and purposes of God in our lives – when Timothy come, see that he does the works of God without fear. 1 Cor.16:10.
If an unbeliever wife or husband is not standing in the way of our duties and loyalty to the Lord, if he or she is pleased to dwell with us in prioritizing God’ will and glory above any other, we are commanded to live in peace with our unbelieving spouse because the unbelieving spouse is sanctified by the spouse that believes and their children are holy in the Lord. Matthew 12: 46-50. 1 Kings 15: 8-13. Luke 14: 25-27.
God prioritises his word and magnifies it above all his name. It is obvious that the word which is God should come first in our lives. Whatever the word says ought to be prioritized in your life as the greatest honour and love you can ever show or give to your heavenly Father. When we prioritize the word of God to live by every jot of it which shall not pass away without fulfilments, we seek therefore to live in the ever-increasing life and light of God: for in him -in the word was life, and the life was the light that shines every man that comes into the world. The natural man lives and work for his stomach and appetite, yet his appetite is not filled; but the Lord warns that man should not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out from the mouth of God should he live – which means that our labour for the word of God should be prioritised above our bread and meat as Job testified that he esteemed the word of God more than his necessary meat. Job 23:12.
This was the mortal mistake of Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden. Adam was given a ministry to tiake care of the fruits of the Garden with warning not to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but he priotitised the demand and desire of his wife above the will, work and ministry God has given him to sin against God. Had he prioritised God’s will and demands upon his life above his wife, God should have given him another better and submisisve wife after Eve has eaten the fruit. Adam should have lived and the generation of men as well, had he loved God above his wife. All the fruits of the Garden were given and permitted unto them to eat except the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil: lest they should die, but Adam failed in his ministry as marital priest and in his Grden ministry as overseer. On the other word, God is saying, if you keep my word, you shall live – because in him was life. The moment they ate the fruit they were commanded not to eat, they both died spiritually and were separated from God, they lost divine life or nature, and were sent out and driven away from the presence of God, far from the Garden, lest they should eat the fruit from the tree of life and live forever, which fruit is now prepared for them that prioritised the word of God and works of God above themselves and anyother 6 whosoever loves his life shall lose it, but whoso shall lose his life, the same shall save it unto eternal life. Revelation 22:14. It was because of this failure on the part of Adam to prioritise the kingdom purposes above marital demand but instead pleased his wife that women are stritcly forbiden by God to preach or teach openly in the general assembly of the saints as ministerial vocation of pastor or teacher. 1 Cor.14:34-35.  1 Tim 2:11-15.
God can’t be wrong -Isn’t it? His commandment is everlasting. He is the God of truth without iniquity. We see the Lord in his earthly life and ministry speaking only what he heard from the father, and doing only or whatever pleases the father to live by the the word in an irreproachable life to fulfil the scriptures. The Psalmist says, I have considered thy precepts to be right concerning all things. Psalms 119: 128. The will and purposes of God should be prioritised above our selfish and personal ambition, pursuits, felings, likes or desire; to seek first the kingdom of God and all his righteousness, to please and to do whatever is revealed to us as his perfect will at any cost like Samuel did who did not let none of the word of God fall to the ground in his life. Why was King Saul rejected as the first king of Israel, was it not because of his self-willed spirit and failure to prioritise the will of God above the people’s demand? What was the first declaration of Jesus when he came to earth, I have come to do thy will O God! What was the Lord’s final prayer at Gethsemane; nevertheless, not as I will, but thine be done. John 7: 14-17. 1 Samuel 3:19. Matthew 5: 18-19. Hebrews 10: 9.
All scriptures are given by the inspiration of God and it is profitable for teaching, reproofs and instruction in righteousness……God will not respect our person if we do not tremble to his word but chooses what part to obey and what part to observe. We must have great regard and respect for the word of God if we are to have final acceptance and recognition from him when we shall stand before him at death.
Jesus will not stand to condemn us before God; nevertheless, he warns that any word we fail to tremble to obey in reverence to God shall stand against us on the last day –let us therefore take more earnest heed to things which we heard, lest at any time they should slip: for if the word spoken by angels was steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward, how shall we escape, if we neglect so great a salvation! Isaiah 66:1-5. John 6: 26-27. 2 Timothy 3:16. John 12: 47-48. Hebrews 2:1-3.
Your ministry, doing the will and God’s work should be prioritised and be first put into consideration before you marry a wife, lest you should marry an odious – anarchy woman – a rebellious and cancerous daughter of Jezebel who will make sure she disqualifies you by her insubordination behaviours to destroy the works and purposes of God, for if a man cannot rule his own house, how can he rule the house of God? 1 Timothy 3:5. You must see to it or make sure, just as Apostle Paul exhorted and warned Archippus that you fulfill your ministry which you have received in the Lord. Colossians 4:17.
People who would not join and support us to fulfil the will of God and to prioritize his purposes and pleasures but seek to be with us to weaken our hands (Nehemiah 2:19-20) must not be allowed to be with us united with – of Levi he said, let thy Thummim and thy Urim be with thy holy one, whom thou didst prove at Massah, and with whom thou didst strive at the waters of Meribah; who said unto his mother, I have not seen him; neither did he acknowledge his brethren; nor knew his own children; for they have observed they word, and kept thy covenant – the kingdom first. Deuteronomy 33: 8-11.
The church work and the kingdom business should come first. We shall be living under illusion of blessing and divine acceptance if we refused to prioritise the welfare of God’s house or temple where we gather to worship daily or weekly. Our labours are in vain and our blessings shall be wasted, for God himself shall blow upon them, and shall make them useless to our dis-advantage because we have left the first and the most important thing undone- the good or building of his house. It is the reason he commanded us to honour him with our first-fruits or the tithes of our incomes. The word first- fruits and tithes is the same. It is one over ten of our resources and whatever blessings which ought to be separated first as holy and as priority from the rest unto the Lord for meats in his house and for the kingdom work. The Lord has founded Zion and the poor of his people shall trust in it. There are many things to be done financially to fulfil the ministry and the cities of Zion should spread through prosperity, but we sabotage the economy and the finances of the kingdom when we refused to pay or give our tithes and firstlings faithfully for whatever reason to our local churches……Lord, remember David, and all his afflictions: how he swore unto the Lord, and vowed unto the mighty God of Jacob; surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my house, nor go up into my bed; I will not give sleep to mine eyes, or slumber to mine eyelids until I find out a place for the Lord, an habitation for the mighty God of Jacob. Haggai 1:1-12. Psalms 132: 1-5. Proverbs 3:12.
Samson failed to priorize the will and purposes of God above marital love, demands and affection, and you know the afterward failure and destruction he received by the hands of his enemies – the Philitines. Marital or conjugal love, a father’s love or maternal love for children should not take over the love of God, works and will of God like Ahab sold himself to Jezebel against the will, works and word of God. Prophet Eli priorized family interest above God’s and set his love for his children above God’s word and above temple’s holiness, orderliness and above God’s works, but you know how he was destroyed alongside his children by the hand of God he despised in preference to prioritize his family above God’s honor, interest and will – God cursed him for such act and his generation after him was consequently removed forever from the priesthood. King Ahab mixed divine commitment and love together with his love for his wife – Jezebel. He tolerated Jezebel to mess up with the word of God in the land and he dearly paid for it. Note: if the priority is wrong and false, the pursuit and the goal cannot be right and true, the motive shall be found faulty and the end result shall be calamitous. God’s purposes, will and pleasure should come first in your life. You cannot abandon the purposes, pleasure and the will and works of God to fulfil the purposes, pleasure and the will and the desire or demands of anyone in your life without consequences before God; the more this continues in your life, the grave the danger is in terms of eternity. Why was Abraham called the friend of God? Why was God moved to swear by himself, that in blessing, he will bless Abraham, and in multiplying, Abraham will be multiplied? Was it not because he got it right with God to prioritize God’s word, will, purposes and works above his life, ambition, marriage and only son – Isaac? Why was Sarah, but not Eve, called and honoured as the mother of all the daughters of Zion (Isaiah 51:1-2. 1 Peter 3:6), was it not as the result of her co-operation and subjection to Abraham to facilitate his obedient before God in her perfect understanding that the word, will and purposes of God comes first and foremost above any personal feelings, desire, pursuit or goal? Therefore, while it lasts, those who are married should live as though as though  they were not in the  mutual goal to prioritize the word, will, purposes and the works of God unto eternity where they shall both be eternally honoured – those who honor God shall be honoured by him. 1 Corinthians 7:29.