The New Testament believer and the unleavened (purity) of fasts Simplifying Isaiah 58 Edit today 05−04−19

Every serious minded Christian will serve God continually with fast, prayer and almsgiving to the end. These are three binding lifestyles and principles the Lord enjoins every New Testament believers to engage in as a customary way of operation or behavior if we truly understands the scriptures that we should pray without ceasing, to fast oft, and always seek for opportunity to give alms to the poor. You should understand the doctrine of the New Testament fast as taught in the scriptures to make yourself available to be established and strong in the true grace and to continue growing in it. The Lord reveals the religious spirit and the zeal of the egotistical Pharisee righteousness to serve God while praying in the temple – the Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself: ‘God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week and give tithes of all I possessed. In contrast to the self-pleasing and glorying practices of the Pharisees righteousness the Lord expect us who has received the gift of his righteousness and the power of godliness to do more than the self-promoting and justifying Pharisees when he declared: for I say unto you, except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, you shall in case enter into the kingdom of heaven. Luke 18:11-12. Matthew 5:20.
Fast is one of the doctrines of Christ, but sadly to say that many churches and believers have considered it as an emergency vehicle to get to God in times of danger and not the normal way of living the spiritual life as intends by Christ as is becoming a long forgotten or non-​existing doctrine today. Many people ask for the reason they should fast when all things are accomplished on the cross and it’s time to eat and drink; and for man to enjoy the fruits of his labor. But when Christ disciples were reproached before him by the Pharisees that they loved food as gourmand, his response was that they were taking advantage of his presence with them to prepare for the time when they shall be engaged for the spiritual work and warfare, when he shall be taken away to heaven: then shall the church which is the bride, (you, me and the rest of his brethren) shall fast. Mark 2; 18-20.
The New Testament fast is an obligation and necessity instructed by the Lord for constant spiritual exercise for refilling and renewal to mount up always with wings like eagle. It should be a normal way of life and habit in our walk and relationship with God; that though our outward man may perish (my knees are weak through fasting; and my flesh fails of fatness (Psalms109:24) yet the inward man (Christ within — the inner or the new man) is renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16.
Bodily exercise profits little, but Godliness is profitable unto all things, and believers are expect to exercise themselves in godliness by building and developing their spiritual muscles through prayer, fasting and giving of alms – to excel in living out the imputed righteousness of Christ in our lives beyond the limit of the self-righteous Pharisees and Scribes as prerequisite to enter into the kingdom of God. Matthew 6, verses 2, 5 and 16. 1Timothy4: 8-9.
To be able to do this, we must set the heart upon it in discipline through the help of the Holy Spirit to do better in prayer, fast and giving more than the Pharisee’s who fasted twice in a week without the aid of the Holy Spirit. Luke18:12.
When fast becomes your weakness and the stomach reign as your god, how can you overcome your personal Goliath and the battle against the Amalekites in your life? How can you have power and victory over the moral weaknesses not to prevail and destroys you? But to serve God weekly consistently in fast, you can have power and grace and help you overcome every other weakness confronting you – spiritual or moral.
Like the Old Testament patriarchs who were used to fast in the fourth, the fifth, the seventh and the tenth months of the year (Zachariah 8:19) some New covenant believers will not fast unless it is toward the Easter period of the year for forty days and unless there is a particular problem: but know this that the New Testament fast is meant for self-​chastens to keep you spiritually and sober minded: and a sign and demonstration of self-consecration before the Lord.
The Jews of old complained that God does not consider rewarding their fast observations.
The Lord sent a message of rebuke through his prophet to correct their errors in manners and ways they acted and behaved during fasting as opposed and contrary to his expectation and standard while men are on fast. They were instructed to diminish their appetites for food and to increase their hunger and thirstiness for God — a day to afflict one’s soul through fasting and think it should be enough is delusional — a day is not enough in a week, says the Lord, and they should increase days in the week to fast and be more serious with life in the Spirit.
God is not unjust not to reward anyone who diligently seeks after him, as it is impossible to seek the Lord in vain (I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth; I said not unto the seed of Jacob, seek me in vain: I am Jehovah, speaking righteousness, declaring things which are right. Isaiah 45:19) if we sincerely separate to afflict ourselves to seek him in fast and prayer than to experience great changes, powerful testimonial results with positive outcomes and blessings from the fast.
Jehovah expects to see certain practices and attitudes from us if our fast should be effective, acceptable and rewarding before him. If we claim to seek, serve and walk with God, it ought to be done according to his ways and for his glory, values and standard — this is what it meant to serve Jehovah acceptably with reverence and godly fear. The blessings of fast are countless if we chose to live such life oftenest. It is not only for our benefit, but the people in our lives as well as the strangers living among us shall be blessed through our fasts, because the secret to wellness and overall spiritual, physical and mental fitness is in the true fast. Detoxification of body toxin, vibrant, and the freshness and vitality characteristics of a young person than his actual calendar age as the Lord promised that ‘as your days, so shall your strength’ is part of the benefits that can be derived from true fasts because just as he promised, the Lord will renew your youth like the eagles. God shall bless your bread and water, so that whatever you eat and drink should be supernaturally nutritious enough to supply proper nutrients for perfect functioning of your internal organs with great physical appearance to his glory.
In the wilderness, Israelis were only served manna which tasted like bread and honey for forty years; were it not for their sins and disobedient, they could had lived physically, mentally, morally and physically long and energetically like Joshua and Caleb with the rest that made it to the land of Canaan. Longevity is not guarantee by expensive diet with the attendant of special personal doctor in addition to body guards and security protocols and experts around you. God hold our souls in life — in his hand is the life of every living creature and the breadth of all mankind. Walking obediently with God according to his holy writs shall make us strong to live and enjoy long life — none can keep alive his soul. ‘My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your sight; keep them in the midst of your heart. They are life to those who find them and health to all their body. Psalms 22:29. Proverbs 4:20-22.
Understanding the constitution of true fasts
Isaiah 58 Verses 3 — to find pleasure and exact all labors during fast should be avoided. You don’t fast without engaging yourself in a serious spiritual activity. Even if you are at office, you can still meditate and focus on God because a true fast should draw your focus more on God in a tender heart, to be kind and gentle with your colleagues and junior staff if you are the boss in the office and your mediation of God is sweet.
Verses 4. During fast, you are to avoid contentious and argumentative spirit — smiting with the fist of wickedness. This could happen as a result of an attack from the enemy just to interrupt and spoil your fast. You can be sure that Satan will try to distract and pollute your fast by sending or programming a vain fellow to stir you up to unfruitful debate or strife of words if you are not at alert to discern and to avoid such things. The enemy will try to create a chaotic situation to draw you along for a nervous breakdown – watch out. Helpful scriptures against various unacceptable behaviors during fasts. Psalms 12: 5. Zachariah 7:1-13. 2 Timothy 2: 23-25.
Verses 5. To fast just for once in the week is not enough for a spirit filled believer to live a strong and healthy spiritual life. The uncircumcised Pharisee in the temple confessed to fast twice in a week in the power of his flesh for religious purpose, how much more should a Spirit born and filled child of God fast thrice in a week for a watchful and balance spiritual life! ‘Except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees, you shall in no wise enter the kingdom of God’. As New Testament believer, your practice of righteousness also consists in your habitual fasts life.
Verses 5b……bowing the head like a bulrush is to make impression on others and this action should be avoided (false humility and spirituality – changed mood, make a bass voice whatsoever and pull a face to contort it to indicate a certain mental or emotional state) and spreading sackcloth and ashes under is a forbidden indirect publicity of fasts attitude that renders it unacceptable before God. We should avoid the appearances of spiritual superficial attractiveness and stylishly – showy spirit and mannered. Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily, I say unto you, they have their reward. But thou, when thou fastest, anoint your head, and wash thy face; that thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which sees in secret, shall reward thee openly. Why are Christians of today making an unscriptural ceremonious display of fast in the period of lent to make noise and publicity of it? Helpful Scriptures. Joel 2:12-14. Matthew 6: 16-18. Proverbs 27: 9a.
Verses 6, to lose bands of wickedness, undo heavy burdens, release the oppressed and break heavy yoke. Seek for opportunity to minister within your capacity to people around or along your way. Bless them with the word of God and encouragement. Ministering during fast has a great impact and effects on the hearers, if you will make yourself available for it. Things are much easier in this digital age to reach many people and to minister to them on line during our fast period. Helpful Scriptures: Job 29: 12-17. Proverbs 31:8-9.
Verses 7 and 10a are identical.
–Give the food you ought to eat when you are on fasts to the hungry and do not keep your day’s meal added to the dinner. You may even give money meant for lunch’s meal to the poor if it is possible with you.
–Accommodate and invite the homeless to your home and entertain them or donate the money to associations with such vision.
–Clothed the naked or give unused clothes instead of throwing into dustbin to the charity organizations and they in turn shall give to the needy.
–Hide not from thy own flesh: do not make provision for the flesh to increase on that which profits nothing. The devil will use people to discourage you from fast by their negative comments on your physical appearance or whatever. You may feel bodily trembling when you start to fast, but ignore it and ask God for strength to carry on –take authority over the body’s feeling and reaction to speak to it and to keep it calm by the power of the Holy Spirit within you — man shall not live by bread alone. Helpful Scriptures: Matthew 25: 33 – 40. Proverbs 21:13. Proverbs14:21 and verses 31. Psalms 109: 24. Ezekiel 16:26. 1 Peter 4: 1-5. Romans 13:14. John 6:63.
Verses 9. You must seek and set time aside to pray during fast time, it is sweeter and energetic when combined with fast. Fast serves as lubricant and flame to prayers to make the prayer of the righteous man fervent, powerful and effective to be reckoned with.
–Stop finding faults and pointing fingers of accusation on people, but intercede for them. Stand in the gap for others for prisoners, hospitalized people and those that are suffering.
Helpful Scriptures; 2 Chronicles 7:14. Isaiah 17:12 – 14. Psalms 56:5-6. Psalms 64: 6-8. Luke 18:11. James 5:16.
The remaining part describes the effects, the spiritual power and the blessings of the right fast.
Verses 8 – you shall have light as day – light means spiritual revelation, sharp spiritual eyes of foresight, unclouded discernment of spirits, and spiritual insight. Helpful Scriptures: Daniel 2:16 – 23. 5:10 – 11. 10:12 – 13.
–Your health shall spring forth speedily– renewed like the eagles-​youthfulness and vibrant look. And Moses lived for hundred and twenty years old when he died; his eye was not dim nor his natural force abated. Deuteronomy 34:7 – your righteousness shall speak for you and the glory of God shall be your reward– you will be glorified in Christ and the Lord will be glorified in you. Divine back up is secured. God has your back in every situation and in all your ways. Helpful Scriptures: Psalms 103:5. Proverbs14:30. Daniel 5:10-11. Isaiah 57:12. Matthew 17: 14 – 21.
Verses 9. Access to constant spiritual update concerning your life and the will of God — then shall you call, and the Lord shall answer; you shall cry, and he shall say, here I am– power and favor with God in prayer — closeness and intimacy in relationship with God. You are not clueless without information necessary for the time and season you are in your life and whatsoever useful information from any brethren; it is just to confirm what you’ve already known for encouragement and solidify you in the faith.
Verses 11 – God will guide you continually with sharp vision to know unseen opportunities and to avoid or escape the enemy’s trap or pit.
–God Satisfy your soul in drought and make fat your bones.
–You will be like a watered garden, like a spring of waters, whose water fails not– constant spiritual freshness and fruitfulness in the Lord, the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in your hand.
–People around you or in your life shall build the old places — there shall be recovery and restoration of every lost and stolen blessing from the enemy. – You will create the foundation of many generations to come – blessings and inheritance for your children and grandchildren. Helpful Scriptures: Psalms32:8 –9. Hosea 6: 1-3. John 7:37 – 38. Isaiah 27:2-6. Joel 2: 23-27. Proverbs 29:18.
Finally, as we all know that there should not be any sexual intimacy or pleasure between the husband and his wife during the days of fast by mutual agreement, encouragement, co-​operation and understanding to optimize the power and effects of true fasts. 1 Corinthians 7:5.
Believer should work out in a way that glorifies God in moderation and not in erotic attraction or flirtation. Medically, a paunchy (abdominal obesity) belly is dangerous for your overall health. It is the cause of cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer disease, type two diabetic and hypertension with various forms of cancer, stroke, and asthma associated with other degenerative diseases. Consider the vast number of carnal believers today with ‘beer belly’ though they don’t consume alcohol like the worldly people. Many people in the world are rigorously working out to reduce their belly’s fats: and they delight greatly with pride when some pounds are lost or shed. Little wonder the works of the flesh are on daily increases and the fruit of the Spirit is fast disappearing in the church among the brethren because they are building on that which does not profit – flesh.
The New Testament believer’s fast is an obligation and a normal spiritual way of life and living with but through temperance and self-control from the Holy Spirit. It is a spiritual weapon to overcome the works of flesh – the sins which dwells in us: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin (suffering the flesh here means to put it in fasting through which you can have power to dominate it: fast with prayer for power to subject or subdue the flesh) that he should no longer live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God. 1 Peter 4: 1-5. Christ forty days fast was personal, led by the Holy Ghost into the wilderness to fast to prepare for his ministry. Are the Spirit filled Christians really have to be like the hypocrites Muslims in their yearly publicized Ramadan fast to observe yearly Lent? The unique ordinance the Lord gave command to observe and to make known or make unannounced publicity of it before the world is the celebration of his body and blood (the Lord’s Supper or Eucharist) which was offered as burnt sacrificial offering for our sins. Fasts should not be noised abroad as Christians are making noises of fast every Easter period: but should be in secret, that men should not even know the days you are on fasts so that your heavenly Father who sees you in secret may reward you openly. 1 Corinthians 11:24.
The New Testament fast is not a yearly event but a normal and constant way of life like the Pharisees habitually fasted twice every week. Disciples of John fast very often, why should you as Christ disciples be waiting for Lent period before you fast and after that what’s next? Let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die? And behold joy and gladness, slaying oxen, and killing sheep, eating flesh, and drinking wine: let us eat and drink; for tomorrow we shall die. And it was revealed in mine ears by the Lord of hosts, surely this iniquity shall not be purged from you till ye die, says the Lord God of hosts. Isaiah 22:13 – 14.
Born again believer’s fast is not a yearly practice limited to the observation of publicized hypocrites yearly Lent. The Lord says when you fast, when you pray and when you give alms. Christ fast lifestyle ended not after his forty days wilderness fast as you can understand that he was on fast when he was evangelizing the Samaritan woman as the disciples obliged him to eat, but he objected. Then they asked themselves, has anyone brought him food to eat? And he answered, my meat and drink are to do the work of him that sent me and to finish his work. Sincere biblical fast is designed to create power to break every yoke of sin, flesh and sickness, just as Jesus told the disciples that there are some demons and problems which shall not go unless and until a meaningful serious fast and prayer is done. Matthew 17: 14-21.
At the beginning in the Garden to occasion the fall, the devil appealed to the appetites and food as instruments to steal the heart of man and to remove and destroy his relationship with God. If we really want to walk with God, we must learn the way to have power over appetites and to be able to control it thrice weekly for necessary use — the kingdom of God is not in meats and drinks, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Romans 14:17. Through the constant and consistent fast life, we have more of the Spirit and less of the flesh — how often do you fast? 2 Corinthians 11:27. Spiritually lazy Christian workers, ministers and believers who are not ready to pay the price to fast, but are at the same time hungry for power manifestation in their lives and ministries shall undoubtedly fake the appearances of the glory of God to settle for the alternate power similar to Simon the sorcery anointing of divination or the magical anointing from demonic spirits and sources. Are you longing and crying in your heart to be freed from sinful habits — the works and the lusts of the flesh, but are yet to sanctify or set days apart every week to realize this? Start now, and you’ll be surprised that the battle is half won as you set out for a consistent fasting life to break the yokes of besetting sins in your life.
I’ve heard and seen people going into days and weeks of fasts for financial breakthroughs, marital stability and fruitfulness, promotion at job, protection and victory over their enemies, but only few had ever been heard or seen to declare serious fast against lusts, envy, stealing, lying, anger, in-​temperance, covetousness, strife, pride, evil speaking, talkative spirit like popinjay, jealousy, backbiting, fornication, adultery and other damnable works of the flesh. Men go into fasts to ask and beg God for forgiveness after committing sin, why couldn’t they go into serious fast and prayer for brokenness and power to overcome and subdue the sins and lusts of the flesh which war against the soul?
The New Testament fast is a pre-​emptive fast. It is meant to keep you in stand-​by and capable to avert any unforeseen evil and dangers ahead of you, and to get you ready for any possible head on confrontation against the adversary for victory over imminent evil or temptation. Such fast could have solved several un-​foreseen problems in the life of King David and won several un-​foreseen wars and personal battles of his life. Had King David suffered the flesh in fasts, he should not have brought divine curse of continuous suffering of war into his home and generation by his adulterous heinous sin to receive the curse of God over the house of Judah. ‘Sword shall never depart from thy house, says the Lord, because thou hast despised me, and hast taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife’. 2 Samuel 12:10. Had he suffered the flesh and fasted against the lust of his eyes and of his flesh, he should not need to fast again for the sparing of the life of the innocent child slain by God for the punishment of his adulterous act with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah. 2 Samuel 12:16.
If king, beloved of his God, the man after Jehovah’s own heart had suffered his flesh in fasts ahead of time, his captivity occasioned by Absalom revolt could have been averted and the kingdom divided into twelve to lose ten to another would not have occurred.
If David had fasted at the appropriate time, Absalom (his own son) should not have committed sexual incest against his father’s concubines directed through divine vengeance and he shouldn’t not had died prematurely in battle against his father loyalist: and the fate of Shemei’s life, the man from the tribe of Saul which cursed David with a grievous curse when he ran away from Absalom should not have been given into Solomon’s hand to decide for vengeance for his insult on king David. These are the advantages and the necessities of pre-​emptive fasts, to put you in a better and safer position against any spiritual or physical attacks and eventuality, and to solidify your stand against any unforeseen evil, danger or the sudden floods of the ungodly.
This same mistake was found in the life of Moses, the great man of God. He could fast for forty days on two occasions for the work of God – the tables of law for the first time written by God’s finger and for the second he angrily broke. But it never dawns on him for fast to receive help to have the yoke of his anger removed and broken by God for proper conduct against moral failure…. thus, they angered (provoked) Moses in the waters of strife, so that it went ill with Moses for their sake. Moses was provoked and was emotionally moved to insult the people and furiously smote the rock that represented the presence of the Lord that followed them in the wilderness! That great man of God could not make it to the Promised Land because of his moral failure despite all that he has done and endured for the people of Israel.
Let us first put aside the idea of ministry and ministering to other people for now and to focus most importantly on the transformation of our comportment through spiritual brokenness. May the Lord open our eyes to our greatest need, and help us to discover our moral weaknesses just on time and to do something about them before they found us out (your sin will find you out to become a reproach to the name and person of the risen Lord (Proverbs 14:34) to our destruction: for such is the occasion the enemy has of a long time awaiting to blaspheme (Nehemiah 5:9) that worthy and holy name that we share with God in Christ Jesus.
We are saved and called to live in a continual victorious spiritual life in this vile and corruptible physical body because our spiritual life shall be the focus of divine judgement. We should never bow to admit the lies of the devil that we are humans and not spiritual to give room to the enemy to thrive in us by our ignorance or the un-​willingness to change in the process of perfecting holiness in the fear of God. For this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. Therefore, let us mind the things of the Spirit of God and to walk and live in the Spirit by cultivating his fruit and growing stronger in the Spirit every day by day. 1 Peter 4:6.
It is not an overstatement that if we have power and dominion over our flesh, the battle over sin, Satan and the world is half won. The forty days fast of our Lord Jesus in the wilderness before his public ministry can be divided into three parts. (1). It was a fast meant to receive power for self-​control over the flesh and its lusts. Our Lord fasted against the flesh and he passed the test of self –control and appetite subjection (as he refused to turn stone into bread) not only over food, and over other desires that may arise from within him against the perfect will of God —​tempted in all points, (money, sexual immorality, pride issue, etcetera) yet without sin. When he was not received by the Samaritans, two of his disciples were offended and very furious have released fire from heaven to destroy the people and the city, but he gently restrained them not to. It was a big victory against pride, impatient toward sinners and self-​display of power. Christ was insulted but he opened not his mouth to commit himself to him that judges righteously. It was a big victory over self-justification and commendation. (11). The Lord fasted for power and had patience against the desire, aspiration and display for premature spiritual glory and power. Patience plays a major role in our relationship with God but the lack of its full power and development in us can destroy our faith life and walk: let us therefore fasts and beg for power to run the race set before us with patience, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Our Lord also passed the test of waiting against spiritual impatient for premature spiritual power, glory, fame, honor and breakthroughs. He needed not to jump down to tempt the unfailing manifestation of the presence of God for the entire nation to see him as superman Jesus. He does not need to prove the unfailing presence of the ministering spirits (angels) that always encamp round about us to protect and deliver us from any trouble by illogical behavior or action, for the angels of God shall manifest their presence at the appropriate time to shut the mouth of the lions in any dens the enemy might throw us to destroy us when the occasion demands.
This was the fast for ministry preparation for power and protection, glory and honor, effectiveness and fruitfulness as there is no need to rush for any premature power and manifestations of God’s presence, we all know that the heavenly Father is ever presence and will unfailingly show forth His power to heal, save and deliver wherever and whenever he sees necessary as long as we are walking with him in Spirit and in truth.
Many children and servants of God are failing woefully in the first two tests and cannot wait enough for God to manifest Himself to confirm them and the ministry they received of him. They dine with Satan for strange power to exhibit for breakthroughs in pretense for divine manifestation in their vocation — cursed children, doomed for perdition by going after the error of Balaam for reward, and the dumb ass spoke with a man’s voice to forbid the madness of the prophet. (111). Our Lord fasted for the power of God’s love above earthly material pursuit and possession and he passed the test against monetary lust and self– material accumulation. He learned obedience by the things he suffered (Hebrews 5:8) during those forty days of fast and refused to bow down to Satan in exchange for ungodly possessions and wealth throughout his short period of life. The fast enabled him to die to the world and the world dead to him. Today, many men, women, sons and daughters of Zion are failing and falling through the cares of this life and deceitfulness of riches and the cares of other things overcoming them in exchanged for their souls (falling down directly or indirectly to Satan) in an unscriptural and ungodly means. Jesus did not even know the balance account of his ministry finance from his treasurer (Judas) and this gave Judas the opportunity to divert the ministry’s money for personal use by stealing God’s money. But today, the enemy has succeeded to close or scatter many churches and established unending enmity between believers because of financial greed and embezzlements of church’s money. How many are self-​called men and so-called women of God are around today for financial gain, considering running the church as a lucrative business organization? These are perverse disputing men and women of corrupt minds, destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. John 12:6. 1Timothy 6: 5.
In the churches, we recommended that the brethren to choose convenient three days in the week to fast and pray for their personal growth in their life and walk in the Spirit with God. They may not forcibly fast from morning till 6pm, considering professional working conditions or any hazardous factor such as feeble health. This conclusion is founded in the teaching of the Lord in Matthew chapter 5 verses 20 that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and of the Pharisees; you shall in no wise enter the kingdom of heaven: and from the gospel of Luke chapter 18: verses 11- 12, the Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortionist, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week and we need to do more than the hypocritical Pharisees through the quickening power of the indwelling Holy-​Spirit. The brethren can break fasts by 12pm or 3pm or by 6pm as the Spirit of God empowers them and we are seeing the effectiveness of this biblical practice as testimonies are pouring in day in and day out. The pastor time is spared for counselling, healing or deliverance ministration because the Lord is guiding his people continually as their power and faith is increasing in the Lord, while problems and yokes are supernaturally fading away: and their health is springing up like the noonday — mounting up with wings as the eagles.