The God of truth without iniquity. Deuteronomy 32: 4. Message delivered today 10−10−13

The God of truth without iniquity — This is one of the greatest personality and character of God in the brightness and manifestation or shinning of his glory– whose word is truth (Psalms 119: 142 & 151. Psalms 138:2. Daniel 10:21) and all his works are done in truth (Psalms 33:4. Daniel 4:37) whose ways are just and true (Revelation 15:1 – 3) and his judgments are true and righteous (Revelation 16: 1 – 7 & 19: 1 – 2) whose delight and interest are in the truth as he want all men to come to the knowledge of it (Psalms 60: 4. Isaiah 59:15. Jeremiah 5:1 – 3. 1 Timothy: 2:4.) His house and habitation is the ground and pillar of truth (1 Timothy 3:15) and he is God to them that worship him in spirit and in truth (Zachariah 8: 8. John 4:24. James 1: 16 – 18).
Truth conveys and is the embodiment of light. Where truth is present, the entire place is transparent and there is no room for darkness or iniquity to thrive. John 3: 14 – 21.
The battle of truth and soul — Christ is the testimony of God’s truth. He is the testimony to the truth of God — that God is true. In the position of his relationship with the Father, the Lord was bold to declare himself as the only way to the Father, the truth from or in him, and the life from him and of him. He is the express image of the Father as he gave testimony of Christ as the One truly sent from him in that he declared him as his beloved son in whom he is well pleased……
Since the fall of man, truth has failed on earth because the father of lies has taken over the world to (Satan) rule it: and he that departed from evil makes himself a prey: and the Lord saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment (Isaiah 59: 15.)
To this end was Christ born, and for this reason or purpose he came into the world, that he should bear witness unto the truth in his representation of the God of truth, in the honor bestowed upon him as the prince of the most high riding majestically and prosperously because of truth and meekness in the hearts and lives of all them that are of the truth, for the truth which dwells in them and for the witness and assurance that their election unto the fellowship with his Christ and unto eternal glory is of God – even as the Lord declared before Pilate, everyone that is of the truth hears my voice. John 18:37.
Not without a fierce fight — it is obvious that the devil would not let go his captives of Adam race whom he has taken captive by his subtlety and lies. From the beginning of Christ birth — during his earthly ministry — to the cross, where he cried “IT IS FINISHED’’ — in the grave where Jesus took the keys of the prison door from the devil’s hand, until the resurrection day before his ascension, even before our Lord boldly declared, all powers in heaven and on earth has been given unto me; and until he comes back the second back when God shall be all things in all: the battle against the truth and for the truth and against men’s souls rages on continually. Revelation 1; 17 – 18.
In his earthly mission for the truth and battle for souls into God’s kingdom, the uncompromising and fearless Christ was not afraid to declare the bitter truth of the gospel to the king, statesmen, hypocritical religious leaders, individual and the multitudes as the only antidote for freedom and eternal life from the bondage and poison of sin.
All his commandments are truth….the word of God is the absolute truth through the power of the anointing that teaches into all truth (Psalms 119:151) and he that is of God shall hear and embrace the truth for the love of it. While many are running away from the truth, it is evidence that it’s the only source of power to set free from the clutches of the devil – you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Matthew 23: 13–19. John 8: 30 – 47. John 6; 63 – 70.
Individual and multitudes reactions and opinions differs about Christ, though the Pharisees and scribes sought to influence (demonic influences) the general opinion about him against the salvation of individual’s that sought after him: yet, it is left to each and everyone to personally determined his stand and positions with Christ and not to be carried away by evil and destructive company and friends or any negative influence. John 10: 15 – 34. Luke 23; 39–43. Exodus 23: 2.
The kingdom of God is the kingdom of truth and light and evil secret should not be secretive in the church as we speak the truth in love. Personal confidential problems which are confirmed unto the pastors and elders of the church should be kept secret and good works which someone offered as service to God which he/​​she signified his/​​her interests to be kept secret or confidential should remain so. Proverbs 11:13.
Every unfruitful works of darkness, sons and daughters of Satan, which stands as dangers and destructive to the children of God and peace of the kingdom or the local church of God should be exposed according to the scriptures so that the serious ones can take guard and avoid evil men and women in the churches. Ephesians 5: 11–16. 1Timothy5: 20. 2Timothy4: 9 – 15. Acts5; 1 – 5.
Anyone that compromises for the enemy should be blamed and exposed; perhaps he may repent and change: if not, others should be warned not to be carried away by his or her schemes and hypocrisy. Galatians 2; 11 – 14.
Nicodemus came to Jesus by night, trying to cover his identity and personality in his quest and inquisition for truth. Jesus exposed his pride and ignorance to his disciples in the day time– nothing covered that shall not be revealed. John 3: 1–3. Luke 12: 1 – 3.
This is the only way to defeat the serpent in the battle for truth and soul as he loves to hide his identity in the church and in men’s life. In so doing, light shall continue to shine in the darkness and the darkness shall not be able to comprehends it while the wicked shall not be able to stand in the congregation of the just, for the Lord know the way of the righteous, but the ways of the wicked shall perish. John 3: 19–21. Psalms 1: 5–6. Acts 13: 6–12.
Absolute truth is very important in our relationship and fellowship with God. Nothing can be done against the truth but for the truth. 2 Corinthians 13:8. We must do all things to know the truth in our hunger and thirstiness for the undiluted word of God – strong meat. It is the transport that conveys us to heaven (Psalms 15: 1 – 2 & 43:3) for the God of truth desire and expected us to be truthful in every little or big things (Psalms 51:6) for by it, iniquity is purged and we are sanctified, made ready for heaven – sanctify them by the truth, thy word is truth (Proverbs 16:6. John 17:17)
We must testify to the truth before all men (Acts: 26:25) as we hold it in righteousness, walks in it and practices it as we continue in it to make ourselves his disciples indeed. Romans 1:18. 2 Corinthians 4:2.