The approved soldier of Christ. 2 Timothy 2; 4.

The believer is seen as a military soldier for Christ. He must behave and always acts as one. His decisions and actions must always be ruled by this particular rule of engagements – No man that warred entangled himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be soldier. 2 Timothy 2;4.
A soldier, when he has enlisted, leaves his calling, and all the business of it, that he may attend his captain’s orders. If we have given up ourselves to be Christ’s soldiers, we must sit loose to this world; and though we used the world, we must not abuse the use of it. 1 Corinthians 7; 31.
We must not entangle ourselves with those affairs, so as by them to be diverted and drawn aside from our duty to God and the great concerns of our Christianity. Those who will war the good warfare must sit loose to this world. John 15;19.
If the great care of a soldier should be to please his general; so the great care of a Christian should be to please Christ, to approve ourselves to him. The way to please him who hath chosen us to be soldiers is not to entangle ourselves with the affairs of this life, but to be free from such entanglements as would hinder us in our holy warfare and celestial pursuit and fulfillments of eternal vacation.
The Jews, having seen the miracles of Christ and the bread he multiplied to feed the hungry would have made him king by force. Christ, having perceived their unethical spiritual ambition towards him, withdrew from them as reckoning that his call was not to be made an earthly king neither to seek for earthly affluence in the world stage, for his kingdom is not of this world. John 6; 14 – 15.
As true children of God, we must follow the footsteps of Christ by keeping ourselves unspotted from this world and never to seek for positions in the political system of the Babylonians, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lusts. James 1;27. 2 Peter 1;4.
In the world stage, when a military personnel desire to get involve or enter into politics, then he must resign from his military post and put off his uniform.
When in the military he may exercise his right to vote just as a child of God may exercise his right to vote to elect his/​her supposed God fearing leader.
An enlisted earthly soldier cannot be a military as well as a politician at the same time. He must choose to be either a military or a politician.
A spirit filled heavenly bond believer cannot choose to be a politician, or deeply involved in politics. He cannot because there is nothing or little to what he can spiritually contributes to the mundane corrupt system as it is impossible to bring religion or spirituality into politics, for here we have continuing city but we seek one to come. If the word of God says you cannot please God who has chosen you to be a soldier then you can neither pleased him nor man which you are leaving him for to serve.
It is a pity to hear many so called born again Christians lying against the Lord and his holy word by claiming that the Lord is leading them into active politics which diminishes their spiritual commitments and effectiveness in the body Christ to serve the worldly table — for it is not good to leave the word of God and to serve tables. Acts 6;1 – 2.
The love for worldly fame and praise which comes from men is a temptation which we must overcome as children of God. Christ himself overcame these particular temptations, as much as overcoming the pride of life and the love of the world as strangers and pilgrims in it.