Spiritual anorexia nervosa (loss or lack of appetite), spiritual dryness or dehydration and spiritual wellness. 2 Timothy 4:1-4. Message delivered the Lord’s Day Nimes 05/07/2020

 Man was purposely created to live for God because he lives by God’s breathe released into his nostrils in the creation for man to become a living soul: therefore, he owes it before him to live and seek for God’s sole pleasure and delight in appreciation and acknowledgement of his existence in God, to please him who has placed him in the paradise by this one thing- live by every word that comes out of my mouth. Note: if we chose not to embrace every scripture given by the inspiration of be God, we have chosen to deprive ourselves of the fullness of life that is in the word: for in the word dwells all the fullness of God. What was given in the Garden is the pure and sound doctrine, but the first parents, after their own lusts, welcomed Satan as another teacher to indoctrinate them against the undiluted word of God and they wrest the scriptures to their own destruction. As long as they stand on the word of God in their confrontations and temptation of the enemy, they are spiritual giants; but the moment they chose to compromise with the word, they made themselves as grasshoppers and aunts before the enemy. They willingly choose to lose appetite for the undiluted word of God to satisfy certain lusts (they shall be like God to know good from evil: their eyes shall be opened to different things they were lied to that God is withholding from their enjoyment) in their relationship with God which eventually made them an enemy of God. Note: it is important to take God for his word and not to give in to any such ideas of his love to deny the integrity of the eternal word to spare, bless and reward any worldly and ungodly lusts (Titus 2:11-13. James 4:4. 1 John 2:15-17) of men which leads to eternal or second death. The desire of the first parents to have more than what Jehovah has permitted in their relationship and existence before him resulted in them choking out or killing the word of God (seed of life) in them. God requires us to grow daily in obedient as we seek to bring every thought in us to the obedience of Christ: judging by this scripture, one would only realize that he is either destroying the seed of life in him if he’s twisting the word of God to satisfy his own demand and the expectations of the world; or, he’s growing the seed of life while laboring diligently to keep the word as it is written, as the truth is in Christ. Alas, it is still the same old serpent today with the same tactics by the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches to destroy the seed of life and the eternal purposes of God in the lives of many so-called believers who are not rooted and grounded in the word of God.
The so-called prosperity preachers are thriving because (a) many people are looking for financial miraculous breakthroughs of miracle money to be delivered by angels into their personal account for a stress-less financial or abundant life as they would put it: (b) it was Satan first message in the Garden that they shall be like God and be independent of him. They were warned of death, but the enemy re-assured them of life though they should disobey God. Was this not the same lies and deception of Satan today that none shall die or perish in Christ, though they have chosen to do the life in the Spirit to walk in the flesh and to live like the workers of iniquity, though born again? But to live outside of the bounds of God’s word is to seek for death, and to go out within the scope of the scriptures is to outrightly go out of Christ! Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life, and they are they which testify of me, and you will not come to me that you might have life! John 5:39.
The blessings are in the word and they are all for us, but to seek extra blessings which are not of the Lord outside his word is to lust and die, only his blessing makes rich and fat without any sorrow. They were already blessed and nothing was lacking to them in the Garden until they accept the flattering of Satan meant to have them destroyed in the Garden and have them on his side (James 4:4) and to rule over them through their love of the lusts of the things in the world. ‘If any man teaches otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; he is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmising, perverse disputing of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1Timothy 6:3-10.                                                                  
If you are not having more of Christ fulness in grace, love, knowledge, devotional desire of his presence, transformation etc., it’s obvious you are suffering from spiritual malnutrition. Why are so many laymen and church worshippers not having the desire and pleasure (appetite) in the undiluted word and doctrine of holiness and godliness with contentment today? The answer could be found in the lusts of the world, deceitfulness of riches and the cares of other things which Satan has employed as spiritual thorns to destroy the seed of life and the works of God in them! But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness (love of money) shall they with feigned words (flattering and deceitful, half-truth preaching) make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingered not, and their damnation slumbered not. Matthew 13:22. 2 Peter 3:1-3.                                                   
God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus according as his divine power has given unto us all things that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of him who has called to grace and virtue: that by these, we might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lusts. This was Adam and Eve position in the Garden as long as they kept to the word of God, they escaped from the corruption and lusts offered by Satan: but when they accept his offer, they become spiritually blinded and ensnared by him contrary to what the enemy promised that they shall see, but then, they cannot see afar off anymore with God than to hide themselves from his presence. We should be watchful against covetousness, worldly influence and lifestyle, hasty spirit, pride of life and the ungodly desire for wealth and worldliness that can sneak in to destroy the works and eternal purposes of God. If the eye is double, and we are running and seeking after those things that ought to be added after we have diligently sought-after God, prioritizing divine purposes, will and perfection in our lives, then we are suffering from spiritual dryness and malnutrition. ‘It is easier for a Carmel to enter into the eye of a needle, than for a rich man and those that are running after material and financial interest and acquisition above spiritual interest and pursuit for growth and brokenness before God to enter into the kingdom of God’. Matthew 19:24.
‘Labour not for the food that perishes, but for that which endures till eternal life which the son of man shall give you’. Jesus warned. John 6:27. Scripture statistic shows that one worshipper out of four found this saying of our Lord hard to endure in a luxurious, financial and competing challenging world where everyone wants to make a financial gain and show. The believer, whose desire and pursuit in the kingdom is to be above the rest a-head of God’s time and purposes in his life falls into the group of people suffering from spiritual anorexia nervosa (loss or lack of appetite) in the undiluted word of God: they haste to be rich and have no pleasure in such word as patiently waiting on God, and they move from the church of the ‘patience of the saints’ into another of ‘I received it now by fire by force’. These are they that have taken for themselves spiritual teachers suitable for their itching ears, to tell them what they love to hear and sweet to the flesh. Sometimes, some of these lost souls have altogether lose total interest in the word of eternal life and abandoned the kingdom like Demas dumped Christ for the love of the world. 2 Timothy 4:10.                                                                                                           
Second, spiritual malnutrition can cause lack or loss of spiritual appetite altogether. When the meal is not well prepared it loses its nutrients and the inner man is deprived of his spiritual ability to grow as it should be. When the pastor is not dwelling to feed himself very well with the word of God, by this action, he is neglecting the sheep and would lack sound and timely spiritual food (messages from God) for the souls under his care, the flock will certainly suffer spiritual kwashiorkor while some will prefer to stay at home as they lose spiritual appetite simply because it is the same story or similar messages every day which can make certain who are spiritually hunger after righteousness out of the church to seek for a spiritual greener pasture elsewhere to be well fed in the undiluted word of God. Those who are thirsting and hungry after God are looking forward to be in a place of worship where they can always desire to come back another time for their continuation in the words of eternal life – sound doctrine. The servant of God should study to show himself approved unto God, a workman that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But in a situation that the children are famished from strong meat of the word of God, they are likely to die. A serious and caring mother can’t keep giving milk to the child even after her baby has passed the level of taking milk as normal food: there should be a time the child would refuse to feed on the milk at a certain age of his growth because the body and the system desires something better and solid than milk – strong meat and balance spiritual diet. Isaiah 5:13-14. Ezekiel 34: 1-3. 1 Corinthians 3:1-2. Hebrews 5:12-14.                                                                                            Third, it is normal for a person in the state of spiritual death not to have any appetite for spiritual food until they are quickened by the spirit of God. A dead person is inactive and irresponsive to the physical world. Likewise, a man who is spiritually dead and alienated from the life of God is dead to spiritual things, the love of God, and to worship in the spirit and in truth is meaningless to him, though he is unable. He may be a carnal religious worship participant; nonetheless, spiritual things are foolishness to him –he cannot understand them because they can only be spiritually discerned. He considers church activities and gatherings as boring or see the church as a place to pass away his leisure time and to enjoy the sight, celebration and enthusiasm of the worshippers. This is sometimes the mentality, thought, perception and motivation of the natural and unregenerate man about church because he is spiritually dry. He is not going to church for spiritual growth, but only for a friend’s sake: for the interest and pleasure to gain business connection: to please a mother, father, boss or whosoever and whatsoever. He doesn’t see the necessity and need to be born again and give his life to Christ that he should repent from sins and live in the righteousness and holiness of Christ -freedom from sin.  He doesn’t accept that a sinner’s life can be changed and transformed to be freed from sin, self, world and Satan. To him, the topic of hell is absurd. He mocks at hell and curse the Christians in his heart. He thinks that the sanctified believers are delusional and have put themselves in a bondage, like the devil suggested to the first parents that God knows that the day you go out of his word, you will be freed, knowing what is good and evil. Note: once you are going out of the word of God, you have chosen to dry and starve your soul to death – spiritual and eternal death. I am the bread of life, Christ says. He that comes to me shall never be hungry, and whosoever believes in me shall never be thirsty. John 6:35.
But the itching ear believers who are suffering from spiritual malnutrition and dryness have chosen to themselves another Jesus, and another gospel from false teachers and servants of God. As in physiology, dehydration is a deficit of total body water, when the free water loss exceeds free water intake. If there is spiritual dehydration, it can ultimately result in sudden spiritual death: back to sin – dead in sin and trespasses. There is need for constant and daily nourishment from the word of God against spiritual malnutrition which would activate the well of the living water in believer to spiring up daily in him unto everlasting life against spiritual dehydration. Spiritually, the gates of hell and the hosts of darkness works tirelessly to keep believer busy with career job, business meetings, visitations, computer, television, you tube, social media apps and other external things to have or keep little or no time for deep personal daily bible study and meaningful time with God on the altar of closest prayer without knowing that those things are meant to deprive them of spiritual appetite,  squeezing and draining the real life of God out of them as they’re giving more time for the things of the flesh which profits nothing and having less time for the things of the Spirit which gives life.
While sinners and the uncircumcised seeks to find true meaning to life and satisfaction in it by trying anything worthwhile (going to beach: going to cinema: going for opera concert etc) in the world: a born again child of God should deter to make provision for the flesh in order to fulfil the lusts thereof, but to exercise himself daily before God like David’s daily practice in his life time to avoid spiritual dryness and anorexia: I prevented the dawning of the morning, and cried: I hoped in thy word. Mine eyes prevent the night watches, that I might meditate in thy word. Psalms 119:147-148. 
Christ is the life. Life and our present living is a passage of wilderness in a dry land of deserts and of pits, a land of drought, and of a shadow of death to eternity, but the Lord admonition is not to walk through life with our feet unshod (Jeremiah 2:25) and drinking water of life daily to refresh and renew ourselves of the fatigue of the journey of life. Jehovah alone has the plans, and he alone knows the right way to take us to beat the enemy’s strategies on the way, so that by running, we shall not faint; and by walking we shall not be weary. Accompanying strangers (unbeliever’s friends in our life) would drain us on the way, just like the mix multitudes lusted in the wilderness and the children of Israel were carried away to lust after them if we refused to part ways with them (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) and be bold enough to separate from ungodly brethren in the church as well. The answer and solution to our constant refreshment against spiritual dehydration is to give ourselves completely to Christ Jesus in the company of believers that love and fear God: those who have the word of God dwelling in them richly in all wisdom, able to teach and admonish others in Psalms and hymns (Colossians 3:16-17), they are also full of goodness, being filled with all knowledge, able to teach one another (Romans 15:14): so that by his Spirit, we can all be led as the children of Israel were led and they thirsted not when he led them through the deserts: he caused the waters to flow out of the rock for them: he clave the rock also, and the waters gushed out. Isaiah 48:20-22.
By Christ life we live: because I live, you also shall live. John 14:19. In Christ is our fruitfulness, help, wellness, wholeness, completeness and satisfaction. Every need is met in him- the well, the fountain and rivers of the living water. Jeremiah 2:12-13.                               
This water is the well of life from which we all must draw daily where true satisfaction is found. Everything we ever need in life is not in the world but could only be found at the well of God’s word and of his Holy- Spirit. Christ is the well and whosoever believes in him shall never go hungry! Christ is the well and whosoever believes in him shall never thirst! Look within you, the Christ in you is the satisfying and unfailing supply to every need: stop wasting time and energy by your lustful distractions of looking elsewhere for pleasure, supply and satisfaction. If you connect daily to the well of life by searching the scriptures, you shall live to flow fully in the abundance of life offered by Christ. When Moses asked for water for the people to drink, Jehovah the Rock instructed him to speak to the Rock for water to come out. The water is Christ because in the word was life: the bible says the Rock that followed them in the wilderness was Christ. The well is available to drink abundantly freely for anyone who is thirsty for satisfaction and pleasure. No other well or water can quench our evil and sinful thirstiness apart from Christ the well of life. Salvation and freedom from all care is by the well just as the Samaritan woman found Jesus by the well of Jacob and her life never remained the same because she drank from the well of life. She was freed from her promiscuous life and was content to settle in life from changing and going from one man to another as soon as she found Christ. Your godly husband is awaiting you by the well of Christ and not at the night club or party just as Rebecca found her husband’s servant waiting for her by the well to take her to Isaac. Rachael found her husband (Jacob) by the well. Zippo rah found Moses her husband by the well -think about that! The well is opened wide and deep, and you don’t have to die of spiritual dehydration (Genesis 21:19 because the water is free. Benefit and take advantage of its full potential and effects by staying close to the well to draw water daily. Approach the Lord’s table every day and night to meditate in the word of God that you might be filled with the Spirit: for with joy shall you draw water out of the well of salvation. Isaiah 12:3: Isaiah 55:1-2.