Gleanings from the letter to the seven churches Letter to the church at Ephesus revelation 2; 1-7. Message delivered on the 22-09-12.

Assuredly, the revelation messages from the letters to the seven churches from the risen Christ and Lord are in no wise limited to the churches of old that has gone to glory before us (primitive believers) seeing that the messages therein are for things that are past, present and things to come from the God of all knowledge. They have been designed by the Lord to warn each and every generation of the church – believers.                                                                                   
We are still fighting the same Satan and demons. Though we are in the flesh, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. We are not fighting against flesh and blood. If we failed to see everything from spiritual perspective to walk in the spirit and to see things as the word of God declares, there is therefore no difference between us and the uncircumcised in hearts.                                                  
The letters are undoubtedly applicable to all the ages of the body of Christ until the end of time. They are revealing us that the church is to be active, fruitful, dangerous place, holy place, judgement place and the expectations of Christ for the true church. Are there not the manifestations of the things written long ago about the church in this present and last day upon whom the end of the world is come? Surely there is nothing new under heaven.                                                             
In the forbearance and longsuffering of the only wise God, both the good and the bad Christians are allowed to grow together until the time of harvest, when the true separation shall be made by the commandment Christ to his angels – many are called but few are chosen. Few will make it to heaven; nonetheless, even the few that shall be counted worthy of the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to multitudes from the nations, so vast in number, which no man could numbered clothed in white robes, with palms branches in their hands.                                                                                                                                                      
We are gravening in the palms of Jehovah’s hands and he is aware of everything going on in our lives, hearts and much more in his church. Let us be careful with how we are handling the word of God (deceitfully or truthfully, honestly or hypocrisy) because the Lord will judge every open or secrets lifestyles and every man’s heart by the standard or scale of his word. Such that shall be disappointed before the Lord are already marked for their unacceptable walk and work, for each man’s end shall be according to his works – righteousness or iniquity. These are sons of perditions, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men in the church, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ through their works and lifestyles.                                                                                                                              
We are not equally gifted and commissioned by the Lord. There are rewards according to everyman’s work. Let us take solace that our labor is not in vain in the Lord. While some works are lighter than others in the kingdom according to the Lord’s assessment of individual’s strength, ability and the grace bestowed to fulfil such divine tasks on earth; some are given heavy task and great grace and resources to labor and accomplished great things for the Lord. It is therefore necessary to abide in the calling and task given by the Lord in singleness of heart and faithfulness without competing and envying the brethren who has been commissioned with a great task such as we found in the parable of the talents where a talent was given to one and two talents to another and three by the master to another according to each man’s perceived ability. If the work assigned by the Lord to you is light, do not seek for heavy and great things for yourself (but we will not boast of things without our measure, but according to the measure of the rule which God hath distributed to us, a measure to reach even unto you. For we stretch not ourselves beyond our measure, as though we reached not unto you: for we are come as far as to you also in preaching the gospel of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:13-14) because grace and resources has only been given you for lighter works, lest you become an obstructionist and wrought great damages to the master’s plan and be found guilty and wanting at the end. Great gifts connote greater authority with responsibility and accountability and confrontations. Unto whosoever much is given, much shall be required of him. Grace and glory, strength, power and resources are given in proportion to the assignment we are called to fulfil in the Lord. If we are called and commissioned for a greater task, we must see to it that we do not receive the grace of God in vain, but to give whatever it takes on our part to fulfil such ministerial task. Colossians 4:17.                                                                                
Faithfulness to God is found in the contentment and commitment to our assigned duties—little or much. God did not have the eyes of flesh and did not see-through things as mortals see. The greatest in the kingdom in God’s sight might not be the man on the pulpit, neither the miracle worker, neither the billionaire in the church, but the doorkeeper or the sexton who is sincere and faithful to his call and duty to the end. In any way, let us be the real, genuine and authentic believer in our walk with the Lord and works for him, lest he bash on us as workers of iniquity and sent us to hell.                                                                                                                                                              
There are seven key words from the Lord in his letters to the seven churches – endurance to the end- recompense of reward. ‘Because of his faith in God’s plan for his life, Moses refused the privileges and enjoyments of the Egyptian royal house. He took side and chose a hard life with God’s people, rather than an opportunistic soft life of sin to enjoy the treasures in Egypt. He valued suffering in the Messiah’s camp far greater than Egyptian wealth because he was looking ahead, anticipating the payoff in heaven. Hebrews 11:24-26. 
We are called to seek and work in unity as one body in Christ; individual shall stand and answer for himself in judgement. There is nothing like collective judgement before the Lord, judgement in heaven is based on individual’s works and contribution. If you follow the multitudes to do either good or bad, you are responsible for your choice and shall be rewarded or punished in measure for your wisdom or foolishness.  At the judgement seat of Christ which is prepared for the dead in Christ (believers) or at the white throne judgement of God which is prepared for the unrepentant sinners after death to eternal damnation; no one is going to answer for another- there is no group condemnation. The difference between the two judgement seats is that the judgement seat of Christ is not for condemnation to eternal separation from God (the imminent consequence of the great white throne judgement of God) the believers shall not come into it, they have passed from death unto life, because they believed in the Only begotten Son of God. The judgement seat of Christ is for the appreciation and recognition of believer’s work of faith and labor of love. It is the recompense of reward for their faithful and loyal services for different prizes and laurels prepared for them. Though some of them shall be saved; yet as to pass through fire with loss for their reward in heaven because of the quality of the inferior materials they employed for the works of the Lord. 1 Corinthians 3:13-15.
Letter to the church at Ephesus. Revelation 2:1-10 
Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; these things saith he that holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks; I know thy works, and thy labor, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name’s sake hast labored, and hast not fainted. Nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. But this thou hast, that thou hate the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; to him that overcomes will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.                                            
-Verse1a. The seven stars stood for the angels of the seven churches– the Lord holds the seven stars in his right hand. His angels are at his control, dismissal, disposal, and are under his authority for errands. The angels are the ministering spirit, sent forth to minister to the heirs of salvation with great authority and power to protect and defend the church. Every true ministry has angels assigned to walk and work with the ministers – the angel of the church. Every believer has his personal angels as the Lord reveals that their angels always beholding the face of my Father which is in heaven. Where two or three gather in his name, his angels are there to represent the person of Christ as his emissaries ‘to minister to their needs, protecting, defending and conveying their prayers to heaven. This is the salvation the angels desired to look into as they are beholding and wandering at our precious faith, devotion and love to Christ, whom having not seen; yet we love, adore, revere and submit to. Because of their accountability and report to God for whatever they do and witness in the assemblies of the saints, women are warned to cover the head during prayer in recognition to headship of man and submission to the word of God. 1 Corinthians 10:11.             
Verse1b — the seven candlesticks stood for the seven churches and the Lord walks in the midst of the seven candlesticks. The Lord is Omnipresent in his churches and with his people – behold I am with you always, even to the uttermost part the earth. He presides and controls everything in his churches by his spirit The Lord is in his temple; let all flesh be silent before him. Ezekiel48;30-35. Matthew18;18-20. Isaiah 65:8.                                         
Verses 2-3. The Lord knows (Omniscience) and sees everything with perfect knowledge of individual spiritual commitment. He is delighted to commend and to encourage our discernments of false and deceitful workers, false brethren, that we are not fallen into their trap. He commended zero tolerance to resist and flee from false apostles, exposing them for whom or what they are.                                                                The sincerity of our confession, commitment and truthfulness as Christians shall be tested by fire. The motives and qualities of our service and labor of love shall be tested, if all that we assert to do in his name are done in the singleness of heart to the Lord. 1Corinthians3:11-15.1 Peter4:17-18.                          Be wise as serpent has the Lord warns against the false apostles, prophets and teachers. If you are wise, you are wise for yourself. It is your spiritual responsibility to have spiritual knowledge and understanding of the place (s) of worship you’re attending. It is left to you to make sure that you make diligent to inquire before the Lord to be led to the pastor and church you submit to as spiritual leader, guide and place of worship. Make sure you know that it is the will of God before you submit to any clergy – obeying sound biblical teachings and abiding in the doctrines of Christ in the fear of the Lord.2Corinthians8: 5. Matthew7:15-20.2Corinthans11verse4and12-15.2Peter2:1-4.                                                                      
-Verse4-5. The Lord’s rebuke of negligence and coldness in spiritual love and affection –love in the spirit. The inferior state of commitment and consecration of the Ephesians’ church was brought into light –​her gradual decline and partial backsliding in his first love (Jeremiah2:1-3). The Lord warned and exhorted his beloved church to repent and to love the Lord his God with all his heart, mind and soul as at the beginning: if not, he will come or visit the individual in that church and remove their candlestick- meaning, spiritual detachment from the vine, which is Christ. We must do things that accompany salvation by working out our salvation with fear and trembling, if we don’t want to lose it. Salvation is free gift and treasure that must be cherished and well kept; make good use of it by multiplying fruit to the giver of it. Every branch in Christ that bears not fruit shall be cut off. John15:6. Colossians1:3-8.                                                       
-Verses 6-7. Christ praises the steadfastness and carefulness of the Ephesians’ brethren to the word of God in their relationship with others. They love and stand for what the Lord love and they hated and stood their ground for what the Lord hates in the world and in the church. The deeds of the Nicolatians stand for the spirit of error and every anti-​gospel behavior or doctrine in the church that many churches are compromising for political correctness reason. What has the church got to do with the world in likeness? Her attention was called to continue in obedience and devotion to the word and to make the difference in the world. She was called to fight and to resist false doctrines to the end – he that overcomes…. she should hold on to the end as a good soldier, fighting the good fight of faith, as long as it will last, to be faithful and bold to defend the faith and truth in love. She should never seek to please men to love with others whatever is hateful and detestable to the Lord in the name of love, tolerance and unity. Her eternal and best reward is at stake if she’s men’s pleasers and sought for their approval to disqualify her from being a servant of God. She shall be deprived of her right and part to eat from the fruit of the tree of life from the Lord’s hand; that she may never die again. Amen.