The importance and power of spiritual focus.

Focus is a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity — to gaze, (a steady or intent look) to fixed eyes and mind’s attention to something very important.
Whatever the assaults, harassments, bombardments, hardships, difficulties and spiritual and physical problems we are passing through or facing, one thing is sure which the enemy of our soul (Satan) is after, namely — to distract us to lose focus on one important thing ‘’looking unto Jesus’’ the author and the finisher of our faith. Heb.12; 2.
You cannot keep your eyes away from Jesus, not for a second. You must not look at your problems for self– pity party, complaining or murmuring. Your eyes should always look up to heaven, where your help is coming from. (Psa. 123) The Lord alone must be the object of our attention, attraction and focus….my eyes are toward the Lord, for he shall pluck my feet out of the net (Psa. 25; 15).
In Matt. 14; 22 – 33; we read the account of Jesus walking on the sea. Peter’s request to walk on the sea was granted by the Lord as he walked freely toward the Lord on the sea as of a dry land. The sea became more furious and boisterous, Peter then removed his eyes and focuses away from the Lord and fearfully distracted to look at waves of the sea; and then he began to sink. He cried out to the Lord for help and was rescued. The Lord shall calm and quiet the waves of our life’s sea if we keep looking and focusing on him. Psa. 107: 29.
Never mind what the Devil or the people around you are saying. Turn deaf ears to the enemies of the cross (Psa.38; 14)…..their objective is clear – to distract you from focusing, from praying, to slacken your commitment, to weary you, to the end that you might missed out and fail. What the Lord has begun he will finish it as long as you keep looking up to him as the eyes of servants look unto their masters; and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress (Psa. 123: 1 – 4) Your advocate (the Lord) shall speak for you as long as you’re looking up and shall still the tumult of the wicked and envious people around you (Psa. 65: 7).
Fulfilling your life’s goal depend on your ‘spiritual focus power’……I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope (Psa. 16: 8 – 9). Those that focus on the Lord shall cut off the head of their Goliath by his own sword (1 Sam. 17: 45 – 47). They shall not be ashamed in the evil time (Isa. 50; 7). In famine, they shall be satisfied with abundance of provisions (2 kng. 6: 26 – 27). They shall run with the footmen and contend against horses and shall not be weary: at the swelling of Jordan, they shall be quiet — for the Lord shall be their confidence and shall not suffer their feet to be moved (Jer. 12: 5).
Shemei was of the tribe of Benjamin in the land of Israel. His tribalism and envious spirit made him railed abusive and cursed words on King David during the time of Absalom revolt. David captivity was over and the Lord reinstated him to his royalty position. Shemei got pardon from the King but the king transferred his justice to Solomon (reign and power) which made a deal of land crisis with Shemei at the expense of his life the day he goes out of Jerusalem.
Three years later, two of Shemei’s servants ran away to the land of Gath and were reported to him. He ran after them to bring them back and it was told Solomon what Shemei has done-​thus Shemei broke the insurance deal holding his soul in life and was slain by the King’s sword (1 Kng. 2; 39 – 46).
Our life’s sustenance hangs on our looking and focusing on Christ, which holds our souls in life and suffers not our feet to be moved (Psa. 66: 9). We must not allow anything, neither anyone to cause distraction and we are carried away or lose balance from keeping on looking on our Maker and life sustenance. Isa. 17: 7 – 8.