Part 2. Two kinds of women – bitter, shameless and killer woman. Spiritual cancerous women (Prov. 12: 4).


If our desire is to please God but we are snared and caught up by the flattery and deception of an odious woman (the hated, obnoxious, repugnant woman, a thorn in the flesh) by her constant contentions, nagging, foolish and critical speech, constant critics and correction spirit and debate, both at home and in the public. She is such that causes shame with no shamefacedness and hunour to her head-the husband. After marriage, she is such a woman with senseless and haughty audacity as the rottenness in the man’s bones (Prov. 30: 21-23) but notwithstanding, the Lord shall make a way of escape for his faithful children out of every temptation and destruction of such a woman that is more bitter than death….And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleases God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her. Eccles. 7: 26.
If she cannot break her husband to have her ways (if the man is prayerful and temperance in his steadfastness to the word of God by the power of the holy Spirit. Judges. 16: 16) the power and presence of God shall umtimately break and re-make her. If she remains stubborn and will not learn to change by the space of time, she may end up destroying the marriage or destroying herself  and be broken to pieces like the Dagon of the Philistines was destroyed by the presence of the ark of the God of Israel in the house of Dagon. Note: such may or finally desert or run away from their husbands as an adulterous wife elopes and treacherously depart from her husband that has failed to make their husbands the man they wanted him to be by manipulation or coercion (Jer. 3: 20). She cannot continue to resist the word of and the presence of God’s glory and the fire of the Holy Spirit indefinitely without a definite and defining end. There must be a breaking or turning point or turning point to the glory of God.
The spirit of Eve
She was the first woman made and meant to serve as a good example for other women after her kind. She failed God and her kind. She was a woman of a bad reputation and of evil spiritual legacy. She was a deceitful mother and wife, whose example must never be followed. Her honor was given to Sarah as a wife and mother worthy of emulation and praise in her obedient and submission to Abraham in the fear and love of God. The name of Eve in the bible is the symbol arrogance, argument, deceitfulness, disobedient and way-wadness and death. The Spirit-filled godly women are known and addressed as the daughters of Sarah. Sarah was a very beautiful woman who will not allowed her beauty to get to her brain intoxicate or deceive her to behave unrully to her husband. She, (Sarah) being a woman of strong endurance, humility and strength of character, was a dignified wife and mother in her obedient and submission to her husband for good or for worst in contrast to Eve’s insubordination and self-willed character. Isa. 51: 1-2. 1 Pet. 3: 6. Note: The husband is the priest of the family. He receives instructions and guidance from the Lord that should be communicated and taught at home to his wife and children with all subjection. Gen: 18: 19.
There is no good monument for Eve in the record book of God, neither in the testimonies of the heroes of faith. Hebrews11.
The spirit of Eve is the spirit that kills the man and her offsprings. It is the spirit of betrayal. It is also the spirit that sold the household to the enemy both physically and spiritually as she succumbed to the devil’s teachings and manipulation to seduce her and husband to eat the fruit forbidden by God that resulted in the curse and effect of physical and spiritual death – dead in sins and separation from God – the loss of God’s kind’s of life.
The spirit of Eve is the spirit of faithlessness (unreliable and treacherous) and marital destroyer as she believes an outsider (the Devil) more than God and her husband. Thus she made both of them to lose the accommodation of the most beautiful and pleasant place of habitation (Garden of Eden). Much more, the also lose the precious daily fellowship and relationship with God founded on one condition – obedient. Thus the foolish woman plucked down her own house by her hands – thus she troubled her house and inherited the wind – thus she foolishly sold and delivered her entire generations into the enemy’ s hand. It was too late to realize that the enemy was not indeed after her interests as the devil initially claimed: but was after her and husband’s and offsprings for destruction -much more, to separate them in their relationship with God. Prov. 11: 29. Prov. 14: 1.
The spirit of Eve is an un-teachable and argumentative spirit. It is an opinionated spirit that speaks when she ought to keep silence and be taught. Eve’s name was used in the bible to make us wise to discern the presence and operations of those evil traits and spirit in those women that are obstinate, self-willed and not following the footsteps of Sarah’s humility, submission and respect for God’s orders on spiritual issues and authority in the church and given respect to their husband (little lord) at home (1 Pet. 3:6).  Sarah’s husband (Abraham) is her ‘little lord’ because he has the divine authority to nullify her vow which she may utter before God if he is not in accordance or agreement with her vow. If he overhears her vow (s) during her prayer or he was informed after her conversation and negotiation with God, he has the power to say yes or no to the vow (s) and it shall be established or nullified before God. This is the power, position and spiritual authority of the man from the creation goven to man to rule over his wife. (Num. 30: 6-8).
Women are not allowed to enter into ministry or claim to receive an apostolic, pastoral, Bishopric, teacher and other five -fold ministerial calling of authority in the church over the men in the general assembly…..Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve (because of her position in the creation (1 Corinthians 11:3). And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression (her mortal-role in the fall)1 Tim. 2: 11-14. 1 Corinthians. 14: 34-38.
The spirit of Eve is the spirit of evil diversion and equality with men at home, world and in the church today. It is a spirit of negative attraction and inspiration; an opinionated spirit, as she drew the man away from God in her unreasonable false and inspired doctrine, carnally stirred and demonically initiated by the Devil to teach in competition and equality to Adam’s position of authority and responsibility in the creation. Man was charged with the responsibility to teach and to communicate the mind and will of God and to command the same in obedience to his entire household (Genesis 18;19) but the Devil instigated and sought to make her equal with man in authority to reverse divine order ….thus she (Eve) made the joy and blessing of man’s life (woman) more bitter, bitter than death. Ecless. 7:26.
The devil was the first advocate for women and men’s equality as he orchestrated this in the Garden of Eden. God, in his judgment and verdict to Eve, reversed the confusion the Devil introduced into her life by declaration that…….thy desires shall be unto thy husband, and he shall rule over you…Note; those who rule over their husbands at home and over men in the churches are ruling to their own destruction and detriment against the judgment day of the righteous God, whose word they openly despise and before whom they’re living or have lived in an open rebellion and defiance of his holy and un-changing word. Gen. 3:16. Isa. 3:12. John. 12: 48.
The spirit of Jezebel and Potiphar’s wife.
Jezebel stands for (1) the spirit of manipulation and witchcraft. 1 kings. 21; 25. 2 Kng. 9; 22. (2) Idolatry, religious, lying and slanderous spirit. 1 Kings. 21; 5-10. (3) It is a murderous, intimidating, pushy and domineering spirit. 1 Kings. 18; 13. 1 Kng. 19; 2. (4) It is the spirit of seduction and immorality. 2 Kings. 9; 30. 2 Chronic. 21; 12-13. (5) Jezebel spirit is a contentious and fighting spirit against the husband, such that makes him to come home late every night or leave the house for her for the sake of peace. It is a spirit of marital aggression and victimisation against the man – It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house -It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman. Proverbs 21:9 and 19.
Fornication must be avoided in the church. It must never be a subject matter of suspicion or accusation among the saints. We must not engage neither be involved in fornication because our body is the temple of God. Acts 15; 25- 29. Ephes. 5; 3-7. Fornication was the sin of the sons of Eli in the temple with different women that came for worship taking advantage of them. 1 Sam. 2; 22. The bible speaks of not keeping company with a Christian brother or sister who is a fornicator, (present perfect continuous tense) that is, one taking one or different sisters or brothers to sleep around with them or somebody having continuous sexaul fun with a sex partner in the church without former arrangements and the prospect of getting married.
Fornication is to have carnal knowledge of a man or woman you never consented and agreed to marry either by force or of mutual agreement for casual or free sex without the knwoledge and approval and blessings of the parents. 2 Sam. 13; 10- 14. 1 Corinthians. 5; 1-13. (10) 8. It is to lie with an unbeliever who is not born again, uniting the body of Christ with an harlot. 1 Corinthians 6; 13-20. (10) 8.
It is not a fornication when two believers of opposite sex come together after the parental blessings of their relationship (family, court or church blessing is what matters) much more when an Israelite or Jewish man ‘must’ marry a woman not engage to another man if they be found sleeping together. If both are really serious and engaged to be husband and wife, God is a witness to such accord. Whatever follows as carnal knowledge between both is not a sin….if two shall agree on whatever they shall ask the Father, it shall be done. The power of two binds them spiritually together as husband and wife (one). If he that is joined to a harlot in sexual sin is one body (1 Cor. 6: 16) then, it is no sin if two believers, after both had agreed, promised and vowed themselves before God to marry and have sex even before the marriage protocols – by the way who married Adam for Eve? God took her to him and then it’s done! Deut. 22: 28-29. Mal. 2: 14. 
If the power of Satan can enforced an agreement between a man and a woman in any vow or promise as partners and to ensure consequences on the betrayal, much more shall the Spirit of God established any vow and promise between any two believers and count or see them as one amidst any carnal knowledge. The sincere agreement between the two is enough and essential before God and the elect angels. Sex before official marriage is partially not good if the would be husband and wife separates before the official marriage for one reason or the other. It’s no sin if they finally get wedded as husband and wife. Taking advantage of people in deceit and guile, promising to marry someone just to have sex with them is such a heinous crime to be punished by the Judge.
The spirit of Potiphar’s wife is the spirit that pays and reward young men for sexual satisfaction, trurning them to gigolo. It is an adulterous spirit constantly craving, and ever insatiable for sex outside marriage.
The spirit of Vashti
Vashti was the queen to king Ahasuerus before she was succeeded by Esther. She was dethroned and stripped of her royalty for her in-subordination, arrogance and dis-respectful attitude to the king. “She was the type of ‘‘I don’t bloody care, what can he do for me”
Such is the spirit that challenges and make or consider her-self better than the husband. It is the spirit of marital rudeness which is ready to disgrace the man in her pomposity before the guests, friends and family members….. An unhappy falling out there was, at the end of the feast, between the king and queen, which broke off the feast abruptly, and sent the guests away silent and ashamed. It is the spirit that has no respect for the person of the husband, neither for his marital authority to lead and initiate decision (s) to follow and to comply without him seeking for her feelings and opinions. It is the spirit of comparison and competition with the husband….as queen Vashti also made a feast for the women in the royal house which belonged to the king. Est. 1: 9.
It is the spirit of beauty without morality as she was deceived and destroyed by it. Such spirit that capitalizes on beauty, sex (sexualized) and other worldly or carnal advantage to manipulate, misbehaves to forcefully or manipulatively have her ways against her husband’s wishes. Esther 1: 10-12.
Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before the fall (Prov. 16: 18) When wives despise their husbands, whom they ought to reverence (Eph. 5: 33) and contend for dominion over and against those to whom they ought to be in subjection (1 Pet. 3:1) there cannot but be continual guilt and grief, confusion and every evil work. The queen’s disobedience to her husband, if it were passed by and not corrected and checked upon, would embolden other wives both to disobey their husbands and to domineer over them.
The consequence of this, it was hoped, would be that the wives would give to their husbands honor, even the wives of the great, notwithstanding their own greatness, and the wives of the small, notwithstanding the husband’s meanness; and thus every man would bear rule in his own house, as he ought to do, and, the wives being subject, ……for this deed of the queen shall come abroad unto all women, so that they shall despise their husbands in their eyes, when it shall be reported, the king Ahasuerus commanded Vashti the queen to be brought in before him, but she came not. Likewise shall the ladies of Persia and Media say this day unto all the king’s princes, which have heard of the deed of the queen. Thus shall there arise too much contempt and wrath. If it please the king, let there go a royal commandment from him, and let it be written among the laws of the Persians and the Medes, that it be not altered, that Vashti come no more before king Ahasuerus; and let the king give her royal estate unto another that is better (humble and beautiful) than she. And when the king’s decree which he shall make shall be published throughout all his empire, (for it is great,) all the wives shall give to their husband’s honor both to great and small. Est. 1:17-20.
Indeed Esther was better than Vashti in all things. (1) More presentable than her in beauty (Est. 2: 8-9). (2) More Submissive and of a quite spirit (self control and respectful) before and after her coronation as queen (Est. 2: 20). (3). More In the fear of God than Vashti…favor is deceitful and beauty is vain, but the woman that fears the Lord shall be praised (Prov. 31:30). We should be humbled to accept and honor our husband’s guidance, instructions and godly decisions in the love and our fear of God without an opinionated and objection spirit. We should be willing to love and obey when things are financialy good or otherwise, together serving God, single-mindedly obeying without murmuring  and expressing oppositin and protest to godly authority and instruction within the scope of the scriptures before God. Col.3:18.
The spirit of Lot and Job’s wives (Job. 2: 9-10).
This is the spirit of materialism and exceptionally ‘good time wife’. It is also the spirit of the two daughters of horseleech – greedy, coveteous and insatiable spirit without contentment. (Prov. 30: 15). It is the spirit of whatever you can do (steal, rob, embezzle, kill to have) to bring money in just do it. She is less concern for the source of the husband’s wealth or financial prosperity, as long as he can make things happens financially for pleasure and to enjoy life. It is the hearts captured and imprisoned by greed and material possessions. This is the spirit that can over power and to draw away the indecisive godly husbands into wrong, ungodly and destructive direction for material gains and possessions or other worldly attendants just to make the wife happy through the unrighteous mammon. Those who make heaven will be there because they wanted eternal life more than anything else in the whole world even if they have to part with anyone or anything dear unto them which serves an obstruction to gain eternal life. What shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Mt. 19: 29. Mark. 8: 37.
The Lord Jesus referred to Lot’s wife as an example to those in the last days who will not be single-minded for the pursuit of truth and their salvation. Those that will love and prioritizes material things more than the things of God. Christ said, “So likewise, whosoever he is among you that forsakes not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:33. In Christ, the spirit of Lot and Job’s wife is also the spirit of lukewarm-ness of heart in divine relationship, eager and enthusiast for the pleasure of the world. It is such a spirit that fight with the husband against the word of God and seek to draws him to conform to the world. She was not willing to part with the affluent of the Sodomites in the lusts of her eyes, lusts of her flesh and the pride of life (1. John 2: 15-17).
Where your treasure is, there shall your heart be also (Luke. 12: 34). Her heart and life were bound and attached to material things that she could hardly get her heart away from them and shut her ears from the bleating of the sheep left behind in Sodom. With death at her heels, she lingered. With life and security awaiting her on the mountaintop, she lingered. What was wrong with the woman? She loved the world more than she loved her soul, husband, family and God. Friendship with the world is enmity against God (Jms. 4: 4). She wanted salvation; but not willing to obey God but finally became a pillar of salt and lost for eternity. Her heart was divided and she was found faulty. Hosea. 10: 2. She should had drawn her husband and two daughters into the same perdition had they not hearkened to the warnings of the Lord never to look back but to flee for their salvation and safety!