Part 1. Two kinds of women – Exposition on Proverbs 31; 10-31. The bitter and killer woman – the sweet, virtuous and the glorious woman. Proverbs 12; 4.

There is a virtuous woman, which is a crown to her husband. She made him glorious, respectful and honourable as the crown for his head – she is the crown of her husband.
She honors her husband by the pleasure and esteem she brings him, and she also crowns his authority by her own submission and that which she requires of her children.
A crown is a great piece of ornament, and a virtuous woman is such to her husband. She is her husband beauty, such of a godly character in the manifestation of the grace of God; the reflection of Christ within in the fruit of her newness of life and transformation wrought by Christ – her children arise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praised her. Proverbs 31; 28. 1 Timothy 2; 15.
Her beauty is in her discretion of wisdom, self control, sound biblical judgment, courtesy, civility,  neatness, generosity in hospitality, chaste, modest and shamefaced in conduct….where such graces and virtues are wanting, her physical beauty and attractiveness shall be misused and corrupted….as a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion. Proverbs 11; 22.
She adds value and reputations to his life and dignity, increases whatever good things she found with him just like the faithful servant multiplied his three talents to six….House and riches are the inheritance from fathers: and a prudent wife is from the LORD.
It takes the prudent wife to maintain, increase and multiplied her husband’s inheritance or substance as an industrious and wise woman. Such that would manage home affairs prudently without waste in extravagant and pompous spirit. Proverb 31; 14.
Her price is far above rubies…. Proverbs 31; 10…. the highest worth of such a one, and the value which he that has such a wife ought to put upon her, showing it by his thankfulness to God and his kindness and respect to her, whom he must never think he can do too much for. Proverbs 19; 14.
There is the other, the killer woman; she is an odious and shameless woman, unbearable and repulsive who eats her husband from inside out, squeezed life out of him by her in-subordinate behaviours both at home and outside in an irritating, overbearing, and repulsive comportments. Many men have had their lives ruined by these kinds of women who is like an incurable cancer, killing slowing and ready to destroy. Proverbs 30; 21-23.
These are spirits which individual allows operating and gaining grounds in their lives. It defines or portrays the class of woman they fall into according to the scriptures.
Woman is a beautiful and wonderful creature of God made from the rib of the man to complete and to help him. She is an unpredictable weaker vessel.
Except she attached herself to God, her ways are movable….behold this I have I searched, said the preacher, counting one by one, to find out the account; which yet my soul seeks, but I found not; one man among a thousand have I found; but a woman among all have I not found. Ecclesiastes 7; 27-28.
She can make the man great (Proverbs 31; 23) wonderful and respectable in the society or make him worthless (1 Kings; 21; 25) disrespected and despised in the society and at home with her critical, negative, or picky spirit….I applied mine heart to know, and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of things, and to know the wickedness of folly, even of foolishness and madness: And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleases God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her. Ecclesiastes 7; 25-26.
Sarah – She is the mother (Isaiah 51; 2) of all true daughters of God in Christ Jesus.….Whose daughter ye are, as long as you do well (she will do him good and not evil, all the days of her life. Proverbs 31; 12) and are not afraid with any amazement. 1 Peter 3; 6.
She was so respectful and gracious to Abraham, calling him my lord Abraham; totally committed to her husband success at the expense of her life, if you would permits me to speak of Sarah’s faithfulness and submission to Abraham in a two way response.
Firstly, we cannot and must not obey our “little lords” at the expenses of sinning against our own body, the temple of God; or to sin against our greatest Lord and Savior Jesus just as she did on two different occasions by giving herself to be sexually abused for Abraham’s safety and welfare – except for divine intervention, she should have so sinned against her own soul. Proverbs 6; 32.
A husband lost his job and the wife voluntarily gave herself for adulterous and prostitution acts to make ends meet for the household. This was wrong and a damnable sin before God. It is better to be evicted, homeless and lodged by friends or sleeps outside and has a home in heaven, than to defile the temple God, enjoyed the pleasure and reward of sin for a while and looses your place up there where nothing unclean shall enter. Genesis 12; 11-20. Genesis 20; 1-16.
Secondly, we must do everything possible, just  as Sarah did even at the expense of her life and love for Abraham – willing obeyed his suggestions and appellations to cover up for him unto our great Lord and Master for the glory and honor of his name. We must be willing to obey the Lord even unto death and do whatsoever he bids us which shall bring honor and glory to his holy name.
Giving honor unto the wife as a weaker vessel…the honor Abraham gave to Sarah as his was wife was the reciprocal of what she’s been given to him….it is the gracious woman that retains honor. 1Peter 3; 7. Proverbs 11; 16.
Note; it must not be such an honor Abraham gave to Sarah in hearkening to her voice to sin against God by going in unto Hagar her Egyptian maid to raise and to have a child through her.
We must not honor our wives to dishonor our God. Couples should draw one another closer to God and not the other way round.
The consequence is grave just as the children born after the flesh are persecuting those born after the spirit hitherto; and just by pleasing Delilah to displeased his God, Samson paid costly and very dearly with his plucked eyes and lost his life in the process.
Rebecca was the wife of Isaac – she was a symbol of great humility, modesty and subjection. Such an adorable wife and woman, who will not dare look at her husband eye ball to eyeball as such worldly audacity and arrogance.
Not because she was afraid of her husband…far be it from her…..perfect love cast away fear, but for the praise of her willing subjection and behavior (1 Peter 3; 1) to as the head in the fear of God—she lighted off the camel, took a vail and covered herself.
Thus she accommodates herself with cheerfulness to her new relation Genesis 24; 62-67…..wives (willingly and joyfully) submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church; and he is the Savior of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Ephesians 5; 23-24.
I thought the servant (the Holy Spirit) might have taught Rebecca what the rules are and how to comport herself appropriately and acceptably before her lord at their racontre….for she said unto the servant, what man is this that walketh in the field to meet us? And the servant had said it is my master; therefore she took a vail and covered herself.
She was a great woman of God after her husband’s faith having enquired from Him when she was spiritually distressed and troubled and not after the gods of her father’s house. Some women serve the God of their husband and in time of trials turns to the idols of their father’s house. Genesis 31; 34-35.
Her only flaw was her perpetual enmity and hatred she caused between her twins children (Jacob and Esau) for showing her love for Jacob above Esau; helping Jacob to steal the blessings of the firstborn from his eldest brother Esau without patiently waited on God’s time to fulfill what he intended doing in Jacob’s life.
If needs be to fight for our children future, we must not do so at the expense of other’s child welfare….all heads are equal before God.
Just as Jacob was abundantly blessed by God, Esau was sufficiently supplied by His maker so that he has enough and the land could not contain both for their wealth. Genesis 33; 9.  Note; Children are God’s heritage and we must not be too possessive and over ambitious over one against another. Else, we’re creating problem and danger through envy and contention for the highly favored such as it were in the case of Joseph hated by his brothers because of his father’s love demonstrated to him before and above them. Genesis 37; 3-4.
Rachael and Leah are the wives of Jacob….and all the people that were in the gate, and the elders, said, we are witnesses. The Lord made the woman that is come into thine house like Rachael and Leah which two did build the house of Israel (Jacob)…..Ruth 3;11.
That they did to Jacob by increasing him tremendously and making him famous in Israel was noteworthy that after many years, their deeds and blessings to Jacob were used as prayer for other woman such as Ruth….They both, including their maids gave Jacob a total of twelve children. Thus, the scripture was fulfilled in Jacob’s life….Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine within your house, your children like olive plants around your table. Psalms 128; 3.
Rachael and Leah were not answering Jacob’s name and building Laban’s house. They were faithful and committed to the name they answered to in marriage.
Many women are not detached spiritually (evil soul ties) and physically from their parents; though married, their affections, resources and energies are directed to their parents’ home instead of building with their husband for their own children and generation to come. While we should help and requite our parents as required by the Lord, it should be a distraction to build our homes and lives with our husbands and children, for that is our family and future generation. Proverbs 13; 22.
Such women are deprived of wisdom that ought to cleave to their husbands to become one in building and securing a future for their children after them, but are living in fool’s paradise by troubling their own homes to build others – he that trouble his home (neglect duties in your family, and you will end up with nothing) shall inherit the wind (Proverbs 11; 29)….And Rachael and Leah answered and said unto Jacob, is there a yet any portion or inheritance for us in our father’s house? …..For all the riches which God has taken from our father, that is ours, and our children’s; now then, whatsoever God has said unto you, do. Genesis 31; 14-16.
Ruth – At long run, Boaz found favour before God as he found a wife and not just an ordinary wife, a virtuous woman, whose price is far above all ornaments – And now, my daughter, fear not; I will do to thee all that thou requires: for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman. Ruth 3; 11.
A stitch in time saves nine…. who told you that a beloved sister in the Lord cannot wisely and humbly approach a beloved brother in the Lord and declared the counsel and the will of God for both in marriage – especially when the brother is spiritually blind, preoccupied and distracted with many other things. Thus shall it be left for him to seek the Lord’s face for confirmation and direction to fulfil the will of God. Ruth 3; 9.
Ruth was the example of total fidelity to the Lord after the death of a believer’s husband. She refused to go back to the world, her people and gods.  She refused to live a loosed life like the other women from Moab were used to live, though she had her liberty after the death of her husband, yet the love and fear of the Most High restrained her from doing such things. Romans 7; 2-3. 1 Corinthians 7; 39.
Her good works and pious life speaks for itself. She was like a city built on a hill which cannot be hid. Her faithfulness and attachment to the Lord was rewarded and paid off as she became the great grandmother of our Lord Jesus Christ….give her of the fruit of her hands; let her own works praise her in the gates. Proverbs 31; 31.
Nothing stopped her from moving forward to become all that God intended and planned for her before the foundation of the world. She was so courageous in her adversity, supportive of her mother in-law and hard-working for her future. Proverbs 31; 27.
Her story and testimony was a reminder of a better future’s end God has promised to them that faithfully and wholeheartedly seeks and serves him….though your beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly be increased. Job 8; 7. Jeremiah 29; 11-13.
Her testimonies are our reminders never to say never again….for the days of better things are coming.
In most cases, God reserved better things for us towards the end of our hireling…we should focus to the end and pursue our life’s goal and heavenly calling amidst of storms and floods of life….the Lord is always there with us – make us glad according to days that thou art afflicted us and according to the years our eyes have seen evil….the sweetness and duration of our prosperity and pleasure on earth before we see his face in glory shall be in proportion to the endurance and forbearance of our trails and faith in the Lord, for the righteous shall be recompensed on earth, much more the sinner. Psalms 107; 17. Proverbs 11; 31.
Ruth marriage with Boaz serves as an example and encouragement to our young widows to re-married, build home and raised children. It also served as an example of inter-racial and inter – ethnic marriage in the body of Christ provided both are born again by the doctrine of water and Spirit baptism. Ruth 3; 1-4.
Study on 1 Timothy 5; 3-15.
Verse 3 – It is appointed that those widows only should be relieved by the charity of the church as the condition of spiritual consecration and devotedness.
It is the duty of the church to make provision for those qualified widows (verses 5; 9-10. Luke 2; 37) under the charitable act and benevolence materials and financial provisions for them in those things needed for the body. Acts 6; 1.
Verse 4 and 8 – charity begins at home, say the old proverbs. The church should not be charged with the maintenance of those widows who had relations of their own that were able to maintain them. The respect of children to their parents, with their care of them, is fitly called piety. This is requiting their parents. Children can never sufficiently requite their parents for the care they have taken of them, and the pains they have taken with them; but they must endeavor to do it. It is the indispensable duty of children, if their parents be in necessity, and they in ability to relieve them, to do it to the utmost of their power, for this is good and acceptable before God.
It is a sin if we have whatever it takes to make our parents comfortable in their prime or old age and we shut up the bowels of our compassion towards them….in regards to the fifth commandment, honor thy father and mother Matthew 15; 1-5. Verses 16.
Verse 5 – she that lives in pleasure is spiritually dead; while she lives…there is the temptation that comes with disappointment of a lonely life and the conclusion to be given to pleasure….mirth, food and drinks, living licentiously.  Ecclesiastes 2; 1-2. Isaiah 22; 13.
Verses 9 and 10 – He gives directions concerning the characters of the widows that were to be taken into the number to receive the church’s charity: not less than sixty years old – such must really be desolate and lonely, bereaved of responsible family members to care for them; that it may relieve those that are widows indeed: wealthy people should not burden the church with their poor relations, when it is with difficulty that those are supplied who have no children or nephews, that is, grand-children, who are in a capacity to relieve them.
Verse 11 – 15. The younger widows refuse –they should be encouraged and re-educated to re-marry and be re-integrated back to normal marital life and commitment to avoid any future temptations and unbecoming Christian comportments that may give room for the enemy to reproach the name of Christ and his doctrine –much more against the salvation of their souls – for some have already turn after Satan! Verse 15.
Abigail – And there was a man in Maon, whose possessions were in Carmel; and the man was very great, and he had three thousand sheep, and a thousand goats: and he was shearing his sheep in Carmel. Now the name of the man was Nabal; and the name of his wife Abigail: and she was a woman of good understanding, and of a beautiful countenance: but the man was churlish and evil in his doings; and he was of the house of Caleb. 1 Samuel 25; 1-3.
She was a woman who knows how to pacify anger with her soft word, both towards her husband, family members and strangers. Proverbs 15; 1.  1 Samuel 25; 32-38.
She shall never cause strife between her husband, family members and strangers. She was a kind woman, peaceable with reconciling power.  A wise woman and a mother in Israel filled with the law of kindness in her mouth. Proverbs 31; 26. 1 Samuel 25; 24-29.
She was so filled with faith and hope for herself and others, whose position of affluent shall not becloud her sense of reasoning, judgement and responsibility to the under-privileged, neither made her proud. 1 Samuel 25; 18 -20. Verses 30-31. Proverbs 31; 20.
To him that knows how to do good and does not do it, it is sin….we cannot comprise with our husband to sin against God. We must obey our husband and be submissive to them as it is fit in the Lord – or according to the word of God. 1 Samuel 25; 19. James 4; 17. Colossians 3; 18.
If the husband is stupid, ungrateful, unthankful, hateful, wicked, and malicious….. The wife must not follow his evil pattern of life and reasoning just because the bible commands submission – no, that is a wrong kind of submission.  It is complicity to do evil, it should not be… the soul that sin, it shall die. 1 Samuel 25; 4-11. Exodus 23; 2.
Her own righteousness, kindness, wisdom and good understanding paid off and worked out for her good as the Lord avenged his servant by the death of Nabal; and Abigail became a queen of good understanding to David the king – good understanding brings favour, but the way of transgressors is hard. 1 Samuel 25; 38-42. Proverbs 13; 15.
Abigail was such a one as a mother in Israel. Such that is faithful which seeks, promotes and defends the interest of God and of his people! 2 Samuel 20; 19.
She was such a wonderful woman of total and unreserved submissive to the will and purposes of God for her life; not counting nor considering the reproaches, shames and humiliations whatsoever she might be implicated in her public testimony.
Her praise and sufficiency is of God. She was a woman of great faith and of a good understanding of God’s sovereign rule and ownership or Lordship over us as the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand – And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her. Luke 1; 38. Psalms 95; 6-8. Her life’s priority, goal, joy, desire, sense of accomplishments in terms of eternity and a fulfilled destiny is to be found in the Lord and to obey his biddings as a handmaid of her Lord and God.
When we understand that true greatness is in serving, we are willing to go extra miles for the Lord in serving others for his name’s sake, making ourselves available to the Lord as a vessel of his honor, love, grace, salvation, peace, gentleness, humility, meekness and goodness in faith and love to others. Note; It is important to be conscious and informed of our unworthiness and waste less life in view of eternity; if as a maid and servant of the Lord are not made perfect and complete in all the will of God, fulfilling the word and will of God in our lives. Colossians 1; 25.
It takes great humility and faithful spirit of such a woman to be highly favored by her God to be the avenue where the great Lord and Savior has chosen to come and to save the world of lost sinners…for honor shall uphold the humble in the spirit. Proverbs 29; 23.